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1. Thetan-1. the individual, himself or herself, who exists as nonmaterial, yet operates and handles a body in the material universe. 2. the person, oneself - not one's body, not one's name, not the mind, not the physical universe. 3. the individual who is aware of being aware. (A Thetan is not a thing, rather a creator of things.) Note: The phrase "I have a Thetan" or" my Thetan" is incorrect since the person is a Thetan. The correct usage would be "I am a Thetan" or "myself as a Thetan."

2. BT-a thetan who is stuck to another thetan or other thetans or a body but who is not in control. (BTs stick to pictures, other BTs and clusters. A BT can go into a valence of anything - BTs can be being anything at all.)

3. Cluster-a group of body thetans crushed or held together by some mutual bad experience; a group of body thetans believing they are one. (The mutual incident is an engram which happened to all the Beings in the cluster and is the exact point in time and space where they "became one.")

4. Cumulative cluster-a cluster within a cluster. (A cumulative cluster is made up of other earlier clusters. It is a cluster to which other BTs and clusters have been added by later mutual incidents, all stuck together.)

5. picture-see mental image picture

6. mental image picture-TD

7. revivication-TD

8. dormant BT-a being that is revivified in a past incident. It is stuck in a past time and location. It is generally asleep, in a hypnotic state. When awakened or restimulated, it may copy some portion of the current environment (PT), although it "operates" from its past location. (Issues on drugs give examples of how someone in this condition thinks.)

9. copy-III pack

10. cross-copying-one BT copies another BT, an incident, etc., then another BT or cluster copies that copy and on and on. Copies of copies.

11. cross-restimulation-an incident in the present-time environment or a session error can restimulate BTs and clusters, who then wake up and restimulate other BTs and clusters, and on and on.

12. over-restimulation-TD

13. misconception-standard dictionary. Also, an incorrect idea about time, space, matter, energy, form, location, event or identity that hangs up a thetan.

14. shell BT-a being that surrounds the PreOT's body. Due to the similarity in position of viewpoint, the PreOT can misown a shell BT's pictures as his own.

15. misownership-Axiom 29 "In order to cause an As-is-ness to persist, one must assign other authorship to the creation than his own. Otherwise his view of it would cause its vanishment." This axiom is especially relevant to auditing at the level of AA III and above because at this level the PreOT is handling other beings than himself (BTs and clusters). It is necessary to establish correct ownership of charge in order to get an as-is-ness. Furthermore, incorrectly assigning charge to the wrong being can cause by-passed charge (BPC) as it is now misowned. Hence the instruction in the III materials that one must use a narrow attention span so as to handle one BT or cluster at a time and so as not to retimulate or confuse other BTs with the one being audited.

16. mis-identification-TD

17. mass-TD

18. ridge-TD

19. composite mass-a mass that is made up of several BTs, clusters, masses or ridges. The auditor has the PreOT separate out and handle one piece of the composite at one time.

20. layered cluster-just that. One cluster on top of another cluster. This is not a cumulative cluster. Each layer needs to be separated out by the PreOT and handled separately.


1. zero attitude-This is the attitude the PreOT should have when handling AAV. This means a no-attitude. The less chatter that the PreOT gets into with this material the better.

2. Exteriorization only occurs fully when a PreOT has handled all BTs and clusters on this level. There is exterior visio which is caused by a BT or cluster who is only partially blown and who is looking at the environment from an exterior position. Actual Exteriorization occurs stably when all BTs and clusters are handled.

3. The body acts as a magnifier of the PreOT's perception.

D. Mayo

HCOB 26.9.78 I
Attachment #1





BODY THETAN (BT): By BT is meant a thetan who
is stuck to another thetan or
body but is not in control
(HCOB 5.2.70, Iss. II.) BTs
stick to pictures, other BTs
and clusters. A BT can go into
a valence of anything - BTs can
be being anything at all.


MUTUAL INCIDENT: A severe engram which happened to
a number of thetans, the picture
(which they have in common), keeps
them stuck together in that incident.
It has a precise date down to the
second and fractions of a second and
a precise location in space.

COMPOSITE (MASS): (See English Dictionary.) Used on
this RD to describe masses or heavy
somatics made up of a number of BTs,
clusters, pictures, ridges.

LAYERED CLUSTER: Several clusters (and/or BTs) in
layers, as one layer comes off another
layer comes to view.

SHELL BT: A BT or cluster that surrounds the
Pre-OT's body like a shell. A Clear
can go into the valence of, and see
the pictures of, this BT or cluster
and mistake these as his own, as he
seems to be in valence in the picture.

DORMANT BT: A BT or cluster in a totally dormant
condition, they're really dead, in
states of exitence below uncon-
sciousness. They are out of PT
(stuck on the track) and are stuck
in the past location. They are in
a perpetual reviv in that time and
that location. They can be activated
or awoken by the Pre-OT.

COPY: Thetans in the body (BTs) may
obsessively copy the pictures of
other thetans. Therefore you can
find it seems that the thetan who
just left is still there because
there is a picture left. Spot the
fact that someone else copied it and
it usually goes. (Add. sheet, Sect.

CROSS-COPYING: When a number of BTs and clusters
are restimulated or awoken, each
can start making copies of each
other's pictures and copies of the
copies - called cross-copying.

CROSS-RESTIMULATION: One BT or cluster restimulating
another BT or cluster, who then
restimulates another BT or cluster.

MISCONCEPTION: (See English Dictionary) and
Axiom 38. The basic miscon-
ceptions are of identity, time,
place, form and event; e.g. a
misconception of place would
be a thetan thinking something
that happened in one place,
happened in another place.

A misconception of event would
be a thetan thinking something
happened to him, which didn't
happen to him or happened to
someone else (Flow 2 or 3).

MISOWNERSHIP: A basic misconception of one
thetan making the mistake of
thinking another thetan's
picture or incident or mock-up
is his own.

MISIDENTIFICATION: A basic misconception of one
thetan thinking he is another
thetan. It's a mistake in
identity. Thetan "A" thinks
it is thetan "B". Or one thetan
thinks he is more than one thetan,



IDENTITY: See English Dictionary and Tech
Dictionary under "valence" and
"beingness". It is that by which
a thetan identifies himself.


BLOW: See Tech Dictionary. In this RD
it is used in the sense of a BT
or cluster departing after being
unstuck from other BTs and clusters.

PARTIAL BLOW: A BT or cluster not fully blown.
Sometimes one will leave from
inside the body and stick or hang
up on the outer surface of the body.
Or one will go as far as the wall or
to some distance and hang around.

BLOWING BY INSPECTION: You don't have to do anything, you
just look and it blows.

PICTURE: See Tech Dictionary under "Mental
Image Picture".





REVIV (REVIVIFICATION): The bringing back to life of an
engram in which a pc is stuck.
The engram or some portion
thereof is being acted out in
present time by the preclear.
It is called a revivification
because the engram is suddenly
more real to the preclear than
present time has ever been. He
relives that moment briefly. He
does not merely recall or remember
it. (HCOB 11.5.65) During research
on NED for OTs I discovered that
Dormant BTs are stuck in a reviv,
i.e. they are stuck down the track
in an incident which is present time
to that BT. I also discovered that
these BTs are reviv'd in a location,
meaning that they are stuck in a past
location. They are chronically stuck
in a past time\and\place, which for
them is still going on. It is
"PT" and is where they are, as far
as they are concerned.

INSECT: ON OT III "insect" means a thetan
who is an insect, without a body.
These stick to other BTs and
clusters. Sometimes you can run
into a whole swarm of them.

BIRD: Similar to above - a thetan who
is a bird, without a body, and
sticking to other BTs and clusters.

ANIMAL: Similar to above - a thetan who
is an animal, without a body,
sticking to other BTs and clusters.



26 NOVEMBER 1988

IDENTITY: 1. who a person is; what a thing is; individuality. 2. the collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing or person is definitively recognizable or known.

ENTITY: 1. something that has a real and separate existence either actually or in the mind. [derived from Late Latin "entitas" derived from Latin "ens" derived from "esse" which means "be"] 2. a Being who has a separate existence and identity.


MUTUAL INCIDENT: 1. a bad experience shared by several or many Entity Beings and/or groups of Entity Beings at the same time and place. 2. a severe engram which happened to a number of Beings. (The picture, which they have in common, keeps them stuck together in that incident. It has a precise date down to the second and fractions of a second and a precise location in space.)

CLUSTER-FORMING INCIDENT: 1. a mutual bad experience shared by a bunch of Entity Beings and sometimes already formed clusters. (It jams them together because they all shared it at exactly the same time and place; they all are stuck in the same picture and therefore they think they are "one." Being A is stuck in an explosion, Being B is stuck in exactly the same explosion and so Being A reactively feels he is the same as Being B, and Being B reactively feels he is Being A and so on with the other Beings who had the incident because they all have exactly the same picture. So these Beings misidentify themselves as all one and the same thing. It is not an analytically thought out conclusion, it is reactive identification.)

CUMULATIVE CLUSTER: 1. a cluster which is made up of other earlier clusters, each with their own cluster-forming incident. (It is a cluster to which other EBs and clusters have been added by later mutual incidents, all stuck together.)

VALENCE: 1. someone else's identity assumed by a person unknowingly. (A valence is a substitute self taken on after the fact of lost confidence in self or a failed valence or as a solution to a problem.)

MISCONCEPTION: 1. a mistaken idea or notion; wrong conception. (The basic misconceptions are of identity, time, place, form and event. A misconception of place would be a Being thinking something that happened in one place, happened in another place. A misconception of event would be a Being thinking something happened to him, which didn't happen to him or happened to someone else.)

MISOWNERSHIP: 1. mistaken ownership; a wrong ownership. (One Being thinking the charge is his when it belongs to someone else, or thinking it belongs to someone else when it is his own.)

MISIDENTIFICATION: 1. a basic misconception of one Being thinking he is another Being. (It's a mistake in identity. Being "A" thinks it is Being "B." Or one Being thinks he is more than one Being, etc.

FACSIMILE: 1. a mental image picture.

CROSS-REACTIVATION: 1. the condition wherein Entity Beings or clusters copy the reactivation of another or other Entity Beings and clusters and misown the charge as their own and intensify the amount of reactivation present. (Entity Beings or clusters mock-up pictures and reactivate each other. It takes three to ten days for this manifestation to dissipate.)

COPY: An Entity Being makes a copy of what was just run on another Entity Being, thus making it seem to the Clear that what just blew is still there. Get the individual to spot the copy or copies; this causes the copies to blow without further handling. (In the body, EBs may obsessively copy the pictures of other Beings. Therefore you can find it seems that the Being who just left is still there because there is a picture left. Spot the fact that someone else copied it and it usually goes.)

CROSS COPYING: 1. the condition wherein several or many Entity Beings or clusters automatically copy another or other Entity Beings' and clusters' pictures, valences, charge or whatever, thus further misidentifying themselves and misowning charge. (When a number of EBs and clusters are restimulated or awoken, each can start making copies of each other's pictures and copies of the copies - called cross-copying.)

COMPOSITE MASS: 1. a mass composed of a number of Entity Beings, or Entity Beings and clusters packed together closely. (Used on Advanced Entity Clearing to describe masses or heavy somatics made up of a number of EBs, clusters, pictures, ridges, etc.)

BLOW (noun): 1. the sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief.

BLOW (verb): 1. to leave, get out, rush away, cease to be where one was.

PARTIAL BLOW: 1. an EB or cluster not fully blown. Sometimes one will leave from inside the body and stick or hang up on the outer surface of the body. Or one will go as far as the wall or to some distance and hang around.

BLOWING BY INSPECTION: 1. having something blow by just looking at it.

REVIVIFICATION (REVIV): 1. an Entity Being or cluster reliving some past identity or incident in which he/it is stuck. (He/it is down the time stream and cannot be found in present time.) 2. the bringing back to life of an engram in which a Pc is stuck. (The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the Preclear. It is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the Preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it. During research on Advanced Entity Clearing it was discovered that Dormant EBs are stuck in a reviv, i.e. they are stuck down the track in an incident which is present time to that EB. These EBs are reviv'd in a location, meaning that they are stuck in a past location. They are chronically stuck in a past time and place, which for them is still going on. It is "PT" and is where they are, as far as they are concerned.)

SOMATIC: 1. a pain or sensation in the body. (A somatic is caused by more than one Entity Being or cluster pressing against one another and/or the body.)

LAYERED CLUSTER: 1. several clusters (and/or EBs) in layers, as one layer comes off another layer comes to view.

SHELL EB: 1. an EB or cluster that surrounds the Clear's body like a shell. (A Clear can go into the valence of, and see the pictures of, this EB or cluster and mistake these as his own, as he seems to be in valence in the picture.)

DORMANT EB: 1. an EB or cluster in a totally dormant condition. (Dormant EBs are really dead and in states of existence below unconsciousness. They are out of PT (stuck on the track) and are stuck in the past location. They are in a perpetual reviv in that time and that location. They can be activated or awoken by the Clear.)

MOCK UP: 1.to get an imaginary picture of. 2. to create.

RIDGE: 1. a solidified accumulation of reactive energy created by two opposing flows.

TIME TRACK: 1. the consecutive, exactly dated, record of mental image pictures which accumulate through the Preclear's life or lives.

INSECT: 1. a Being who is an insect, without a body. (These stick to other EBs and clusters. Sometimes you can run into a whole swarm of them.)

BIRD: 1. a Being who is a bird, without a body, and sticking to other EBs and clusters.

ANIMAL: 1. a Being who is an animal, without a body, sticking to other EBs and clusters.

* * *
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