Independent Spiritual Technology Forum - Index

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Independent Spiritual Technology Forum - Index

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Web auditing in any place on the planet

Overall charter for this forum
This forum accommodates many different spiritual realities and it will make life easier if you read the charters of the different sections you wish to participate in.
Moderator: David St Lawrence
8 Posts
2 Topics
Last post by Roger Boswarva
in Re: This forum is all ab...
on August 02, 2014, 10:31:35 AM
No New Posts Welcome Newcomers!
Things you should know if you intend to participate in discussions
10 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by David St Lawrence
in Re: The Incredible Benef...
on March 19, 2014, 01:10:58 PM
No New Posts Why You Should Register
As a guest, you have access to all of the public discussion areas, but there are hundreds of posts on technical matters and session reports in the private discussion areas. Registration lets you have access to all sections of this forum and allows you to post articles and leave comments on the articles published by others.
0 Posts
0 Topics
No New Posts Public Section - topics that don't fit anywhere else
This is a forum with public areas and private areas where many different spiritual phenomena and counseling services can be discussed in great detail. The idea here is to have beneficial and inspirational sharing of information. Current topics of discussion include encounters with spiritual beings, Spiritual Rescue Technology, Knowledgism, Scientology, Self Clearing and computer based robot auditing. If you would like to see what is in the private areas of this site, please register. We will approve your registration promptly and then you may log in.
209 Posts
45 Topics
Last post by Stephen Sarocky
in Re: How do you visualize...
on October 12, 2014, 06:41:05 PM
Spiritual Rescue Technology Discussions
* Introducing Spiritual Rescue Technology
Read the book and get up to speed the fastest way possible.
112 Redirects
* Spiritual Rescue Technology Website
436 Redirects
No New Posts Public Discussions
These public discussions cover learning and using Spiritual Rescue Technology on self and others to handle upset spiritual entities who are affecting one's everyday life. In the private discussions open to registered members, users share session experiences and tips. Highly recommended for people who wish to do solo processing with SRT.
Moderator: David St Lawrence
85 Posts
23 Topics
Last post by Chiweenie
in Re: Still Searching for ...
on September 12, 2014, 02:11:26 PM
Spiritual News and Views from Around the World
No New Posts General spiritual news and views from around the world (Public )
A selection of interesting articles, site links, videos and audios drawn from various spiritual and metaphysical schools of thought and practice around the world, both past and present.
Moderator: ashanti
219 Posts
57 Topics
Last post by ashanti
in Removing implants and em...
on Today at 04:08:38 AM
No New Posts Consciousness studies, Science and Quantum Physics (Public)
A selection of interesting articles, site links, videos and audios drawn from the developments in consciousness studies, science and quantum physics around the world, both path and present. This is the section where spirituality and science meet.
Moderator: ashanti
81 Posts
34 Topics
Last post by ashanti
in Quantum Mechanics Reveal...
on Today at 04:42:13 AM
No New Posts Spirituality and World Affairs (Public)
A selection of interesting articles, site links, videos and audios about general world affairs, including education, health, nutrition, body care, contested views of the world from a spiritual perspective, controversies, ETs, UFOs, and crop circles, among others. Partisan political views are not included here, since the focus is on the spiritual dimension. Some views may be challenging, but agreement with these views is not the objective. Content posted here is purely for informational and educational purposes.
Moderator: ashanti
204 Posts
43 Topics
Last post by ashanti
in Michael Tsarion - Age of...
on Today at 04:25:32 AM
No New Posts Spiritual Book Reviews (Public)
The Internet is a magnificent repository for knowledge, but let us not forget the value of reading a good book. Post and share your reviews of spiritual books that have inspired, amazed, educated and uplifted you here.
Moderator: ashanti
16 Posts
6 Topics
Last post by Juanita
in Re: Huston Smith - The r...
on October 16, 2014, 10:56:47 PM
Observations About Spiritual Entities - Former FB Group
No New Posts Charter - public
Members actively work to accomplish, for self and others, enlightenment through observation and discussion of all spiritual beings, entities, demons, spiritual guides, angels and other spiritual phenomena such as Genetic Entities/Life Force Partners, Chakras/Epicenters and the life force known as Chi or qi.
1 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by David St Lawrence
in Charter to be read by al...
on December 23, 2013, 10:25:35 PM
No New Posts Public Discussions
This is a discussion area about personal experiences with all spiritual beings, entities, demons, spiritual guides, angels and other spiritual phenomena such as Genetic Entities and the life force known as Chi or qi.
8 Posts
4 Topics
Last post by David St Lawrence
in MOVED: Protection Prayer
on September 19, 2014, 04:22:36 AM
Child Boards: Anecdotes worth passing along, Resources for learning more
Knowledgism Discussions
No New Posts Alan Walter's Non-Technical Writings and History
Alan Walter was a very active, larger than life personality. He was a prolific writer on subjects other than the technical development of Knowledgism. Here you will find materials on his history in Scientology along with other of his lifetime activities and interests.
Moderator: Roger Boswarva
24 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by JulianB
in Re: ACW's ESMB Posts
on April 11, 2014, 09:26:24 AM
No New Posts Public Discussions
Provides exposure to the works of Alan C Walter with examples for use. Users share experiences and wins. In the private discussions open to registered members, users share session experiences and tips.
Moderator: Roger Boswarva
103 Posts
16 Topics
Last post by JulianB
on September 30, 2014, 01:01:23 AM
Rons Org Discussions
No New Posts Charter
Moderators: orwen, wearenotalone
24 Posts
2 Topics
Last post by orwen
in Re: Charter for Ron's Or...
on September 15, 2014, 06:44:12 PM
* Ron's Org website
140 Redirects
No New Posts General Discussions - public
Moderators: orwen, wearenotalone
9 Posts
4 Topics
Last post by orwen
in LRH and CBR part3
on August 06, 2014, 05:51:59 PM
PaulsRobot Discussions
* PaulsRobot
279 Redirects
No New Posts General Discussions - public
These discussions provide exposure to the works of Paul Adams and PaulsRobot, his revolutionary computer-based counseling technology.
Moderator: Paul Adams
63 Posts
13 Topics
Last post by Isle of View
in Re: Rub & Yawn and Subtl...
on May 29, 2014, 12:39:16 PM
No New Posts Sample Sessions - public
Moderator: Paul Adams
3 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by Paul Adams
in Re: Sample Sessions
on December 28, 2013, 09:45:09 AM
Independent & Expanded Scientology Technology
No New Posts Public Discussions
These discussions cover Independent Scientology Technology from the standpoint of what is currently available outside Scientology Inc. In the private discussions open to registered members, users share session experiences and tips.
61 Posts
16 Topics
Last post by David St Lawrence
in Branding Your Practice
on October 16, 2014, 12:08:44 PM
No New Posts What is being delivered in the field? - public
0 Posts
0 Topics
No New Posts Training in the Field - public
Who is doing it and what is being offered
1 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by TerrilPark
in • Train up to Class XII
on December 24, 2013, 01:53:07 PM
Robert Ducharme's Clearing Technology
No New Posts Charter
Moderators: ashanti, RobertD
2 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by JulianB
in Re: Charter
on September 22, 2014, 01:08:09 PM
No New Posts Public Discussions
These discussions are visible to the entire Internet
Moderators: ashanti, RobertD
43 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by RobertD
in Re: Hubbard Bashing
on October 19, 2014, 11:47:25 PM
Self Clearing and other works by Ken Ogger
No New Posts General Discusion - public
This area provides exposure to Self Clearing and the other works and reports from Ken Ogger, The Pilot.
Moderator: Ant Phillips
7 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by Interested Party
in Re: Looking Over DMSMH F...
on September 23, 2014, 03:56:49 PM
No New Posts Self Clearing - public
Moderator: Ant Phillips
7 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by JulianB
in Re: Self Clearing: Book ...
on January 16, 2014, 01:36:01 PM
L Kin Discussions
No New Posts Public Discussions
This area provides exposure to the works of L Kin and discussions of applications to life. In the private discussions open to registered members, users share session experiences and tips.
Moderator: ron bible
9 Posts
2 Topics
Last post by vinaire
in Re: Comments on L Kin Su...
on August 06, 2014, 01:27:36 PM
No New Posts Reference Materials - public
Moderator: ron bible
5 Posts
5 Topics
Last post by Tim Lewis
in L.Kin - Vol1 Scientology...
on December 18, 2013, 12:06:39 PM
Ancient Eastern Wisdom
No New Posts General Discussions - public
Moderator: Argos
164 Posts
18 Topics
Last post by Juanita
in Re: JESUS!
on October 18, 2014, 09:48:12 PM
No New Posts Reference Materials
Moderator: Argos
4 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by Juanita
in Re: Samkhya
on September 22, 2014, 11:13:45 PM
Eastern Thought meets Western Technology
* Vinaire's Blog: Where Eastern thought meets Western technology
99 Redirects
No New Posts General Subject Clearing
Moderator: vinaire
42 Posts
5 Topics
Last post by vinaire
in Re: Discussion Policy
on August 26, 2014, 04:42:21 AM
No New Posts Discussion on Human Psychologies
Moderator: vinaire
21 Posts
2 Topics
Last post by vinaire
in Re: E-Meter and Recall
on August 21, 2014, 10:27:21 PM
No New Posts Discussion on Religions
Moderator: vinaire
0 Posts
0 Topics
No New Posts Discussion on Philosophies
Moderator: vinaire
52 Posts
3 Topics
Last post by vinaire
in Re: Human Thinking
on August 13, 2014, 07:26:00 AM

Web auditing in any place on the planet
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