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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Interiorization Pack
Class IV Grad Check-sheet REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978
(Revisions in this type style)
Interiorization Rundown Series 11
It usually happens that an Interiorization Rundown (also known as Int-Ext RD for Inte-riorization-Exteriorization Rundown) is –
1. Done when not necessary.
2. Is flubbed in R3RA.
3. Is overrun.
The Int buttons must be assessed FIRST, then any reading button or buttons cleared. If a button has read on an MU it must be cleared, then reassessed. If an Int button is validly reading, one does the Int Rundown, per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED.
(Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears would be run instead on The End of Endless Int Re-pair RD as they cannot be run on Dianetics. This rundown is also well suited as a prelimi-nary action for weak or ill pcs who may be unable to run engrams or secondaries. Ref: HCOB 24 Sept 78, Issue I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD.)
If there aren’t any reads on the Int buttons even after Suppress, Inval, Misunderstood and False have been applied to the Int button list, one does NOT do an Int Rundown on the pc as it is unnecessary and classifies as “running an unreading item.”
When this test is omitted you get an unnecessary Int RD being done on a pc.
This will eventually have to be repaired.
When the auditor does not do flubless auditing, errors occur in the auditing itself. These will hang up an Int RD.
It usually happens that an Int RD is overrun. The EP is reached on Flow 2, let us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win.
This will hang up the rundown.
One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on.
Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD.
The Int RD is a simple and precise REMEDY which stabilizes a pc after exteriorizing and permits him to be further audited.
When a pc exteriorizes in session it is the end phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc has not had an Interiorization Rundown, it is vital, in his next session, to check Int (as above) as the first action. All manner of physical and emotional upsets can result, including a high TA, if this step is omitted.
No other auditing is to be done before Int is handled fully or proves to be uncharged upon checking.
One reason unnecessary Int RDs get done is that the Registrar sells one. That makes the Reg a C/S. So the C/S and auditor run it.
Maybe it wasn’t needed.
So if it wasn’t needed it will eventually have to be repaired.
Headaches are a symptom (not every headache is) of a needed or an incorrect Int RD.
The following is the Correction Drill for an Int RD.
Ninety percent of the pcs run on Int need it.
An auditor before being allowed to go near a pc Int RD correction must have:
1. Word cleared the Int RD pack.
2. Must have good TRs.
3. Must be good with a meter.
4. Must know and use the Auditor’s Code.
5. Must have completed the starrate checkouts per Int RD Series 14.
Then he can be trusted to do an Int RD correction.
This is the drill (written by a Class XII auditor for use on Flag):
Drill – Int-Ext Repair No. 1
1. By C/S or prepared list read, Int appears overrun.
2. Auditor: “We’re going to take a look at the subject of going into things and your Int RD.”
3. Auditor: “What was the first time in your auditing that you were willing to go into things?“
4. Auditor establishes by pc answer to above and any further 2WC if (a) a flat point exists in or as a result of auditing (or training), (b) the pc feels the Int RD is unflat (c) the pc has misunderstoods on the RD, or (d) the pc never had any trouble with going in and out of things or being audited after exterior. The pc and auditor are satisfied with what they establish above.
5. If (a) flat point, auditor establishes what the point was. If (b) unflat, the auditor does an Int RD Correction List or L3RF, if needed. If it does turn out that the Int RD was over-run or unnecessary the auditor proceeds per this drill. If (c) misunderstoods, the auditor clears them up with the pc and then finds out if it was overrun, unflat or unnecessary and handles per this drill. If (d) unnecessary, the auditor indicates it was an unnecessary action and gets an F/N.
6. The Int RD was overrun and the flat point has been established per Step 5. The auditor tells the pc, “We’re going to date that point in years, months, etc., ago until something blows off – some mass or energy, etc. I want you to tell me as soon as that happens. Al-right?”
7. If the pc is confused about “blow” the auditor can do a demo by putting his hand on the pc’s arm and taking it away suddenly.
8. When the pc understands what’s expected of him, the auditor establishes the order of magnitude by asking the pc, “Was it years or months ago?”
9. The auditor gets the years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of sec-onds ago to a point when something blows and F/Ns. If the pc gives up on this only then does the auditor meter date the flat point to a blow-F/N.
10. If a big BD occurs and the auditor suspects a blow but the pc will not originate it, the auditor can ask the pc if it blew.
11. If no blow occurs the auditor verifies each part of the date and corrects where necessary to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor then checks for an earlier flat point. If there is one, the auditor dates that point to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor does an L3RF “On your Int RD” and handles fully.
12. When the date has gone to a blow-F/N and the F/N has been indicated the auditor tells the pc, “Now we’re going to spot the exact location where that flat point occurred, until something blows off. I want you to tell me when that happens. Alright?” The auditor is getting the PAST physical universe location.
13. The auditor clears the words stars, planet, galaxy, location, point, if this is the first time Date/Locate is being done on the pc.
14. When the pc understands what’s expected of him the auditor begins the Locate steps.
15. The auditor says, “Point to that location.” The pc points with his finger until he is satis-fied he has the exact direction. Then the auditor goes down the rest of the steps to a blow-F/N.
What galaxy?
What star?
What planet?
What country?
What city?
What street?
What house?
Position on street?
What room?
Distance from front of house?
Where in the room?
How far from each wall?
How far off the floor?
How far from the ceiling?
(NOTE: This step is not rote. Use the questions that apply. For example, if it occurred “next door” you wouldn’t ask “What galaxy?”, etc.)
16. If, while locating, the pc starts running the incident or gives too much “scene” the audi-tor has the pc point again then continues from where he left off on the locate steps.
17. If at some point on these steps the location turns out to be in the middle of the ocean or in a field, etc., the auditor uses available landmarks or reference points to get the loca-tion (i.e. distance from nearest point of land? or distance from the big rock?) down to a blow-F/N.
18. If no blow-F/N, the auditor verifies each part of the Locate step and corrects any neces-sary to a blow-F/N.
19. If the auditor suspects a blow but the pc doesn’t originate it, the auditor asks, “Did something blow?” If the auditor suspects he’s gone past a blow he can check “Did it blow previously?” If so and no F/N the auditor rehabs by asking the pc how long ago that happened and gets the F/N.
20. If no blow after verifying the location, or after checking for an earlier location blow, the auditor then has to do an L3RF “On your Int RD” and handle fully.
NOTE: A blow is a definite manifestation and the pc must say “something blew” or “it disap-peared” or “it’s gone” or “it vanished,” not “I feel lighter.”
The Date/Locate steps must NOT be done robotically. One has to understand the me-chanics of how it’s done and why.
If the pc says “two years ago” on dating, one doesn’t then ask “What galaxy?” on the Locate step, as of course it’s this one. Or what star, etc., either. If you start asking “What galaxy?” on an incident on Earth the pc is thrown back track.
If it happened outside a town in the open you wouldn’t ask what city, house, or street or room, either.
On dating, it’s AGO or it is an actual date. When the pc has it, the auditor doesn’t then alter-is it in sequence. Found by years – months – days – hours – minutes – seconds and fractions, one doesn’t then call it by day, year, month, as it tangles the pc. It’s called back in the same order.
AND in dating one calls the date found back to the pc if there was no instant blow while it was being found. It usually blows on the call of it after it’s known.
AND in locating the same thing occurs. If no blow and it seems correct then the loca-tion is called back to the pc.
The essence of the drill is to bring a pc to PT by erasing the date by spotting and the location by spotting, as the pc is out of PT fixed by both date and location.
If the theory is not understood nobody could do it rotely.
This is a highly precise action to be done smoothly with good TRs. Its results are phe-nomenal.
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