Ask preclear to be three feet behind his head. If stable there, have him be in various
pleasant places until any feeling of scarcity of viewpoints is resolved. Then have him be in
several undesirable places, then several pleasant places then have him be in a slightly dangerous
place, then in more and more dangerous places until he can sit in the center of the Sun. Be sure
to observe a gradient scale of ugliness and dangerousness of places. Do not let the preclear fail.
Then do remaining steps with preclear exteriorized.
Have preclear mock up own body. If he does this easily and clearly, have him mock up
own body until he slips out of it. When he is exteriorized and knows it thoroughly (the
condition of all exteriorization) do STEP I. If his mock-up was not clear, go to STEP III
Have preclear close his eyes and find upper corners of the room. Have him sit there,
not thinking refusing to think of anything, interested only in the corners until he is completely
exteriorized without strain. Then do a spacation (constructing own space with eight anchor
points and holding it stable without effort) and go to STEP I. If preclear was unable to locate
corners of the room easily with his eyes closed, go to STEP IV.
This is an extension of Give and Take processing Test preclear to see if he can get a
mock-up he can see, no matter how vague. Then have him WASTE, ACCEPT UNDER
DURESS, DESIRE and finally be able to take or leave alone each of the items listed below. He
does this with mock-ups or ideas. He must do the sequence of waste -- etc. in the order given
here for each item. He wastes it by having it at remote distances in places where it will do no
good, being used or done or observed by something which cannot appreciate it. When he is
able to waste it in vast quantities the auditor then has him accept it in mock-up form until he no
longer is antagonistic to having to accept it even when it is unpleasant and great force is applied
to make him take it. Again, with mock-ups, he must be able to bring himself to desire it even in
its worst form then, by mock-ups of it in its most desirable form he must come to be able to
leave it entirely alone or take it in its worst form without caring. EXPANDED GITA remedies
contra-survival abundance and scarcity. It will be found that before one can accept a very scarce
(to him) thing, he has to give it away. A person with a milk allergy must be able to give away,
in mock-up, enormous quantities of milk, wasting it, before he can accept any himself. The
items in this list are compounded of several years of isolating what factors were more important
to minds than others. The list lacks very few of the very important items, if any. Additions to
or subtractions from this list should not be attempted. Viewpoint, Work and Pain should be
heavily and often stressed and given priority.
Waste, Have forced Upon, Desire, Be Able to Give or Take, in that order, each of the
following: (Order of items here is random.) Viewpoint, Work, Pain, Beauty, Motion,
Engrams, Ugliness, Logic, Pictures, Confinement, Money, Parents, Blackness, Police, Light,
Explosions, Bodies, Degradation, Male Bodies, Female Bodies, Babies, Children Male,
Children Female, Strange and Peculiar Bodies, Dead Bodies, Affinity (Love), Agreement,
Beautiful Bodies, People, Attention, Admiration, Force, Energy, Lightning, Unconsciousness,
Problems, Antagonism, Reverence, Fear, Objects, Time, Eating Human Bodies, Sound, Grief,
Beautiful Sadness, Hidden Influences, Hidden Communications, Doubts, Faces, Dimension
Points, Anger, Apathy, Ideas, Enthusiasm, Disagreement, Hate, Sex, Reward, Eating Parents,
Eaten by Mother, Eaten by Father, Eating Men, Eaten by Men, Eating Women, Eaten by
Women, Start, Broken Communications, Written Communications, Stillness, Exhaustion,
100.Stopping Motion Women, Changing Motion Women, Changing Motion Men, Changing
Motion Babies, Changing Motion Children, Starting Motion Men, Starting Motion Women,
Starting Motion Children, Starting Motion Objects, Starting Motion Self, Omens, Wickedness,
Forgiveness, Play, Games, Sound, Machinery, Touch, Traffic, Stolen Goods, Stolen Pictures,
Homes, Blasphemy, Caves, Medicine, Glass, Mirrors, Pride, Musical Instruments, Dirty
Words, Space, Wild Animals, Pets, Birds, Air, Water, Food, Milk, Garbage, Gases, Excreta,
Rooms, Beds, Punishment, Boredom, Confusion, Soldiers, Executioners, Doctors, Judges,
Psychiatrists, Alcoholic Liquor, Drugs, Masturbation, Rewards, Heat, Cold, Forbidden
Things, God, The Devil, Spirits, Bacteria, Glory, Dependence, Responsibility, Wrongness,
Rightness, Insanity, Sanity, Faith, Christ, Death, Rank, Poverty, Maps, Irresponsibility,
Greetings, Farewells, Credit, Loneliness, Jewels, Teeth, Genitalia, Complications, Help,
Pretense, Truth, Lies, Assurance, Contempt, Predictability, Unpredictability, Vacuums, White
Clouds, Black Clouds, Unattainables, Hidden Things, Worry, Revenge, Textbooks, Kisses,
The Past, The Future, The Present, Arms, Stomachs, Bowels, Mouths, Cigarettes, Smoke,
Urine, Vomit, Convulsions, Saliva, Flowers, Semen, Blackboards, Fireworks, Toys,
Vehicles, Dolls, Audiences, Doors, Walls, Weapons, Blood, Ambitions, Illusions, Betrayal,
Ridicule, Hope, Happiness, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Suns, Planets, Moons,
Sensation, Looking, Incidents, Waiting, Silence, Talking, Knowing, Not Knowing, Doubts,
Fac One, Remembering, Forgetting, Auditing, Minds, Fame, Power, Accidents, Illnesses,
Approval, Tiredness, Faces, Acting, Drama, Costumes, Sleep, Holding Things Apart, Holding
Things Together, Destroying Things, Sending Things Away, Making Things Go Fast, Making
Things Appear, Making Things Vanish, Convictions, Stability, Changing People, Silent Men,
Silent Women, Silent Children, Symbols of Weakness, Symbols of Force, Disabilities,
Education, Languages, Bestiality, Homosexuality, Invisible Bodies, Invisible Acts, Invisible
Scenes, Accepting Things Back, Games, Rules, Players, Restimulation, Sexual Restimulation,
Space Reduction, Size Reduction, Entertainment, Cheerfulness, Freedom for Others to Talk,
Act, Feel Pain, Be Sad, Thetans, Personalities, Cruelty, Organizations, TRY FIRST: Healthy
Bodies, Strong Bodies, Good Perception, Good Recall.
WARNING: Should your preclear become unstable or upset doing this process take
him to STEP VI. Then return to this list.
COMMENT: The mind is sufficiently complicated that it can be expected to have
computations on almost all the above. Thus there is no single clearing button and search for it is
at the dictate of a circuit, the mechanism of circuits being to search for something hidden. Thus,
your preclear may begin to compute and philosophize and seek to find the ‘button’ that will
release all this. All this releases all the buttons so tell him to relax and go on with the process
every time he starts to compute.
NOTE: Running the above will bring to the surface without further attention the
‘computation on the case’ and the service facsimile. Do not audit these. Run EXPANDED
Have preclear, with his body’s eyes, study and see the difference between similar real
objects such as the two legs of a chair, the spaces between the back, two cigarettes, two trees,
two girls. He must see and study the objects. It is not enough to remember the objects. The
definition of a CASE V is ‘no mock-ups, only blackness’. Have him continue this process
until he is alert. Use liberally and often.
Then exteriorize by having the preclear close his eyes and move actual places on Earth
under him, preferably places he has not been. Have him bring these up to him. Find two
similar things in the scene and observe the difference between them. Move him over oceans
and cities until he is certain that he is exteriorized.
Then, preferably while exteriorized, have him do STEP I.
101.This case has to know before he can be. His viewpoint is in the past. Give him present
time viewpoints until he is a STEP I by the methods given for STEP V.
(COMMENT: PRESENT TIME DIFFERENTIATION is a very good general technique
and resolves chronic somatics and improves tone.)
Assume other people’s viewpoints as a drill -- not what they think about things, but as
they look at things in the material universe. Attempt to be in the location of a leaf, blade of
grass, car headlamp, etc., and view the universe.
ARC STRAIGHT WIRE using next to last list of Self Analysis in Scientology which
asks preclear to recall something really real to him, etc. Then use the list in Self Analysis. This
level is the neurotic. It is identified by the preclear having mock-ups which will not persist or
which won’t go away. Use also PRESENT TIME DIFFERENTIATION. Then go to STEP
IV. At any drop in tone, return case to STEP VI.
STEP VII -- PSYCHOTIC CASES (whether in or out of body).
The psychotic appears to be in such desperate straits that the auditor often errs in
thinking desperate measures are necessary. Use the lightest possible methods. Give case space
and freedom where possible. Have psychotic imitate (not mock up) various things. Have him
do PRESENT TIME DIFFERENTIATION. Get him to tell the difference between things by
actual touch. Have him locate, differentiate and touch things that are really real to him (real
objects or items). If inaccessible, mimic him with own body, whatever he does, until he comes
into communication. Have him locate corners of the room and hold them without thinking. As
soon as his communication is up go to STEP VI, but be very sure he changes any mock-up
around until he knows it is a mock-up, that it exists, and that he himself made it. Do not run
engrams. He is psychotic because viewpoints in present time are so scarce that he has gone into
the past for viewpoints which at least he knew existed. By PRESENT TIME
DIFFERENTIATION, by tactile on objects, restore his idea of an abundance of viewpoint in
present time. If he has been given electric shock, do not process it or any other brutality. Work
him for very brief periods, for his attention span is short. Always work psychotics with
another auditor or a companion present.
NOTE: All steps for all cases. If in doubt as to condition of case, test with STEP VI.
NOTE: An operating thetan must also be able to manufacture particles of admiration and
force in abundance.
(Any alterations in SOP 8 will appear in appendices as they are expected to be minor
and to make no radical change in the design of the steps in general.)
The Operating Thetan must be able to manufacture and experience to his complete
satisfaction all sensations including pain in mock-up form, and all energies such as admiration
and force. It will be found that some STEP I cases will not be able to manufacture admiration
Be very careful not to make a lower step preclear, while still in a body, mock up his
own body too long. Any mock-up will appear if it is simply put there often enough and long
enough -- providing the preclear doesn’t spin in the process. The long term manufacture of
mock-ups of one’s own body and of admiration may not produce quite the results expected --
communication lines which should remain shut may open with bad results. These lines that are
shut appear like hard, black cords to the preclear.
There are two types of techniques in general, POSITIVE GAIN and NEGATIVE
GAIN, as defined in the above text. POSITIVE GAIN can be administered in unlimited
amounts without harm. NEGATIVE GAIN techniques such as the reduction of engrams and
locks, double-terminalling, black and white, are often limited in the length of time they can be
given. After a few hundred hours of early type auditing the case could be found to slump.
Thus we have in POSITIVE GAIN the unlimited technique which improves the analytical
In NEGATIVE GAIN we have a limited (in terms of the time it can be audited)
technique. In SOP 8 the following steps and processes may be audited without limit: STEP I,
STEP III, STEP V, STEP VI, STEP VII. The following steps are limited and should not be
audited many hours without changing to another type (unlimited) for a while, after which the
following steps could be resumed: STEP II, STEP IV.
The following steps can be used on groups: STEP III, STEP V part I and part 2, STEP
The anatomy of maybe consists of uncertainties and is resolved by the processing of
certainties. It is not resolved by the processing of uncertainties.
An uncertainty is held in suspense solely because the preclear is holding on so hard to
certainties. The basic thing he is holding on to is ‘I have a solution’ ‘I have no solution’. One
of these is positive, the other is negative. A complete positive and a complete negative are alike
a certainty. The basic certainty is ‘There is something’ ‘There is nothing’. A person can be
certain there is something he can be certain there is nothing.
‘There is something’ ‘There is nothing’ resolves chronic somatics in this order. One
gets the preclear to have the center of the somatic say ‘There is something here’, ‘There is
nothing here’. Then he gets the center of the somatic to say ‘ There is something there’, ‘There
is nothing there’. Then the auditor has the preclear say towards the somatic ‘There is something
there’, ‘There is nothing there’. And then he gets the preclear to say about himself ‘ There is
something here’, ‘There is nothing here’. This is a very fast resolution of chronic somatics.
Quite ordinarily three or four minutes of this will resolve an acute state and fifteen or twenty
minutes of it will resolve a chronic state.
This matter of certainties goes further. It has been determined by my recent
investigations that the reason behind what is happening is the desire of a cause to bring about
an effect. Something is better than nothing, anything is better than nothing. If you will match
terminals in brackets ‘There is nothing’ you will find that a lot of your preclears become very
ill. This should be turned around into ‘There is something’.
The way one does Matched Terminals is to have the preclear facing the preclear or his
father facing his father. In other words, two of each of anything, one facing the other. These
two things will discharge one into the other, thus running off the difficulty. By bracket we
mean, of course, running this with the preclear putting them up as himself as though they were
put up by somebody else, the somebody else facing the somebody else, and the matched
terminal again put up by others facing others.
The clue to all this is positive and negative in terms of certainties. The positive plus the
negative in conflict make an uncertainty. A great number of combinations of things can be run.
Here’s a list of the combinations:
The button behind sex is ‘I can begin life anew’, ‘I cannot begin life anew’, ‘I can make
life persist’, ‘I cannot make life persist’, ‘I can stop life’, ‘I cannot stop life’, ‘I can change
life’, ‘I cannot change life’, ‘I can start life’, ‘I cannot start life’.
A very effective process ‘Something wrong --’, ‘Nothing wrong --’ with ‘you, me,
they, my mind, communication, various allies’.
A very basic resolution of the lack of space of an individual is to locate these people and
these objects which you’ve been using as anchor points such as father, mother and so forth and
putting them into matched terminal brackets with this: ‘There is father’, ‘There is no father’,
‘There is grandfather’, ‘There is no grandfather’. In the compulsive line this can be changed to
‘There must be no father’, ‘There must be a father’. One takes all the allies of an individual and
runs them in this fashion.
The basic law underneath this is that a person becomes the effect of anything upon
which he has had to depend. This would tell you immediately that the sixth dynamic, the MEST
universe, is the largest dependency of the individual. This can be run out, but then any dynamic
can be run out in this fashion. ‘There is myself’, ‘There is no self’ and so on up the dynamics.
‘(Any dynamic) is preventing me from communicating’, ‘(Any dynamic) is not preventing me
104.from communicating’ is intensely effective. Any such technique can be varied by applying the
sub-zero scale as found in Scientology 8-8008 which is also to be found in an earlier issue of
the Journal of Scientology.
One runs any certainty out because he knows that between this certainty there is an
opposite negative certainty and that between these lies a maybe, and that the maybe stays in
suspense in time. The basic operation of the reactive mind is to solve problems. It is based on
uncertainties about observation. Thus one runs out certainties of observation. The MEST
general shotgun technique would have to do with ‘There is sex’, ‘There is no sex’, ‘There is
force’, ‘There is no force’. This could be run, of course, in terms of matched terminal brackets
or even as concepts, but one must not neglect to run the overt act phenomenon, which is to say
getting somebody else getting the concept.
The processing out of certainties would then embrace ‘I have a solution’, ‘There is no
solution’. These two opposite ends would take care of any individual who was hung on the
track with some solution, for that solution had its opposite. People who have studied medicine
begin by being certain that medicine works and end by being certain that medicine doesn’t
work. They begin by studying psychology on a supposition that it is the solution, and finish
up believing that it is not the solution. This also happens to superficial students of Dianetics
and Scientology, thus one should also run ‘Dianetics is a solution’, ‘Dianetics is not the
solution’. This would get one off the maybe on the subject.
We are essentially processing communications systems. The entire process of auditing
is concentrated upon withdrawing communications from the preclear as predicated on the basis
of the body and that the preclear cannot handle communications. Thus ‘The preclear can handle
communications’, ‘The preclear cannot handle communications’ is a shotgun technique which
resolves maybes about his communications.
An intensely interesting aspect of Certainty Processing is that it shows up intimately
where the preclear is aberrated.
Here is the overall basic technique. One runs ‘There is --’, ‘There is not --’ the
following: Communications, Talk, Letters, Love, Agreement Sex, Pain, Work, Bodies,
Minds, Curiosity, Control Enforcement, Compulsion, Inhibition, Food, Money, People,
Ability, Beauty, Ugliness, Presents, and both the top and bottom of the Chart of Attitudes,
positive and negative in each one.
Basic in all this is the urge of the preclear to produce an effect, so one can run ‘I can
produce an effect upon mama’, ‘I cannot produce an effect upon mama’, and so forth for all
allies and one will resolve the fixations of attention on the part of the preclear. Thus fixations of
attention are resolved by Certainty Processing, processing out the production of effect.
One can occasionally, if he so desires, process the direct center of the maybe, which is
to say doubt itself, in terms of Matched Terminals. This, however, is risky for it throws the
preclear into a general state of doubt.
The key to any such processing is the recovery of viewpoints. ‘I can have grandfather’s
viewpoint’, ‘I cannot have grandfather’s viewpoint’ and so on, particularly with sexual
partners, will prove intensely interesting on a case. ‘There are viewpoints’, ‘There are no
viewpoints’, ‘I have a viewpoint’, ‘I don’t have a viewpoint’, ‘Blank has a viewpoint’, ‘Blank
has no viewpoint’ resolves problems.
One should also realize that when one is processing facsimiles, he is processing at one
time energy, sensation and aesthetics. The facsimile is a picture. The preclear is being affected
by pictures mainly, and so ‘There are no pictures’, ‘There are pictures’ forward the case
towards handling pictures, which is to say facsimiles.
105.A person tends to ally himself with somebody whom he considers capable of producing
greater effects than himself, so ‘I, she, he, it can create greater effects’, ‘I, she, he, it can create
no effect’ should be run.
When one is processing, he is trying to withdraw communications. Reach and
Withdraw are the two fundamentals in the action of theta. Must Reach and Can’t Reach, Must
Withdraw and Can’t Withdraw are compulsions which when run in combination, produce the
manifestation of insanity in a preclear.
‘I can Reach’, ‘I can’t Reach’, ‘I can Withdraw’, ‘I can’t Withdraw’ open up into the
fact that remembering and forgetting are dependent upon the ability to reach and withdraw. You
will find that a preclear will respond to ‘You must’ or ‘You can’, ‘You must not’, ‘You
cannot’, ‘There is’, ‘There is not’ forgetting and remembering.
The only reason a person is hanging on to a body or facsimile is that he has lost his
belief in his ability to create. The rehabilitation of this ability to create is resolved, for instance,
in a person who has had an ambition to write with ‘I can write’, ‘I cannot write’ -- and so
forth. The loss of this creative ability made the person hang on to what he had. The fact that a
preclear has forgotten how to, or no longer can himself generate force makes him hold on to
stores of force. These are very often mistaken by the auditor for facsimiles. The preclear
doesn’t care for the facsimile, he simply cares for the force contained in the facsimile because
he knows he doesn’t have any force any more.
It should be kept in mind that reaching and withdrawing are intensely productive of
reaction in a preclear. But that preclear who does not respond to REACHING and
WITHDRAWING and certainty thereon, is hung up in a very special condition: he is trying to
prevent something from happening. He also prevents auditing from happening. He has lost
allies, he has had accidents, and he’s hung up at all those points on the track where he feels he
should have prevented something from happening. This is resolved by running ‘I must prevent
it from happening’, ‘I cannot prevent it from happening’, ‘I must regain control’, ‘I must lose
all control’.
Blackness is the desire to be an effect and the inability to be cause. ‘I can create
grandfather (or ally)’, ‘I cannot create grandfather (or ally)’ solves scarcity of allies. ‘I want to
be aware’, ‘I want no awareness’ is a technique which is basic in attitudes. Run this as others,
in Matched Terminal Brackets or in EXPANDED GITA.
Certainty there is a past, Certainty there is no past Certainty there is a future, Certainty
there is no future Certainty it means something else, Certainty it does not mean anything else
Certainty there is space, Certainty there is no space Certainty there is energy, Certainty there is
no energy Certainty there are objects, Certainty there are no objects.
106.SHORT 8
This is a short form of STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 8 of Scientology 8-
8008. It can be used on any preclear without any survey of the case and will not get him into
any difficulties and should resolve his various computations. This can also be used on groups.
Just do the lettered steps in order.
(A) Next to last in Self Analysis Remembering Something Real etc., until auditor is
certain preclear has and can do so easily. In a group ask for a show of hands the moment
something real is recalled. Take those hands that went up in a couple of seconds and use them
for the rest of this. Take the no-hands or slow hands as a special group under somebody else
and simply drill them on this step until their speed is well up. Then put them back into the main
group, or keep all in one group and so on.
(B) Examine and compare two similar MEST objects or spaces and tell the difference.
Keep this up for at least 20 minutes. It can be kept up for hours with astonishing case
for 20 minutes or an hour until preclear or group shows signs of relief or amusement.
(D) Run next to the last list of Self Analysis for five minutes.
(E) Run DUPLICATION. This process is the basis of making facsimiles. Have preclear
or group look at a MEST object, then have him or them mock up a mock-up similar to it but
beside it. Have the MEST object and the mock-up compared to tell the difference. Some people
get none of the duplicates for quite a while but will eventually. Some start making much fancier
objects of the same sort. In any result, keep this up for 20 minutes.
(F) Have preclear or group close eyes and locate the corners of the room behind them
and keep interested in those corners and not thinking for several minutes.
(G) Have preclear or group move MEST scenery under them individually but at the
command of the auditor. The scenery is, preferably, that not before viewed by the preclear or
preclears. Don’t let them invalidate what they see. This is Exteriorization by Scenery. Keep up
for 20 minutes.
(H) Do next to last list of Self Analysis 5 minutes.
(I) Examine and compare two present time objects.
(J) Have one of the members go to the window and look out of the window. Have the
remainder of the group assuming his Viewpoint to see what he sees out of the window. Do this
for 10 minutes.
(K) Start at beginning again and use list over and over. What they waste each time
through can be changed to work and anchor points. Avoid pain with this Short 8. Run ‘healthy
bodies’ for it instead.
SOP 8 is a professional auditor technique which deals with the problems of the reactive
mind. SOP 8 from STEP IV down and including STEP IV is a professional auditor technique.
SHORT EIGHT is done by someone who has been trained, preferably by a professional
auditor. It can be done on a group no matter how large. SELF ANALYSIS IN
SCIENTOLOGY is a group technique aimed at the rehabilitation of one’s own universe so as to
bring it up to a level of comparability with one’s observations of the MEST universe, and can
be delivered to groups of children or adults by a person trained only through the text of SELF
107.ANALYSIS IN SCIENTOLOGY. Associates have courses in group auditing which are given
free of charge and which consist of six hours of tape lectures by L. Ron Hubbard on the
administration of SELF ANALYSIS IN SCIENTOLOGY and the general techniques of group
Scientology, the science of knowing how to know, has been developed for various
applications in the field of human experience.
Where it is utilized by skilled persons to enhance the personal ability and knowledge of
others, a recommended process is Standard Operating Procedure 8 C.
SOP 8-C was developed after almost a year of observing SOP 8 in action in other hands
than mine, and after observing the frailties and talents of human auditors. SOP 8-C might be
called SOP 8 modified for clinical, laboratory, and individual human applications.
The goal of the system of operation is to return to the individual his Knowledge, Skill
and Knowingness, and to enhance his perception, his reaction time and serenity.
It is entirely incidental that SOP 8-C is effective on ‘psycho-somatic’ illness, on human
aberration and social difficulties. It is not the intent or purpose of Scientology to repair. The
science is a creative science. If the fact that human illness, disability and aberration uniformly
cease to be, because of Scientology, the effect is not intended to be primary and the goal of
SOP 8-C is not their remedy. Indeed if SOP 8-C is used to remedy these only, it fails as a
system. SOP 8-C succeeds only when it is addressed towards higher knowingness and
beingness -ironically, in using it, human ills vanish only when the Auditor concentrates on the
goals of the system and neglects the obvious physical disabilities of the preclear.
In that one creates that which one concentrates upon, a treatment of illness which
validates it in treatment will always tend to be unsuccessful.
SOP 8-C was the subject of the Camden Indoctrination Course B, from 16 November
to 23 December, as well as the subject of the Phoenix International Congress of 28 December
Specifically, the use of these processes obtain, when correctly used, without further
evaluation for, or indoctrination of the preclear, the knowledge that he is not a body, that he is a
creative energy-production unit, and demonstrates to him his purposes and abilities.
This energy-space production unit we call a ‘thetan’, that being a coined word taken
from a mathematical symbol, the Greek letter ‘theta’. This is the preclear. One does not send
‘one’s thetan’ anywhere. One goes as a thetan. When a preclear is detected being in one place
and finding ‘his thetan’ in another (‘I’m over there’) he is not exteriorized. To be ‘exteriorized’
the preclear must be certain that he is outside his body. An uncertain ‘exteriorization’ requires
more work before it becomes an exteriorization.
SOP 8-C brings about a condition designated as ‘theta clear’. This is a relative, not an
absolute term. It means that the person, this thought unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his
facsimiles, but can handle and safely control a body.
The state of Operating Thetan is higher than Theta Clear and means that the person does
not need a body to communicate or Work. It is accomplished with SOP 8-C.
The highest theory of SOP 8-C is that the being is engaged upon a game called Physical
Universe. This is a game requiring barriers, which is to say, walls, planets, time and vast
distances (which last two are also barriers). In engaging upon this game he has at last become
so conscious of barriers that he is limited in his actions and thoughts. He thinks, in the case of
homo sapiens, that he is a body (a barrier) hemmed in by vast distances (barriers) and pinned in
a time-stream (a system of moving barriers) so as to reach only the present. These combined
barriers have become so formidable that they are not even well-perceived, but from being
109.strong have become unreal to him. The matter is further complicated by ‘invisible barriers’ such
as the eyes or glasses.
In actuality, the thetan is a knowingness, total in a cleared state, who yet can create
space and time and objects to locate in them. He reduces his knowingness only to have action.
Knowingness is reduced by assuming that one cannot know or knows wrongly. Knowingness
is reduced by assuming one must be in certain places to perceive and so know and that one
cannot be in certain places.
Space is, but does not have to be, the first barrier of knowingness. With Scientology
we have the first definition of space -- Space is a viewpoint of dimension. Given a viewpoint
and four, eight or more points to view, one has space. Space is a problem of observation, not
of physics.
There is no question here of whether space, energy or objects are real. Things are as
real as one is certain of their reality. Reality is, here on Earth, agreement as to what is. This
does not prevent barriers, or time from being formidably real. It does not mean either that
space, energy or time are illusions. It is as one knows it is. For one makes, by a process of
continuous automatic duplication, all that one perceives. So much for theory -- in application
this theory obtains results of considerable magnitude in changing beingness.
The thetan is continuously engaged upon cycles of action. The basic cycle of action is
‘Create, resist effects (survive) and Destroy’. This can be stated in various ways: ‘Create an
object, have it resist effects (survive) and then destroy it’. Or, ‘Create a situation, continue it
and change it, and destroy or end it’. When a thetan leaves a cycle which is important to him
unfinished, he tends to strive to finish it elsewhere or later in disrelated circumstances.
Further, he can become overly concentrated upon creating or persistence (surviving) or
upon destroying and so form an unbalanced state of beingness.
Time exists in those things a thetan creates. It is a shift of particles, always making new
space, always at an agreed-upon rate. A thetan does not change in time, but as he can view
particles (objects, spaces, barriers) from many viewpoints, he can consider himself to be in a
‘time-stream’ which he is not. A thetan’s ideas (postulates, commands, beliefs) change
particles change the thetan does not change either in space or in time.
Just as he is making an effort to do something he cannot help but do -survive -- he is
also fighting against doing the only thing he does -- sit fixed in one ‘position’.
The thetan, to produce interest and action, operates as a paradox. He cannot die so he
firmly insists and proves continually that he can die. He never changes location but only views
new locations and constantly lives in horror of being fixed in time and space. Above that, he
knows the past and the future and all of the present, and so fights to obscure the past and guess
the future.
Less theoretically, the individual who is processed is at first, usually, ‘in’ the body and
perceiving with the body’s eyes. When exteriorized (placed ‘three feet back of his head’), he is
actually out of the body and still ‘in’ physical universe space. He can, exteriorized, move about
and be in places just as though he had a body, seeing without eyes, hearing without ears, and
feeling without fingers -- ordinarily better than with these ‘aids’. This is not like ‘astral
walking’ which is done by the individual who ‘sends a body’ or a viewpoint to some other
place and perceives with it. A thetan is as much present where he is as if he were there in body.
He isn’t ‘somebody else’ than the preclear moving dimly about. He is the preclear, he is there.
At first he may be uncertain as to what he is seeing. This faculty becomes better as his ability to
look, hear and feel while exteriorized improves. SOP 8-C improves this perception.
Because the body only perceives what the thetan is perceiving anyway, looking, feeling,
hearing of the body is also better with SOP 8-C but this is only incidental.
110.When a thetan believes too thoroughly he is a body, he is generally unhappy, afraid,
doubts his own (and validates the body’s) existence and worries about his inabilities. When he
is out of the sphere of influence of the body (a very small one) he becomes serene, confident
and knowing. He can handle a body better, can act faster, can recall more and do more while
exteriorized than he can while in a body.
Society, thirsting for more control of more people substitutes religion for the spirit, the
body for the soul, an identity for the individual and science and data for truth. In this direction
lies insanity, increasing slavery, less knowingness, greater scarcity and less society.
Scientology has opened the gates to a better World. It is not a psycho-therapy nor a
religion. It is a body of knowledge which, when properly used, gives freedom and truth to the
It could be said that Man exists in a partially hypnotized state. He believes on other-determinism
in many things, to his detriment, He will be as well as he is self-determined. The
processes of Scientology could be described as methods of ‘unhypnotizing’ men to their own
freer choice and better life.
This process is designed to be administered by one person (the Auditor) to another (the
SOP 8-C is first used step by step from STEP I on until the person to whom it is
addressed knows he is back of his head and no longer in the body. If the preclear is very
difficult to exteriorize, the person should be referred to an Auditor trained at the HASI Clinical
Center (for there are special methods of exteriorization for difficult cases which are contained in
but are not at once visible in SOP 8-C). The first three steps are exteriorization steps. They
should be repeated over and over until certain exteriorization takes place.
The Auditor can go through the first steps many times one after the other with the
preclear until exteriorization occurs. Doing STEPS IV to VII on a person not exteriorized
should be minimized. (Earlier SOP’s used all seven steps for exteriorization, a practice not
followed in SOP 8-C where only the first three steps are used.)
When the preclear has exteriorized one then begins again with STEP I and continues to
STEP VII in order with the preclear exteriorized. Here in SOP 8-C, the emphasis is upon an
exteriorized thetan. When the Auditor has taken the exteriorized preclear thoroughly, and
correctly through STEPS I to VII at least twice, one has then what may be considered a theta
To repeat, one uses SOP 8-C STEPS I to III in that order. On one of these, the first
time through, the majority of people exteriorize with certainty. As soon as exteriorization takes
place, the Auditor starts with STEP I again, does it thoroughly on the exteriorized preclear,
then the Auditor applies STEP II thoroughly and so on until all seven are done.
The Auditor knows when the preclear exteriorizes by asking him or by the preclear
volunteering the information.
CAUTION: Do not ask the preclear to look at his body.
If the preclear fails to exteriorize sometime during the first three steps, the Auditor
should simply do them again. If the preclear fails the second time, the Auditor patiently goes
through them a third time, and so on. If the matter then seems too difficult, contact an Auditor
trained during late 1954 at London, by the HASI itself.
The least possible result in going over these first three steps many times will be a
considerably bettered condition of the preclear, superior to all past results. Only a very few
preclears fail to exteriorize after STEPS I to III have been several times repeated.
CAUTION: Although this process is as foolproof as it can be made, it can be
maliciously used in this wise -- by giving the preclear constant losses -by giving him no chance
to win -- by bullying him -- by evaluating for him -by insisting he is ‘outside’ when he is not --
by invalidating him -- by pretending to see him or his mock-ups or saying that one does if he
(10 minutes to two hours -- with MEST body.)
(A) Send preclear to exact places in room, one place at a time.
(B) Have preclear select places in the room and move to them one at a
time, still under auditor’s direction.
(C) Have preclear drill in physically holding on to and letting go of objects and spaces on his
own decision to hold on, decision to let go.
PRE-LOGIC: Theta orients objects in space and time.
AXIOM: In life experience space becomes beingness.
FORMULA I: Permitting the preclear to discover with certainty where people and things are not
in the present, past and future recovers sufficient orientation to establish his knowledge and
certainty of where he is and they are the application of this is accomplished by negative
orientation of beingness, havingness and doingness on each of eight dynamics in the present,
past and future.
(A) Ask preclear to be three feet back of chair. Ask him for things,
people, which are not giving him directions (orders). For things, persons, he is not giving
orders to. For things, persons, which are not giving directions to other things. Ask preclear for
goals he does not have. For goals others do not have for others. For goals another does not
have for him. For goals he does not have for another. For persons he is not. For animals he is
not. For places where he is not. Where bacteria is not. Where objects are not. For places where
he is not thinking.
NOTE: All of the above are done in ‘brackets’ for present, past, and
(B) If exteriorized. Have him drill while exteriorized into holding on to and letting go of objects
on his specific decision. Ask him to be in places which are safe, dangerous, pleasant,
unpleasant, beautiful, ugly.
AXIOM: In life experience energy becomes doingness.
AXIOM: Compulsive position precedes compulsive thinking.
AXIOM: That which changes the preclear in space can evaluate for him.
FORMULA II: Permit the preclear to discover that he handles bodies and allow him to handle
bodies in mock-ups and actuality and remedy his thirst for attention which he has received by
contagion from bodies.
(A) Have preclear mock up bodies and unmock them. Have him get somethingnesses and
nothing nesses of bodies until he feels better about them. Ask him to be three feet back of
(B) If exteriorized. Have him complete II-A many times and then move body while he is
PRE-LOGIC: Theta creates space and time and objects to locate in them.
DEFINITION: Space is a viewpoint of dimension.
AXIOM: Energy derives from imposition of space between terminals and a reduction and
expansion of that space.
FORMULA III: Permit the preclear to regain his ability to create space and impose it upon
terminals, to remove it from between terminals and to regain his security concerning the
stability of MEST space.
(A) Have preclear hold two back corners of room and not think.
(B) If exteriorized. Have preclear complete spacation.
NOTE: If not exteriorized return to STEP I.
AXIOM: In life experience matter becomes havingness.
OBSERVATION: To a thetan, ANYTHING is better than nothing.
OBSERVATION: Any preclear is suffering from problems of too little havingness and any
reduction of his existing energy, if not replaced, will cause him to drop in tone.
(A) The remedy of problems of havingness is accomplished by creating an abundance of all
(B) As the preclear has rendered automatic his desires and ability to create and destroy, and has
thus placed havingness beyond his control, the Auditor should place in the control of the
preclear his automaticities of havingness and unhavingness and permit him, on his own self-determinism,
to balance his havingness.
(C) How to make havingness: Have preclear put out eight anchor points of size, thus creating a
space. Have him pull in these eight to the center and have him retain the resulting mass. Do this
using large and various objects for anchor points. Do this until he is willing to release such old
energy deposits as engrams and ridges but still continue to make havingness.
Have preclear remedy problems of havingness by mocking up and pulling together sets of eight
anchor points. Do this many times. Do not have him make anchor points explode in this
fashion. Have him save masses thus created. Have preclear adjust anchor points in body.
AXIOM: Space exists by reason of anchor points.
DEFINITION: An anchor point is any particle or mass or terminal.
AXIOM: Energy is derived from mass by fixing two terminals in proximity in space.
AXIOM: Self-determinism is related to the ability to impose space between terminals.
AXIOM: Cause is a potential source of flow.
AXIOM: Effect is a potential receipt of flow.
AXIOM: Communication is the duplication of the receipt point of that which emanated at a
cause point.
AXIOM: Wrongness in terms of flow is inflow.
FORMULA V: The thetan is rehabilitated as to energy and terminals by remedying his
postulates about outflow and inflow and drills relating to the outflow and inflow of energy
according to the above axioms.
(A) Ask preclear for times he could do something. Times when he couldn’t do anything. For
things he can do. For things he can’t do. For things other people can, can’t do. For things
other people can do for others. For things another specific person can’t do for him. For things
he cannot do for another or others.
(B) Ask preclear for objects, actions, persons, ideas he is not destroying. For objects, actions,
persons, ideas he is not making survive (persist). For objects, actions, persons, ideas he is not
creating. Present, past, and future in brackets. (NOTE: Ideas are the most important here, in
(C) Ask preclear for objects, persons, energies, times which are not touching him. Which he is
not touching. Which are not reaching for him. For which he is not reaching. For objects,
persons, times from which he is not withdrawing. Which are not withdrawing from him. In
(D) Ask preclear for sights which will not blind him. For people he will not blind if they see
him. For noises which will not deafen him. For people he will not deafen. For spoken words
that will not hurt him. For spoken words which will not hurt others. In brackets.
(E) Ask preclear for ideas that will not destroy, cause to survive (persist), create, or upset
others. In brackets.
(F) Ask preclear for ideas, sounds, sights that will not fix people or unfix them from specific
(G) Ask preclear for ideas he is not trying to fix in things. For ideas he is not trying to unfix
from things. In brackets.
(H) Have him unmock and mock up terminals and move them together and apart until he can
make them generate currents.
DEFINITION: A symbol is an idea fixed in energy and mobile in space.
FORMULA VI: The thetan who has been moved about by symbols is strengthened by mocking
up and moving about and fixing in space ideas which have formerly moved him.
Have preclear create symbols which mean nothing. Ask PC for ideas he is not trying to
destroy. For ideas he is not trying to make survive (persist). For ideas he is not trying to create.
NOTE: The above are done in brackets. Have him mock up ideas and move them about.
AXIOM: The MEST universe is a game consisting of barriers.
DEFINITION: A barrier is space, energy, object, obstacles, or time.
FORMULA VII: Problems of barriers or their lack are resolved by contacting and penetrating,
creating and destroying, validating and neglecting barriers by changing them or substituting
others for them, by fixing and unfixing attention upon their somethingness and nothingness.
(A) Have preclear reach and withdraw (physically then as himself) from
spaces, walls, objects, times.
(B) Have preclear do six ways to ‘nothing’.
(C) Have him create and destroy barriers.
STEP VIII: DUPLICATION FUNDAMENTAL: The basic action of existence is
LOGIC: All operating principles of life may be derived from duplication.
AXIOM: Communication is as exact as it approaches duplication.
AXIOM: Unwillingness to be cause is monitored by unwillingness to be duplicated.
AXIOM: Unwillingness to be an effect is monitored by unwillingness to duplicate.
AXIOM: An inability to remain in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness to
AXIOM: An enforced fixation in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness to
AXIOM: Inability to duplicate on any dynamic is the primary degeneration of the thetan.
AXIOM: Perception depends upon duplication.
AXIOM: Communication depends upon duplication.
AXIOM: In the MEST universe, the single crime is duplication.
FORMULA VIII: The primary ability and willingness of the thetan to duplicate must be
rehabilitated by handling desires, enforcements and inhibitions relating to it on all dynamics.
(A) Ask preclear for actions, forms and ideas which do, do not, duplicate specific other people.
For actions, forms, ideas by which specific other people do, do not duplicate specific other
people. For actions, forms, ideas of others which do, do not, duplicate him.
(B) Have preclear duplicate physical objects and people and possess himself of duplicates.
(C) Have him make ‘no-duplicates’ of objects and people.
(D) Have him duplicate somethings and ‘nothings’.
‘Group C’ is a process used on large numbers of people. It is composed of the following steps
PC: Stands for ‘preclear’, a person being processed.
MOCK-UP: A self-created image the preclear can see.
BRACKET: Is done as follows: for preclear, for another, others for others, others for
self, another for preclear, preclear for another. See STEP IA.
SPECIAL NOTE: The first three steps of SOP 8-C could be classified as beingness
steps. The remaining five steps of SOP 8-C could be classified as havingness steps. SOP,
itself, in all eight steps constitutes doingness, thus approximating as described in ‘Scientology
8-8008’ the space-be, energy-do, time-have triangle.
SPECIAL NOTE: In its entirety, SOP 8-C could be considered as various exercises in
FORMULA H which involves the most basic action of the thetan which is reaching and
SPECIAL NOTE: It will be noted that the negative orientation techniques are done in
such a way as to make the preclear, without his being told to do so, create space. The auditor
should pay specific attention when the preclear is discovering where things are not that the
preclear be caused to note specifically each time the exact location and position where the thing
does not exist. This calls the preclear’s attention to various positions which in themselves, thus
located, create space. Thus, throughout SOP 8-C, the rehabilitation of space is also to be
found, the definition of space being ‘space is a viewpoint of dimension’.
SPECIAL NOTE: In his auditing, if the Auditor does not get a communication change
on the part of the preclear, whether better or worse, every five or ten minutes, either the
Auditor is using the wrong step at the time, in which case he should progress on into the steps
or the preclear, even if he says he is, is not complying with the Auditor’s orders. The Auditor,
thus, should remain in continuous communication with the preclear so far as possible and
should ascertain with great care what the preclear is doing after he indicates that he has
complied with the direction and to discover every five or ten minutes if there has been a change
in certainties or communication. The commonest source of failure in any step in SOP 8-C is a
failure on the part of the preclear to execute the orders given as it was intended to be executed,
or on the part of the Auditor in failing to ascertain whether or not the preclear is executing
properly or if there has been a communication change. A careful check of Auditors and
preclears utilizing SOP 8-C has demonstrated in each case where its use was becoming lengthy
that the Auditor was failing to ascertain from the preclear whether or not there had been
communication changes, and it was also uniformly discovered that the preclear who was failing
to get results while being audited with SOP 8-C was not doing the steps as directed but was
either avoiding by not doing them at all although he said he was doing them or was failing to
understand the direction and so was executing the step in some other way.
The first goal which an Auditor must achieve is willingness in the preclear to receive
directions. The condition of the preclear is such, in nearly all cases, that he has chosen as a
main point of resistance in life, direction of himself other than his own. Because the physical
universe is designed to resist and overcome that which resists it, a continuous resistance to
other direction than one’s own results finally in a loss of ability to greater or lesser degree to
direct oneself. In that it is the ability to direct himself which the Auditor is seeking to return to
the preclear, it must be demonstrated to the preclear solely by the process of good auditing that
other direction is not necessarily harmful or in the worst interest of the preclear. Thus, to some
degree, he ceases to resist incoming direction, and by ceasing to resist it, no longer validates it
as a barrier, and so is not concentrating attention on resisting direction but is able to use it freely
in his own self-direction. The self-determinism of a preclear is proportional to the amount of
self-direction he is capable of executing and deteriorates markedly when a great deal of his
attention is devoted to preventing other direction. Directing himself, the preclear becomes
116.capable of execution preventing direction of himself (resisting the direction of others) brings
about a condition where he is mainly devoted to resisting his environment. The latter results in
a diminishing of space of the preclear.
The first step in the rehabilitation of the preclear in self-direction is therefore a limiting
of the amount of resistance he is concentrating on ‘other direction’ and demonstrating to him
that his following of the steps of SOP 8-C under the direction of an Auditor is not harmful but,
on the contrary, increases his command and control of himself and brings him at last to the
point where he can neglect and ignore the continuous stimulus response operation of the
physical universe.
It can be seen clearly then that the Auditor who sets himself up to be resisted will fail,
for the preclear is mainly concentrating upon resisting the Auditor. This is the primary factor in
all auditing.
The preclear is brought to a point of co-operation in terms of direction without the use
of hypnosis or drugs and without argument or ‘convincingness’ on the part of the Auditor, by
which is meant overbearing demeanor. At the same time it should be the sole intention and
operation of the Auditor that his own directions be carried out explicitly by the preclear, and
that these be performed with a minimum of communication break and with a maximum of
affinity, communication and reality.
Using the formula that that which changes the individual’s position in space can
evaluate for the individual, the Auditor in using SOP 8-C should use, at the beginning of the
first session and in any session where the preclear becomes unreasonably uncooperative in
following simple directions, the following procedure. The Auditor has the preclear walk to
specific points in the room, touch, hold and let go of various specific objects. The Auditor
should be very exact in his directions. The Auditor should do this even on an apparently co-operative
case at least twenty minutes before going on to the next step in Opening Procedure.
When the preclear, drilled in this fashion, has at length realized without being told that
the Auditor’s directions are quiet, reliable, exact and to be performed and not until then uses
this process:
Preclear is asked to send himself to various parts of the room and do specific things.
The Auditor is very specific and exact about this, in that he has the preclear decide on his own
determinism and, before moving from the spot where he is standing, what part of the room he
is going to send himself to. When the preclear has decided this, and only then (but not
necessarily telling the Auditor), the preclear then takes himself to that part of the room. The
Auditor must be very exact that the decision to go to a certain part of the room and to reach or
withdraw from a certain thing is made before the preclear takes an actual action. And then the
Auditor should make sure that the preclear has done exactly what he decided he would do
before he moved. In such a wise, coached by the Auditor, the preclear is led to direct himself to
various parts of the room until he is entirely sure that he is directing himself to certain parts of
the room and that the orders are coming from nobody but himself. Of course, before each new
place is chosen, the Auditor tells the preclear to choose a new place and tells him when to go
The third stage of this Opening Procedure is then as follows:
The Auditor has the preclear be in one spot in the room and then has the preclear decide
there to go to another spot in the room. The preclear leaves. The Auditor has the preclear
change his own mind, and go to yet another spot. This last is done to lessen the preclear’s fear
of changing his mind, to strengthen his decision and to lessen his reaction to his own mistakes.
The last two steps of Opening Procedure are done at some length. It is profitable by the
experience of many Auditors to spend as much as an hour on Opening Procedure even in a case
which is not in poor condition. When Opening Procedure is omitted or is not carried on far
117.enough, the Auditor may discover that it will take him from five to ten hours to ‘get the case
working’. This time is saved by the expenditure of much less time in using Opening Procedure.
Even when the preclear is complacent, even when the preclear is an obvious ‘STEP 1’, even
when the preclear shows no outward sign of resistance to other direction than his own, the first
communication lag lessening which the Auditor will perceive on the case will probably occur
during the use of Opening Procedure. Further, the certainty of the case is heightened. Further,
Opening Procedure is, for any level of case, an excellent process.
The preclear who is familiar with SOP 8 may conceive that he is doing a step which is
‘reserved for psychotics’. The preclear should be disabused of such a concept, since the step is
used today on all cases.
In the case of a preclear who is very resistive, Opening Procedure can be used with
considerable profit for many hours. For such activity, however, an auditing room of the usual
dimensions is usually too constrictive and the drill may be carried on as well out of doors even
if only on a street.
For successful group processing the following are near absolutes.
1. The group auditor must be able to grant beingness to the group. Stage fright and
timid commands have no place in group auditing. An auditor who is afraid of a group will ‘Q
and A’ with the group (as soon as it gets an effect, he changes the process -- he changes
commands when the group changes aspect).
2. Commands must be simple, clear, concise, evenly spaced, without sudden breaks of
pace or jarring interjections of loudness.
3. The processes should be objective, addressing the environment not the thinkingness
of the group. Opening Procedure, adapted to a group, run long enough, would exteriorize
everyone present.
4. Every command given should be run long enough to flatten every communication lag
5. Every process used should be run long enough consecutively to ‘flatten’ the process
6. The Auditor’s Code in full should be obeyed. If these rules are vigorously followed,
good results can be attained in group processing.
Here are some standard processes for groups. Each is a one hour session.
SESSION 1: ‘Spot some spots on the front wall.’ ‘Spot some more spots’, ‘Spot some
more spots’, and so on for some time. Then: ‘Spot some spots on the floor’, ‘Spot some more
spots on the floor’, and so on for some time. Then: ‘Without turning around, spot some spots
on the back wall’, ‘Some more spots’, and so on. Then spot spots on the front wall again, then
the floor, then the back wall. If the ceiling is used in this their necks get tired very quickly.
SESSION 2: Spot some spots in your body.’ Pause. ‘Spot some spots in the room.’
Pause. ‘Spot some spots in your body.’ Pause. ‘Spot some spots in the room.’ Alternate these
two commands for at least one hour.
SESSION 3: ‘Examine your chair.’ Pause. ‘Examine the floor.’ Pause. ‘Examine your
chair.’ Pause. ‘Examine the floor’, and alternate these for at least one hour.
SESSION 4: ‘Where’s your face?’ Pause. ‘Where’s your face?’ Pause. ‘ Where’s your
face?’ Pause, and so on for at least one hour.
SESSION 5: ‘Start laughing.’ Pause. ‘Keep on laughing.’ Pause. ‘Laugh.’ Pause.
‘Keep on laughing.’ just these for at least an hour.
SESSION 6: ‘Where are you?’ Pause. ‘Where are you?’ Pause. ‘Where are you?’
Pause. For at least one hour.
Have each person in the group hold two objects, one in each hand. Be very sure, as an auditor,
not to vary your commands. ‘Call the object in your left hand Object One. Call the object in
your right hand Object Two.’ ‘Look at Object One. What is its color? Temperature? Weight?’
‘Look at Object Two. What is its color? Temperature? Weight?’ ‘Look at Object One. What is
its color? Temperature? Weight?’ ‘Look at Object Two. What is its color? Temperature?
Weight?’ Use these over and over for at least an hour. Never give less than an hour of
119.OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION -- never do it for only half an hour, much less
fifteen minutes. This is the first step of what Scientologists call ‘Dirty 30’.
For the convenience of the auditor, this list is given:
OBJECT ONE: Color Temperature Weight
OBJECT TWO: Color Temperature Weight.
SESSION 8: This is very arduous. DUPLICATION BY ATTENTION. Put up two
black pieces of material somewhat above eye level, at least ninety degrees apart from the
preclear. Hang them up on the walls, ahead of the group so all can see them. (One on the
forward right wall, one on the forward left wall is best.) Describe them to the group as Object
One and Object Two. ‘Put your attention on Object One.’ ‘Now put your attention on Object
Two.’ ‘Now put your attention on Object One.’ ‘Now put your attention on Object Two.’ Do
this without variation for at least an hour. On duplication processes, somebody in the audience
usually claims this is ‘hypnotism’, for it runs out hypnotism. It induces no trances. People who
think so simply don’t know much about hypnotism.
SESSION 9: This is in four parts. Do each part exactly fifteen minutes. It is run with
the group’s eyes closed. ‘Find the two back corners of the room, hold on to them, and don’t
think.’ The auditor repeats this quietly and reassuringly every few minutes until fifteen minutes
is reached. Then at fifteen minutes past the hour he says, ‘Now find a third back corner of the
room. Hold on to three of the back corners of the room. Sit still, and don’t think.’ He repeats:
‘Hold on to three of the back corners of the room and sit still and don’t think’. At the half hour,
he says, ‘Now find all four back corners of the room, hold on, and don’t think’. He repeats
every few minutes, ‘The four back corners of the room and don’t think’. When the forty-five
minutes mark of the process has been reached, the auditor says, ‘Now locate the eight corners
of this room, hold on, and don’t think’, and repeats, ‘Eight corners, don’t think’, every few
minutes. At the hour mark, the process could be repeated. If so, do it again exactly as above.
SESSION 10: Description Processing should not be done on the groups, some of
whose members have questionable stability. Use only SESSIONS 1 to 6 on such groups.
When a group has been much run, almost any form of Description Processing can be used.
SESSION 10, however, consists entirely of one command which is not changed for at least
half an hour. This is, ‘How close does your body seem to you now?’ Pause. ‘How close does
your body seem to you now?’ Pause. ‘How close does your body seem to you now?’ and so
In processing groups, duplication of command is part of the process.
Keep it simple. Grant them beingness. Keep them in contact with present time and out
of their facsimile bank and you’ll get group processing clears. Make it complicated, make them
‘figure’, be shy, and the group won’t come back. Never worry about boring them. The reason
they’re spun in is because ‘the body and the confusion were so interesting’.
FROM ‘The Appositions of Scientology’ BY A.H.
A sub-optimum or other-determined condition or consideration which a person is
unable to change at will.
The acceptance level of a preclear is the condition in which a person or object must be,
in order that the preclear be able to accept it freely. (See REJECTION LEVEL.)
A scale of attitude which falls away from the co-existence of Static, through the
interposition of distance and energy, to create identity, down to close proximity but mystery.
A person who has aided in the survival of the preclear under engramic or highly
emotional circumstances, and whom the preclear reactively regards as important to his further
That part of a person’s thinking machinery and memories over which he has relatively
full control.
Affinity, Reality, and Communication: the component parts of understanding.
A Scientologist: one whose technical skill is devoted to the resolution of the problems
of life.
The technical code of Scientology: a list of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ which experience has
shown insure optimum progress in auditing a case.
Webster: ‘A statement of self-evident truth ... an established principle which is
universally received.’ The Axioms in Scientology, dating back to 1951, have been one of the
principle bases on which progress from that date has been made.
A consideration or idea that limits other considerations or ideas. This, of course,
includes emotional and physical universe barriers.
A state of lessened awareness to the point of unconsciousness, caused by impaired
is a state of lessened awareness, still above unconsciousness, and manifested
principally by communication-lag. Dope-off is also caused by impaired Havingness.
Energy being held in present time in relation to an incident or chain of incidents.
121.A sub-optimum physical condition or a pain which resists change and remains over a
long period of time or recurs frequently.
A fixed energy pattern set up in an engram. The circuit, when restimulated, takes over
from the thetan operation of the organism.
An individual who, as a thetan, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and
who habitually operates the body from outside.
The ethical code of Scientology the code one uses, not because he has to, but because
he can afford such a luxury.
The consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point
across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a
duplication of that which emanated from the source-point. (See PERFECT DUPLICATE.)
Two people alternating as cause and effect in the communication formula. Any sensory
perceptic can be utilized in establishing two-way communication. The establishment of certain
two-way communication is the first step in every auditing session, and nothing else is
attempted until this has been done.
The length of time between the moment the auditor poses the question and the moment
when the exact question posed is answered positively by the preclear, no matter whether silence
or talk or incorrect answers occur during the interim. It is also the length of time between the
giving of a command and the moment when a preclear carries out the exact command correctly.
The highest capability of life, taking rank over the mechanics of Space, Energy, and
A duplicate, distinguished from a Perfect Duplicate, in that it does not necessarily
occupy the same space, same time, nor use the same energies as the original. (See PERFECT
A process little used now except when making copies or perfect duplicates. It consists
of having the preclear make, with his own creative energies, a mock-up. (See MOCK-UP.)
The first fully validated psycho-therapy. Dianetics dealt with the problems of homo
sapiens and was released to the public in 1950 after twenty years of research by its discoverer,
L. Ron Hubbard.
A pair of opposites, such as black - white, good - evil, love - hate.
A carrying out by words or action of a fixed behavior pattern, which is repeated in a set
manner whenever restimulated. A dramatization is based upon the content of an engram.
122.A perfect duplicate is one which is made in the same time, in the same place, and with
the same energies as the original. The term ‘duplicate’ by itself is sometimes used to refer to a
‘copy’ which is a reproduction of the original, but not necessarily using the same space, time,
or energies. (A perfect duplicate is not a full communication. When it is used in
communication, it is the act of making something ‘communicate with itself’ and so causes its
Vanishment.) (See R2-40.) Duplication, or perfect duplication is the act of making a duplicate
or a perfect duplicate.
Any one of eight motivating drives along which each individual operates toward the
goal of survival. These are survival through 1. Self 2. Sex and family (future generations) 3.
Group (racial, geographical, national, etc.) 4. Mankind as a whole 5. Life forms6. MEST, (the
physical universe) 7. Spirits (individual thetans) 8. (Sometimes written on its side as infinity),
the Supreme Being, all Theta, the Life Static itself.
An electronic instrument for measuring the psychological and emotional state of the
preclear and any changes that take place in this state.
Force with direction. A physical effort in the MEST universe.
A connector between thought and effort. It is a manifestation of beingness, and closely
related to motion. One handles motion on a direct ratio with his ability to handle emotion the
higher his emotion level, the more control he can exert over motion the lower his emotion level,
the more he succumbs to motion.
Postulated particles in space.
From Dianetics. An experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied
threat to survival. An engram is to a greater or lesser degree unavailable to the conscious
awareness of the individual and its content has command value at the reactive level.
The act of moving the thetan outside the body. When this is done the person achieves
a certainty of his beingness or identity completely apart from that of the body.
A recording in energy of an incident or part of an incident from the past. The facsimile
contains all the perceptics of the original. It is an involuntary duplicate or copy (not a perfect
Sometimes referred to as the GE. The entity or machine set up to carry out the automatic
functions of the body. This entity or machine in a lower level case may work at considerable
cross-purposes with the thetan.
A process used on an exteriorized thetan to free him from the craving for mass and to
bring into present time a greater portion of the MEST universe.
Mass occupying the same space as the preclear. Over his total experience the preclear
has become accustomed to having or identifying himself with considerable mass, both in the
form of physical universe matter and in the form of energy masses such as facsimiles. Until the
123.thetan has rehabilitated his considerations that he can create mass at will, the loss of any mass
causes discomfort and lessened awareness. When havingness is remedied by having the
preclear bring in masses these symptoms disappear.
The thetan, the center of awareness, that part of the total organism that is fundamentally
A statement, action or inference that makes the preclear appear wrong. Invalidation,
along with evaluation, i.e. pressing on the preclear an other-determined consideration, are the
two ‘shuns’ to be most strenuously avoided by the auditor.
A switch to an opposite obsessive consideration such as from compulsion to inhibition.
There may be many inversions on any consideration, each leading further from Self-Determinism.
The incident that first brings about restimulation of an engram. For the key-in of an
engram, there must be some degree of lessened awareness plus a similarity of situation to that
of the engram. However, Once an engram is keyed in a similarity of situation alone is enough
to restimulate it.
A second postulate, statement, or condition, designed to mask a primary postulate
which is permitted to remain.
One individual attempting to carry on the life of another deceased individual by means
of generating in his own body the infirmities and mannerisms of the deceased and by patterning
his life in a manner which appears to him to be a continuation of the pattern of the deceased.
This condition usually comes about when there have been real or fancied overt acts by the
individual against the deceased.
A prolonged spell of uncontrolled laughter or crying which may be continued for
several hours. Once started a line charge can usually be reinforced by the occasional interjection
of almost any word or phrase by the auditor. The line charge usually signals the sudden release
of a large amount of charge and brings about a marked change in the case.
An apparently minor incident which assumes an unreasonable importance due to its
containing some similarity to, and restimulating, an earlier engram or engram chain. Also, an
incident containing enforcement or inhibition of Affinity, Reality, or Communication.
Grouped particles of energy located in a relatively stable relationship to one another.
The initial letters of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time the Scientological term for the
physical universe.
The machines, circuits, facsimiles, memories, etc., which are used in the individual’s
thinking processes. The mind is not a part of the thetan and is not necessary for the higher-level
activities of the thetan. (See THOUGHT, THINKINGNESS.)
A full-perceptic energy picture in three dimensions, created by the thetan, and having
location in space and time. A mock-up is distinct from a facsimile in that it is created
volitionally, does not necessarily copy any previous experience, and is under the full control of
the preclear.
An overt act by another determinism against the preclear. A person tends to keep overt
acts and motivators balanced up. If he commits too many overt acts he will seek motivators and
vice versa.
The degree of emergency in the present time environment. When, in a state of
emergency, the survival of the organism depends on the changing of certain aberrated patterns
of behavior, these patterns are sometimes temporarily cast aside, allowing the individual to act
at a much higher level than his chronic one.
Absence of everything no time, no space, no energy, no thought, etc. A specific
nothingness, such as a nothingness of chairs, is just that, absolutely no chairs. A specific
nothingness is usually qualified as to time and space.
Something hidden, an occlusion of memory is something forgotten, i.e., not available
to conscious recall. An occluded case is one whose memory is usually largely occluded and
whose field of awareness is black or very dark.
A physical manifestation of Life a material form organized and controlled by theta.
A point of reference from which the position of other objects is judged. People are often
found still using orientation points from childhood which may be thousands of miles from their
present time location. The goal of Scientology is that the thetan be his own principal orientation
point, and that he have the ability to use or discard any other point of reference.
The administration of pain or destruction to another organism. The theory of overt acts
and motivators opens a new field of understanding of human behavior. (See MOTIVATOR.)
The ability to regulate the considerations of two or more identities, whether or not they
are opposed. A much broader concept than Self-Determinism, since the latter makes a
randomity of anything not considered ‘self’.
Any means of communicating below the level of knowingness. There are more than
fifty perceptions used by the physical body, the best-known of which are sight, hearing, touch,
taste, and smell.
A decision regarding a state of beingness. A consideration. (See CONSIDERATION.)
Technically this covers anyone who is not a clear. However, it is principally used to
describe a person undergoing processing with the techniques of Scientology.
125.A person completely out of present time and out of agreement with his environment and
those around him.
The ratio of unpredicted motion to predicted motion. Something one picks out and
agrees not to predict. At very low case levels it appears that everything is randomity, but as the
case level rises it can actually reach a point where the preclear fears that he is approaching too
little randomity to find life still interesting.
That portion of a person’s mind which is not under his volitional command or recall,
and which exerts the power of command over his thinking and actions. (See CIRCUIT.)
The agreed-upon apparency of existence.
The re-experiencing of the perceptions of past incidents.
The condition in which a person or object must be in order that the preclear be able to
reject it freely. (See ACCEPTANCE LEVEL.)
The state of a preclear, who, while not necessarily clear, has resolved his chronic
somatic and/or his major problems. Also, the resolution of a specific problem or chronic
somatic. This term is not used very frequently in Scientology.
To accept responsibility for something is to accept that one operated as cause in the
matter. Responsibility refers solely to cause and not to other considerations such as goodness
or badness of the thing caused. It should be clearly distinguished from such lower level
considerations as blame, praise, etc., which include further evaluation.
The degree to which an individual is able to operate with Self-Determinism, or above
this, with Pan-Determinism. An individual is as un-sane as he is motivated by other-determinism.
Sanity is also measured by the degree to which the individual accepts
responsibility for himself, his actions, and his environment.
The Science of knowing how to know answers. It is a wisdom in the tradition of
10,000 years of search in Asia and Western Civilization. It is the Science of Human Affairs,
which treats the livingness and beingness of Man and demonstrates to him a pathway to greater
SELF-DETERMINISM The ability to regulate and take responsibility for one’s own
considerations. Motivation by the thetan rather than by the environment. A low-level case is
determined almost entirely by its present and past environments. The goal of processing is to
restore to him Self-Determinism, and above this Pan-Determinism.
A pain, the physical origin of which is in the past. The pain may have perfectly valid
present time causes, such as constriction of the blood vessels, tensions in the muscles, etc.
However, the original injury to the body by the environment is not in present time, but has
been restimulated by something in the present environment similar to that at the time of the
original injury. Somatic is also used to refer to a sub-optimum physical condition, the origin of
which is in the past.
A viewpoint of dimension.
A Static has no mass, no motion, no wave-length, and no position in space or time, no
meaning, and no mobility. While a Static may have qualities, it has no quantities.
This term refers to processes using direct memory. Term taken by analogy from
electronic communication systems.
SYMBOL Anything having Mass, Meaning, and Mobility.
The only known Static. (See STATIC.)
The energy and space-production unit for the body. A Static with the ability to
consider, postulate, and have opinions, that has, through postulates and considerations,
developed a differentiation from the Static, theta. The thetan is the ‘I’, the individual, that force,
not a part of the physical universe, which is directing the organism.
The potential of considering.
As a colloquialism ‘thought’ is seen to embrace all of Life. In Scientology ‘thought’
refers to everything below Effort on the scale of KNOW, LOOK, EMOTE, EFFORT, THINK,
The postulate that space and particles will persist.
The agreed-upon consideration regarding the relationship of the particles that form the
MEST universe at any given instant, for that instant.
A level of sanity based on the Tone Scale.
A Scale measuring Sanity and relating the various factors of behavior, emotion, and
thought, to levels on the scale. The tone scale was first put into relatively complete form in
1951 by its discoverer, L. Ron Hubbard, in his book ‘The Science of Survival’. It was found
to be more accurate in predicting the behavior of individuals than even its discoverer had
supposed, and has been an invaluable tool in the hands of Scientologists.
Th exact consideration. (See CONSIDERATION.)
The technical name for Ultimate Truth. (See ULTIMATE TRUTH.)
A Static. (See STATIC.)
127.The assumption, at the reactive level, by one individual of the characteristics of another
individual. An individual may have a number of valences which he puts on and off as he might
hats. Often these changes are so marked that an observant person can notice him dropping one
valence and putting on another. The shift from valence to valence is usually completely outside
the awareness and control of the individual doing so. In other cases an individual has one
valence, not his own, in which he is thoroughly stuck.
The assumption by an individual in a particular situation, of the characteristics of
another individual, who, in the consideration of the first, was habitually successful in similar
situations. For example: if the preclear’s father was domineering toward the mother, and
usually got his own way, it would be quite common to find the preclear assuming the Valence
of his father in his dealings with his wife, or even with women in general.
A point from which to view. The first consideration of a thetan in creation is the
assumption of a Viewpoint from which to view that to be created.
A viewpoint without the consideration by the thetan that he is located at that point. The
thetan may have any number of remote viewpoints.
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