Hugh Meacham left his body on 29 May 2014 in the morning

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Hugh Meacham left his body on 29 May 2014 in the morning

Сообщение Timecops »

Dear Friends,
A long time contributor, and a good friend has passed away. Hugh Meacham left his body on 29 May 2014 in the morning.

I have no data what has happened in the last few days, only that he was in the hospital.

Hugh and Madalena, his wife, did the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course in the early days at Saint Hill, UK.

In Rio de Janeiro, at the Copacabana Avenue, they ran a Scientology Mission. In 1982, when there was the destructive Mission Holders Conference in San Fransisco, they were not there and so still had their mission as it was and later around 1987 they changed lines to Ron's Org and to training with Capt. Bill Robertson.

Hugh did the bridge up to OT 48. He was a dedicated Auditor and C/S and Scientologist. He and his wife had a number of missions and Field Auditors in Brasil. We know them from the times when they came to the Ron's Org conventions, the last convention they visited was in Moscow 2005. Take a look here:ÂÂÂÂÂ

Hugh was a calm and stable person with a lot of understanding and insight, he was a very stable terminal for all who knew him.

We shall miss him greatly and look forward to meeting him again.

Come back soon Hugh, we need you.

Much love Max and friends
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