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27. October 1984

Very good. Alright. This is the 27. October 1984. This is Frankfurt, Germany.
And we are going to do a Pilot Telepathic Seminar – and some drills. And this will be the Pilot for the 1985 February New Civilization Free Zone Congress that we are going to be doing and that will be video-taped. The tapes will be on sale.
But this one will include some Supervision of the drills and methods of Telepathy. I will just go ahead and give what I will be giving in February as the first part of the tape, so that you can all see how you can experience that and have it. And later on you can tell me if there is anything that should be changed or if a different gradient should be used.
So I will just tell it as if we were at the seminar. You understand? OK.

* * * * *

Welcome to the Telepathic Seminar… and I see that all of you that are here need to do some understandings and drills about Telepathy. Because if you were a totally experienced Telepath you could have monitored this meeting from outside somewhere and you wouldn’t have needed to pay the entrance fee!
So we can then assume from that that you do need to regain your ability to do Telepa-thy. And to improve it. And the reason I say regain and improve is because Telepathy is not something that is pasted onto you like a science or a schoolbook study or some new acquisition. It is something that you have the inherent ability to do just as when you are a child you have the ability inherently to talk. You only must learn the words, you only must learn how to do it with the air and the throat and the sounds. So it is with Telepathy.
The history of Telepathy is very long, let us say. In the ages in the past before life on Planet Earth there were many other civilizations – you see about them in the Science Fiction Books and so on. People recall them very well. There was Telepathy in those civilizations. It was used both as a communication-device and as just way to communicate between friends and families and people who were engaged in similar occupations.
However, through the ages this became almost a secret and as we go through the history of Earth we find many secret references to Telepathy or we find critical references or scoffing references which seem to indicate that it is just something of the imagination, it is not really true, it doesn’t really occur, it’s only some mystical fantasy. Well, that is the same thing you could say about a baby who is going: „Agag guga guga wah.“ You could say: „You see, he can’t talk. All those sounds coming out of there they don’t mean anything!“ Yes, you could say that about a child and people who say that are like that child in Telepathy. Because they can’t do it, they cannot believe that anyone else can do it either. Or they have lost their ability and had it soundly invalidated.
So the history on this planet has been one of secrecy and involved with religious or oc-cult practices. You have these stories of people with mental powers to read the mind, mental powers to communicate thoughts to you over a distance, mental power to wake you up in the middle of the night with some revelation, you have stories about people hearing voices… what are all these things? Not all of them are Telepathy, because people can imagine these things, but some of them are probably and possibly Telepathy. You’ve all heard stories of some mother who knew that her child was in trouble, or someone who knew that the sister or the brother or the family-member wished to contact them and they just knew it. And so they call them on the phone and they said: „Yes! I was just thinking about you!“
What does this mean? This means that there is a linking line, a line that joins those two people. And therefore there has been some communication along that line. The fact that it oc-curs rarely and it is talked of in various terms as: „I had a realization“, „Woman’s intuition“, „I knew that my sister wanted to talk to me“, „I felt that it was time to go and do it and, you know, it was the right time. I found out exactly that that was the right time to go, because oth-erwise we would have lost the whole house“ and so on.
What are these people doing? They are using abilities. And when they talk about them other people say: „Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes…“ And if they go to a scientist or a physician or a psychologist about this, they say: „Oh, ah, ah, ah… yes, yesyesyes… well, the higher animals do have instinctual responses to their environments… and a dog can sniff the wind… – sniff, sniff – and eh… preconceive. And he can sense things far off and it’s something like… oh, I believe it’s a remnant of an old animalistic trait in the human being.“ Sorry, that’s not what it is. That’s not what it is.
What it is is an actual method of communication – a method of knowing something over a distance, across the space, across time, from one area to another, by the ability of the person to know, to understand, to reach across there and pick up information from the other side.
So, the history of this has been one such that there are quite a few „interest groups“, shall we say, that will not want this subject to become widespread. I can predict, for instance, that the telephone company would not like it. Yes. The gamblers would not like it. You see? The people who are trying to fool you and trick you… they would not like it either. People who depend on you for money through your communication like the post office, the telegraph, the telex people. Why, if you just had trained telepathy at each end you wouldn’t need any of it. These people will not be interested in this program. They would be interested to stop it so that they can continue to make their own money.
But my interest in this is not to make money. It is to make able telepaths. The reason that I want to make able telepaths is because during the history – in the history of Telepathy – it has all been okay to talk about it and it’s been: „Okay, it’s a mystery, some people can do it, some people can’t.“ It really didn’t matter too much. But today it matters. Today it matters. Because today we have a situation in the planet, or on the planet, on Earth, between the major military powers and major financial powers and major psychological warfare powers. And they are starting to research and develop Telepathy. And they are using it. Their intention is to keep it a secret from you and to use it to control you and run their spy network operations on you and against you. The military secrets involved in this are kept just as they kept the secrets of the atom bomb.
The early days of the atom bomb, the early days of the laser beam, the spaceship, the rocket-engines, the ion-engines – you say: „What’s an ion-engine?“ – well, it’s still a secret.
Yes, these things are secret because they are being used in a way which if found out people would be a little upset about it. And maybe they wouldn’t want to pay their good, hard-earned money to the government that was doing it. And perhaps they would protest and some politicians would fall from favor. Nevertheless they are doing it and it constitutes a threat to each and every one of us on the planet unless we have a defensive mechanism and a counter-mechanism to it. You see, telepathic spying already exists on this planet. They are already using it. But when you are finished with this course you will know more about it than they do, I guarantee you.
I’m not saying that you will be able to do it better, but I will give you drills that you can practice with. And the drills, if you practice them, you will become, I think very soon, as able as any of the telepathic spy system people they have going now. Because they are not very competent. Not at all. I’ve intercepted their messages. They beam them out so broadly that al-most anyone can hear them. Ridiculous. The Russians, the United States – baah. The Russians, by the way, are very much ahead of the United States on this one.
Anyway, the thing that I want to do is to give you the drills and if you have any diffi-culty in improving your ability at it – because first of all you will have more knowledge than anyone, and secondly you will improve your ability. And if you have any difficulty with that we can also recommend a place that you can go and improve your psychic abilities through var-ious processes. And these places exist in the „independent“ – or what we call the Free Zone in Germany and other countries of Europe. So you have no stops on regaining your full ability at Telepathy or any other ability that you wish to gain.
All right. Are there any questions up to this point? Any questions about the history and development of Telepathy and what it’s being used for today? Well, there is an obvious ques-tion from the gentleman in the back there. This is: „Who are you? And where did you get trained at it?“ You see?
Well, due to the improvement in my psychic abilities through the various processes that I have obtained in Auditing and Training in Scientology, I have recovered the full ability of Telepathy. I was trained for many years at it as a telepathic communicator. And this was done a way long time ago in the past in some of those Science Fiction Stories we are talking about. You know – way back. Yes. OK. That answers your question. Good.
And… any other questions? Uh – huh, yes! „Can you read peoples minds?“ Can I read peoples minds? Well, let me tell you this: Have you even taken a bunch of alphabet blocks and thrown them up in the air and let them all come down in a big piles? Right. That is what usually a person’s mind looks like. I don’t care to read it, it’s not interesting. What I like to do is have people improve their abilities to where they want to communicate mentally. We’re not interest-ed in reading anybody’s mind. I mean, who cares? My goodness!
However, if someone is using Telepathy for a harmful purpose or is doing something in the worst interests of the citizens of this planet, we are interested – in knowing about that. And just by putting out, shall we say, a scan – you know, like a radar antenna just looking around or a radio antenna looking around for something – we are likely to come across that and pick up exactly what it is. If the people are thinking about it and they are doing it at that time then we can certainly find out: „Oh yes, so this is what they are doing now. Oh, I see.“ Yes. So there is the advantage of having telepathic listening posts as well. Yes, that’s true, we could set up a whole network of listening posts and we could make the use of Telepathy utterly useless in warfare and psychological warfare and in spying. If everyone could find out what was going on all the time there wouldn’t be any need to use it. Because the very nature of that kind of warfare requires secrecy. OK?
Now what is my purpose in doing this? Another question: What is my purpose in doing this? As I said before: I have an interest in making sure that people on this planet and the planet itself survive. And that is my only interest in it really. I’m just interested that there is a new type of civilization on this planet which can survive, feed all the people here, freely exchange ideas, freely go into communication with each other, freely exchange products and services, have a stable currency, things like that, that are – shall we say – the basics of a civilization.
What we are drifting into at this time is not a civilization. It is a fear-machine which is inducing people into slavery. And so that is why I’m doing this, I want people to be free, to actually understand the things that are being used against them, and to appreciate how they can monitor these things, how they can themselves use their own abilities to try to defend them-selves against them. And in any other subject it would be the same thing. That’s true. If some-one else over there is arming themselves with a weapon to use against me or you, then – my goodness – I want to know about that weapon and I want to have a good defense for it. That’s obvious, it’s survival, that’s all it is. OK. Good.
So now there are no more questions? Very good. Alright. We will take a little short break right here and then we are going to set up. I might do some charts up here and I’m going to show you the basic theory of Telepathy and the various wavelengths that it is transmitted on. Thank you very much.

* * * * *

Alright. This is part two of the Telepathic Seminar. And in this part we are going to dis-cuss the theory and practical application, the drills which you would use to improve your tele-pathic ability.
First I will give you the basic underlying theory of Telepathy. Let’s start it out by first examining different wavelengths and different methods of communication. If we have here two terminals or two locations separated by some space, and this is point A over here and this is point B – and lets say these are on Earth here, these are two towns or something. (See Chart I) We know that a person can stand here and he wants to communicate to another person over here – right? He can do it in several different ways. The first that our ancestors found out about, of course, was that he could shout, you know, he could do it verbally and try and make a loud enough sound for this person to hear, right? It is going out and he gets it. That’s one way. And then with the discovery of electronics and electricity he can pick up the telephone here and this guy can pick up the telephone here – of course they are connected with a line – that’s the telephone. Now you understand that the sound only is produced at this end and only is – or produced at this end and heard at this end. In-between here it’s all carried by electricity, variations in the electricity.
We get a little further along and they invented the radio. So we can sit here with an aer-ial – beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep – this guy can have an aerial here, picks it up – and it comes down to his receiver. And now we have another thing here which is a more high frequency. This is electricity here but now we are sending a wave, an actual wave, out through the air and it’s coming over here and being received and changed back first into electricity and then into sound. So we go from one – sound – go to two – electricity – and now we have it into a wave. So it still is basically using the sound, you understand? Because the sound was first converted to electricity in this method and then the electricity is converted to a wave in the air and back at the other end it’s converted to electricity and back to sound. So we can call all this electronics. These are electronic methods of communication and nowadays – I mean – this can go on a relay via little satellite up here. It can go – beeeeeeep, bong, beep, bong – right? And these are microwaves. Alright? So now we have a situation where man is communicating and can communicate now sound at one end, he can change it into electricity, change it into a radio wave, say, to a satellite relay station. He can do it from here, for instance, by radio to here and it goes to microwave back to microwave and then back to a regular radio wave back into a sound wave and back to the person.
So we are getting very many vias or methods of where and how this can go. Now you may have also heard that some people can hear a radio some time in their tooth. They have a filling or a certain set of crystalline structure or molecular structure in their tooth – certain met-als in conjunction – and they can hear in their head a radio. This happens sometimes. Well, it’s just showing you that things can be miniaturized to such a degree. They can be made smaller and smaller, so that the communication can still take place. And even today you see smaller and smaller communication devices happen. Alright. So as this has progressed through the centuries it has also become smaller and smaller and smaller. But what is the end result of this? Oh, the end result of this is of course more ideal and easy ways of communication. And lets call it physical communications. Because in each case we are using something of matter or energy through space over a time. We call it physical communications. Alright, so you can understand that. You use it every day. So that’s number I.
Now on number II (See Chart II)… let’s take a look at something else. Let’s just take this person and another person and let’s take away all this type of added electronics and waves and radios and so on, and let’s just see – just like the fellow that was hearing with his tooth – let’s see what is it that these people have that they can communicate directly with – ja?????
directly. Back to the basics here. First they can use the voice through the air. Of course he can send him… or he can throw him a letter. Make a letter, writing it down here, and hand it across or throw it to the other guy. It’s two ways, right? One by letter and one by voice.
Now, have you ever walked into a room and felt that somebody was angry? You can feel anger without somebody saying: „I’m mad!“ You can actually feel: „Ah, oh, that person is angry!“ You feel it. And you can feel when somebody is sad, and you can feel when somebody is happy. „Oh, that person looks happy!“ Why are you feeling happy, why do you think he is happy? Is it because you see the smile or is it something else that’s coming from him. Let’s take a look at that and call it emotion. So there is an emotion projection by these two people and that can be anything from fear – you can also feel fear – you can walk into a place where a bomb is about to… there is a threat of a bomb being put in the airport… and you walk in and you suddenly feel afraid. Why do you feel afraid? You don’t know about the bomb. The other people do and they are transmitting: „Fear, fear, fear!“
OK. So there is an emotional communication line there that can be transmitted over a distance to another person. Now we have also the intuition, the people that say: „Aah, my sister wants me to call her on the telephone“, „My son is in trouble, I know it, I will call him immedi-ately“. Yes, all these things have happened. Or, the various stories about people realizing sud-denly that something is happening far away from them and getting in communication and find-ing out that it’s true. So what would we call that? Let’s call it thought. Because it’s on the thinking basis. It’s not necessarily an emotion that’s coming, it’s a real actuality of, „there’s something happening over there“, that this person is aware of. So you call it awareness level or thought level. OK? So that would be very much lighter. A person can be aware of a thought.
Now I’m drawing this very solid communication line. It’s an actual physical object. This is a solid line in space and you can actually feel the vibrations of voices in a room, you can ac-tually feel sound. If you have ever gone to a disco you can feel it very well. But sound is actu-ally through a physical medium. Emotion also is coming through and I’m sure you could do it even if both of you were in space-suits. It’s something that doesn’t require air to be carried through. The emotion doesn’t have to travel through the air. So the emotion is going directly from this person to this person and here we enter one of the first of the Telepathic Bands. We’ll just call it – and I’ll put them down here – Telepathic Band 1: Emotion. Because it doesn’t re-quire a medium it just requires a transmitter and a receiver. You can feel it even if you are both in space-suits out in space. You could feel the emotion between the two people. If one was afraid you could feel it. So there is our first Band of Telepathy. We are looking at something that can transmit simultaneously between, or very fast between, one person and another and doesn’t require the physical hook-ups that are normally associated with communication. So this is Telepathic Band 1 and I just marked it up here with another pen. Let’s call it the red level here, this is TPB 1. OK?
Then we have the „thought level“ of awareness, precognition, intuitiveness, whatever you want to call it, and let’s call that Telepathic Band 2. OK? Now, let’s also look at something else: that you can take this thought and you can put pressure on it. You ever see that happening in hypnotism or in a side-show when somebody is trying to control another person with a lot of intention at them? So they can put the thought through with a lot of… „You must not open that door!“…but not saying it, intending it with a lot of energy. Beams, with a lot of beams in it. That’s right… like a beam. Well, that would be your thought being put with an energy-beam or with a force. Now we can say here that the thought is on the band of a „beam energy“… because thought is not only going like this but it is some usually… it’s a very heavy thought because there is usually some danger associated with it. Most of these instances of intuition and knowingness have something to do with another person being in trouble, the other person being afraid, the other person in some situation where – Boom! – these are connecting up. These are connecting up because of the energy involved here in the seriousness of it. So we will call that level of precognition „beam energy“… thought with a beam energy in it.
Now, there is another Band and this is the one that they don’t know about. Because these first two – they are being in use and researched on Earth right now. There is another one – Telepathic Band 3 – and for just practical purposes we can refer to this as „thought“ and we can put in here Theta.
Ok. This is side 2, Telepathic Band 3 – Thought on a Theta level. Now that refers to the spiritual beingness or awareness of awareness of the person, which is pure thought. The type of thought that you perhaps do when you are merely reading, when you merely thinking about something pleasant, when you are merely observing and understanding what you observe. It doesn’t have a particular emotion with it, it doesn’t have a particular force with it, it’s at a pos-tulate level, or very thin energy level. I won’t say there is no energy associated with it, but whatever it is, it is very very very light and is very very separate, almost out of, totally out of, the physical universe. So we call that level Theta. Very light. Ok. So this – we will just draw it as a very light line here… alright… and that could be… this is thought with a beam, I just put that as 2. And 3 here – pure thought – as 3. Now this is the practical telepathic level right here. The reason being that… and I’ll show you another picture here…it eliminates the problems of matter, energy, space and time. It eliminates these problems that we had in the first drawing about using all this energy, about having a space in-between here, and having to have the time to get these messages pushed across all this distance, waiting for your long distance calls and so on. Now, I will take that one down. (See Chart II)
Now I want to point out that the current level of research on this planet has to do most-ly with this and this (TPB 1 and TPB 2). These are the ones that the spy networks are using and they are about into this level right now and that’s why they are – shall we say – still in school on this. The emotion… I’ll now show you the wave, how the waves flow on these, right? (See Chart III) Let’s take number 1, which is the red one. This is 1, there we put it over here. Tele-pathic Band 1 – emotion. This is how this thing would go out, it goes out in concentrics, look at that from this side and from here, it’s going out like that – in all directions, alright? It: „Baaaahhh…“
Anyone can feel it in a room, whether he’s standing on that side of the person or the other side or over there or even up above. That’s Telepathic Band Energy 1. Not very practical if you are interesting in keeping your communications private But you can use it.
OK. Number 2, we have the beam, the thought beam. OK, this one goes like this. Thought beams… they start out and they spread. This follows the same pattern of a water hose or sending out a flow of water or air or anything else trying to direct it in a straight line, but due to the interference and the things that it’s receiving counter-efforts from in the universe, it tends to spread out and dissipate. OK. So the thought beam here spreads, and if you look at that from this way (from above), it also spreads like this. It goes out in a cone, in a cone and from here spreads out. So essentially what’s happening is it spreads and dissipates. That means that as it goes out it’s intensity becomes less. I don’t know the exact mathematical law on that, whether it’s the double the distance with one quarter of the effect that you might have in a gravity formula or in a sort of light intensity formula or a sound formula, where as you go twice as far away from something it only has one quarter of the effect, that’s usually for spherical, spherical outflow. I’m sure that would work here (TPB 1), but in this (TPB 2) beam there is some spread on it and some dispersion. That would be more analogous to a laser, because a laser that starts off from here on Earth and hits the Moon, it starts off from here as a thin pencil of light and on the moon it may make a space that big (2 meters in diameter). So it is to some degree dispersing and if it kept going out it would finally disperse totally. But it (TPB 2) is more controlled than this (TPB 1) which just goes out; „Wah…“ all over, eh? So it’s a con-trolled flow and it’s a beam (TPB 2). However, this is the one that I have noticed that the Rus-sians are using right now.
This (TPB 2) spreads and dissipates and anybody… if this is going to a person here – say – in the center, the guy… say he is working from Moscow and wants to contact somebody in – shall we say – Basel, right here is Basel – he directs his beam at Basel, but in actual fact people sitting here in Zurich and people sitting here in Stuttgart they can also pick it up, you see? And similarly a guy flying by in an airplane might pick it up here or somebody that is down below in a valley, below where this guy is transmitting from, at a lower elevation, they might pick up that telepathic message.
So it’s not very secure. You understand? And that is the one that they are working on right now. In the United States – probably the English are too, but are very quiet about it – and the Russians are definitely working on it – and the Chinese. They are actually selecting out in China – they are finding people who as children have certain psychic abilities and they are growing them up without invalidating them and trying to get them to explain how to do it more and more better to use them for spies and so on.
But, anyway, this is the problem with this – „thought beam“. We are not interested in that. If you receive from those people you can actually communicate directly back to them with Band 3 and they will be very confused. They will think: „Man, that’s super! Who did that? Where is he?“, you know, and so on. They won’t know. But Band 3 is the actual one. You no-tice that this (Band 1) is analogous to people shouting at each other because the voice is heard all over the place, right? And this one (Band 2) is more analogous to people flashing lights at each other to communicate or to using some kind of a radio transmission where it’s coming out at the other end, but still spreading at the other end, and anybody around the radio receiver can hear it, right? So we still need something more direct to have personal telepathic communica-tion that’s more like the telephone where only you can hear it. I mean that in between you and the other person on the actual telephone line there are many people perhaps listening or they are taping it for listening later. This is a favorite thing of governments today because the computer can monitor your telephone calls. They love it. Anyway, that’s. (Chart Number III
Now we are moving into this… to Chart IV. Now we take the thought… and this is the Theta level Telepathy. OK. Now we have a person here and a person here – alright? – and they want to engage in telepathic communication. Now in this method you don’t have this spreading here, we don’t have a beam here.
What we do is… this person is having the awareness let’s say – this is the space this other person is in, let’s say he is in his room or his house or something and this person is in his. Well, what is done here since we eliminated all of the in-betweens, is that this is now on a knowingness, on an awareness level. This person is immediately in communication with this other person when he can duplicate that other person.
He can actually make a duplicate or know that the duplication exists. That person is there, right? So what he is doing is… essentially he is saying or intending that this person be-come aware of him, he wants him to communicate and join these two remote locations. So that then we essentially get the sum. This becomes this drawing here… and we have this type of thing: The two people duplicating exactly what the other person is doing as if this person was reading right over that guy’s shoulder and this guy was reading over that guy’s shoulder, you see? (See Chart IV)
Now, it’s just like as if we had… if you wanted to communicate a fast message and you wrote something down on a piece of paper and someone sitting next to you read your paper and maybe would answer it on their piece of paper, you see? And you read it over their shoul-der Now if you could do that at a distance then you will be in telepathic communication. If, for instance, this person was sitting in the next room and wrote something – and you wrote down on your sheet exactly what that person wrote down and then you answer it – and he wrote down what your answer was. We’re talking about a telex procedure that could be used in tele-pathic communication. Of course you can do it directly mind to mind, or person to person but then we are not recording it so we are not using it as a business method or a tool to help your organization or save on the phone bill, you see what I mean? What we are trying to do here is get you into a practical use of Telepathy.
Of course you can always communicate with the person. But you will find that this sit-uation – where these people can become aware of each other across any space – this can be into the x-power, infinite space. It doesn’t matter how far that is, it doesn’t matter at all. Because the power of this person to imagine or know that other person and to get into this relationship, where they can actually read each others thoughts directly, is only proportional… this situation here is proportional to what we call the ARC between them. And that is their Affinity or lik-ingness – the way or how much they like each other, how much they can tolerate space, either close or far. Their Reality – meaning that they both better believe that they can do it or they won’t be able to do it, and the reality about the things they are going to communicate, right? And of course their Communication level itself.
If someone is trying to communicate to you an atomic formula having to do with nucle-ar physics and so on like that and you haven’t passed mathematics in the first grade you are not going to get much of a communication across. You are not going to get much reality and you might even have a drop of affinity. So what it is, is… as these things (ARC) have built up, the telepathic exchange can build up as well, ok? So what we are doing here is eliminating the oth-er physical – what we saw earlier here – all these physical parts of the communication formula here. And we are just bringing the two beings… this is not their bodies, you understand, it’s the awareness of the person as an individual… and these two persons are exchanging commu-nication by putting themselves in such complete affinity, reality and communication that they can exchange it directly and it is very, very, accurate. This is more accurate than many of the secretaries I have seen. They make errors in the typing, and every book I have seen recently in print has typographical errors in it, right? Every book I have seen in print – and these are com-ing from major publishing houses – there are always two or three typographical errors in the book. What is that? The duplication is down – people are mis-educated, or they have been tak-ing drugs, or whatever. But, the point is that these two people in a telepathic exchange or inter-change – they can duplicate exactly what the other person is saying. If you mis-spell a word the other person can mis-spell it too and he may need correction. But the point is you will exactly duplicate the message. And now, to actually get this operating… how do we get this operat-ing? Well, first we have to do it… Let’s now go into the actual ways we do the telepathic drills here Chart V.
Drill Number One: OK. The way we work this, first you must lose your dependency on space. Or let’s go back to its more earlier basic. First you must discover that this is the line to use. So the first drill that we will do has to do with this. Drill: Find the Telepathic Band 3 The-ta line. That means: To find it, you have to differentiate from this kind of thing and from this kind of thing and this, alright? So you have to find out that there is such a Band here and to differentiate from TPB 1 and 2. That’s your first drill – to find out and to know when you have it and know that the other two Bands of emotion and beam are not it, ok? That will be the first drill. We’ll do these in a moment.
Drill Two: Now, the second drill is to gradually reduce your necessity for having the space be close together. You see the end result here, we are approaching an „ARC“ – or Affini-ty, Reality and Communication – where they can exchange directly. But most people are very used to confronting people across a small space. You see? If it’s very close like this they can communicate. So you get farther and farther away they can’t do it so well – and finally they have to use a telephone. You see? We have to eliminate your dependency upon closeness and farness or the degree of space you can tolerate on this.
So the thing to do is: Practice a simple telepathic recognition drill and then extend space on a gradient. This is a little series of drills actually. This is done by getting a few objects or cards or 3 numbers or whatever you want to do it with – little objects – putting them on a table in the middle here and having one person start the other person. And the other person thinks of one of those, and this person says right away what it is. And the other person says: „Yes“ or „No“. And they don’t mess around. The guy can say: „Well, yeah, ok – „ (You can actually find out what Band the guy was on or what he was doing right or wrong.) OK. Then the other person does it with the other person. He says: „OK. Start. „Ah, hm, I think it’s that.“ „OK.“ Boom, boom – keep it going. Now what you are trying to do is identify exactly what this guy – where is he coming through? Where is this line? Where is the actual thought there? So that is the first drill. Right across the table until the thought is there and the things are being recog-nized immediately as the guy is thinking of them. You understand?
Then one person stays in this room with the objects (or some of them) and the other per-son goes in the other room with some of them and they talk around the door. So they can still hear but they now know that they are not reading the persons face or something like that – but that they are actually getting the telepathic line without having to be in the same space. There is now a barrier between them but they can still do it. And when they can do that – well, then they can move to another area of the building or across the street or anywhere and do it. You see? But now… what has to come in here? We have to put in one arbitrary in telepathic com-munication drills. When you start doing them over a distance such as that you have to have a synchronization of time. Otherwise you are going to maybe start when the other person is thinking of something else or answering the telephone. They are answering the telephone and you are trying to get in telepathic comm with them!
You are then going to have a funny feeling like: „Hey, what’s the matter, feels like it’s not the right time now…“ because it’s not right. The attention units – the attention or the line here of ARC, this affinity line, may be over here going to somebody else at that time. So it’s not on this particular telepathic exchange. So the second telepathic drill to extend space on a gradient… this would be in one or two rooms.
Then the Number Three Drill is to practice the telepathic recognition drill with dis-tance. You know? But now you can’t easily speak and so you can get to two different houses and do it with telephones – to check the results with telephones at agreed times. Now that means that it is just as if a telex would be used: „We will call you on the telex at 8 o’clock in the morning“, „We will call to you“, you see? So the telex machine here calls the telex machine there. Alright, they call up. Then the person says: „OK, I understand. Go ahead.“ Then one sends his message. Now it’s the other person’s turn to send his message, you see? There has to be an agreement at which time both people will be willing to sacrifice all the other things and have the ARC to do the telepathic drill.
Just like if the phone rings: „Oh, excuse me a minute, I have to answer the phone.“ That’s a normal thing in the society, right? Normal! A normal thing – the phone rings while they talk and: „Oh, I’ve got to answer the phone.“ Why? It’s another attention line to another person – another communication line – to somebody who is far away, so it’s more important to get that one and find out who it could be, hey? Because you can always talk to this person – he is right here, you see? „Oh, it’s somebody far away calling me! Wow!“ Now suppose some-body is coming in with Telepathy from all the way on the other side of the planet! Well, you don’t want to have it interrupting – you know – your phone calls and your going out and your walk in the street and your shopping or your business or whatever. So you set up a time. You set up a time. And you make that priority and you say, let’s say: „Noon!“ – mittags – and you say: „The time is 12 o’clock.“ And you get a quiet room and you have your telepathic commu-nication with the other person. Who sends first is already agreed or you can get together and you can just… if you are very good at it you just say: „Ok, you want to go first?“, „Yeah.“, „Go first.“ – Boom, Boom – but you are doing it all with thought.
You get his message, you write it down, you give him your message written down and you have the whole thing. You can put the telex company out of business and also the tele-grams and letters. OK. So you have to have a time agreement to practice this drill, right? Now this is a recognition drill over a far distance.
Drill Four: Practice telepathic message drill. Now we are going to do the message drill. But first together across the table so you get the familiarity with it. Then move it into the next room and then move it across the space to another house or another area. The message drill is no more difficult than the recognition drill. You are just doing the recognition drill with simple a, b, c or objects – you know – a hall, a piece of wax, a string, an envelope. It’s simple. You are just getting one word. But now you are going to be getting messages. So you write a whole message down and the other person writes their message down and you try to get in comm with them and you get that person’s message and you give your message. And then you bring the papers and you compare, OK?
Drill Five: I will tell you that I have worked with a guy in Spain – John Caban – on this. We did this particular drill on the next part which is: „practice telepathic message drill with a distance at agreed time.“ We did this – (Drill Number Five) – because he also found that he had been trained on this in the past. And so we did it between Madrid, Spain, and an air-plane that was nearly arriving at Kennedy Airport in New York City. At a certain time. I was on the plane and he was back in Madrid. We wrote down our messages and contacted, wrote down what the other person had and the other person wrote down what he had. And when I came back to Spain a few weeks later we pulled them out and put them there together and they were 95% the same thing. 95% – there were one or two words that were different… but the sense was all there. All the meaning and all the sense of the message was there. One or two words only – as maybe an „an“ for a „the“ or something like that. It was very minor. And that was just our first attempt then. We weren’t even… you know… even drilling very much, we were just doing it like a drill just to see what would happen. OK? So that was about 3000 miles distance and it was instantaneous. OK?
Now, Drill Six: Once you have done all this you might want to extend your network by getting familiar with another terminal on Drills One to Five.
That means that once you have practiced with somebody you may very well know them and you may very well know how to pick them up and how to send to them. But each person is a bit different and this you find out as you do telepathic communication: That each person „feels“ a bit different. You sense them a bit differently and so on.
It is very wise to get familiar with the terminals you would normally be in telepathic communication with. It is good to establish the high affinity, reality and communication need-ed so that you can not be fooled by someone pretending to be someone else. Each terminal has a definite recognition pattern, just like each telephone has a separate number, each radio has a separate call sign, ja? Each person you have telepathic comm with will be different in their characteristics of communication and by knowing that and knowing it well you can never be fooled. No one else can duplicate that particular pattern and that is the individuality of the per-son, alright? So that is why we do Drill Number Six, because this will enable you to do the tel-epathic communication without having someone put false data into your communication. You may have already experienced this. There have been Russian telepaths trying to interfere with some of our people that have some telepathic knowledge and pretending to be me. They have already tried to do that. They pretended to be me. I actually heard one of them one time and I know some of you heard from them and they pretended to be me. These people know, of course, that it’s not me – the people that they are sending to know that it’s not me because they know me, you see? But these people that are on these lower Bands, on these emotion and beam bands they don’t really understand Telepathy, you see? They don’t really understand it at all. They are operating like it’s some kind of a thing that they can control with matter, energy, space and time and it’s not something you can do that with. It’s something that is controlled by the persons themselves. As I said before there would be a lot of enemies to Telepathy in com-munications because the telephone company, the telex company, the mail service and the post will all have a very difficult time. They’ll have to be very good because Telepathy is a lot faster and it doesn’t cost you anything. So they better get their service up or we go into competition with them. OK.
So, basically, after this series of drills… right?… you can then do another one. This is… now we are going into the more or less: „How do we utilize them“ and this sort of thing… but you can now do this, which is a little „scanning“, a scanning for terminals. You can do Drill Seven which is called: Scanning for Terminals. It means – just letting your attention move around searching for telepathic communication of any type and listening in on it or trying to get a terminal that can do it and finding out what’s going on. So this gives you information, al-right? And you can also scan for terminals or data.
Now many people transmit telepathically whether they know it or not. They are trans-mitting telepathically while they are talking or while they are thinking. They are transmitting telepathically. And if you have time to listen you can recognize the line, you can pick it up, and thus comes the idea that: „Ooooh, they can read our minds.“ No, we don’t read the mind. We don’t need to read the mind. It just looks like a bunch of garbage. We don’t care about that. But when somebody is thinking and unknowingly putting out a telepathic line at the same time then if you understand Telepathy you can hear it. You can pick it up, you can get the sense of it. Therefore they think you are reading their minds. You’re not. They are sending it! They are broadcasting. They are sending it out. They are saying: „Here, here, here, sense the data.“ It’s their own fault. It’s their own fault. OK?
Now you ask… now there might be a question or so about this… on the drills here. You can see the distance extend, you can try to contact people as far away as you can imagine and you might. So I want to point out here though that there are some things to be careful of on this. Now we will look at the things that can go funny on this. Right. Things that need „han-dling“ or „correction“. This is the Qual actions or you might say the Qualification or Review of this Chart VI.
Now this is Review Drill – or Number Eight: If there is at any time… let’s say it’s a precaution or let’s say it’s review actions. Now the first thing that could happen is that a person could get hooked up on a wrong line and not make any more progress. In other words, they could get hooked up on using an emotional Telepathy and would be forever locked into emo-tional Telepathy.
Or they could be hooked up on this beam Telepathy and they would then go far apart and they couldn’t do it because it would dissipate too much and you could never pick it up. Now these are handled by just going back and doing Drill One where they differentiate. So if a person is fixed on „wrong band“ then do Drill One. OK?
The other thing is you have… shall we say, there are spirits on the planet and there are certain radiations on the planet, like radio wave and other projections… by the way, the gov-ernments are also experimenting with the amplification of thought and projecting it on micro-waves, so that they can hypnotize you at a distance, or put thoughts in your mind.
You must recognize these – shall we say – ghostly spirits, or spirits without bodies, or just awareness units around the planet, or these ghostly beams that are coming in with messages on them and telling you to: „Be calm! Be calm! Be calm!“ – that’s what they do in England, that’s their buzz-word there: „Be calm! Be calm!“. So if a person is receiving these things they might say: „Gee, I get these funny telepathic messages!“ – you know, somebody is saying „Look at the beautiful sunset“, or „No! It’s wrong! You are doing wrong!“. Just weird state-ments out of the blue, you see? But you could be receiving it from free Thetans, right?
So let’s say „receiving but not the right terminal“. Now there are four situations:
1. It could be electronics, electronic amplified thought. And in that case we will have a wave phenomenon – you feel it like a – bzzzzzz – there will be a „buzz“ with it. It will be more like hearing a television turn on, you know – eeeeeee – you know how it feels, the wave that you feel, that high frequency thing with it. An amplified thought, electronically amplified thought, sounds sort of impersonal and robotic. It comes in just like a zombie, like a robotic type of command or something like that. It doesn’t have a personality with it. You can feel that there was a personality there once but it’s now been pushed out by the electronics, and so that can be differentiated.
2. You could have an impostor. That means a person doing Telepathy pretending to be somebody else. You can always check these by knowing who the person is and drilling with the person that you are going to communicate with so you have the ARC high enough that you cannot mistake that. So it could be an impostor and again this is handled by the drills. All this is handled by drills. You see this one – electronic amplified thought – that’s handled by the first lecture parts and also Drill Number One. And this one is handled by Drill Number Six – getting familiar with the various terminals you are in comm with, right, so that you don’t get an impostor.
You see, this could be from other spirits in the atmosphere that were just going around – mhmhmhmhmh – like this, spiritual ARC but nonsense. It doesn’t make any sense to what you are doing or anything. You know? It doesn’t make any sense at all. And this stuff… you can just tell it to go away, you know? It’s done by Drill Six to recognize who it is you are getting it from and then just to tell this person… tell them: „Go away!“ with intention – the same inten-tion that you use in Telepathy – and they will.
You just give them the telepathic message: „Get lost! Go away!“ They will, you see, be-cause they are responding to Telepathy, they are sending you something so you just respond. You will find that it’s usually beam, that it’s usually on the band of beam and emotion, this stuff – „I’m afraid! I’m afraid!“. You hear this little voice, „I’m afraid! I’m afraid“ – „Go away…“. OK?
3. Then you can also have the picking up of a… what do you call it?… party line. This means that somebody is talking or sending Telepathy but he doesn’t know it. Or he is sending it to somebody over here but it’s spreading over there and it’s on a lower band. In other words, you are coming in on the telepathic comm but it isn’t for you. You know, somebody maybe broadcasting without knowing it or as in the case of the Russian spies they send it out on a beam and somebody else picks it up and it says: „Agent 30402 Veruschka go to Petrograd im-mediately…“. You know, something like that. What the hell is all that coming through? But you will hear things like that.
OK. So, „party line“. And that’s also handled by drills… knowing Drill One through Six again. And if you are doing Drill Seven you get familiar with these. So Drill Seven will handle all of these by your becoming familiar with what you are receiving. So you can actually say: „Oh, that’s that, that’s that, that’s that.“ you know – Boom! You don’t have to turn your radio on if you don’t want to hear it. You see what I mean? This is like the radio, you tune in the guy you want but if somebody else is coming in, you know, you can turn the radio off. You see, you don’t have to hear this stuff. OK. So that’s about the basic things you run into.
4. And if a person is „fixed and they can’t really find this Telepathy thing“, there is one other thing which can be handled and that is improve the psychic Theta ability. And that’s done, again, with processing and training in Scientology. That’s what’s been doing it for thirty years. And you notice it’s been one of those heavily attacked subjects in the world. And fanat-ics and suppressives try to take it over, rob it, kill it, blind it, kill the people in it and everything else. It’s so fantastic because it does improve psychic abilities, I can guarantee you that. And the people that have done it honestly for thirty years do have quite good psychic abilities. So. This will do it. But make sure you go to the right people. Not to people that are trying to rip you off. Go to some of the Free Zone Independent Groups and they will give you the pro-cessing and training necessary that will help you with these abilities.
So these are the handlings for anything that goes wrong with the drills or with the per-son in their practice of Telepathy.
Any questions about all on this? Very good. OK.
Thank you.
Anyway, that’s the end of the part about the drilling and the „how-do-you-do-its“. OK. Thank you.

* * * * *

OK. Well, now you have all had a little break and a little chance to talk about and prac-tice the drills… (or get the video tape and you can actually sit down and do these drills or buy a tape which will have all these drills on it or you can actually purchase the drills as a separate issue and we will maybe also have a transcript of the lecture later on for sale).
But now I want to go back to some of the questions that you asked me in the beginning and I want to really get you to understand something here. What is the purpose of doing this seminar at all? Now what can you use it for? What can you apply this to? If you run the tele-phone company out of business it doesn’t mean that you are going to be rich or anything like that because what are you going to replace it with? You are just going to be… anybody can learn Telepathy. My idea is that anybody should learn it as it is a survival necessity.
But what are you going to do with this knowledge? Well, one of the things is: First, you can stay in communication with your friends no matter what happens to your normal communi-cation systems – the telephone, the telex and so on like that. You do not have to be dependent, you don’t have to depend on the normal communication systems. Therefore in the event of war, disaster, economic problems or you can’t pay your phone bill you can still communicate. So that’s one advantage.
Second of all: It gives you a higher understanding of the other person and their nature and also extends your pattern of a network. You might become like a group of amateur radio operators and have a whole network of telepaths with identifying call signs and all that – like the truck drivers do it and so on. You know: „This is telepath ‘Sweetmind’…“ – you know – „and ‘Honeythoughts’ coming in…“, you know? They have identification tags, you know. So you might have this whole CB-lingo coming on into the idea of Telepathy. „Here is the ‘Mental Giant’ coming on“. Ja. I can see this happen. And once you have such a network… (laughter) hahaha… that was probably her „handle“ back there… hahaha… ‘Sweetmind’ or ‘Honey-thoughts’… hahaha… Anyway, I did want to mention that this could become a possibility.
Also no one will be able to fool you with any electronically directed thoughts, amplified through machinery or electronic waves, they won’t be able to fool you and give you false or-ders and directions and ideas through those. You will be probably entirely immune to anything such as that and also to hypnotism and other various ways which you could be controlled.
You will also be able to receive and monitor thoughts that may be dangerous to your country or to yourself or to your community such as I told you about – for example, these spies using this stuff.
Now if you also wanted to get together in your network and set up a monitoring ser-vice… that would also be entirely acceptable. A telepathic monitoring service with a little „cen-tral“ where people find exactly what’s going on in the world. And they write it down perhaps on a regular piece of paper and mail it to this monitoring center. Or they telepathize it if the monitoring center can afford people to stay there 24 hours a day and receive all the telepathic comms and have times for each other to come in. But it’s easier in this case to actually tele-phone it in or send it in on a computer or in the mail so it can all be assembled and put out as a little magazine, you see? And it could say: „Hey, look! Five hundred telepaths today picked up that the Russians are setting up an entire European demonstration and it is going to happen in Paris on the 17th. Anybody wanting to attend, please, book your hotel now, because it’s going to happen on the 17th.“ You know? And so you can do little funny things like that. Just totally „blow“ all of these scenarios, you know? The things that are planned for your amusement that appear in the papers after they have happened, but you can find out about them before they happen. Therefore you wouldn’t really need newspapers anymore. There are a lot of things here and I hope you really enjoy it all.
Now one of the questions, which I noticed no one has asked but I do want to answer, is: What about the 190 different languages that are used on this planet? How can one extend their telepathic net – without knowing 190 different languages – to all the good people around the world? Well, there is such a thing – besides doing it as we said with words and messages and so on – there is such a thing as Concept Telepathy.
Since you started off with the drills using objects and you were giving the „idea“ of an object or the „name“ of an object, you could do it either way. You could say: „This is a tape“. But, you could also give the concept of that. In other words, give a picture or a concept of a tape box and the other person will get that: „Ah!“. And in his language he would say: „Tape“ or „Tonband“.
So Telepathy can be in words because you pick up the thought. If the guy thinks in words you get it in words. If he thinks in concepts you get it in concepts. So if he thinks of that tape being put in that machine then the other person will get: „Ah, he wants me to put the tape in the machine.“ So Telepathy can transcend the barriers of language. It can be done in con-cepts as well.
In fact you could repeat all of those drills and do them only in concepts so that you wouldn’t use words. You would use a concept – a concept of that object, an actual… you „vis-ualize“ the object and send it that way. The telepathic line is a very light line – it doesn’t re-quire any energy or a lot of force or any emotion or anything. It’s just very light… it’s just easy… it’s just thinking about putting the tape in the machine. But it has to be with the under-standing that it is going to be duplicated at another point and knowing that point and getting in the link-up with that point. And then when you think it, it’s immediately received, the other person feeling the same way.
So that is for the, let’s say, the next expansion phase of Telepathy: To move it into a conceptual Telepathy. And in this way you will find that you can be in communication with even alien species, you know, people such as your tax collectors and so on like that. I’m talking about alien species here, people that are, you know, pretending that they are not human. So you can actually get into communication and monitor their activities as well.
Now you can see why there has been so little written about and so little exposed about Telepathy in the last thousands of years. It’s because first of all it’s a very simple subject and second of all it’s very dangerous for those who want to maintain control over you. Because once you have Telepathy and once a few of your friends have Telepathy and once you can train others on Telepathy it becomes very hard to enslave you, it becomes very hard to take over your freedoms.
And that really is the purpose of why I’m giving you this lecture and this seminar on Te-lepathy. I don’t want you to be slaves. I don’t want any of us to be slaves. I want you all to enjoy your freedom and to enjoy it with others like yourselves who want others to expand, be free, and to be in communication with anyone else they wish to without being subject to the problems of matter, energy, space, time or the telephone bill.
So that – in a nutshell – explains exactly why I’m giving this seminar and what it is and why you may not have heard about it before. And now that you’ve heard about it can you use it? Can you do it? Do you want to be free? If you do and you understand that: if you want to practice this and if you want to do it, and if you want to expand the network, then I think we will have a marvelous New Civilization here where it will be so free and so much fun that the days of the present and the problems of the present will all have vanished and we will not have anything except a sweet aesthetic feeling that everyone understands everyone else and we can be at peace and we can be happy. Thank you very much.

* * * * *

Gut, OK. The people here at the pilot project have just done some telepathic drills in-volving recognition of objects, increasing of the space, doing numbers, letters, words and then changing partners and relaying messages and getting the idea of the different terminals. I’d just like to get a short statement from each one of them about what successes they had and realiza-tions they had while doing these drills. We didn’t, of course, get to the EP (End Phenomenon), the whole thing of being a fully trained communicator on Telepathy. That would take some weeks. But the actual fact of Telepathy and how realistically it can be done, I think was shown to be possible.
First we will start with the hostess – Martha – would you like to say anything about your drills and successes?
„First of all I enjoyed it tremendously, generally – and secondly I realized that the po-tential is there, it can be done, it needs some more training and it has become very very real to me. That’s all.“
Thank you very much. Ed?
„Ja. The first was the recognition that it really works and the second was the differenti-ation between thought and the real intention, that in the moment you start to think about it, it starts to disappear somehow. That was one cognition I had. And on the other hand it’s like a little telepathic baby who tried to do these first steps and also fell down and so on but it can be done. That’s the thing I… or the win I had for myself. That I if I continue with it and start to do the drills and so on then it will be perfect.“
Thank you. Bruno?
„It works. I think I can and will be a sender and a receiver but to be a communicator it is very very strange for me – now. But I try to train it up to the EPs of a communicator for to wear this hat too. Thank you for giving this seminar and the data on this ability.“
Thank you very much. Doctor Prinz?
„So. I am astonished over the dimension from this area. The dimension is so big I ha-ven’t believed before. And it is big in survival and in a counter-surviving position, in both. And I can understand we must realize so good as we can all these things because it is necessary for us for survival. And especially in my job. I found similar things and so it is not absolutely new for me. But new is the exact lines and the possibility to duplicate exactly what happens. And I can believe when we have some guys that can do it they can protect our whole area because I believe it is very important to have it and to have all the good informations and the bad infor-mations to give the correcting flows on this planet. OK.“
Thank you very much. Doro?
„What I found out for myself was that before I did the seminar I had some idea like: „Well, Telepathy… it’s there and it can he done, but it’s hard work and it’s very difficult…“ and so on, and when I really started doing it, it was astonishing how easy it went. It was just there. And that in fact was the difference between thought and effort band. But it’s really astonishing how easy it can be done. And what it needs now to be a real communicator in re-laying messages, word by word or letter by letter, it’s definitely nothing but good old training, like training how to drive a car and things like that. By knowing how a car works and what the rules are it doesn’t mean that you are a good driver and that’s exactly the ability on Telepathy that has to be developed by training. And thanks a lot for the data.“
Thank you very much. Alright, Maria?
„Well, first of all I was very pleased to have the opportunity to do it and secondly I think it was a recognition of some past understanding that I had on it, but not the actual… the possibility to be able to drill it. Back on the track, having done it before…so the actual thing I got out of this was it’s easy, it’s not complicated. You just have to get the feeling that it can be done and it is possible. And the drilling is going to make it more possible to be able to become better in it and I enjoyed it very much.“
Thank you. Alright, that’s the end of the Telepathic
Pilot Seminar and this is the 27th of October 1984.

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