The Species Guild Ingo Swann (04Jun97)

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The Species Guild Ingo Swann (04Jun97)

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The Species Guild

Ingo Swann (04Jun97)


Although you may fall over laughing at the idea of it, Section Ten of this database has but one purpose.

This single purpose is to ATTEMPT to consider and discuss how astonishing, amazing, wonderful, creative, energetic, visionary and etc. our incredible species actually is, and to focus on these qualities and attributes ONLY in some positive sense.

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Exceptional Human Experiences

by Rhea A. White

NOTE OF INTRODUCTION. Rhea A. White is a noted compiler of sources of information, and an equally noted parapsychologist, bibliographer and librarian. She has published over seventy experimental and theoretical papers and has authored or co-authored several books.

She was on the Founding Council of the Parapsychological Association, a member of the American Association of University Women, and has been on the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research. In 1981, she founded The Parapsychology Sources of Information Center, while her PSI Line Database System is the first computerized database of the parapsychological literature.

In the early 1950s she was keenly interested in mysticism. However, she came to believe that science rather than religion was better equipped to understand the phenomena of evolving consciousness. She jointed the staff of J. B. Rhine's Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University becoming involved in experiments regarding extrasensory perception and psychokinesis.

Another of her major interests has been the creative process, and how this process may lead to a new psychophysiology with "body being realized as a form of mind and mind as a form of body." Her deep interest in the creative processes (as distinguished from paranormal phenomena alone) has enabled her to achieve a unique overview of human consciousness and its many functions and potentials.

She began integrating this broader overview in 1990 when she coined the phrase Exceptional Human Experiences, the subject of the following contributed paper.

In 1994 she founded The Exceptional Human Experience Network with three major goals in mind: to expand her growing database; to help put experiencers in touch with each other; and to disseminate information to members, scholars and the general public.

We are grateful for Ms. White's kind permission to reproduce her paper with the stipulation that copyright and all other rights are reserved to her. The contents of her contributed paper are extremely relevant to the concept of Superpowers of the Human Biomind, and has been provided at our request for inclusion in this Site's Section III. For further information, please be directly in touch with Rhea White at the addresses included in her paper. If you wish to go directly to the Exceptional Human Experiences Website, please click here.
-- Ingo Swann

The Importance of Individual Exceptional Human Experiences
for the Species - and Beyond

by Rhea A. White

EHE Network
414 Rockledge Road
New Bern, N.C. 28562

Phone: (919) 636-8734
Fax: (919) 636-8371

TOPICAL AREA: Phenomenology/Culture/Human Experiencing Potentials

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Consciousness, creativity, exceptional experiencing, awareness, self-development, growth

ABSTRACT: The general approaches and goals of contemporary science ignore the frequency and meaning of exceptional human experiences (EHE). This results in a lapse or vacuum of knowledge about what EHE's are, why they occur, and about their criteria, nature, and importance to evolving consciousness. Major aspects of exceptional human experiencing are briefly reviewed, and it is noted that the feature most common to all varieties of exceptional human experiences is their transformative aspect.

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When I introduced the term EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN EXPERIENCE (EHE) in 1990, it marked the beginning of an expanding and growing effort to discover what could be learned from experiences which are considered "anomalous" within the scientific paradigm.

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Within this paradigm, the exceptional experiences are considered anomalous since it is believed they deviate from the general rule or are out of keeping with notions of fitness and order.
The category of anomalous phenomena is even extended to include a field such as parapsychology (which has spent most of its efforts in the last twenty years in developing and applying methods taken from mainstream science.) Parapsychology is still not acceptable to many scientists, many of whom rarely look into parapsychology's current methodology.

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Even in the face of rejection of them, there are very many kinds and varieties of exceptional human experiencing, and all of which deserve to be studied.
I introduced the term EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN EXPERIENCE because I wanted a general rubric under which all types of nonordinary, paranormal, mystical, supernatural, peak, and extraordinary experiences could be placed.
At one end, for example, the rubric needed to encompass alien encounters, hauntings, and extrasensory perception; at the other end it needed to encompass fleeting moments of acute nostalgia, the euphoria of creating something new, and the wonder of being in love.

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Over one hundred and fifty specific types of EHEs have been identified. The list of them is available in a leaflet entitled "List of Potential EHEs" available free of charge from the EHE Network.

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The reason I wanted a general term to cover all of these experiences is that for the most part they have been considered as unique, discrete experiences not related to each other.
Some, such as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and near-death experiences (NDEs), do seem to be somehow related.
But rarely is a person who is interested in, say, mystical experience, also interested in poltergeists. Psychologists who study athletes who break a world record in a sport rarely read up on psychic experiences, such as extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK). People who study the creative process or peak performance seldom take interest in ESP or intuition.
In other words, if an experience is considered anomalous, it holds little interest for those studying general rules of experience, behavior and performance.

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Within the rubric of exceptional human experiences, I felt I could examine a large range of experiences which differed widely - with the exception that all of them could be considered "exceptional."
An early examination of the different kinds of experiences showed that they can be considered anomalous when taken separately. But when they are combined into the exceptional category, it could be seen that they occurred far more frequently than had been thought.

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Phenomena which can be shown to occur with greater rather than lesser frequency should also legitimately be of scientific interest, or at least of increased interest.
But should exceptional human experiences be considered with a larger interest?

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In order to find out, I set out to identify as many of these experiences as I could and then to compare them to see what factors they had in common and where they differed.
I did not expect to find that they were all the same. I did expect that they could be grouped into broader categories than had been customary and that on the whole they were more alike than unlike.

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And I hoped to be able to draw some generalizations across all or most of them, generalizations that could not be glimpsed as long as these experiences were studied only individually or in small clusters.

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One of the first characteristics that is common to many if not all of these experiences is that they ARE anomalous.
They do not fit into the modern deterministic paradigm. Hence for the most part, science ignores them or overtly repudiates them.
The fact that these experiences are anomalous is indicated by the word EXCEPTIONAL: they are exceptions to "the rules" of Western civilization.

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But an important characteristic is that they also stand out in the life of the individual.

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And as I am learning, they are exceptional in another way.
They are among the most important experiences a person can have in a lifetime.
Instead of trying to repress them, hide them, feel ashamed of them, or frightened by them, we should be taught to heed them, encourage them, and follow them - as is the case with many first peoples, including the Indians of the Americas.

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For many people exceptional experiences are like events in their lives that are riveted to a specific time and place.
They arouse wonder, fear, joy, and may have provided a glimpse of a new view of reality.

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But as they are not considered acceptable by friends and family and are not taught in school, they are dismissed and for the most part forgotten.

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I am not interested in exceptional (anomalous, unusual, nonordinary) experiences as such - except insofar as a distinction must be made between real experiencing and what in fact are delusions or illusions of some kind, especially the psychic and encounter types of anomalies.
People need to know about subliminal perception, rational inference, cryptomnesia, perceptual illusions, and other ordinary explanations of what appear to be exceptional experiences so that they don't fool themselves or are not duped by others.

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One significant characteristic of purely exceptional experiences is that they "stay put" in the past.
They CAN be viewed as past happenings or events, and that is how parapsychology has treated them. This is not the case with exceptional HUMAN experiences - and the difference between exceptional experiences and exceptional HUMAN experiences needs to be explained.

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One aspect of EHEs that makes them exceptional is that they are unforgettable - no matter what explanation is offered for them.
On the other hand, when a reasonable explanation is presented for an exceptional experience, the experience is usually dismissed and forgotten.
If it cannot be dismissed, then the experiencer needs to pay special attention to it. It then becomes personal, as if directed at the specific person involved, and it begins to affect the person.
Then it is no longer simply a past event. It has become a growing, dynamic experience that is somehow related to or relevant to the person and will not go away.
It requires that the experiencers deal with it, or somehow incorporate it into their reality threshold.

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Regarding exceptional experience: For example, one might see a ghost - and which can be considered an exceptional experience.
This can be explained away as illusion or a "trick" of the mind. The experience is thus rationally resolved, and is forgotten about having no lasting impact.

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Regarding exceptional HUMAN experience: As but one example, many claim their lives have been aided or saved by an angel, and the proof (to them) of this is in the outcome of the event.
No matter what kind of "rational" explanation is offered, none of them explain the event or its outcome, and the memory of it will not go away. Rather, the experiencer knows that it somehow must be integrated into their reality threshold.

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Often, a strong sense of yearning (one knows not for what) is associated with EHEs.
If at this point the experiencer seeks aid from a member of the helping professions, even from a member of the clergy, it is likely they will consider it symptomatic of neurotic or even psychotic behavior. And professionals, by whatever means at their disposal (whether talking therapy, electric shock, drugs, or whatever) will attempt to relieve the tension it causes and eradicate the disturbance.

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However, with a better understanding of EHEs, it would be essential that psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and nurses realize that the person is undergoing a spiritual or reality emergency and that this could have life-potentiality. A new synergy of some kind is forming as the result of the EHE.
Thus, knowledge of EHEs could be used to help the individual realize more of his or her human potential.
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If this is the case, and if indeed it IS an exceptional HUMAN experience, then the person, in the words of Christina and Stanislav Grof, is undergoing a SPIRITUAL EMERGENCE, or conversion experience.
If treated properly by the experiencer and those attempting to help him or her, a process of transformation can be observed as taking place that should be assisted, not resisted.

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An exceptional human experience then, is an anomalous experience that institutes a process that potentiates more of the experiencer's higher human potential.
When a person has an exceptional human experience, it is not so much a temporary happening or event. Rather, it is initiates a process that goes on for life.
It could be called an exceptional human process, because it makes it possible for a human to become more than they were.
And the more that they become tends to be of the same order and go through the same stages regardless of the type of exceptional human experience that initiated the process.

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My studies of EHEs show that they appear to commence further EHEs of the same or different types if the individuals involved cooperate with the process.
When they do, they often change their attitude toward themselves and their relationships with other people.
Their views concerning other life forms also undergo positive change.
And they may begin to sense a kinship with the entire human species, with life itself, and even with the mineral kingdom, the Earth, and beyond that, the universe.

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Exceptional human experiences, then, are initially experienced as unique events.
The experiencer must find the meaning of the experience.
Some types of exceptional experience, such as mystical experiences, conversion experiences, and near-death experiences are extremely meaningful from the start.

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In such cases, the need for change and a sense of meaning are built into the experience and the person is challenged to change immediately - although it may take some time to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer the same person and must become accustomed to thinking, feeling, acting differently.
And, in fact, become accustomed to BEING different than they were.

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But in regard to any EHE (even if it is a UFO encounter, or a poltergeist, or a moment of self-realization, or a creative insight) it demands some change.
People may take up new hobbies or develop a worthwhile cause, or switch professions.
Some might take up meditation or a martial art or some other spiritual exercise that will help them to more clearly understand and respond to the experience that has become a part of themselves.

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The response to an EHE must grow out of the experiencer's unique self and circumstances.
Those who seek to help the experiencer can do so best by helping him or her to be guided by the experience itself (and those that follow after), often in the form of synchronicities, and often a sense of intuition which begins to develop.

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The person then starts to relinquish dependency on what family, school, and society as a whole decree as the "normal" response to a given situation - and to turn instead to their own inner voices and leadings.
They often begin incorporating an awareness that something seemingly outside themselves is working to lead them out and into a new world of connectedness.

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Exceptional human experiencers begin to feel more integrated and connected to themselves.
They begin to meet other exceptional human experiencers and to share experiences and compare notes.
They begin to network informally with other EHEers and perhaps form a group.

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They educate themselves concerning the history and pattern of the specific types of EHEs they have had.
They begin to know that they are not alone - and that they are part of an invisible band of experiencers going back as far as human history records.
And they learn that some who have had these experiences have played an important role in the past and some are doing so today.

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The experiencers begin to find their place in this tradition, learning from fellow EHEers past and present, and themselves starting to help those who are not as advanced.

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For any EHEer there is the goal and the possibility that they, like Ingo Swann, for example, may be at the growing edge of exceptional human experience and be able to engender knowledge concerning new ways of seeing and being.
EHEers of all types also come to realize that to the extent they explore their inner worlds they become connected to the outer world and to other humans and to life.

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Eventually, it seems that most if not all EHEs awaken the individual's species consciousness, so they feel united with humanity, past, present, and future.
This sense of unity, as already mentioned, can extend to other species as well, even as the Amerindians had special totem animals.
Once one has developed a special interest in other species (whether domesticated animals or frogs or snakes or spiders or koala bears) that person can't help but think differently about all species.

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A reverence for life develops that enhances one's own sense of well being - because one is connected to all life, and KNOWS it.
The realization of this connection gives rise to an awareness of the "fitness of the environment" on this planet Earth, which has fostered all the life forms.
And many EHEers become ecologically-minded and aware of the importance of helping the planet to survive, and certainly of developing ways of not destroying it any further than humans already have.

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And, without wishing to sermonize, having sensed this unity with Earth itself, one cannot help but turn next to the other planets in our solar system, and beyond that to our own galaxy, and beyond that to the most distant stars.

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ULTIMATELY, when honored and worked with, one AUTHENTIC event that sparks a unique exceptional human experience can lead the experiencer to realize his or her connection with the entirety of creation.
Beyond that there is the creator - and at that point the experiencer has a pretty good idea who that is.
This, then, is the import of exceptional human experiences for the species - and beyond.

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But we must begin where we are now.
First, each person should reexamine their own past experiences to sift out those that may be exceptional.
It is especially important to try to recall childhood experiences or experiences as young adults.
These often set the direction for a life - and if yet unheeded, when incorporated at any age they can still revitalize that life.

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Second, one must consciously relate their exceptional experiences to their present life and concerns - and to the concerns of their immediate future and even longer term.
By doing this integrating work, an exceptional experience becomes and exceptional HUMAN experience.

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I have developed a technique to aid this process which I call the EHE autobiography technique.
A leaflet on it is available free of charge from the EHE Network. It is also posted on the EHE Network's Web site.

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I am very interested in receiving accounts of exceptional human experiences - and even more, EHE autobiographies.
I study them, learn from them, and may refer to them in my own work (using real names only with permission.)
I always include accounts of experiences received in our database of experiences (using a code name), and may even ask if I may publish some of them.

Naturally, this ATTEMPT will require some kind of "letting go" of the utter fascination our species negative attributes hold over us.

And so this effort might result in some kind of cultural shock and thence be held as some kind of adventure into eternal realm of impossibility.

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This attempt, however, should not be thought of as a retreat into sweetness and light -- that undulating, glittering, picture-perfect -- but foggy -- realm where fundamentals of our species can be forgotten or ignored.

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The way to conduct this attempt is not at all clear -- except to think that a first step is to rise above all the mierda del toro found everywhere among our species, even if this rising be only momentarily or temporary.

This first step, hesitatingly taken, might itself be difficult. After all, if mierda del toro is presented as sparkling diamonds, it tends to assume the quality of being thought of as meaningful.

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This attempt (probably a rather silly one, all things considered) means that the various negative and deplorable factors of our species will NOT be the endless, ongoing central focus of this section.

There are at least four reasons for this diminishment and possible exclusion altogether.

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FIRST, how awful and deplorable our species is or can be is given considerable examination elsewhere in sources that are considered meaningful in mighty ways. These sources actually range from misinformation to expert opinion. Most of them are presented with robust vigor -- often approaching a condition of overwrought, drooling enthusiasm.

The availability of such sources is endemic and constant in a Big Time way, and so widespread, that it is completely unnecessary in this section to reinvent that wheel or jump on it and ride along with pride.

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SECOND, it would seem that after 2000 years of actively considering our species negative-making factors, hardly anything has been archived regarding ways or methods to ameliorate them along with the vividly awful situations those factors inspire.

The study and examination of our negative factors has consumed enormous amounts of good will, energy, FUNDING, research, and psychological and sociological experimenting all aimed at finding ways to "cure" them.

Today our species still has no idea of how to deal with a small time pissing contest, much less cope with negative factors grown to such large panoramas that they are largely out of anyone's or everyone's understanding and control.

It would be clear that the study and examination of our negative factors should continue, but perhaps not at the price of becoming so overwhelmingly paramount as to occlude and submerge our species positive factors.

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The THIRD reason has two parts:

1. It is quite well known that if you repeat, adumbrate, and constantly draw attention to something, then whatever that something is will take on a bigger and bigger reinforced reality. This is technically referred to as "learning" via repeated exposure, until our wonderful brains erect mental pathways for that specific kind of data and information.
Eventually, meaning and importance will become attached to whatever is being repeated and emphasized, and which this bigger and bigger reality might not deserve -- or perhaps was nonexistent in the first place.
It can be admitted, with some evidence to support it, that our species does have elements of gross and refined stupidity. But are those elements MORE important than other elements that tend to get lost in the confusions the stupid ones bring into existence?

It is also fair to observe and admit that our species negative aspects ARE so widely fascinating that ways and means have been found to milk their economic potentials for all that can be gotten out of them. So this widespread fascination has become a meaningful COMMODITY replete with producers and consumers.
It appears that little can be done about this, except to observe that our positive factors are not altogether competitive with our negative ones.

That this is so is, I think, understandable. After all, those attributes get the adrenaline, emotions and sentiments pumping whether in real, fictional, gossipy, imaginary, or illusory form.

And so we drool over them, while some opine that those very aspects are emulated so that one might get one's share of the economic pie, or shall I say drool pie.

I, however, and for better delineation, would want to rename drool pie as playground pismire with a lobotomy -- even though I, too, get off on some examples that emanate out of it. Even I like to watch examples of the good guys winning over the bad guys or ET space monsters.

But for this kind of thing to be possible, the real or imagined presence of the bad guys (or things) has to be engineered and masturbated into climaxial existing.

Of course, there is the question involving whether the good guys exist only to tackle, surmount and waste the bad guys. If so, then we absolutely NEED the bad guys so that the good ones can manifest their only purpose in being born out of the genetic pool.

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FOURTH, our negative aspects have proven to be so charismatic that when they and our positive ones are discussed together in sort of dichotomous contexts, the negative ones attract all of the attention. Or at least various amounts of attention wander away from out positive aspects and over to the lascivious excitements promised by the negative aspects.

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I'm NOT AT ALL suggesting that serious attention case being paid to our species disgusting, abysmal, degrading, soporific, hypnoid garbage heaps -- and all of which are thrill-making.

I'm not at all suggesting that if you "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative" our species will be on the road to and achieve the carrot on the end of so many philosophical and ideological sticks.

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In fact, I'm not even suggesting that the positive be accentuated -- but merely be DISCUSSED.

Regarding this, I've learned via some very serious demonstrations that specimens of our species try doing what they want, and do the trying at all times and all of the time -- to the length and degree of whatever they can get away with doing.

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Thus, since nothing will be gained or even lost by a forum exclusively to discuss our species amazing and wonderful factors, well, why not set one up?

Few will be interested in reading what appears in such a forum, and which forum anyway can't possibly a threat to any vested interests desirous of pumping our species negative factors for all they are worth.

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For those few who MIGHT take some passing interest, it may turn out an interesting challenge to discover how to examine and discuss our species wonderful qualities WITHOUT first beating up on our deplorable ones or trying to smash them along the way.

After all, some 6,000 years of our species history on this planet, now discovered to be fragile, has shown that trying to smash our negative aspects has yielded little in the way of self-perpetuating results.

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In any event, observations and papers from those who want to try achieving this eternally useless endeavor might be presented in this section of this database -- for this particular topic BELONGS herein more than anything else. Guidelines for doing so will be presented shortly.

Our Species

But here at the startup, some preliminary about OUR SPECIES is needed.

Along these needed lines, it is to be understood that although our sciences and philosophies have traditional definitions of what is meant by OUR SPECIES, these might radically shift about in the near future because of advances in genetic detection. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile reviewing in brief form the traditional versions.

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The term species is taken directly from the Latin, and originally meant "of a kind" or "of one kind."

The term still means that, technically speaking. But it also transliterates neatly into "of OUR KIND" or "of THEIR KIND" -- ending up in various stereotyping "of DIFFERENT KINDS." In this sense, social forces manage to engineer programming methods effectively causing our wonderful brains to erect cognitive synapse formations so that we become enabled to recognize the differences between our kind and all other kinds. The same programming also encodes how those that are now different are to be treated.

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In terms of science-speak, in pre-scientific times SPECIES was seized upon (about 1608) to denote "a group or class of animals or plants having certain common and permanent characteristics which distinguish it from other groups.

Much before 1608, the idea of OUR SPECIES apparently DID NOT exist. It is therefore interesting to discover how, or if, earlier peoples thought of themselves as members of a corporate species. I've not been able to uncover much along these lines, but it would appear that our ancestors thought of themselves only in the contexts of clans or nations.

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In any event, SPECIES was thereafter seized upon (about 1711) to denote "the human race."

One of the earliest scientific criteria utilized to identify a species had to do with sexual transmission or intercourse. Only those of the SAME species could enact that activity AND produce progeny. Thus, if stalwart specimens of our species would be sexually mated to extraterrestrials AND produce progeny, then the ETs would be of our species or we of theirs -- regardless of what the progeny might look like.

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A SPECIES is commonly thought of as a sub-set of a GENUS. GENUS refers to plants and animals that look alike or similar in some apparent way, but which, when mated, do not produce progeny, or if progeny do result the progeny cannot produce progeny.

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It is also worth noting an obsolete usage of SPECIES, in that it once was used to refer to similarity ideas, theologies, ideologies and social classes of specimens of our species. This was convenient, once, for it enabled the higher, more powerful classes to consider their corporate selves as a different species.

This, I tend to think, still goes on -- in that at least intellectuals of the modern period have taken it for granted that they are of a different species from those deemed not intellectuals.

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At some point between about 1790 and 1890 (I've not been able to determine just when or why), the idea of OUR SPECIES took on an egalitarian or democratic frame of reference. Somehow, it was determined that all specimens of OUR SPECIES were equivalents of each other in some philosophical sense of the idea, on no other grounds than that they were of the same species because they could produce progeny.

This concept, with slightly earlier ramifications, brought about great revolutions in many areas.

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Our species belongs to the genus HOMO, and our species subset of the genus is referred to as Sapiens Sapiens.

In its traditional format, HOMO referred to MAN, inclusive of the two sexes needed to copulate AND produce progeny.

MAN was apparently derived from the Sanskrit MANU or MANA, referring to a combined life-energy-higher-mind principle. MAN entered English via Scandinavian and Nordic pathways, seemingly indicating that the Sanskrit-speaking peoples normally associated with India migrated to the north of Europe.

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Since about 1890, the term HOMO has fallen onto bad times, then being adapted as a reference to males of our species who mate or fool around in some way but do not produce progeny -- this nonetheless a possibility science is in process of examining.

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As it is, OUR SPECIES is referred to as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the "Sapiens" part being derived from the Old French SAPIENT, and which denoted "wise man (or wise Homo in the combined sense of male/female) with further reference to being sentiently sensible.

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The transliteration of Homo Sapiens Sapiens into plain English is fraught with difficulties. On the surface, it apparently meant HE/SHE Man who is doubly wise.

Literally, perhaps, it means MAN who thinks and knows it, and is therefore able to discriminate and accumulate knowledge by reflecting and cogitating upon the thinking. Various problems arise from this concept.

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Even if there are transliterating difficulties here, the general gist of them makes OUR SPECIES feel quite good about its corporate self.

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The general essence of Homo Sapiens Sapiens is true enough, at least in part. But on equally available evidence, our species might also style itself as Homo screwupiensis; Homo estupidogiganticofabuloso (this brings in a dramatic Spanish play); or, perhaps Homo thinkingmachinemagnificus (but susceptible to thinking viruses). We might also think of our species as Homo computererectus, albeit with wiring and hard drive problems.

There is a neo-possibility to restyle OUR SPECIES as Homo scientificusprogressicus. But doing so which might detach a large number of our species from our species and result in increases of socio-problems -- and which, based on some visible evidence, has already happened.

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Aside from the wisdom and wise elements originally built into the concept of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, our species is nonetheless determined to be a species only on biological evidence that it is one.

This is convenient in several ways, essentially because our species hasn't really been able to live up to its Sapiens Sapiens connotations. Those connotations, implied to exist, are an embarrassment to those specimens who are sap saps, and so the idea that we are a biological species only comes as relief and refreshment.

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Thus, as the modern, scientific age progressed, the term OUR SPECIES was exclusively seen in its biological contexts -- IF those contexts also result in the production of progeny.

So today, when we think of OUR SPECIES, we are thinking of our biology -- only, with our Sapiens Sapiens part retired into cultural backgrounds or undergrounds. This is precisely to say that our formerly respected (if idealized) Sapiens Sapiens parts have been relegated to the Fringes of alienated, sapient inquiry.

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It is quite probable that only about 50 percent of the total combined specimens of our species today has ever heard of the term OUR SPECIES.

Many of those who HAVE heard of our species probably think that it refers only to our biological meat bodies.

It is quite possible that many others who have heard of our species haven't the least idea of what it means -- until they are informed via a horror flick that SPECIES refers to creatures that suck blood and energy from HUMAN BEINGS, sometimes ripping, shredding and devouring the later in the process.

It may be, however, that many equate OUR SPECIES to HUMAN BEINGS -- but only IF the subhuman elements of the latter are not too gross, visible -- or provable in a court of law, and which has almost nothing to do with conscience.

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The foregoing has been a very brief, and probably quite inadequate Introductory. More will follow, but I'll temporarily end here with two questions:

1. What IS our species?
2. Is it possible to consider our species not as a genetically random collection of sexually produced biobodies, but as a great and wonderful collective of brains that, hypothetically speaking, form a kind of human neural network -- and which, altogether IS more sapient than any one of the produced progeny? I emphasize my use of "hypothetically."

The possibly foolhardy task of The Species Guild is hypothetically to attempt to extract and discuss indications of our species excellence.


Ingo Swann (08Aug02)

“No one gossips about other
people’s secret virtues.?
?Bertrand Russell

An essay entitled THE SPECIES GUILD was introduced into this website in June of 1997.
It was designated as an “ATTEMPT to consider and discuss how astonishing, amazing, wonderful, creative, energetic, and visionary species actually is, and to focus on these qualities and attributes ONLY in some positive sense.?

Considering some of the awful content of the past six years, it seems time to take another look at the topic, and to enlarge consideration of it.

Unfortunately, one does not have to go far to encounter the overwhelming accumulation of information, literature, and entertainments that focus on the most dreadful going’s on within our species as a whole.
In stark contrast, references to the amazing nature and superlative virtues of our species have become almost non-existent, most specifically within the conventional mainstreams.
For example, the term WISDOM has almost dropped out of usage altogether, even though IF our species has intelligence it OUGHT to have engineered deliverable and perpetuating wisdom, too.
Reference to wisdom in this website is not out of place, since it constitutes one of the most superlative superpowers of our species, alongside the several others that support and nurture it. Indeed, if intelligence is not somehow effectively infused with wisdom, one could think that intelligence might not be all that intelligent.

In a superficial sense, WISDOM is ambiguously defined as knowledge accumulated via philosophic or scientific learning.
More profoundly, it is defined as “ability to discern inner qualities and relationships?in order “to achieve insight, good sense, good judgment, and wise attitudes and courses of action.?
The foregoing is not so much a complaint as it is a reminder that all individuals of our species are born with innate, hard-wired equipment to have insight, etc.
But it can be stipulated, as many authors have done, that a wide variety of social conditioning software programs can cause insight to remain latent and therefore not too actualizing and functional ?the same conditioning programs that largely result in “the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.?

To this writer at least, it seems that when there is constant focus and emphasis on the negative aspects of our species, coupled with NO nurturing of our superlative virtues, one can begin to wonder what the long-term outcome of things will be.
Our history bears ample testaments to this. There are many deplorable examples of affairs within which wisdom, etc., was apparently considered as nothing more than an inconvenient nuisance.

A few years ago, an individual of rather remarkable status in Europe came to see me. The purpose of the visit was to discuss certain issues, one of which was why it was so difficult to research and develop those human attributes referred to in this website as superpowers.
We quickly agreed that the world’s conventional power structures and affairs are largely governed not only by control of power, but also via secrecy of various kinds, and that those affairs need elements of secrecy in order to function as they do.

A list of human activities that depend on secrecy is actually quite long. But even a short list shows the magnitude of the role that secrecy plays - for example, in political, governmental, and diplomatic activities, in intelligence and espionage organizations, in major economic activities, in military and warfare strategies and tactics, and in nefarious activities many of which can outwit discovery of them.

Secrecy can be seen as meaningful - as long as conventional human existence is conceptualized only in the contexts of the short list above.
Indeed, it is quite clear that those contexts are not all rowing the same lifeboat of developing and nurturing human excellence.

Various secrecy activities are, of course, enemies, or at least opponents, to each other. But they all have one concern, or fear, in common: discovery and exposure not only of their activities, but also their goals and motives.
Most formats of secrecy are pursued with at least a relative certainty that they can be set up and remain secure, specifically within conventional contexts.

In this sense, there is a relative trust in knowing what conventional contexts consist of, so that the understood dimensions of these can be factored into designs of conventional secrecy efforts.

Their thrust is to keep things hidden from the perceptions of others - specifically from the conventionally known and thus ordinary perceptions which are understood to be narrow, and therefore easily identified and predicted.
All secrecy efforts have vested interests in keeping modalities of secrecy within the contexts of ordinary perceptions. And so all of them find themselves united when it comes to ANY prospect of non-conventional forms of perception.
If non-conventional forms of perception would become efficient enough, they would be seen as invasive to conventional formats of secrecy. So the solution to this would be to prevent knowledge and development of them altogether.

My visitor and I then began discussions of what would have to happen in order to transcend whatever prevents development of human superpowers - including intuition, clairvoyance, and telepathy, each of which is considered as non-conventional, hence invasive of secrecy and all THAT implies.

We then spent an invigorating morning sorting out three potential scenarios that would not only support research and development of human superpowers, but also demand it.

The first scenario would consist of discovering that a nation or some other powerful human group has taken a secret, but serious initiative in this kind of research and development.
If something like this did happen, then other nations or powerful human groups would have to respond to it, at least in order to find out the specifics of what was going on and what progress was being made.

An example of the first scenario actually happened during the Cold War era when, much to their utter surprise, American intelligence analysts learned, during the late 1960s, that the Soviet Union had been involved in this kind of research and development since the 1920s.

The intelligence agencies were thus obliged to fund significant research of their own, even though the idea of emergent human superpowers had long been consigned to “giggle factor?status.

This first scenario could not gain permanency, because individual national and power-group activities come and go. Their initiatives would, in time, be covered over within the power machinations of conventional contexts.

But such would not be the case if the second scenario came about.
Let’s say our human species encountered another species at least equivalent or greater in intelligence, but which was also equipped with certain developed superpowers ?especially that of telepathy.
In that nothing like this other species exists on our planet, that species would necessarily have to be ET in origin.
This means that such species would not be confined to the contexts of Earth environments and limits as those are presently understood so far in conventional terms ?and that THEY might even have greater flexibility outside them.

If the second scenario would come about (and there are indications that it has), then some kind of serious human species effort would ultimately have to be mounted, even if only to attempt to obtain a defensive posture to the possibly invasive threat from Out There.
A developmental effort of this kind reason would surely disrupt the secrecy elements of our own species conventional power structures on Earth.

A third scenario could come about if, in advancing times, it might be perceived that wheeling and dealing only in conventional power-structure contexts alone are not all that workable with regard to saving, for example, Earth’s ecology, or to save the integrity or, in some possible end, even the survival of our species.

There is good evidence that conventional elements and their traditional contexts put their own survival in front of, and often in opposition to, numerous larger whole-Earth issues that ultimately affect everything on Earth.

While a spectrum of those larger issues had little meaning 100 years ago, they are now slowly manifesting in undeniable negative ways. Without some kind of big scale responsiveness, they will have dire consequences ?even for conventional elements.

Thus, in recent times efforts have arisen efforts outside of conventional elements to save things such as forests, threatened species, the air, water, and natural resources, etc., and to do so before they are depleted and perhaps irrecoverable.

One context shared by all such efforts is that they represent formative guilds. GUILD is principally defined as “an association of those with kindred pursuits or common interests or aims,?formed especially to save, protect, and preserve, sometimes by any ways and means possible.

A guild for saving, protecting, and preserving that has not yet come into existence is a human species guild. One essential aim of such a guild would be to reassert the higher-order superlative virtues and superpowers of our species.
Or, if one prefers, to rescue and re-emphasize them from among the massive morass of lower-order activities that focus on our species negative going’s on - a focus which is ending up in the depletion of just about everything including human wisdom-making.

There are, of course, confusions about just what human superpowers consist of.
Many human factors that are simply taken for granted are not thought of as superpowers ?such as insightful thinking and deduction, intuition that foresees outcomes, problem identification and solving, and that type of clairvoyance (sometimes called “hunches?or “gut-feelings? that can assess whatever is invisible to the physical senses.
This author even includes thinking itself as a superpower, if only because it can be discriminated from thoughtlessness, especially from big-time thoughtlessness.

And a superlative superpower, almost always ignored as such, is Caring - and which can achieve great positive outcomes and influence. After all, the absence of caring achieves nothing while its presence can often move mountains.

Regarding research and development of human superpowers, a potential human species guild would have to establish at least some kind of focus as to what might save the human species from its lower-order, often absymal proclivities within which evidence of FUNCTIONAL human superpowers is nil.

In any event, as indicated in the quotation at the head of this essay, human “virtues?(secret or otherwise) are almost so alienated from social awareness that their existences does not even enter into the realm of gossip about them.

This essay was actually triggered by a recent quotation offered up in the syndicated gossip column of Liz Smith, and featured in The New York Post.
"No one gossips about other people's secret virtures." (Bertrand Russell)

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was the once-famous British philosopher and social reformer, and whom, in my own experience, had tremendous influence and impact during the 1950’s ?that post-war decade during which were blueprinted the outlines of many socio-economic scenarios that are still functioning today.

On its surface, the quotation seems simple enough, even somewhat amusing. But it has several significant layers of meaning ?one of which is that the blind spot regarding human virtues is so insidious that other people’s secret virtues do not even enter the otherwise powerful realms of gossip.

If other people's secret virtues also reflect virtues inherent in our species, then Russell's observation can be seen as deep and trenchant. In other words, the quotation takes on far, far more meaning than the mere eight words used to say it.

In addition to there being no gossip about other people’s virtues, no encyclopedias exist that itemize positive and superlative human qualities, just as there are no encyclopedias itemizing human powers.
And so no one has any organized source to consult about the real existence of their own superlative qualities and powers.

The absence of such encyclopedias may not at first seem all that meaningful and significant.
But the absence reflects the on-going existence of some kind of subtle and mysterious sociological situation which, itself, is left unexamined in ways that almost everything else otherwise comes under scrutiny.
Indeed, no one gossips about the existence of that mysterious situation, either.

While Bertrand Russell (a once important philosopher and social reformer) has faded into the past (like so many others of now-defunct significance), he indicated in his autobiography (published in three volumes between 1967-69) that: “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind?
Well, leaving aside the “longing?(because it is all too familiar, right?), any search for knowledge that does not include attempts to increase knowledge of the superlative qualities of our species is a somewhat suspect search ?for if we do not achieve such knowledge, then what does the search otherwise consist of.

In any event, in the absence of the search for knowledge of our species superlative qualities, then the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind DOES tend to come into view ?at least to those who bother to notice it.
It then can be wondered why the unbearable suffering exists in the SAME species that otherwise prides itself on having what is grandly referred to as intelligence.
So we have a prideful intelligent species within which pity ALSO exists for the unbearable suffering of mankind.
A sense of that pity can activate, here and there, what is often defined as “social consciousness,?which is generally thought of as discovering ways and means to alleviate and combat the existence of the unbearable suffering of mankind.

Without any doubt, such social consciousness activities are obviously laudable and important.
But it can be assumed that the unbearable suffering merely consists of symptoms downloading out of much deeper going’s on that are not too much attuned to the suffering itself ?and in some cases are notably aloof from it.
One reason behind this assumption is that the unbearable suffering of mankind has a very long and still on-going track record.

Another reason could be that human intelligence, as so far defined and perceived, still has something to find out about itself in order to become more fully functional.
Perhaps the desirable terms here might be something along the lines of “superfunctional?or metafunctional, which incorporate the superlative qualities and powers of our species itself.
If that might be the case, then it is appropriate to wonder about what IS incorporated into human intelligence, or, rather, into the uses of human intelligence that are not really consistent with all that much intelligence.

Here one could enter into the well-known litany and dirge of uses of intelligence that do not really reflect too much of it, but which are made quite visible everywhere, so much so that one doesn’t really need an encyclopedia to grasp them.
This litany and dirge apparently consists of almost anything that does not reflect, or even suggest, the existence of the vast reservoir of superlative human qualities that endure throughout our on-going species, even though not much real use is made of them.

Since ancient times, historians have principally focused on the great changes and shifts that have occurred within the outlines of various social orders. In more modern times, the on-going historical effort has included emphasis on “progress?that has been made within such orders.
In the same modern times, and in keeping with the emergence of various formats of social consciousness, some historians have attempted to document the tremendous suffering that has occurred within and because of the great changes and shifts that seem noteworthy enough to be considered of historical importance.
Except for some statistical downloading, these few efforts have not attracted any large degree of interest.

One probable reason for this is that most of those who have suffered are not among the movers and shakers of those orders ?and so they have little historical importance or interest. But even so, many movers and shakers have been brought to their knees, beheaded or hanged, sometimes exterminated, and so they are not automatically excused from the suffering.

Well, conventional power orders are indeed composed of movers and shakers, but their numbers involve certainly not more than 10 percent, and probably less than 5 percent of any given societal population.
Thus, conventional human history is not much more than the history of this smaller fraction of our species, and as such is NOTHING resembling the real history of mankind ?because that real history needs to incorporate the magnitudes of the unbearable suffering of the majority born into life.

If we think of our species as having intelligence, the actual historical track record of the suffering of mankind is appalling in the extreme.
In one way or another, it certainly involves more than 50 percent of all those born into human life, many of which have been direct and indirect victims of 5 percent of human history, this including the many who have simply been wasted within the contexts of collateral damage.

In respect of all this, it seems to be the case that our species has its ugly underbelly, some parts of which seem to be devoid of intelligence - with the exception of whatever kinds of intelligence or cleverness are needed to propagate them.

And those parts of the underbelly ARE propagated, if for nothing else, via the overwhelming focus on them.
Now, it needs to be pointed up that dealing with the ugly underbelly is considered a high virtue, and so, for example, the fictional superheros Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, etc., including 007, having possession of some kind of superpowers, inherit this task.
The implications of all this are that the essential and only purpose of the superheros is to deal with elements of the ugly underbelly, and specifically within the terms recognized by those elements.

When this is well done, either in fact or in fiction, it is a joy to behold. But a subtle element of all this is that the superheros seem to have no other function.
And this gives the impression that the ugly elements are always on-going and that one needs to be a superhero to begin with in order to deal with them.
If one reflects on the reasons for the tremendous popularity of the fictional superheros, it could be thought that their successes trigger some kind of latent awareness that reminds of superhero factors in our species.

In any event, the contexts of the superhero fictions do deal with potential human superpowers, and do so in ways that are hardly to be found elsewhere. The fictions can therefore be appreciated for this, since any contextualizing of human superpowers is better than none at all.

There are, of course, numerous jumps that have to be made to get from fictional contexts to non-fictional ones, i.e., to get into what is usually referred to as “real-life?issues regarding activities within the ugly underbelly.
Characteristics of the ugly activities usually become plain to see in the end. But by the time the activities are seen it is usually too late to do anything about them.

The ugly activities are interesting and fascinating in themselves. But they do come and go, perhaps largely because they come crashing down as ultimate effects of their own internal discord.
The ugly activities therefore do not persist as such, but the human motives behind them seem to be on-going and continuous ?and so chapters in the saga of the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind also continue.

The suffering begins again in each generation, making the platitude that our human species should learn from the history of its past mistakes seem badly out of tune.

And speaking of ABSENT encyclopedias, there are none that list and itemize identifiable human motives, very many of which are repeated time and again, and are therefore identifiable.
One possible reason for the absence of THIS particular kind of encyclopedia is that once motives are identified then too many games are automatically down the tubes ?unless they are maintained by social conditioning or by abject force.

So, in that sense, it is better not to have encyclopedias that list the wide spectrum of motives along with their subtle characteristics.
Indeed, there are many human motives that cannot fulfill themselves, that cannot really work too well, if they become too visible ?visible, say, to their potential and ultimately realized victims.

For reasons not too clear, in conventional terms human motives, and their resulting activities and proclivities, are commonly divided into the good, the bad, and the ugly.
In the sense of this division, our species thus reflects one part positive and two parts negative motives and activities.

The implication of this little calculation is that the one part good can easily be outmaneuvered by the two parts negative.
There is copious evidence easily at hand that something like this is the on-going case. It is well understood that the two parts negative can, in time and with dedication, disassemble the one part positive, and do so within the contexts of clandestine machiavellian strategies and tactics.
Thus, as it is commonly said, things can change but things remain the same.

In any event, it IS quite well understood that our species/mankind is in possession of superlative virtues, i.e., superpowers, against which, if they manifest, do give problems to the two negative parts.
For example, when linked with each other, the two basic superpowers of insightful deduction and caring can easily give pause and concern to the two parts negative.

Indeed, the mix of these two basic superpowers often results in serious commitments that are difficult for the two parts negative to cope with.

It is thus to be wondered why the super-positive superlative part is lopped off from positive-negative line-up of our species.
Which is to say, lopped off, for example, within modernist sociological and psychological contexts and which disciplines otherwise exclusively tend to focus only on what is negative within mankind.

One possible explanation for this is that those two once-powerful disciplines were being responsive only to social orders whose workings cannot permit too much manifesting of superlative human powers, and all that they imply in superpower ways.

For lack of a better way to express it, one can think in the rather tired and tattered terms of higher- and lower-order motives, but with the proviso that distinguishing between them is often difficult and arcane.
For example, many lower-order motives announce themselves as higher-order ones, and all too often continue generally to be perceived as such.

It is tempting to begin a list, as so many have, of lower-order motives. But each reader should attempt this on their own steam, lest it be thought that this author is trying to lead readers into his own reality box.

In any event, it is far more challenging to try to identify at least ten higher-order ones.

This kind of task somewhat depends on what one is using as a reality box, whether one has self-constructed it, or whether it is a socially conditioned one. So guidelines are a little hard to establish.

Generally speaking, however, lower-order motives ultimately lead in the direction of victimization of one kind or another ?and/or, when large-scale enough, into the direction of the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

A difficulty that can be encountered in attempting these lists is that one might have to depend on one’s intuitive, clairvoyant, and telepathic factors ?because utilizing reason and logic alone might not reveal too much with regard to motives that are deliberately hidden.

Other essays in this website have discussed the background of these particular difficulties. But briefly here, hidden motives, especially of the lower-order kind, need to thwart too much emergence of those particular human superpowers, and the reasons for doing so are quite obvious.

If certain human superpowers are perceived as an invasive threat to hidden lower-order motives, higher-order motives are but an occasional nuisance to them.
While there are numerous reasons for this, higher-order motives are, on the one hand, often based in a sense of potential harmony throughout the species that COULD be nurtured as such.
But, on the other hand, many higher-order motives tend to try to unfold within their own reality-box contexts, and thereby make themselves aloof from the prevailing real-time, lower-order activities and the rather sorry intellectualizing of the motives that invigorate them.

Indeed, THIS author has been told by many higher-order activists that giving attention at all to lower-order motives serves no other purpose than to give energy to them.
Well, lower-order motives have more than enough energy of their own ?which is why they do prevail so easily and have evolved many Machiavellian devices whereby they reproduce themselves so easily.

MACHIAVELLIANISM is, of course, “the view that politics [of any lesser or greater kind] is amoral and that any means however unscrupulous can justifiably be used in achieving political power.?
As has been pointed up by many investigators and authors, Machiavellian perceptions translate quite easily into all walks of lower-motivational orders in which unscrupulousness is depended upon to play many significant roles.

It is understandable that many higher-order enthusiasts do not themselves wish to evince symptoms of unscrupulousness - which, nevertheless, is explicitly acknowledged as one of the principle sources of the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
And so those enthusiasts have not evolved Machiavellian strategies and tactics of their own ?which is somewhat to say that they have not become lean, mean, fighting machines with regard to their own goals and visions on behalf of our entire species.

Advocates of lower-order motives of course realize this, for some of them are not entirely bereft of modicums of intelligence.
So the best thinkers among them realize that higher-order enthusiasts will not, in general, become lean, mean, fighting machines.
Rather, as one anti-utopian functionary once told this author via a nice turn of phrasing, they “will strangle themselves with their own platitudes of social consciousness.?

Well, many, or even most, lower-order motives do not have too much social consciousness to begin with. Indeed,, the history of the twentieth century alone has provided some stunning examples of this kind of vacuum.

Another aspect of higher-order motives consists of the pseudo-legendary assumption that human superpowers of the species (such as intuition, clairvoyance, and telepathy) should not be developed because they could be used to support negative goals and ends.

Well, maybe, but maybe not.

One possible reason for the “maybe not?is that modicums of clairvoyance and telepathy put one in closer touch with sensing and feeling the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. Many famous psychics this author has fortunately known often complained about this, and begin wondering how to “help.?
Indeed, lower-order enthusiasts seem not to come into too much contact with these kinds of sensing and feeling, and so although the suffering may be “out there?it doesn’t have all that much to do with them.

As Samuel Johnson (1709-84), the English author and leading literary scholar and critic of his time, once observed: “Those who do not feel pain [and suffering] seldom think that it is felt [by others].?
One of Johnson’s more famous works was his book entitled LIFE OF SAVAGE (1744). This was a bitter portrait of corruption in London and the many miseries endured because of it.

Sounds somewhat familiar, doesn’t it?

In the past, this author read somewhere of the concept that each of us becomes what we do, but only in the light of what we can sense and feel ?what we cannot sense or feel does not really exist for us.
This is somewhat like saying that if we cannot sense-feel “ripples in the Force,?then we are at distinct disadvantages as to what is impending in it. The “ripples?of course refer to, say, lower-order disharmony injected into the higher-harmonies of the Force.

But one of the meanings of this is that while those who do not feel pain and suffering might not think that others do feel and experience them, the awakening, for example, of the superpowers of vibe-sensing, empathy, and telepathy, etc., tends to put one more in touch with the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

Indeed, those particular superpowers are among the many that, in a more complete sense, connect us with the larger vista of mankind, our species entire, and perhaps with all species and life forms.

There is in little developed evidence of this in our species so far. And so it is not too surprising that ET fly-bys fly right on and do not touch down to engage in interchanges.THE HUMAN SPECIES GUILD

An Introduction To The
Multidimensional Potential Of Human Beings

by Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach

NOTE OF INTRODUCTION. Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach are a mother and daughter team who have interviewed and researched numerous multidimensional experiencers, catalogued evidence of the experiences, and extended their research into historical, multicultural backgrounds.

Alice Bryant has had articles published in COLORADO WOMAN DIGEST, UFO MAGAZINE, FYI, and SACRED SITES and has had interviews published in magazines in Australia, Mexico and Iceland. She has co-authored two books: THE MESSAGE OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL (Llewellen Publications, St. Paul, Minn., 1989). With her daughter, Linda, she co-authored HEALING SHATTERED REALITY: UNDERSTANDING CONTACTEE TRAUMA (Wildflower Press: P.O. 726, Newberg, Oregon 1991). She has traveled extensively in all of the United States, Canada, Peru, and Easter Island visiting ancient sacred sites. Helping to bring understanding of exceptional phenomena and what they mean to future generations has become her life's work.

Rev. Linda Seebach earned her B.A. degree in Social Science from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and her Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Denver. During twenty-five years of working in social services, she achieved in-depth experience with Vietnam veterans and parolees with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She early encountered experience of anomalous events of people awakening to their psychic abilities and experiencing other space-time continua. In 1994 she was ordained a Minister in The Universal Church of the Master, a non-denominational Christian Church founded in 1908.

by Alice Bryant & Rev. Linda L. Seebach, MSW
(Bluewater Publishers: Mill Spring, North Carolina.)
BlueWater book order URL: <>

We are grateful for the authors' kind permission to reproduce the following paper with the stipulation that copyright and all other rights are reserved to them. For further information, please be directly in touch with the authors at the address included in the paper.
-- Ingo Swann


by Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach
P.O. Box 734
Alto, New Mexico
FAX: 505.354.8888

TOPICAL AREA: Consciousness phenomenology/time-space transcendence

KEY WORDS: Consciousness, Dimensions, Time-Space, Multidimensional, Hyperspace, Awareness


Profound evidence exists supporting the concept that human potentials are not confined to third-dimension realities of height, breadth and depth, or of matter, energy, space and time. New scientific models for space-time transcendence are being researched. But human culture is rich regarding multidimensional and hyperspace phenomena experienced by the human psyche which are analogous to some of the new scientific models. Cultural and experiential evidence is strong indicating that multidimensional types can "travel" between and have conscious visualizations and perceptions of hyperspace dimensions. A technology is possible regarding transmission and access of hyperspace information. This technology could restructure human focus and activity.

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The most incredible journeys ever taken have been made within the realms of the human mind. Perhaps for some, these journeys are simply pleasant day dreams, mental travels to the far-away places on earth.
But for people who can mentally access other space/time continuums, people called "multidimensionals," their journeys consist of far more than just imaginings.

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The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities.
Research has shown that multidimensionals can actually travel into hyperspace and have conscious visualization and perceptions of other time/space dimensions, including accessing information through their own DNA. Often they speak of formulas, mathematical equations and atomic structure in ways quite different from current scientific thought.

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Hyperspace is defined as the spatial dimensions beyond time and the reality known as the three dimensional world, defined by height, width, and depth of space. It is also referred to as subspace or multidimensionality.

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The third dimension, which humans experience, exists within hyperspace as a subset or one of many dimensions. This reality, according to theoretical physicists, may also be one of many, many parallel universes.
In his book HYPERSPACE [1], Michio Kaku ably demonstrates that the existence of higher dimensions and hyperspace is well grounded in scientific principles.
Today's theoretical physicists have clearly defined hyperspace, introduced the existence of "wormholes" or tunnels between dimensions, alternate universes and, again theoretically, have postulated access to both the past and the future.
Most of these physicists are searching for ways to access hyperspace by a mechanical, third dimensional means.

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But history relates that there has been an abundance of people who, through their minds, have had the potential, sometimes developed into ability, to access higher dimensions. These people have been called prophets, seers, diviners.
Even science fiction writers, such as H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, have shown uncanny knowledge of the future in both their inventions and their writings.

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Multidimensional experiencers, with their long history, may truly represent a new evolutionary development of the human species, forerunners on the evolutionary path.
Although many more multidimensionals will be born beginning in the 1990s, many born in the 1940s are now reaching their full potential. Perhaps the most renowned multidimensional of this century was Albert Einstein. His apparent ability to access regions beyond the third dimension brought in a new physics and opened the door to the development of much of today's technology.

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One multidimensional we interviewed explains, "The message I related to you was given to me by these impulses that are difficult to perceive, as our current condition and language interfere with meaning. "As I visualized the need for a new energy source, it was shown visually, interpreted poetically and named in linear fashion for integration into third dimensional use."

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Multidimensionals know that they see, feel and experience dimensions in addition to, and very different from, the every-day third-dimensional world.
Advanced concepts often come to multidimensionals in the form of a universal communication system, carried by light frequencies, seen as visions, symbols, colors, numbers, or heard through unusual and not yet understood sound mechanisms.

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One multidimensional we interviewed explained: "The message I related to you was given to me by these impulses that are difficult to perceive, as our current condition and language interfere with their meaning.
"As I visualized the need for a new energy source, it was shown visually, interpreted poetically, and named in linear fashion for integration into third-dimensional use."

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Once properly understood, nurtured and cultivated, multidimensionals have much to offer humanity. They are the forerunners of a new world.

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But being on the frontier often has pitfalls.
Their experiences are often difficult to verbalize for there is little common ground with third dimensional reality. The translation of these experiences is one of the most difficult challenges encountered.
Yet, those multidimensionals who could interpret their findings, such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, were considered the geniuses who changed the world.

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Once multidimensionals understand that they are, indeed, accessing information which exists outside known reality, the second, and perhaps largest, challenge comes in mastering their abilities. Hyperspace is so incredibly vast that there is no limit to the number of space/time continuums that can be accessed.
A multidimensional might access, say, the fifth or higher dimensions, or, they could travel inside the very atoms of the third-dimensional reality.
The complexities of knowing their exact location within hyperspace are overcome with training and diligent effort. The position in hyperspace dictates both what will be encountered and how it should be interpreted.

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Many multidimensionals see other beings, intelligences in hyperspace, and worlds different from Earth - as well as seeing symbols, equations, machines, colors.
Due to the high strangeness of hyperspace, each will interpret what they see in terms of their own past experiences and knowledge.
The dimensions are teeming with life forms of all descriptions, from balls of light to very concrete civilizations.

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Carl Jung, in his work on interpretation of dreams identified the symbolic archetypes of the collective unconscious which frequently appear in the dream world.
Time-space has not yet had this type of study. While the mind can comprehend known objects and familiar landscapes, it cannot easily comprehend something that is totally unknown.
When multidimensionals see something that is previously unknown to them, they must expand their concepts to integrate the new information and also be able to correlate this new knowledge to the third dimension.

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Because so much is unknown regarding the phenomena encountered in hyperspace, it is advisable, regardless of religious persuasion, for people to utilize an affirmation when accessing the higher realms.
An affirmation is used as a means of protection for the individual, to attract the right vibrational frequencies and repel the wrong ones. Setting up the right vibrational frequency is important.

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Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences, utilized an excellent affirmation in which he stated that he was more than his physical body, and asked for guidance from higher beings.
Until much more is known about the inhabitants of hyperspace, it is not wise to be open to any and all energies which could be encountered.

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In addition to learning how to locate themselves in hyperspace and to interpret what they are experiencing, multidimensionals integrate these aspects with their third-dimensional selves.
Many multidimensionals are extremely advanced when they are born. Others lives normal, almost ordinary, lives in their early years, until one or more events open the doors within their minds, and they are whisked, totally unprepared, through the dimensional doorway. They have entered the next step in their ability to access hyperspace. People who are born with the awareness of hyperspace capabilities have a much easier time with integration of the experience than those who come into awareness later in life.

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Changing mental focus between dimensions can occur rapidly and is often the result of outside stimuli - a harmonic resonance which can trigger the change of focus, and which can also act as a guide.
This harmonic resonance may come in the form of any number of things (a sound, a word, a flash of light, a sentence, or an event) which acts as the opening key to a specific range of knowledge in hyperspace.

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The shift of mental focus between dimensions and into hyperspace can be random and specific words or key phrases seem to delineate given areas.
Large amounts of information can result when a multidimensional is directed in a definite way to a given area.
The harmonic resonance, or activating mechanism, serves the same function as a query into a computer.
Although there may be unlimited data available, the query sets the parameters for specific information concerning a given topic. These activating mechanisms (or "triggers") can come at any time from anywhere - such as from emotions, written material, TV, other people, etc.

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Tones are one of the most common mechanisms for causing or enabling a person to switch dimensions.
Monroe, for example, was a pioneer in exploring the effects of tones on the human brain and hyperspace experiencing. He discovered that the brain will respond or resonate by producing similar electrical signals when certain types of sound frequencies are heard.

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Alternate or special states of awareness - sleep, tranquillity, etc. - can be produced by hearing a certain sound pattern. A tone is heard with which the brain will resonate, and a corresponding state will ensue.
Monroe discovered that both sides of the brain could be brought into synchronization by the introduction of two tones, one in each ear. He termed this Hemi/sync. [2]

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Spontaneous, or random forms of remote viewing will probably occur in certain multidimensionals. People with natural remote viewing abilities can go to specific locations, but the information they receive is at times random. Multidimensionals often need to interpret what they are seeing and the meaning of the information they obtain, otherwise the information may remain random, incomplete or garbled.

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This differs from Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) methods which are very clearly defined and strictly adhered to, requiring CRVers to have a high degree of discipline.
Dr. H. E. Putoff, Ingo Swann, and others, while working at Stanford Research Institute, researched and developed Controlled Remote Viewing as a model which produced high increases in accuracy and could be taught.
There is no interpretation in CRV. Information obtained by CRV can be corroborated by duplication of results by different viewers and information gained by "on site" inspection.
Remote viewing always focuses on obtaining information concerning a specific place, event or person and CRV was not designed for viewing things which cannot be independently verified, such as the existence of certain discarnate beings.
Those multidimensionals who can incorporate the discipline of Controlled Remote Viewing can benefit greatly from this particular type of remote viewing which takes a year or more of intensive training.

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For multidimensionals, validation of their information is one of the greatest rewards, for validation is one of their most intense needs.
To be a multidimensional is to have very powerful inner resources. But their resources are placed in an awkward and confusing situation when nurturing and subsequent validation is withheld, denied or not possible. They tend to spend hours in telephone conversations with people who are experts in a given field in order to obtain validation of the material they are obtaining in hyperspace.

It is vital to understanding that there are many, many multidimensionals in the world and that this is a human capability. Society has been very reluctant to validate the existence of "paranormal" abilities on any level. Until the world accepted his theories of highly advanced physics, Einstein was considered "mentally deranged" by his scientific peers.

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The social reluctance to validate multidimensional phenomena has resulted in little knowledge regarding common hyperspace experiencing. The knowledge vacuum has also left many of the phenomena unidentified and unknown.
Research regarding human potential conducted (to mention but a few) at Stanford Research Institute, the Monroe Institute, and in many parapsychological research centers, has confirmed that humans possess enormous super-capabilities of all kinds.
Because the human-capability spectrum is so enormous, many of these super-capabilities have not yet begun to be identified, studied or explored.

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Multidimensionals have many well-developed psychic abilities, but not all psychics have developed hyperspace skills.
Multidimensional experiencers differ from people who receive telepathic or mechanically forwarded information from various sources. They access, by direct experiencing, philosophical and technical information, mathematics, and advanced concepts within all the known sciences.

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Gifted psychics are very highly evolved people who are beginning to come into the next stage of evolution, that of multidimensionality with greater awareness.

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Multidimensional children are often born into families who do not, in any measure, understand or appreciate their abilities.
As a result, the young are confused and often rebellious. They are disoriented because they are aware of a world that present society insists does not exist.
As indicated by many accounts, they are put on tranquilizers, or even stronger medication through conventional medical treatment to quiet, among other things, the "inner voice" they insist they hear.

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The knowledge and talents of each child differs.
They tend to speak in terms of mathematics, angles, equations, geometric forms, biological and atomic structures.
They have a grasp of very technical knowledge, especially energy to matter to energy technology. Their abilities often conflict with third-dimensional education systems - and because of this, they sometimes abandon their multidimensionality. They are of the future, doing futuristic work.

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As they get older and begin to understand their nature, there are natural methods which enable multidimensionals to ground and control themselves. Grounding and control are vital tools for integration of the multiple realties.

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Often multidimensional children have a heightened interest in people of other cultures, the environment, nature and wildlife, space and the universe.
They have an advanced sense of the working and order of things, a precocious knowledge generally only obtained in higher education, if available there at all.
As they mature, they are filled with a knowledge that comes forth without any visible external source of input. Parents and peers may not understand the source of this information, and that is part of what sets them apart and makes them feel so strange.

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When multidimensional children start talking, it is sometimes evident that they have memories they cannot make others understand. One such child born in 1993, began speaking at a very early age. However, the language she used was not the language of her parents. Her unknown language had definite form, recognizable sound patterns, and it was very clear she understood that what she was saying had meaning.
By age three she was still slow to form sentences in English, her mother's native language, and mixed in words with her earlier unknown language.

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Multidimensional children often will express themselves in wonderfully colorful and interesting ways.
Andrew Thomas Weaver, who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, at the age of six and a half, wrote and illustrated a book so remarkable his parents printed it in 1994.
Entitled FREEFALL'S FANTASTIC JOURNEY, it begins: "When Asteroid Andrew dreamed at night, he transformed into a photon-blue interplanetary explorer, named FREEFALL. FREEFALL'S aeroballistic hyperbolic navigation guided him to the planet ECHO in the Galileo Galaxy." [3]

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Tomorrow's children will need more public awareness of who they are and what their purpose will be, for there will be many more of these extraordinary individuals coming into the world. Tomorrow's children will need societies' understanding and support of their very special gifts and talents.

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Some multidimensionals have stated that they would rather live a quiet life secluded in the country than to go through the agony of multidimensional experiences.
It is difficult for others to understand how anyone could make that kind of decision. But there is a high percentage of multidimensionals who want this.

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They do not want to be hassled, do not want to go through the struggle and the agony of the experiences in a social environment which does not accept them in the first place.
Because of their lack of intellectual understanding of what they experience, many turn to the self medication of alcohol in order to numb the sensations, both mental and physical.
Others utilize drugs to justify or "normalize" the experience. If others are experiencing something of the same thing, then the feeling of being different or abnormal is lessened -- i.e. everyone "trips" on drugs.
There is often misdiagnosis by the mental health profession. This is especially true of multidimensional children whose parents, teachers and peers do not understand them at all.

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On the other hand, multidimensionals who do not shut down their experiences and perceptions go to higher dimensions and seem to be able to tap resources of knowledge that would normally be identified only with genius -- such as understanding the finer structure of everything around them, whether it be human, biological, nuclear, atomic, or energy.

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In general, our extended research seems to indicate that a statistical increase of multidimensional and hyperspace experience types is taking place. However, this increase is difficult to determine because our sample is limited (as all samples are) and because past assessments of this kind are absent.
Many multidimensionals we have interviewed seem to be aware that an increase of this kind of awareness is taking place - and also that the current influx of multidimensionals is part of a greater plan to help correct the many ills now afflicting planet earth.
A new breed of highly sophisticated scientists, incorporating a spiritual awareness and fully utilizing the potential of the human mind, is the greatest hope of salvation from nuclear holocaust or complete environmental collapse - and possibly of future problems unknown today.

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In essence, multidimensionals represent:

A revolutionary paradigm shift in what constitutes "reality."

An evolutionary leap for humanity.

An opening of doors to advanced human mind potential.

An unlimited potential for new, pure energy, technology.

Most importantly, multidimensionals are living examples of the ultimate paradigm shift from materialism to mentalism because they have consciously converted material, third dimensional, controlled and limited, information transmission systems to unlimited, cosmic information transmission systems.

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What multidimensionals are NOT is NON-human beings. They are fully human in all regards, but have accessed levels of awareness in themselves others are discouraged from discovering and experiencing.
In other words, they are prototypes of larger human potential. They are examples of the old adage, "Anything is possible, if you know how."
The multidimensionals know and share the "how" of tapping in to cosmic information transmission systems.

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Although challenged by many scientists, the "100th monkey" syndrome was documented and theoretically established when simultaneous, spontaneous behavioral changes in monkeys occurred across distinct island chains after the 100th monkey "learned" the initial behavior.
In his book YOUR NOSTADRAMUS FACTOR, Ingo Swann indicated: "In short, so the theory goes, if a hundred monkeys learn something, all monkeys will soon acquire this knowing even in the absence of any sensory contacts with the learned monkeys. [An]Unknown form of 'learned transmission' is thought to exist, which would explain all this. Such learning transmission is presumable PSYCHIC, since it is some nonsensory quality.
"Critics say this all bunk, but the facts remain. With a wide expanse of ocean separating them, monkeys learned something in a way that no standard or prevailing explanation can account for. It is rather well known that humans possess psychic states that influence those around them. And there is also a phenomenon of people separated by vast distances 'having the same idea at the same time.'" [4]
Swann further observes that ". . . the hundredth monkey syndrome appears operative in negative as well as positive respects. If a lot of us forget or ignore one of our powers, eventually the rest of us, by 'dis-learning transmissions,' may do so also." [5]

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Multidimensionals CONSCIOUSLY receive information as energy frequency information transmissions.
By so doing, they provide information pertaining to higher (or cosmic) knowledge transmission systems -- as opposed to materialistic, third-dimensional, hardware requiring transmission systems containing and perpetuating only third-dimensional information and knowledge.

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Multidimensionals have shown that "cosmic" light, including sunlight, is the ultimate cosmic information transmission system.
Earth has always received cosmic information transmissions. Humans have always received cosmic energy knowledge transmissions, but have repressed this knowledge from conscious awareness, relegating cosmic information input to deeply buried mind dynamics of the subconscious.
Successful multidimensionals have simply eradicated the barriers between conscious and subconscious inputs. They have opened pathways between the two mind centers and expanded their 5 to 15 per cent conscious awareness factor by an untold amount.

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Human minds (conscious awareness) have been stuck or blocked into a "dis-learning" mindset which has short-circuited the potential of human mind functioning. Successful multidimensionals make adjustments necessary to unlock the mindset - and, once free from that state of non-awareness - can access higher dimensions. Their abilities to do this formulate a knowledge transmission system characterized by different mind frequencies.

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Another mind-dynamic associated with the 100th monkey syndrome concerns qualitative phenomena as contrasted to only quantitative phenomena.
Perhaps it was not that 100 monkeys projected a particular learning transmission frequency.
One clear frequency, accompanied in concert by supporting frequencies with the same information loads, would be capable of being received across great distances and synchronizing the thought patterns of others, bringing the learning transmission to conscious action.

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Conversely, accomplished multidimensionals, emanating learning transmission frequencies could effect individuals they come into contact with, and, in concert, could reach millions, who, acting in the learning transmission themselves, could also access the dimensional pathways.

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Individual conscious awareness of mind blocks incorporated with a conscious internal search for the learning transmission - rather than the dis-learning transmissions - are keys that allow the mind to expand.

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The importance of breaking free of the third-dimensional mind blocks is, very simply, that humans have radically altered the planet's environment without radically altering themselves on a conscious mental level.
The result is a quest for material comfort and the irrational utilization of earth's resources in this pursuit, and it has already caused irreparable damage.

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If humanity continues in perpetuating the current destructive mindsets, the earth CANNOT continue to support human life.
The blocked mindsets do not allow this knowledge of earth's inability to support burgeoning human life to become readily apparent - due to an inherent belief system that "life will always continue this way."

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According to statistics published by the National Audubon Society and the Overpopulation Committee International, the human population was about 2.5 billion during the 1950s, and which was near the top end of earth's healthy carrying capacity. World population will exceed 10 billion by 2010 and reach 15 to 25 billion somewhere between 2020 and 2040, an increase of over 75 per cent beyond earth healthy and safe carrying capacity. [6]

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Whether multidimensional or not, those who have escaped the mind blocks can see the rapidly approaching end of material resources. Humans are decimating those resources at an astronomical rate. When earth's resources are exhausted, all that will be left is the damage.

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The obvious question now becomes: "How does a multidimensional vantage point contribute solutions to the many environmental and human ills (disease, starvation, war)?

It must be comprehended that the environmental and human predicaments are a product of blocked mindsets which cause the lack of knowledge of MATTER FIRST BEING PURE ENERGY; of the human mind effects on pure energy; a mis-utilization of pure energy; and ignorance of the effects of the energy created when the energy of matter is changed.

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MATTER FIRST BEING PURE ENERGY: Everything which exists was first an idea (pure energy). Then material matter (formed energy) was acquired, with the (energy formed idea of) money, work, time and effort. The creation was then "made" by assembling the matter in a certain structure, with the structure being "the end product", without regard to the potential of the transformed energy, except as more matter (i.e. profit or consumer goods). The third-dimensional dynamic is matter to matter, not energy to matter to energy.

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THE HUMAN MIND AFFECTS IN PURE ENERGY: Humans constantly create energy forms in their minds by means of their thoughts. Mind blocks misinform that these thoughts are self-contained within the mind and "go nowhere". This constitutes the greatest fallacy of the mind blocks. It has been proven over and over again in all the scientific disciplines from nuclear physics to astronauts sending messages from the Moon to earth that thoughts have a definite physical impact on and over matter.

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MIS-UTILIZATION OF PURE ENERGY: Because of the belief system that thoughts "go nowhere", the prevailing thought forms of a negative nature are negatively impacting all of Earth. Negative thought output adversely effects all life forms because of information exchange frequencies of which most humans remain unaware, but are constantly producing.

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LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE EFFECTS OF THE ENERGY CREATED WHEN THE ENERGY OF MATTER IS CHANGED: Massive experiments and testing of weapons has occurred world wide. Scientists DO NOT KNOW the long-term effects these experiments and tests will have on the planet and all life forms. These tests continue - despite vast amounts of scientific documentation and research on the detrimental effects of nuclear radiation, electromagnetic pollution and the admitted depletion of the ozone layer. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) on the northern slopes of Alaska includes experiments in ionosphere heating of hitherto unknown magnitude and the bouncing of dangerous electromagnetic waves off the ionosphere to earth. [7]

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The mindset of materialism - which has been the one-dimensional method of information transmission causing so much destruction - can be reversed.
Access to a technology not locked into third-dimensional realities, a technology not blocked by third-dimensional mindsets, could restructure human focus and activity and work to restore earth environment.

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Consider the following two charts representing multidimensionality and non-multidimensionality (3-D dimensionality only).


Access to........> Unlimited........> Clear........> Clear........> Future
pure access to vision action positive
information higher of on results:
transmissions. order energy energy Positive
information. to to utilization
matter matter of energy
to to to matter
energy. energy. to energy.


Generated......> Limited...........> Vision.......> Status Quo.> Short term
3-D access of what action focus
material controlled control of depletion
information by deems fit matter of existing
system. blocked to fulfill to matter.
mindsets. self matter. Negative
Mind lock interest. environment
"Secrets" Denial of human
kept. existence impact.
pure energy
and thought

By having unlimited information ACCESS, successful or developed multidimensionals can view energy working and can also trace the energy paths from source to end results.
Thus they can determine positive or negative outcomes of material creation and the procession of the energy-matter change dynamic.

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For example, among the many multidimensionals we have interviewed was a man named Rory who described in several ways the procession of the energy-matter-change dynamic he experienced in healing.
"For example," he indicated, "when working with a horse with a damaged leg, I mentally saw a triangle from the back through the hip area -, through the right leg - going down - with circles at the top and the bottom of the triangle.
"There was puffy flesh around the circles, with three different shades of colors, green, light blue, off-white.
"When I am focusing my healing energy, as the healing takes place, the colors change, turn a different color and it is done.
"I have never associated a particular disease with a particular shape, because there never was any exactness. You have a broken bone, another person has a broken bone, I would see two completely different shapes, colors. Never any similarity. Never exactly the same shape and color.
"But the spontaneous healing takes place when the energy is mentally applied.
"Each healer visualizes differently, the energy transfer dynamic is the same. Energy to matter to energy (wellness)."

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This is not futuristic science fiction, as Rory and other multidimensionals have demonstrated.
It is the reality available by breaking free from the mind blocks, by being able to access mental energy technology and then applying that technology in third-dimensional physical space.

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Mental energy concepts and multidimensional potentials are every human's innate birthright. To activate that birthright, it must be dug from the graveyard of his own deeply buried, third-dimensional mind blocks.
The multidimensionals have opened the gateways. By their examples, they have set up the information transmission frequency on the highways of the mind - the highways which can lead to freedom from a destructive mind blocks toward a much higher quality of life for all.

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