1st ACC PART ONE 01/20 Ext & Ph. of Space lectures

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1st ACC PART ONE 01/20 Ext & Ph. of Space lectures

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1st ACC PART ONE 01/20 Ext & Ph. of Space lectures

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File Date

10 12 Oct 53 SOP: STEP II

These are the 1st 20 lectures of this extremely large tape set
(84 cassettes in the Clearsound version).
1st ACC - 01


A lecture given on 6 October 1953

Well, here we have, today, the first meeting of this group.

This group, by the way, consists of a little - little bit
more than a third of the first group I trained in Great
Britain. There were thirty-six applicants on this group and
we really whittled them down - had to - to a very marked

We have here, today, certain purposes that we have to get
clarified and certain data to be handed out and to get some
sort of an idea and orientation of what we're doing.

Now, we have quite a job ahead of us. Very definitely one
of the first goals of this group will be, in the first two
and a half weeks, a good, high operating level of every
individual in it. Now, that means - as I look around
here - that means several - several cases will have to be
busted sky-wide and handsome.

Well now, I will do what I can to take the rough edges off
of those cases, and so on. But if we devote ourselves here
for about two weeks or two and a half weeks to bringing
everybody up to a good level of case; it will be paid for,
in the long run, by very rapid assimilation of two weeks
from now on.

We have an awful lot of work in the field of theory. And I
hope that we'll get over, in this group, the fact that
theory and practice don't happen to be separate. They've
always been separate in other fields and too often it is
said throughout the country, "Well, that's theory and what
I'm interested in is making something work." I mean, it's
like somebody saying, "Well, now that's an automobile," and
he goes off and sits on a park bench in order to drive

You wonder why these people fall down as auditors. They
fall down as auditors because they can't anticipate or
predict the occurrence within the preclear because they
don't know exactly what the preclear is working on. And if
they're well braced in theory, they know exactly what the
preclear is working on. Not because they look or anything
of the sort. It's just they - they just know what this
fellow is doing.

And all life looks very complex to this preclear and it
doesn't look complex to the auditor. That is the
difference. To a good auditor life does not look complex.
It looks, actually, rather impatiently simple. And
sometimes you have to sit down and think for a long time
just exactly why life seems so complicated to some people.

And sometimes you have to go further than that. Sometimes
you not only have to think for a long time; sometimes you
just never find out according to their lights. You can
state it in simple, workable terms which will predict their
behavior. But for the life of you, to see how somebody came
by this concatenation of logic - it's almost impossible.
It's fabulous.

Well, now we're not just training auditors, I hope. That's
something we can do and should be able to do a lot more
than that. If one just started out on the basis of training
auditors, one technique which I could give you as a group
would break you out of any obsession of auditing. And I
could probably run and slant techniques so that - oh,
undoubtedly this - I could slant techniques so that a guy
wouldn't ever look at another preclear. That would be
slanted techniques.

Well, it's interesting that in the last congress here we had
a lot of techniques handed out. They were pretty routine and
so forth. Actually, the simplest techniques were not given at
that congress, as simple as those techniques look.

[Editorts Note: The First International Congress of
Dianeticists and Scientologists, held September 30 through
October 4, 1953 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.]

There is a simplicity level of Q and A which I don't think
those people will fall over. It's just too idiotically
simple. I'm going to tell you this technique right now.
And you're going to find yourself asking these questions an
awful lot of times.

"Where is the past?" That's the question. The environment.
It's asked out in the environment near the preclear. A
formation of nothing or something or whatever it is - you
don't care. You just want something out in front of him
saying, "Where is the past?" And you want that then turned
around and placed on or within his body as "Here is the
past." "Where is the future?" And you just want that turned
around then and placed within his body, "Here is the future."

And you'll find out immediately - it's really too silly -
you'll find out immediately that he's trying to bring in
the past and bring in the future, which accounts for his
condensation in a body.

Now, this technique is quite idiotic because all in a
breath we wipe out Freudian psychoanalysis; understand it,
digest it and throw it away. Just like that!

And you find out this fellow's, when trying to say, "Where
is the future?" he has always understood that the future
had a location and that the past had a location. And in
baffled contemplation of no location, he's of course
assumed both of them and put them in his body. And here we
get the condensation of looking which makes a body. This
one you handle lightly, around, as long as a person is
interiorized. Because there's no reason to knock apart the
body; people recognize him by the body. But where a person
is very savagely holding on to a body or holding on to
blackness, he's simply doing this trick, that's all: "Where
is the past? Where is the future?" And of course, he's
bringing in these long-distant anchor points, he thinks,
and this condenses him.

Now, in everything we're doing, there's a motto running
through here and you've heard that motto, it's "Look, don't
think; look, don't think." Now, that motto becomes very
explainable when you find out you can't look at the past
and you can't look at the future if you are right here in
the present. See? So if you can't look at the past and look
at the future, then you find yourself very indistinct with
regard to how to look at them. So, of course, you have to
think about them.

And the other motto - and these mottoes, by the way, I'll
probably have made into a couple of small - like these
office door signs, these white and black office door signs.
I'll have a whole stack of them made and I'll put them in
each auditing room because you may think these things are
something you will remember all the time, but it's possibly
better to have them around.

And the other is "Looking" - pardon me - "Feeling is a
condensation of looking," and "Thinking is a condensation
of feeling," and you got it. You don't see how this
collapses the anchor points.

Now, the apathy on the case consists of this and nothing
but this, is "I'll never get it back," which is, of course,
"I'll never get it in," which is, of course, "Where is the
future? Where is the past? Where is the future?" You see
how it is? "I'll never get it back."

And you find fellows are tugging and hauling all over the
universe trying to get something back and then they go into
apathy about getting it back. And although they leave the
anchor point out there, thus being made to feel - the emotion
on this is ridiculousness - and so they feel like they are
no better off than to be human. And they've got these anchor
points stretched out all over the place and other people
have got their anchor points and they've gone into apathy
now and they'll never get it back.

Well, forgetting is an extension away from them of anchor
points. Forgetting is an extension away from them of
anchor points. A memory is something you can't get back.
Remembering is quite often something pushed in. So people
talk continually about betrayal but never talk about ridicule.

And the act of ridicule is having an anchor point held way
out from you. So, of course, a person has forgotten the
ridicule and he remembers the betrayal. Betrayal is the
smashed-in anchor point. Betrayal is something you have
gotten back from the past. But, of course, it's all you
could get back from the past, if you didn't have
Scientology. The only thing you could get back would be
betrayal, because that complements the action of getting
something back. So the effort of getting something back
amounts to the pileup in front of a man's face, which is
often quite black, and that is betrayal.

So he piles up burned-out anchor points in front of his
face because he can't get anything else back. He doesn't
want to give live electrical - oh - really simple anchor
points, in there, because he knows these things hurt. So he
substitutes for this and he has black anchor points which
he brings in. And that is your very, very rough, rough,
rough case.

Now, I don't care what computation you put on this case.
Let's just go back, move out of the field of computation
and we'll find out that feeling is a condensation of
looking and thinking is a condensation of feeling. So he
thinks mainly about betrayal if he's low on the scale.

Now, it's pretty hard for a Step I to recognize - as I
found out the past few years - to recognize what on earth
is a "V" [Step V]. Very interesting. And not too long ago,
I found out that I myself could turn on all the manifestations
of a V. Not by mocking them up but actually turn them on and
turn them off again without too much trouble. And that was
simply by "What is the significance of the explosion?" And
this is the suppression of white, which is reading.

[See SOP 8. A "V" refers to somebody who was capable of
running Step V but not the lower more advanced steps.
Also called a "Black V" because they would get blackness
instead of pictures or mockups.]

So everybody's bringing in the blackness off the printed
page and saying to themselves, "What is this thing?" Well,
again we're into thinking and this is a condensation of
feeling. So a person who has been doing an awful lot of
reading eventually thinks he has no further emotion because
the book is always a fixed distance from his face; the
motion picture is always a fixed distance from his face.

And so we find people, by the way, uniformly take the same
positions in depth in the theater. They choose their seats
- if permitted - and they will have a certain depth.
Unless, of course, they're in good shape, at which time
they don't give a darn where they sit particularly. You get
the difference in that. But people who have got to have
first row, got to have fifth row and so forth, you find
them expressing these preferences.

And if you were to find somebody walking into a theater
expressing an enormous amount of preference all the way
down the line about a seat, you could just pick him up as
an occluded case. And having picked him up as one, you
could just get the idea of the fixed distance of a stage or
a fixed distance of a picture.

Well, now we see - now we get a good idea of what we're
doing. We're unfixing distances; unfixing old anchor points.

Well, all it requires to unfix old anchor points is simply
be quite able with new anchor points - which is why Theta
Clearing works out so well and why it works so swiftly. A
fellow all of a sudden finds that he doesn't have to have a
fixed position of a body, that he can sail around a bit.
Immediately he gets a lot happier about this whole thing.
He doesn't have to have a fixed anchor point, which is to
say a body. All right.

Let's look over that basic material as theory. You've got a
book, then, in the hands of most of the preclears who are
occluded. I mean, they're just sitting there reading a
book. All their facsimiles are reading a book. While
they're reading the book, the book tells them they are
moving all over the universe. Hm. Oh, no, they're not!
They're sitting in a chair. The book tells them they're
being faced with sound, only they're not. The printed word
is silent. It's an entirely different codification.

They are under the impression that they are getting
mock-ups and admiration from the book. They are not. One
day they'll suddenly stop mocking up admiration in the
scenes and the scenes that they are reading about in books.
And the day they do that, they just start to eat upon those
they've already stored up. The next thing you know, you
have a complete energy starvation, but you have a fixed
emotional state. There you are - fixed emotional state. And
you'll find out this is what most preclears complain about.

Well, how do you settle this? How do you settle this? Well,
there are a lot of ways to settle this. I'll give you a
drill right offhand that isn't the best one but it's a very
interesting one and one that I'd like to have you work
with. And that is to say you just take a chair and you have
the chair get apathy and then you have the chair in grief,
then you have the chair - have the chair in anger and you
have the chair enthusiastic, until you can actually feel
these emotions coming out of this chair. You've got a
chair, then, doing a very - a very wonderful thing. And you
realize that you have been putting an awful lot of emotion
into the body.

Now, communication consists of a fixed system of looking- a
fixed system of looking. Sonic goes off in the bank before
visio, long before visio, because it's fixed as a distance.
And a distance in sound is infinitesimally small. Because
although one may reason that the point of sound is some
distance away, depth perception in sound is mainly depth
direction in sound. And what is actually making the eardrum
vibrate is a little bunch of air. And the air vibrates up
against the eardrum and the distance - fixed distance of
sound - is infinitesimally small, molecularly small. So
this one can turn off in a preclear fairly young and fairly

But to regain it again, a little drill I gave you during
the congress is quite adequate. You just keep up this little
drill for a very short time and - pang! - on will come
somebody's sonic. There's no trick to sonic. You just snap
your fingers and ask the preclear if he heard that. And he
said yes, he can recall that.

One girl, who was quite catatonic, by the way, I made into
a girl who could be effort-processed simply by coaching her
on what effort was. She finally understood effort and when
she understood effort - which is to say, when she could
reexperience it and turn on effort again - she practically
cleaned up the whole bank in an awful rush. She got so
enthusiastic over what effort was that she was running it
all over the place.

An effort would be the force or power or energy necessary
to move an anchor point. So as soon as we get into the
business of no force or power to move an anchor point, we
get into a person who can't work or won't work because he
can't put out effort. So, automatically, somebody who won't
work, or can't work, is usually in pretty bad shape. That's
a good common denominator. Why? It's because he can't put
out effort. But that is unintelligible to us. I mean,
that's just another word. But we can understand with great
ease "He can't move around anchor points."

You wouldn't want scholars to farm. They'd never move
anything around because they know everything is fixed. The
anchor points which they have are about eighteen inches
away from them and remain there. And at the same time, even
while remaining there, yet move their minds all over the

Now, let's take a kid and give him the idea of watching a
motion picture. And this is a wonderful experience for an
auditor because the kid starts to move promptly.

People frown at you if you move in the theater; you're not
supposed to move like this. That's why you put all the kids
way down in front because they really... On a Saturday
afternoon you'll find the first few rows of the theater
jammed with kids. And these kids are quite noisy. When the
guns go off; the kids go off.

But you run this on an occluded preclear, you wouldn't
think you'd get much response from it. But he can actually
feel the motion-picture screen trying to move him around
and he can actually feel the book trying to move him around
the universe. And, of course, in order to - in order to read
the book, he's got to sit still. So every time it tells him
to move, he sits still. It says move; he has to sit still
in order to keep on reading. And then, of course, the
future is just slightly over to the right - that's the end of
the book. And facsimiles are a page thick and they stack up.

In motion pictures the dimension of a mock-up is perfectly
flat. There's no three dimension because you're the same
distance from the screen. The same with television. Well,
this is just an occasion of people being told they are
moving when they are not moving. See, people aren't moving
but they think they are moving.

Now, this is a wonderful thing. I suppose originally they
really - they really do move - way back on the track.
Entertainment, I guess, consisted of actually getting out
and doing something, not sitting still and being moved

Well, the fixed feeling is that same unemotional feeling.
Your ECT case - that's British: electroshock-therapy case,
to take an example out of the field of psychiatry -
complains, usually, about fixed emotions after just so
many shocks. That's because somebody really fixed that
anchor point but good and fixed them in their heads but
good, and so on. Nobody could invent a better way to make
somebody permanently unwell than to fix this anchor point,
you see, with electricity.

Well now, there are a lot of other things you can find out
for yourself, one way or the other - you can find out in
auditing. But these I've just given you are the clues and
keys to cases.

Now, I used to do this with preclears in 1947. They weren't
called preclears then; I just called them people. And I
used to - I used to work with these preclears in a very calm
and a very certain way.

I used to say, 'All right. Now, we'll go over here and
we'll turn on this music box. Now we'll turn off the music
box. Now, you hear the music box? Do you hear the music
box? Can you hear it again?"

Work for a little while, "Yeah, I can hear the music box."

Turn on the phonograph. Turn on - drop books. That was the
last one I would go through, for some reason or other.

And I would show them face cards and have them see the face
cards again. I would show them a flower and let them see
the flower again, and so on. The next thing you know the
fellow had perception.

If you think the occluded case is very, very tough or it's
upsetting and so on, just remember that it was being solved
in 1947 by a rather simple technique. You just kept at it.
I don't care how long it took. You just kept drilling. And
you never let the guy fail. You just didn't let him fail.
You brought him up on a gradient scale of being able to
recall so that he could then say, "Here is the past." Now,
he had a new certainty: Here was the past. He had a picture
of the past and that's how life has answered it.

We don't need that today. What we do is cure his anxiety
about having to have the past. "Where is the past?" Well,
he's got to say, "Here is the past." And then he could say,
"I can't find the past." And he's practically done right at
that moment. "I can't find the past." Nothing is sillier.
Time is the only aberration and it's not there. Okay.

You can't ever get an anchor point into time that will
really stick. You've got to keep putting it into time. So
that you'll find old people will discuss their ills and
youth, and so forth, just endlessly, over and over, trying
to put enough anchor points into the past to have a past.
Because they're really downhill from that. All right.

Well, regardless of all this theory - we're not worrying
much about theory - I'm just giving you some kind of an
inkling here on what we've got as working tools. These are
some terrifically simple tools. As I say, in 1947 I could
turn on perception. A little bit later it all had to be
done more mechanically.

That mechanistic approach got too mechanistic and I wasn't
taking enough of a breather to turn around and look again
and find out it was too mechanistic. I wasn't auditing
enough. I was doing a lot of other things. And it got away
from us at a heck of a flat-out proposition. I became more
and more puzzled and more and more puzzled, forgot many of
the things which I myself did, and tried to find out what I
was doing when I audited preclears. It was taking me a long
time to find that out.

But I'll tell you what it was. You know Q and A now - Q-and-A
Processing. When I sat in front of the preclear, I knew he
was going to get well. I spoke in an intensely certain tone
of voice. He had no choice but to put it on.

Now, you have very, very, very wondering and puzzled, and
so forth, auditors. They sit there and they say, "Well,
Hubbard said it'd work. I don't know." "Let's-uh-go over
it-let's go over that again, I guess. I guess that's the
thing to do." "How do you feel now?" "What are you
thinking?" "What does that mean to you?" "Uh-how-how
about-uh-how about going over that again? Do you-would you
mind that?" See, question mark, question mark, question
mark. The preclear had no choice but to put it on.

And so, it took not high-toned auditors, as we were trying
to say in Science of Survival, which often helped - we
classify this much better right now, and we can say that it
merely took a certain auditor. Not a certain person, but an
auditor who was certain. That's all it took.

You've got to know that you know and then other people know
and they don't know why they are knowing. Well, we're not
quite in that same boat here. I'm not going to ask you to
simply take what certainty I have and turn it around and
put it on over there. But you've got to know what you're
doing works. And you've got to know how far you can go. And
you've also got to know that you're not particularly
interested in getting an effect from the preclear. Most
auditors get into this one way or the other. They want an
effect from a preclear and they want this effect so much
that they're unable to operate without being told how well
the preclear is.

Of course, a preclear will never tell you that well. An
auditor's acceptance level of the preclear is a sick
preclear. So the preclear, to go on being accepted, of
course, has to be sick. And you say, "Do you feel well,
now?" And most preclears you audit, they will say,
"Well-um-well, it probably does a lot of people a lot of
good." You just got through curing something flaming on
him, see? "Well, it probably does a lot of people a lot of
good. I don't know about myself. Undoubtedly, the - you

You see, he's got to be doubtful. He can't be convinced. If
he's convinced, if he says, "Gee! I'm well! Boy, I really
feel good!" you don't accept him anymore. So he knows
this. So to keep your attention, which is very nice, on the
things you've got, he has no choice but to do this.

So, where it comes to auditing, we have several things,
then, that we must go into and look for. And there probably
will be a lot of personal coaching on this. And I hope you
don't think this is even close to an approach that I'm
treating you all like you're infants or something of the
sort. There isn't anybody here who hasn't done an awful lot
of auditing one way or the other, and so forth.

And if you don't mind my mentioning, though, about
something that happens in aviation - in the old days a pilot
used to fly by the seat of his pants. And if he got to
carrying his left wing a trifle low, he went right on. He
learned to carry his left wing how he did. If he learned -
in the process of his learning, included several - he included
in that several slight errors, he would go on for thousands
of hours with these slight errors in his flying.

Well, undoubtedly every one of you has to some degree -
slight or great undoubtedly has some tiny margin of improvement
of auditing style. I wouldn't say the margin is large; I would
say it's a small margin. It's probably a very tiny room for

And that's why I'll have to take each one of you personally
(I hope you don't resent this happening to you) and just
sit down with a phone on your ear while you audit a
preclear and - I'm sorry if it'd be upsetting - and sort of
straighten out - not what - your use of the technique; heavens
no. I'm just trying to straighten out, just a little bit,
your level of certainty toward the preclear.

Because if we can speed up your thinking about thinkingness
sufficiently, there'd be no further remedy needed, you
see. So I'm going to show you how fast it is to predict a
preclear's reactions and where the preclear is going to go
next. And I think that it might help out if I just pressed
home the - not a patterned attitude - but the speed of
prediction and certainty of address without interfering
with your own basic personality. It can be done with great

The attitude is based on certainty. And I want to teach
you, if I can, to read a preclear without even looking at
his facsimiles or ridges. Just sit there and read like he's
a book; you know what he's going to say; you wish to Christ
he'd run it, and still operate upon a level of restraint
which doesn't permit you to say, "Well, go on. It's your
mother. Let's run her out." You know? All right.

Our general effort is going to be toward, first, the first
dynamic, and then second, toward theory, with particular
stress on theory of investigation. Because as you learn
theory of investigation, you will learn how to take apart
people and life.

There are certain little basic rules which you use
that - very few of them really ever will appear in any book
written. Quite a little - little thumb guides. As I go over
them again they may seem sort of idiotic to me, but they
were the thumb guides that put all this on the road. And
that's just to get us off auditing for a short time, about
two and a half weeks from now.

Then we will turn around and we'll pick up some
demonstration and experimental cases. And the first two of
those - I don't know whether I'll get permission on this yet,
but I have hopes to - are two blind children who are about
to be shipped off to a home for the blind. They were born
blind. And yet, they evidently don't have anything wrong
with the eyesight but the medical profession says they
don't have any corneas.

Now, we're not going to dress up - I don't think, maybe we
will, I don't know - a MEST body. This is the roughest level
of case there is - not the occluded case, but the case where
the GE's eyes are real blind. And the only reason we would
take on these two cases is to find out what we can do for
them, amongst us.

And then there will be other cases. I haven't any intention
of picking up cases which are successful cases - I mean,
picking up cases which will lead to certain success. I have
no intention whatsoever. You can find all the easy cases
you want to. There are lots of easy cases around. For
instance, there isn't a tough case in this room. I notice
immediately several people might flinch at my statement of
that and they base a lot of pride upon being a tough case.

Male voice: You answered it.

But I've even been breaking the cases of Spanish police
officers - the final, final word of 1.5 - the final word.
They're real solid. Like somebody said about another
preclear: They're solid black glass.

Well, all right. When we get quite a few of these cases
through, we will go into considerable more material.
Particularly, we should go into some of the material that
surrounds group communication systems. All the way through,
actually, we ought to go in through the Axioms. We should
pick up some theory; after we've already gone over the
systems of theory, we should go with this other system.

We should know, at the time this course is finished, not
the Axioms by number - that would be kind of idiotic - but
we should know them by definition. We should take them up
and discuss them rather thoroughly. And having discussed
them thoroughly, you should understand them rather thoroughly.

A lot of people are still floating around wondering what
randomity is. And yet there's only - there happens to be only
one nice, solid, calm explanation about why life operates
as life and why individuals become individuals and that's
just randomity. So we've got to have a lot about randomity
and see how it works, and so on.

Well, in a small group of this character, there can be lots
of questions. There can be a lot of internal instruction in
the group itself. There can be lots of questions to me
personally and a lot of talking with me personally. And so
there shouldn't be anything about which you're foggy.

But I'll give you a word of warning. If some of the
questions that start popping up are too confoundedly
elementary, we won't go into twenty-four hours on bread and
water. We will go into twenty-four hours with our nose
stuck in Book One or something of the sort. But you would
be absolutely amazed how widely and grandly this track has
gotten swept. We really, really have material to look at.

But still, if we can learn in this course how to think and
when not to, and if we can get our speed up as a group,
good and high, we will have accomplished that thing for the
United States which was accomplished in Great Britain, only
we'll have accomplished it better. Now, I went over to
Great Britain. I took a course that had been indoctrinated
on the HCA tapes, fairly well, and I took off from there
straight into Theta Clearing. And I went straight from
there on to Theta Clearing.

As I say, I had a group much bigger than this one and yet I
was able to give personal attention to everybody in that
group. I taught them for six weeks, all hours of the day
and night. And we had formal lectures. We had seminars. And
that was not important - formal lectures and seminars. That
was beside the point. What we had was just continuous
demonstration and experience inside the group.

Well, right now Great Britain is undertaking such programs
as wiping out asthma in the British Isles. They're just not
dabbling in this. These boys - these boys are real mean.


The British HAS is an immediate reflection on six weeks of
training. That isn't an immediate reflection on me. It's an
immediate determination of this original group of people in
Great Britain who decided that in this six weeks they were
going to get an awful lot of auditing in and they were
going to get an awful lot of studying in and they were
going to ask all the questions they could think of and they
were going to get all the information they could possibly
think of and they were going to pull each other along one
way or another. And this more than anything else was
responsible for what happened. But this crew in Great
Britain has reflected in a very, very fine British HAS.

Well, right now I suppose most of you are situated okay and
we can get underway and we are underway - and were at two
o'clock - and I hope that we can bust down any barriers we
may have - one, amongst ourselves or between me and thee or
thee and me or anything of the sort and get a free-flowing
line of communication, a bit of relaxation, get so we know
each other and bring up our level of tolerance, perhaps, on
maybe some of my vastly terrible failings, because I have
an awful time - I have a terrible time holding on to
anchors - not anchor points. I don't have any trouble
holding on to anchor points.

It's a rough deal with me sometimes, particularly since
this last summer. It's been a long time that I've been
working in Dianetics and Scientology. Ever since I wrapped
this up so that when a preclear came in and sat down and I
said "bowwow" and he said "woof-woof" and a few other
things happened in the thing and so on - the guy didn't have
a chronic somatic and he was in good shape - I've been
getting awfully impatient about sort of sitting still.

Action is what is desirable, very definitely - either action
in terms of groups or action in terms of getting a
civilization built. We might even go that far. I know that
sounds adventurous to you - getting a civilization built -
because we'd only have - to work with we've got soda
fountains and Coca-Cola and Ford cars. Well, it's pretty
rough. I really don't see how you people can stand this
level of crudity.

But anyway, our civilization could very well get itself
somewhat shifted around, if just those of us who are here
now did a good job. Fantastic, but very true.

Now, as I say, I probably have numerous failings. One other
thing is I crowd time very badly. I know what I can do in
ten minutes and I know what somebody else ought to be able
to do in ten minutes and sometimes two ten minuteses will
get overlapped and then try to occupy the same space. Now,
I find out I can live on two time tracks at once, why can't

[Please note: At this point in the lecture a gap exists in
the original recording. We now rejoin the class where the
lecture resumes.]

The processing I'm going to give you is not model Group
Processing. My attitude, when it comes to a group made up
of people in training is, I'm afraid - particularly with
people as well trained as those present - apt to be a trifle
on the side of "Well, it doesn't matter, because they can
always straighten it out." And I like to see a case
finished and squared away. But it doesn't particularly
matter, if we're processing in a group, if we ...

The point I'm making here is we use group techniques which
you, as an individual, would never dream of using on a big
group of people. If something happens here, we've got lots
of auditors.

If you see somebody walking around in a daze after this
kind of processing, and so forth, well, just bring him out
of his daze.

These processes I give you as Group Processes under no
circumstances are, in a broad sense, Group Processes. I
want you to understand that. I'm not giving you a model
now, of Group Processing. This is highly specialized,
limited just to auditors and groups of auditors that are
going to be in contact with each other.

I'm going to give you an interesting process right now
known as "Cycle of Action." Now, this process came out a
long time ago. I dreamed this up in order to get over the
hump of start, change and stop. So here we go:

Get finishing an engram.

Running an engram; completely erasing it.

Get solving a case as an auditor.

Finishing a number of locks off on a case.

Get being a pleased preclear as a result.

Get being a pleased auditor.

Get having turned a preclear into an angel.

Get the feeling of beautiful accomplishment at having
cleared an entire group of people.

Get the cheerful feeling of having erased an entire chain
of engrams as a preclear.

Having erased an entire chain of engrams as an auditor.

Get the pleasant feeling of having brought a preclear to
present time.

Having brought another preclear to present time.

The final feeling of having brought another preclear to
present time.

The pleasant feeling, again, as a preclear of having been
brought to present time.

And again the final feeling as a preclear of having been
brought to present time.

Now again, as a preclear, get the comfort of an enormous
number of somatics.

Now get the comfort as an auditor of having turned on an
enormous number of somatics.

Get startled belief on the part of the preclear.

Get startled belief as a preclear.

Now get other people being startled into belief as
preclears, by other people.

Now get everyone respecting you because you have been able
to change the society for the better.

Now get in front of you two people kneeling down, saying
they've been wrong about you and Scientology.

Now get two people in front of you saying, "We're so sorry
we were wrong about you and Dianetics."

Two more people in front of you, looking in your direction,
just winnowing away to nothing in absolute abject shame at
having ever questioned your sanity.

Two more people in front of you apologizing abjectly and
fading away to nothing because they questioned your godliness.

Get two more people fading away because they have offended
a thetan.

Two more people withering away because they have given offense.

Get a temple falling down because it was set up by a rival.

Now get being nailed on a cross.

Now get being shot for loyalty.

Get a whole multitude withering away because it had nailed
you on a cross.

Get a whole mob of people being terribly sorry they
offended you while you were alive, now that you're dead.

Get the beautiful feeling of having erased an engram.

Of having erased birth.

Of having erased birth in a preclear.

Of having erased the entire prenatal bank in a preclear
including birth.

The beautiful finality, as a preclear, of having had the
entire prenatal bank and birth erased.

The wonderful feeling of finally hitting the beginning of
the time track.

The pleasant feeling of having erased all the grief from
your case.

Of having erased all the grief from a pre clear's case.

Get somebody else feeling triumphant at having erased
somebody else's grief.

Now get the pleasant feeling of having remedied and wiped
out all your past misdeeds.

Now get the pleasant feeling of having suffered all the
wrongs necessary to put you in the right.

Now get the beauty of having graduated from the MEST
universe with the honors.

[end of lecture.]

1st ACC - 02


A lecture given on 7 October 1953


I want to talk to you this morning about the processes
which we will use in our course here. This isn't really a
course, but it's hard to find the right word sometimes.

The processes which I have been using and which I have
found to be highly efficacious are SOP 8, SOP 8-L and Six
Steps to Better Beingness, Admiration Processing and

I'll give you a very definite word of warning: One of these
processes is very dangerous and that's Admiration
Processing. And although it is very dangerous, it is
tremendously effective. And because you have heard,
possibly, tests run on Admiration Processing, I don't want
you to shy off of it. It is, as far as I know, the best
"open sesame" (if you're going to run anything on anybody
in the body) to a very bad-off case. Admiration Processing
is a very interesting process and has a lot of variations
but it is of the essence.

And you will find your very occluded case going over a
rolly coaster. They go up a little bit and down a little
bit and then up a little higher and then down a little bit.
And it's a very slow process. And there isn't much of a way
to rush it up.

Now, you can think of fantastic methods of speeding it up,
maybe. They just - it's just not true - let's get this straight
right now: It's really - with all the investigation I have
done and tests that have been made, it is just not true
that there is a tiny little button somewhere in the case,
which, if pushed, will suddenly turn a person into Clear.
This just isn't true.

You will find yourselves, as auditors, rushing time on
cases. And on rushing time you will find, inevitably,
invariably, that you might as well have taken the time in
the first place. Don't rush time on a case. You just use
the process which you know will eventually work it out. And
let the case go on and flounder and scream and fuss, and so
forth. If you know what you're doing with the processes,
for heaven's sakes, just continue with the process. Don't
let, in other words, the hysteria of the case turn around
into an hysteria of auditing.

Psychiatry has done this for too many years. The psychotic
is frantic and the psychiatrist gets frantic. This works,
then, with any human being. This person is in a hurry;
they're rushing time, crowding time; they can't get enough
on the time track, and so forth. So you, watching that, are
liable to assume that you, being a body and a human being,
should be the answer to it, which is the same amount of
hysteria or the same amount of time rush or the same amount
of franticness. And this, in essence, is restimulation
itself and is the mechanism of restimulation.

And by the way, going into that - why is Q and A - we'll take
this up several times, but I'll say it in processing, why
does Q and A work? why does it work? Because it ties up,
not into a specialized or a strange package; it ties up
into a very neat package - very, very neat, very precise.
It's - I - first, "I will never get my anchor points back," and
first, "I have to have my anchor points back." And then the
very occluded case is running the satisfaction of having
his anchor points back. He's running the satisfaction of
having his anchor points back. Let's - let's don't miss that
one. He's running the satisfaction of having his anchor
points back. According to him, he's completed a cycle of

Now, Q and A - Q and A is the question and answer, actually,
on "How do I get my anchor points back?" That's about all.
And that's what the Q and A is all about. Now, we can go
into that much more precisely and lengthily, but it goes -
Q and A goes immediately into anchor points, instantly.

Now, every case has its own computation. Every case has its
own computation. You can work this computation out in
numerous ways. The worst way is to evaluate for the case
and tell it what its computation is. Even though it's
written all over the case, if you tell the case, it won't
do the case any good.

So, you use techniques which blow the computation into view
for the case. That's the neat one. You just use techniques
which all of a sudden make it totally self-revelatory. Thu
didn't have anything to do with it, you see? Your preclear
thought it all up himself and it does him some good.

Well, Acceptance Level Processing does this. You start
running Acceptance Level Processing and you say, 'All
right, now let's put out..." You can do this in a snide
sort of a way. (I very often do, by the way. It's bad
auditing.) You do it in a snide sort of a way. You say,
"All right. Start offering up sick children and see to whom
they appear acceptable. Now, let's just have sick children
and see who accepts sick children, sick children, sick
children. Go on, let's see to whom they're acceptable."

All right. That's the wrong way to run it. The right way to
run it is to say, "Go on, keep offering up these sick
kids." The next thing you know, why, the preclear says, "My
parents! My grandma!" And the ally of the case is the one
to whom the sick child was acceptable. That's the most
vital button that you could possibly run. If you're going
to fool around with the past at all, that's going to be
your vital button: "To whom was a sick child acceptable?"
"To whom was a sick person acceptable?" And sure enough,
you'll get the ally.

Now, "To whom was a combative child acceptable?" And you
run into the "don't fight" computation on the case.

"Just nobody." The preclear will just tell you, "Nobody. Nobody."

"Now, let's run a child that won't fight and find out who
that's acceptable to."

"Gee, that's acceptable to everybody. Gee. Gosh!" But
particularly acceptable to somebody on the case and this is
the one - and this person, oddly enough - you learn this very
quickly: The noncombative child, completely noncombative
child, is most acceptable to the member of the family who
can't work. See how effort just jumps there; effort
crosses. The person to whom noncombativeness was essential
also can't work.

Fighting requires effort and energy. And if fighting
requires effort and energy, work also requires effort and
energy. And the person who won't fight, won't work. See
that? People substitute and often get mixed up on - they
substitute anger for fighting. That fighting - anger is way
down Tone Scale from fighting. People who just get mad and
flare up, see - they just won't fight, that's all. People
who fight simply fight.

I told someone rather recently when they were throwing a
bunch of anger at me, one way or the other - they were being
very, very hostile, and so forth - "Well, why are we doing
this now? I tell you what: I'll get - I'll send down to a
sporting goods store and we'll get some six-ounce gloves
and we'll go a couple of rounds and then we'll feel better.
But there's no reason to run me into a symbol like anger on
this thing, that's all."

And this person, being a girl, she couldn't quite figure
this, but that was in essence that - that's sensible. So,
she's a girl; and that's too bad. She has to use - men had
taught her - anger rather than blows, because her shoulders
hinge differently and she doesn't strike the same blow as
the man.

Women, by the way, very often go in for sword play, and so
on, if permitted to do so (in the past) simply because this
is better than running in a symbol for it. By the way, in
running this you occasionally find, way back on the track,
the women being the combative characters - tremendously
combative characters. And the fellow just can't understand
how he could be upset about women today, see? Because he
has never fought with women today. Women have never done
him any damage. That's way back on the track someplace, and
so on.

Very often, as a little child, this is keyed in because
older sisters, something like that, will have a habit of
beating a little kid up, and so forth, and he never quite
gets over it. But the rest of the society tells him he
can't beat up women, so there is no interchange of effort.
And you will find the interchange of effort as a - the vital
point at which you're striking because you've got to
rehabilitate the person's ability to run into effort.

Now, the reason I've been talking to you about it is so
we can get into "What are we trying to do with these
techniques?" Well, we could go over this with great
rapidity: We're trying to rehabilitate the preclear's
ability to create, manufacture in any way, shape or form,
use, direct, locate energy of the effort variety, see -
energy of the effort variety. And we're trying to
rehabilitate his ability to admire broadly, and his best
ability is admiration. That's his best ability. Effort is
not his best ability; effort is downscale from that.
Because everything - all force dissolves in the face of
admiration. I give you the universal solvent there: it's

So the two kinds of processing which are extremely basic,
of course, are Explosions and Admiration. And if you get
hung up on a case and it's sticky and it doesn't
exteriorize, and when it exteriorizes it starts out and
goes spungingggg and goes back in again, you're up against
a proposition of insufficient admiration and an inability
to create or handle effort, which is energy. This is awful
simple; it's a mechanical problem. It is not a problem that
has anything to do with thought. It's strictly mechanical.

Now, if you want to hit somebody in the nose sometime and
observe him - just walk down here on the street, walk up to
a guy and, slam, hit him in the nose. Now, if this fellow is
fairly low on the Tone Scale, he'll stand and think about
it. And then he'll talk about it. The fellow who is high on
the Tone Scale will simply slam you in the nose. He'll just
return the motion, right now - pam! Simplicity. Very, very

Now, this business about "If he's low scale, how did he get
low scale?" Well, he's been slammed in the nose often
enough and then told that he mustn't return the action. All
right, how is he told? Well, it's by being slammed in the
nose the second he started to return the first slam in the
nose. And then when he tried to return the second slam in
the nose, he got the third slam in the nose. And when he
tried to return the first, second and third slam in the
nose, somebody hit him with a sledgehammer. And after that
he thinks!

Parents are always standing around saying to little Willy,
"Now, you must think before you act. You should think
things over. You shouldn't be compulsive, and so forth."
Well, why don't they just take him out and chain him up to
a post like an animal or something? Or just hang him? It
would be kinder! Because the fellow who has to think before
he acts, has to key in for himself a number of impacts, so
that he can think.

Now, feeling is condensed looking, and thinking is condensed
feeling. And so you'll see what a circuit looks like.

Feeling is a fellow being hit with a tack hammer - his
lookingness being hit with a tack hammer. If you can just
envision somebody standing there looking - that's a couple
of beams going out and a couple of beams coming in, see -
and you take these beams as they go out and they come in,
and you take a tack hammer and you just knock them down a
little more condensed so they aren't quite as long but they
have the same mass in them. He would start feeling rather
than seeing.

Now, if you took this little condensed mass that you
finally left with the tack hammer and started hitting it
with a sledgehammer and really knocked it down real
condensed, and so forth, you'd get thinking. And that's
what - would be what a circuit looked like in the essence.

Now, how do you get rid of this? This is obviously force,
isn't it? The beams of perception are beams of force. So
how do you get rid of this?

You have to uncondense thinkingness. And it isn't done by
getting the preclear to think. It could be done,
theoretically, by getting him to feel. But it is best done
by getting him to look. Then if you - therefore, if you get
thinking up to feeling, what have you done then? You - if
you run it, in terms of engrams, the engram that's causing
him to think, see, will start causing him to feel. You turn
on the somatic.

Now, if you'll notice in Effort Processing, if you run a
lot of effort, postulates come up. Now, it's true that
postulates very high on the Tone Scale regulate this sort
of thing and they're above effort. A person is free to make
an independent postulate. And don't think - don't make the
same mistake that psychology did, saying that all thought
is derived from aberration, all creative work is the result
of a neurosis, all sorts of things. A person is perfectly
competent at doing this.

But their thinking freely gets interfered with and now here
we go. And we get this confounded cycle of impact and the
impact produces the thought. So certainty is impact to a
low-scale preclear. And certainty is simply knowing to a
high-scale preclear.

And this knowingness, however - this level of knowingness
could be called a lot of things, but he just knows. Well,
how's the best way to know? The best way to know is to
pervade. The most knowingness you could have would be a
complete pervasion. If you really want to know about that
wall and everything there is to know about the wall, the
last place you would go is to a scientific textbook because
that would merely put into words somebody else's experiences.
Oh boy, are we into a complex system of communication! Has
very little validity.

But if you were able to pervade and be the wall, you would
get every pattern it had. If you could do this very, very
well, you would get every kind of a pattern that could
possibly come out of walls - molecular, chemical, and so
on. You see, experiencing, which is to say, perceiving in
its completeness an atom would be very superior to merely
knowing that this formation of structure existing in space
was called an atom. And education very easily goes down
scale to a point where it simply makes nomenclature.

Some of the more debased scientists are really in terrible
condition. When they can't do anything about a subject,
they name it. And then they make everybody memorize all
these names and they say they know about the subject. Oh
boy, that - you can't even argue with this; it's just beyond
argument. Because this stuff is completely loony.

All right. So, on evaluation of techniques, then, the first
and foremost thing that we will try to remedy is looking.
That way we'll get lookingness. And therefore, that tells
you you've got to rehabilitate the number of viewpoints a
person has, see? He's got to have lots more viewpoints. And
every one of these viewpoints have got to be able to
admire. Why has it got to be able to admire? That's so it
can dissolve any force that's standing in its road.

And the next thing you have to rehabilitate is force. What
is called force, energy, effort - what do we mean by force?
We mean an exerted, directed foot-pounds of push or pull.
Brush off. See? This is force, see? Push out this way, pull
in. Now, force can even be exerted in a balance, whereby
you have the fellow - he's apparently in a static balance,
and that is what, in the past, physicists have been calling
a static.

Boy, that's just gorgeous. They said this word "static" and
then gave it a dictionary definition and then gave it this
other and then it merely meant forces in balance. That was
their apathy about the fact that there could be no - about
the fact that they couldn't resolve force, so there always
had to be force. So, a physicist - if you're explaining it
to him, you're just trying to say, "A static is so-and-so and
so-and-so." No. No! No! He knows what a static is. A static
is a very interesting thing. It's... We haven't changed
this word, by the way, because it runs right straight into
physics. This is the one word that we have around which has
a double definition.

He says, "That wastebasket's a static."


"Well, it's not in motion," he says.

Well, that wastebasket is traveling one thousand miles an
hour simply by virtue of being on the surface of the Earth
which revolves twenty-four thousand miles in circumference,
and it's twenty-four thousand miles, and it takes
twenty-four hours to go around, more or less. That's a
thousand miles an hour the wastebasket is going in one
direction. And then there's seven other Earthly motions
that make that wastebasket go. It is not even vaguely in a
balance of forces. And in addition to that, internally, it
is in a tremendous amount of motion. So we don't even
vaguely have a static. I mean, if a guy says static, it
means something at rest.

Well, the only thing that could be something at rest...
You just had to get down and figure this out. You get the
same definition for static as you get at zero: no
wavelength, no motion, no mass, no position in time (quite
important) and no relationship to other objects, which is
to say, no location in space. Now, that is zero. And that
would be a static.

And sure enough, this really works out, by the way:
Absolute zero has no resistance electrically. So you see,
we weren't just reaching for the moon, see. We've just
had it right there. I mean, this is a proper physical
definition. We are not off the rails. We've really
discovered something brand-new to physics, although not
brand-new to the whole track, and that is the definition of
a static - what is a static.

Now, life itself is this nothingness only so far as this
universe is concerned and is not necessarily, in itself, a
nothingness. See, it can be a nothingness elsewhere. But in
this universe it's a nothingness. It has an ability in
this universe and so we get a paradox.

Well, what can it do in this universe? It can look; that's
the best it can do. And it can reach and withdraw; it can
grasp and let go. With what? With force, effort, energy.
That's - it can use this.

But what can it do about its excess force and energy? It
can simply say it doesn't exist and it won't exist. Now,
that's high-scale postulates. Or at the lower part of the
scale, it simply has to have, just has to have, a
sufficient admiration and it goes whoooh! And all these
tons and tons of energy stored up - they just go.

Now, the big imponderable was "Where did thought go?" You
thought the thought and then it went someplace. That was
the big imponderable. Well, that is an imponderable only
brought about by a misconception on the part of physics of
space. All space is new space; space is being manufactured
all the time - pampam-pam-pam-pam-pam-pam-pam-pam! Your
thetan can expand space and contract space. And he can put
space into, not the past, but he can just put it into other
space. And this is - you see, he's manufacturing space the
whole time.

Space is - there isn't such a thing - well, a guy says,
"There's space." And everybody has been able to look into
a box - a shoe box or something - and he's seen that there's
a space. He looks in this wastebasket and he sees there's a
space there, so he thinks that's a static space. My God,
that space, as best as I can see here, is changing at the
rate of 1/c - just this terrific whir. Every tiny shift in
their relationship of the particles of perception, of
course, would bring about new space. You've just got
continuous new space. But this isn't just changing the
pattern of space; it's just new space, that's all. Well,
that's time. Time is actually space-space-space-space-space-
space-space-space-space-space-space-space-space, and the last
space is a different shape than the next to the last space.

And what is a particle of light? Is a particle of light,
starting from the sun, the same particle of light which
arrives here? Now, this is an epistemological question.
And for our purposes, nope: 1/c later - that's a very clumsy
fraction, by the way; it's very puzzling. If you sit down
and figure it out and scratch your head for a while, you
get all confused. That's why I use it. There's this
infinitesimal - you see, it's traveling at the speed of
light. Well, the speed of light is only relative to other
particles. So if it is traveling at the speed of light,
that's real great. That is - that's real great. It is.

All right. There isn't any reason why it even exists. But
you get this manifestation and every 1/c in time -
infinitesimal fraction of time - you've got a new particle
sitting there. Therefore, you have a new space sitting
there because the space doesn't exist amongst the
particles; it's just a demarcation of space. And we're off
into the realms of epistemology.

But we can do this; we can do this. We don't have to
understand this because it'll fall - all fall out in our
laps. There's no reason to be upset about it, one way or
the other, or even get confused about it. Because actually,
we could sit down and argue about this and argue and argue
and argue about this. Because we're at a ceiling - we're at
the ceiling of our knowledge when we start talking about
the construction of MEST universe space. But boy, we're
sure at a higher ceiling than they have been in the past,
because they just figured, well, there was space see, and
that was it. That was just one chunk of space - which made
thought impossible.

Thought, in its behavior - forgetting and remembering,
thought, and so forth - would depend on continuous
acquisition and disposal of anchor points. So that you've
got new space, new space, new space, new space. You get
your new space and then make it old space; new space, old
space. How does it become old space? Well, it just becomes
old space because you say it's old space, that's all. And
it's still there. And all the energy deposits there are,
are actually in present time. And this is the most horrible
thing for a person to discover. Because if he discovers
this with no further assistance or therapy, and so on,
he'll jam his track instantly, of course. Because he'll look
around and he'll see that all the thought he has is with
him. You get ridges and so on.

All right. What's a ridge? I'm not inviting you to pull all
your thought in. Because you see, after you've realized
it's there, you're liable to bring it in and take a look at
it and inspect it and say, "Well, what do you know! I have
the past after all." And you're answering the question:
Where is the past? Here is the past. Well, that's nonsense
too. Because you don't have all the anchor points you
always had - not by a long ways. They've deteriorated.

If you don't believe this, try to go back in time and
recover your 1932 car or something. It just isn't there
anymore; it rotted away. So the anchor points have changed.
You could find it today. You can find your 1932 car as it
was brand-new - in a facsimile. The facsimile is the answer
to "Where is the past?"

Well, a fellow could get very upset about this if he didn't
realize this orienting schedule: Feeling is condensed
looking. Well, what's a ridge? What's a ridge? A ridge is
just condensed anchor points.

Well, what then is a beam of energy? Condensed anchor
points. Why should you stay out of using energy, actually?
Well, you don't have to, because you have to condense
anchor points, so that condenses space, in order to have
any energy. But you can still make beams of energy and use
beams of energy. There's nothing against this.

All right. What happens here when you get this fellow - the
second he starts to put out a beam of energy he is swept
from one end to the other by a terrible feeling of
degradation. What's this one? Because you will run into it.
You coax this person to put out a beam of energy and they
put out a beam of energy - boy, do they feel degraded. The
energy is too condensed. It's thick. It's like glue or soup
or something.

Another thing is, is the body happens to be this type of
anchor point held together by life type of energy and you
can melt it. Let's imagine a man built out of wooden
blocks. There's a man built out of wooden blocks. And there
are all the wooden blocks. Now, these wooden blocks that
he's built out of is this type of anchor point. It's a
force anchor point. It's a unit of force and has various

Well now, let's assume these - this man has got these wooden
blocks - this type of anchor point - glued together. What are
they glued together with? Glued together with a slightly
different type of anchor point. Now, if we'd take all the
glue out of the man with wooden blocks - built out of
wooden blocks the wooden blocks will all fall apart, won't
they? If you took all the life - anchor-point type of glue
out of the human body, it would simply fall to pieces.
Let's say the molecules of calcium and the molecules of
silica, the molecules of this, the molecules of water, and
so on - they would simply fall to pieces. So the body is
glued together.


And if you want to make a test of this sometime - I will
never make a test of this in demonstration, but you can
actually run it. It's very frightening because you can
just feel the body start to skid.

Male voice: The glue is a kind of affinity, isn't it?

Mm-hm. Exactly. So you get this - this body is held
together... What life has done is convinced" (quote)
(unquote) the anchor points that they were all alike and
had certain functions and had an affinity one for another,
whereas they don't. So you could actually, you might say,
melt down the preclear. And we get to the next stage.

Now, this is different than simply making him vanish by
using up all the effort. This is different. You just melt
him down, that's all. If you could turn on enough
admiration on the bank, you would melt down your preclear,
just like that. Take an awful long time, probably, and a
lot of strong admiration, and so on, but the net result of
it would be melting him down. That's what I'm trying to say.

And the only point I'm really trying to make all through
this dissertation is that it's these anchor points held
together with another type of energy and affinity. They're
kept in communication over a thing called admiration - all
these admiration particles - what we're calling admiration
particles; that's the best designation for them, preclear
to preclear. They're held together. They're in close
proximity and held there by condensed admiration, not by
condensed force. These are force particles held together by
condensed admiration.

That which is not admired tends to persist. So a guy keeps
pulling in these - admiration, and so forth, so as to stay
together. And if he doesn't make admiration easily, and so
on, why, he'll really persist. Boy, will he be persistent.
This comes under the heading of "indomitable will" and all
kinds of other things.

But force can go a long way until it runs into that fatal
thing called admiration. And if it ran into a small
quantity of admiration it would dissolve. Particles of
force only exist as beams of force because of cohesion from
admiration. And so you admire them and you get space,
because they come to pieces.

Now, let's take a little, little gadget here - a little
tiny cube. And it's got eight anchor points. And this
little tiny cube is all together. Well, what's holding
it together? We'll say it's affinity. The expression in
auditing for that is admiration. It's an energy. It's a
particle. All right, it's all held together very nicely.
And boy is that a tight little cube, real tight! And you
hold it up there. It's persisting - go on and on for a long
time. And you hold it up there and you say, "My, that's
certainly lovely." And what do we get? We get the expansive
feeling which people get in behavior when they - somebody
tells them they have done a good job or something; they get
an expansive feeling, see. Well, that's actually these
little particles coming to pieces.

Why is it that the cells, bone structure and so on, of an
old person are smaller than in a young person? Why is it
that people, as they get older; have smaller cells and
smaller tissue patterns, and so on, than they had when they
were younger? Why is this? The difference then between an
old person and a young person is the size of the cell, and
this actually is in terms of micromillimeters, it's a, you
might say, a measurable size. It's distinctly different.
What is this?

It's just the same thing. A little tiny cube: eight force
particles. All right. That's a basic unit of mass: eight
force particles. And these eight force particles are less
admired and less admired and they're just tighter together.
This person, throughout his life, has run into less
admiration than he thought he should encounter and he
shrunk. You see, so you get a tightening-together process
in the face of nonadmiration.

Tells you that you possibly, theoretically, could monitor
how much mass there was in something by monitoring and
actually denying it admiration; then you'd get more mass in
it. I suppose if everybody hates the atom bomb enough, it
will really get condensed. You'd probably get much better
atom bombs.

But we're not going out on that we monitor the physical
universe with such great ease; it's a big universe. All right.

Now, I'm not being theoretical, oddly enough. I'm being
intensely practical when I'm telling you this. Because
every preclear who's having trouble with his case, if you
asked him, would have this as a common denominator, amongst
all such preclears: "It's too tight." He's in too close.
His body feels too tight. Things are too close up to him.
See? The second that somebody complains to you about the
fact he has a constriction in his left knee and the tendons
of his left leg are insufficiently long, you can just count
on the fact that there is in suspense, in that area, force
particles which are cohesed too tightly. There's been
admiration there that was not refortified. Postulatewise,
there's an expectancy of further admiration. And the thing
was constructed on this basis: "I get admiration for this,
therefore I can expect further admiration about this."

So it's built on so much quantity of admiration per unit of
tendon. That was its design. That was the design of the
somatic, if you please. "I get admiration for this and I
will then, of course, be able to expect this much
admiration for this." Then he doesn't get it. And so,
having been built on that postulate or expectancy, he gets
a constriction of the force particles and it gets worse.
See, it gets tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter.
It's horrible that a child who has had tremendous
quantities of admiration when very young, builds on that
basis and then finds out what is admired, what's accepted,
what's appreciated - orients itself completely on this - and
then later on finds out that these qualities are not admired.

Now, all of this is built on the basis that one has to
receive everything from the exterior. And the interior
admiration is all that's going to do it any good in the
first place. The fact that he was admired in the first
place simply restimulates what admiration he is able to
whip up, see? We aren't dealing now with an interchange of
energy from exterior to interior.

And so, when he sees that this is no longer admired he
stops admiring it. But you'll find everybody making some
sort of a feeble effort to admire something enough when
they start going by the boards. They do this feeble effort.
"Well, there wasn't anybody in the hospital as lame as I
was." You see? They're trying to boost it up. It's still there.

This is the same computation as "How do I collect my pay?"
Money is the accepted medium of admiration in this society.
And the person, when he's paid, turns on, then, some
admiration for himself. He permits money to monitor his
own ability to create admiration. And if he isn't paid for
something... You can just run this on some fellow. You
can run this on a workman who is really bogged down and you
can get enough rebound just with this so he'll really go
back to work. And you just run this "Now, let's get the
feeling of not being paid for the work you've done."

And the next thing you know, why, the guy says, "You know,
that was real tough," and so on. And the beautiful sadness
of how he's been wronged, which the Communist Party loves
to turn on - how these people, and so on - turns on and there
he goes. He feels - it runs off and he feels better. He feels
fine. He gets a sufficient expansion of particles so that
he's - again feels it's safe to use force.

Now, the reason he feels it's impossible for him to use
force anymore is because he's already too tightly packed
with force and he's afraid that he won't get any admiration
for the force he does supply and so, if he doesn't get any
further admiration for the force he supplies, oh, brother!
He's in terrible condition. He's just horrible. Real bad
off. Because he'll have masses of energy, masses of ridges
and he won't be able to get rid of them.

Another thing is, it tails him in to a point where
tiredness is that blackness in the explosion and it is
merely a certain proximity of space.

All these emotions come about as a certain proximity or a
flow characteristic of space - in space. And all these
things tie together very neatly. So, on the one side of it
there, the fellow gets afraid of using force because he
doesn't think it'll be admired. And if it isn't admired,
then it'll be stuck with it. So he can't blow things up
anymore; it won't be admired. He's scared to!

There's an actual, practical reason, as far as the body is
concerned, why he'd better not use force. See, practical.
This actually will happen to the body. If he uses too much
force and it's not admired exteriorly, why, he'll be in bad

Well, what's wrong with the computation is that it has to
be admired exteriorly. That is what is wrong with the
computation; and that is what is wrong with the mind; and
that is what is wrong with condensed looking; and that is
what is wrong with feeling and thinking and so forth. And
the only thing that's wrong with it is the feeling that the
admiration must come from exterior.

Now, it's never been admired that admiration must come from
the exterior! See? So, there is your basic persistence.
Nobody has ever admired the fact that somebody expected
admiration. And so we take the problem apart on its own
basis. See? And there's where the mind goes wrong. And
that's all there is to it.

And the other one is, the guy is so scared of using force
of any kind that he'd rather wonder what the significance
of a relatively innocent black mass is than to look at a
big white mass. No, those big white masses bite! They're
full of force. Those black masses, they're only laggardly
painful, and so forth.

Because you see something white, then afterwards you get
bitten. See? There's nothing - flash! And then as the
particles fly through the air, fly through space - pam! -
whatever mock-up you've got there to feel. And you were
looking at this thing, so what did you get? As you looked
at the whiteness, you've got condensed space.

See, you looked at the whiteness and it was a spreading
whiteness and it came in your direction and so you expected
some whiteness to come from the exterior. You didn't
realize the only reason you saw it is because you had a
viewpoint up next to it. And you think that as it travels
through space that it's going to do this and it's going to
take these viewpoints, you see, and it's going to drive
them all back and it's going to give you, perforce, an
energy beam; whether you like it or not, it's going to give
you an energy beam.

You were looking at the explosion - let's say, you were a
light-year away from the thing - and you looked at the
explosion, and you looked at it with a viewpoint. And if
you looked at it with a viewpoint, then you got into this
kind of a silly situation, see? The viewpoint with which
you looked at it was probably a point of mass and it got
driven in and so you got condensed looking as a reason
for. And there is your explosions. And there is your blackness.

The only blackness that anybody has got hanging around
is - it's just reading; reading is a lock, see, on it.
Just reading wouldn't do this; reading is just a lock
on it.

Motion pictures, fixed distances, are just locks. And
they're locks on what? They're locks on nothing but and
nothing but, at all, the phoom! and condensation of an
explosion. See, the explosion characteristic. All
right - phoom! You've got condensed space. And as it
condenses, the fellow first starts feeling - feeling good
about the explosion and then feeling damned hurt by the
explosion and then running an emotional and finally a
thought about the explosion. Now, you see how that thing
compares and how you get condensed looking out of explosions.

So you handle these two potent forces - these two potent
things, rather - and one is the force of energy and the other
is the force of admiration. You do this with Admiration
Processing for admiration, but you're running explosions
in brackets for the other one. And that is about the limit
of good, sensible mental processing.

Now, I gave you yesterday - gave you yesterday some class
processing as a group. I didn't give you Group Processing
as we do it.

The concepts I gave you came under the heading of
understanding. You see? They were concepts. And we were
running these things as concepts. Now, they do things to a
case. There is no doubt about this; you can get a change of
behavior and all sorts of things on a case.

But you run these for a little while and then you, if you
are not exteriorized - it's a different proposition if you're
exteriorized sitting down here, way across the line, or
something of the sort, and you're a couple of miles away
and running this process. That's - it's very easy to do,
because that's all a thetan does: change his mind. And a
concept - he runs it for a moment; he says, "That's silly,"
and suddenly integrates it. It isn't that he runs anything
out or runs anything in; he just changes his mind. And the
concepts show him how to change his mind.

So you see, such processing is very beneficial to a thetan
exteriorized; because that's the only process he's got.

But the other case, the very occluded case - I checked this
in the class yesterday, and so on. Some startling things
happened for a moment, but there was no persistence in the
startling thing that happened for the moment.

So the fellow in the body - a fellow in the body - does not
benefit from Concept Processing. He has momentary changes
but in our terms of what we're doing, for heaven's sakes,
don't think that a guy in a body is going to benefit from
Concept Processing! He's not! All you may succeed in doing
with him is just nailing him down tighter, because he keeps
expecting something to happen.

Now, the one thing that he's doing is "It must not happen."
He's gotten to an interlock of "The explosion mustn't reach
me" and "I mustn't reach the explosion" which is
satisfactory to him. It's quite satisfactory, because it
doesn't hurt. But it mustn't happen again, or it mustn't
happen further, because if it did it will hurt, or he'll
lose it.

And he's running, at the same time, the satisfaction of
having gotten his anchor points back; he's at least gotten
them back in facsimile form. He got them back, all right.
The explosion drove them back. But by the time they got
back to him, they were black.

You will just have a dreadful time with this guy to get him
to do this if you don't watch it very slippily: All you've
got to do is to get him to look and he'll really exteriorize.

But he's got to have something run on him before, probably,
he will go into this very, very far. He's got to have
something run on him.

He's got to get, either by Admiration Processing or the
processing of explosions, some sort of an idea that his
black pattern can shift. Now, you can even do that with
Reach and Withdraw, Formula H, which you will have.

Now, there is an argument here. There's two schools of
thought possible at that point. And the other one is that
you should never permit him anything that permits him to
dabble around with thinkingness. Never! Shouldn't do this.
And I've had this reported by auditors, so I'm just warning

The luck I've been having is I clip it with Explosions and
clip it with Admiration Processing and then hit it with Six
Steps to Better Beingness and away he'd go.

And when he was outside, I would immediately run Step I in
such a way to turn up his ability to manufacture
admiration - and then concentrate like mad on his ability
to manufacture admiration. And then he finds out he can
dissolve unwanted force in his body and he'll regain his
perception. His perception is condensed by an absence of
admiration and the feeling that he cannot admire.

Now, do you understand this occluded case a little bit
better? We'll go over this many times, but I hope you
understand this case a little bit better.

The thing for you to do is to get some reality on your
processes. That would be a very good thing for you to do, a
very good thing.

And because I have been using them now for months and have
had very good luck - uniformly had good luck with these
techniques that I'm telling you about - I don't think there
will be anything at all wrong with you just sitting down,
if you wish, and just memorizing SOP 8, SOP 8-L and the Six
Steps to Better Beingness. Why, they're just that rote.
It's the same thing of how to drive a taxicab; how to clear
a human being - same thing!

Gee, you know, SOP 8 has now been in existence for
about - actually, it's been in existence for about eight
months; but to my satisfaction it's been in good shape for
about five months. And it's just been coasting along. This
is an unheard of thing in Dianetics and Scientology,
unheard of; it just goes on and on.

Now, the only way we're varying this is with SOP 8-L, which
takes the occluded case at Level V and runs in Six Steps to
Better Beingness, Explosion and Admiration on him - pam! -
and at Step IV puts in Acceptance Level Processing - just
educational. See, that's SOP 8-Learning - 8-L: learning. He's
got to learn something about life before he's happy about
doing anything about it.

And you give him Acceptance Level Processing at Step W and
he says, "My God, that's true. I have to be a certain level
of sickness." All these things come through to him with
great truth. "Holy God!" he says, "I would rather..." (If
you will excuse me, I'll be outspoken in this class,
because you'll really run into things.) He says, "You know,
that horse manure is much more acceptable to me than cream
puffs!" He won't be able to understand this until all of a
sudden he sees that that's true. So, he says, "Well, all
right, so it's true! So it is!" And then he remembers - then
he remembers his dog being beaten, when he was a little
kid, for having eaten horse manure. And he's still been
trying to protect and defend the right of the dog to eat
horse manure.

Well, this is what happens to your computations. I didn't
just introduce that just to be risque' this morning. I
introduced that as the climate of operation on Acceptance
Level Processing. Boy, the stuff that is acceptable is the
stuff that's been resisted. And we'll go over this cycle of
resistance and breakdown before we get through here, very
much so.

When a man has resisted, resisted, resisted, resisted,
resisted and all of a sudden - aahh - he isn't resisting so
much, you see, his level of look comes back in view of the
resistance. And his level of look comes back again and then
his level of think starts in on the resistance. And his
level of think turns, then, to a level of accept. A man
that will think about something will accept it.

You go down here to a city official. You pull out a hundred
dollar bill and say, "Well, I'd like something illegal."

"My dear sir, I will have you know I am a civil servant!
Get the hell out of this office!" He didn't think about it,
did he? But the next guy that you went in to see, he says,
"Well, I don't know. That-that-that's - that's an awfully
adventurous step for me to take. It's - it's - it's very
illegal for me to falsify a car registration." He'll take
it. You see, he'll think about it. A man will accept what
he'll think about.

Only I don't say that just baldly, I just give you that as
a practical demonstration of it. So you get people who
read books about perversions and so forth; they may never
have practiced a perversion but they're right on the
borderline. And you start to run Acceptance Level
Processing on bad perversions and the most terrific relief
comes over your preclear - huh-huu! And he'll finally say,
"You know, that's probably - that's probably a terrible thing
to do." He will suddenly wake up to this, you see? He
reverses the process. Now, how would you run Acceptance
Level Processing to extend looking? Be a cute little trick
is - wouldn't it? Run Acceptance Level Processing to extend
looking. Well, you keep putting out the things he'll
accept, making him get them further and further away from him.

So, you have disease. All right, now, the first time you
start to run disease, boy, it's right up on him, see? And
you get him to accept disease - easier, easier, easier and
all of a sudden he's going out. Now, that's the purpose of
the bracket, more than anything else, is to get those
things out there, see - put a person out there and get him
to accept it. You're just extending his looking.

Now have two other people - one to the other - and you're
out there further, with more people doing it, remedying
more scarcity of viewpoints there. Here he goes. Because
anybody that runs his body doing anything is running
another person doing it. Don't worry about life all being
tied up together. He's all tied up together with something
that isn't him already.

All right, then, how do you run Acceptance Level
Processing? What variation? Or how do you run Explosions?
You get them further and further away, and then you get
them tolerated closer and closer, and then further and
further away. But remember, we've got distance and
location with which we're working. We're working with
distance and location - distance and location, continually.

SOP 8 which you find in 16-G, SOP 8-L (and I've told you
just now what a variation it had) and Six Steps to Better
Beingness - these are the processes we're going to use. SOP
8-L includes Admiration and Explosion.

The most important thing to do for a case is to rehabilitate
his ability to admire and to handle force. If you can do
this, he comes clean.

The least important things to do for the case, while he's
still in the body, is change his mind; that's the least
important thing. If he's in his body and he can't get out
easily, you've got to make him look. Six Steps to Better
Beingness does that.

Now you touch it up a little bit with Admiration
Processing, something like that, it'll vary his looking
patterns slightly and he'll see that something can happen

But he's willing to run a concept and he's not willing to
run a look, so you give him a little bit of concept and
slide him out into looking as fast as possible.

And as far as an exteriorized thetan is concerned, all you
do with an exteriorized thetan is, in effect, run Rising
Scale concepts. You just get him to change his mind
upwards. Get him to get into happier and happier and
happier shape about the same thing. See?

Now, those are the processes we're going to use here for
six weeks. And you're supposed to come up with an optimum
Group Process.

Let's take a break.

[end of lecture.]

1st ACC - 03

Tape number 654 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 7 October 1953

Okay. This is the second hour of October 7th.

I want to give you kind of an insight on what not to use in
this course.

I don't want you to use matched terminals or double
terminals, even in brackets, unless a person is very
thoroughly and reliably exteriorized because they run down
the body potential and they exhaust energy. And you don't
want that happening.

The body potential is something that you can straighten out
with great ease when you can look at it. But straightening
it out by running concepts is very silly. I mean, it's just
silly. I just couldn't condemn this enough. It's very, very
silly. It's something like trying to fix a clock in West
Chester by thinking about it in Poughkeepsie. You fix a
clock in West Chester by taking a look at the clock in West
Chester and I mean a look. You have that now? It's just
silly to think about something if there's a way to look at
it. If you can't look at something, well, you have to think
about it. But if there's any way that it can be figured out
whereby you can look at it, you're on the ball. You're
right there on the beam.

That's why people think about time travel all the time.
They want to go back in time and take a real look at it. As
it is, they take substitutes, facsimiles, mock-ups and so on.

All right. This is a simple and elementary problem. I don't
want you to use techniques which tear down the body residual
mechanism - the operating mechanisms of the body - by
thinking about them with gunshot techniques except where
you have a momentary chronic somatic. Pardon me, a
momentary return of chronic somatic or an acute somatic
that suddenly shows up.

The best way I know of to get rid of a burn is just throw
your... You burned your hand; all right, just put your hand
out there twice. That's all you do. If it's been badly
burned you'd probably have to keep putting it out there.
Put your hand out there twice, the burn will run out - pam!
Well, that's an emergency. That's an assist.

In the case of some preclear being terribly upset about
having had an argument with the landlady, you can actually
discharge this argument with the landlady, while it's
fresh, simply by matched-terminaling her. Make her face
her, and it runs out. You see, that's another version of Q
and A. That's why Q and A works. People are trying to get
exact terminals one from the other so to make this flow.
All right.

What other techniques shouldn't we fool around with here?
Well, there isn't any very specific lineup. But you
shouldn't run engrams, scan locks or fool around with
old-time Effort Processing.

But this doesn't say that you shouldn't run a grief-charge
secondary if you encounter it. You might suddenly, with
other things you're using, encounter a grief charge that's
right there and spilling. Run it.

How do you run a grief charge? Take him to the beginning of
the moment when the incident first occurred. First
intimation they had anything was occurring, you run it
through to the end. All perceptions would be picked up. And
then you go to the beginning and run it through to the end
again with all the perceptions that could be picked up. And
then you go to the beginning and run it through to the end
again with all the perceptions that could be picked up. And
it comes on up the Tone Scale.

It's a fast process in that it does change people quite
markedly because it's a process which applies to the GE. GE
could get his grief off; he'd be in beautiful shape,
believe me. It's fantastic.

This goes way back on the track to a thing called,
evidently, the Weeper - salt water. And for about half a
million years man was having a hell of a time trying to
rush into the waves long enough to get some food and rush
back to get some air. And he didn't have anything with
which to rush. And it was - and it was very frustrating. So
frustration winds up in spilling salt water. He had a
couple of little tubes and he pushed these out of the shell
and he'd pump like mad trying to pump out all the salt
water. You run a preclear on this and it's just fabulous.

But you could actually turn on grief - you could run off
grief charges and so forth. You could run out this
mechanism. But it's a necessary mechanism in the body. If
you go to start altering around very much the evolutionary
pattern of a body - and you get a body in horrible condition.
Because it's depending on these old past efforts and these
old adjudications and adjustments in terms of force
particles and just that much admiration and it's just in
that degree here and there through the body. And it's
fantastic to me that the body resists the way it does and
that it is just - just wonderfully foolproof as a mechanism.
It's really fabulous.

It's something I sometimes sit down and just - flabbergasted.
I used to be - I used to be wondering about this on the basis
of wrecks. A guy would go into a wreck or a blow-explosion
or something. My God, they'd haul him out in horrible
condition, and so on - he'd live.

And one time I began to worry about it. Just thought about
it a little bit. It was, of course, immediately after an
impact. But I'd been thrown through the top of a car - clear
through its top and a hundred feet down a mountainside.
And the car had struck a huge tree which didn't budge an
inch. Demolished the car. Went through the top of the car,
went a hundred feet down the mountainside. The next thing I
knew - from the moment I saw the tree when I was sitting a
hundred feet down the mountainside and I was just sitting
there. Didn't have a scratch on me. I either picked myself
up out of the car and sat myself down there where it was
safe or I did something peculiar.

Everybody else who was in the car - I wasn't driving -
everybody else who was in the car was in a bad state of
disrepair. But not me. And I should have been very - in
a very bad state of disrepair. Not a scratch. Yet the top
of the car - and the rest of them didn't go through the
top - they were still in the car - but the top of the car
was utterly demolished. And if I were at this moment to
take my fist and try to go through sheet steel, I'm sure
I'd get a bruised knuckle. And yet I went through the top
of that car and split steel. This human body is just
fabulous in what it can take - only reason I'm mentioning

But that's no reason for us to find out how much it can take.

It's completely silly to process the body in terms of an
indirect process when you can exteriorize the thetan and
the thetan can reach over and straighten out the exact
mechanism in the body that's causing trouble. If a guy is
having trouble with eyesight, wearing glasses and that sort
of thing, for God's sakes don't - don't worry too much about
running the GE, if you can get the boy out there and have
him just take his - a couple of little beams and streak them
down the optic nerve - the optic nerve - and take off all
the bumps. Smooth them all out and take off all the bumps
and throw away the little, tiny deposits of energy and
straighten them up. It's beautiful. He'll see beautifully.

Thetan knows how the body is built. You know how a body is
built. Only you don't admit that you know it, because if
you knew that you knew how a body was built, you might get
mad at it someday and take it all apart. And therefore, you
have to refrain from getting mad at it and you'd better not
arm yourself with the knowledge that you know how a body is

A thetan is cute. He parks his knowledge around in little
caskets and little, tiny boxes. And a thetan when he first
exteriorizes, and so forth... Or the bad-off cases - they
don't exteriorize because they're really persisting. This
body is valuable; they have finally become something.
They've become this body and they just don't want to leave.

Any one of your bad-off cases will shove off from the body
if the body is extremely ill after a supreme
disappointment. Guy is really sick, in bad shape and it
looks completely impossible to go on, why, the worst case
there is - can be - on his own final adjudication - "Well,
it's all over. The hell with it. I can't go on any further."
And he'll tell you some such phrase as "I could sit down and
cry for ten thousand years." And he's really feeling real
bad. All he does is just push himself out of the body, 100
percent, go and sit down someplace. "Well, try again."
That's the way he goes, this way.

The complete sham of a man being stuck in a body - complete
sham of it - becomes at once apparent to such a person. He
thinks he can't control a body from the exterior, so there
is no question of controlling the body that's shocked,
sick, in horrible shape. He just backs out.

See how this is? See how simple? Actually, there's nothing
sticking the thetan in the body - not a thing. There's no
mechanism or anything else beside his - really - his own
desire to stay there and his own anxiety that he must control
it and his final realization that he is something, and so on.
Well, when he drags out on such a circumstance, he finds
out something terribly important: He's got little caskets
and little boxes and all sorts of things hanging on him
and he's got circuits all packed up this way and he's got
trapped thetans.

When we think of these horrible entities, and so forth,
that the thetan curses so and a person says are so terrible
and so forth - he trapped them. What are they doing? They're
thinking for him. He's a slave master. When he gets
democratic his slave mastership has a tendency to weaken.
When he gets out of the body he doesn't think anything
about taking one of these poor critters and holding it out
at arm's length, twisting it around, making it agonize a
little bit. It's amusing. He has no feeling about it
because there's no retribution as far as they're concerned.
He has a crew.

Very often people say they have demons, and so forth. And
he'll come around to the auditor to get the auditor to free
him of one of these demons. Well, who the devil has got the
demon? He has. He's holding it solidly by the throat. And
every once in a while you say to the guy who is terribly
impatient about being cleared, and so forth, he says, "I
just have these voices clamoring, clamoring, clamoring."

And you say, "Why don't you tell them to shut up?"

"All right. What do you know," he says. "They did!"

You say, "Of course."

Now, you have been prone to apply an indirect method, some
highly mechanical method, to making the body shut up. Just
tell him to shut up.

Now, when he's out, when he's exteriorized, he actually
feels like a - he feels real sad at first. Then he gets to
feeling mischievous and he kind of feels like a mischievous
ghost. And all the chains he's carrying and old tin cans
and bric-a-brac and everything else is just stuff he's
carrying around because they're anchor points he had once,
and he has now facsimiles of these anchor points and he's
made other anchor points to replace them. And in addition
to that, in little capsules, he's got in condensed form a
terrific variety of brilliant mock-ups that he has stolen
way back on the track. And you just try and take his
mock-ups away from him, and oh, no! He won't even look at them.

He's saying, "They're real dull. They're real dim. You
can't see them anyhow. And they don't exist, really, and I
haven't got a thing to do with it. And I can't see these."

Once in a while a preclear - you'll startle one into this:
He'll be sitting there, looking at this gorgeous man or
something of the sort (you know, he's got a little
facsimile of it), in a wildly colored jungle or something
in this facsimile. He'll be looking at that - she'll be
looking at that, usually. Smile from her.

"Whatcha looking at?"


Only they'll explain it to you this way. They'll
say - they'll say, "I can't see it now. You interrupted me
and it's dived out of sight." What they're running is "no
responsibility," which is no force. They don't want to have
enough force to destroy or enough admiration to destroy
these precious mockups. Well, until they can make another
mock-up similar to it, they're going to hold on to these

Boy, you talk about moving day - it's when some of these
thetans start to move out of the body, brother. Well,
they're not stuck to the body or anything. Once in a while
a thetan will move out and push himself against the MEST
universe, and his beams are sufficiently condensed that
they'll stick. And that frightens him. Frightens him a lot.
He'll all of a sudden try to get loose from whatever he's
stuck to. He's got hands and he's doing this. And he's a
complete being, tin cans and all.

And he'll all of a sudden do this and then suddenly it'll
occur to him that he isn't anything. He'll say, "I'm just
an invader from space," or "I'm just a - I'm just nothing,"
or "I've always failed anyway," or "There isn't hope - any
hope for me anyway," and shoot right back into the body
again. And he'll stick in there. He wasn't anything
outside. Inside, all you have to do to free him again is
redistribute his looking. Get him to look once more.

All right. Well, you get the favored technique, with regard
to the GE, is exteriorization. The technique which returns
the person his personality is exteriorization. The
technique which adjusts the anxiety and troubles and
inability to handle anchor points is exteriorization. The
most workable technique is Postulate Processing but that is
only workable, actually, on exteriorized thetans.

So we get as the first hump of the whole thing
exteriorization; not perception when exteriorized but
exteriorization after being exteriorized. Nothing to this.

Now the difficulty you will have with exteriorization is
not great. If there is a difficulty it's because of the
uncertainty of the preclear. He's got a big dodge he's
running one way or the other. He's just running a dodge on
you as to why he shouldn't leave this body because he
finally is something. And he'll mean - if he could make the
body run - my God, if it had two broken legs and he could
still drag it down the street one way or the other, he
would. Those things are scarce. He loses them too much and
he loses them too easily. He'd drag anything with him
rather than get out of the body.

Because this is - this seems idiotic to him that you should
ask him to get out of the body, because he's got a body.
And also, you try to tell him that he can't process himself
while still in the body and he thinks you're goofy. Because
he tangles up the GE with the entities he's carrying around
and he sees the GE being totally obedient to him, and so
forth, so he doesn't understand why the GE couldn't be
cleared the same time he's cleared. And he goes into a big
computation about this which he doesn't tell himself or you

And we get this kind of a silly situation of a body, which
is built out of very heavy particles, being battered around
all the time because the thetan knows what will process
himself. And when he uses that, it doesn't process the body
properly and it rather knocks the body's operating
mechanisms flat and upsets them considerably.

So there's your solution to the thing. You'll just have to
get him out. And he's under the delusion that he has to be in.

Now, the effort of the body to get its anchor points back
occasionally complements the effort of the thetan to stay
in. But the thetan is trying to stay in and he's trying to
haul in and he's trying to pull in and he's trying to haul
flat whenever you get into this situation of difficult

What's he trying to do? He's trying to withdraw. What's he
trying to do? He's trying to hide. What's he trying to do?
He's trying to - anything you could think of but it's just
the effort is in the direction of pulling in the anchor
points and the body is in the direction of trying to pull
in the thetan.

How do you solve this? Six Steps to Better Beingness will
solve it. Or Step III, SOP 8, will solve it. There are
endless solutions. And if you run against all else and so
on, why, you've always got other techniques that you can
fix him up so that he can't quite keep ahead of you.

But you don't have to have a vast array like this. He's got
one on a lockup of "he mustn't let anything happen." And
the other one is "he's got his anchor points back." He
doesn't want to go any further than that. He's got his
anchor points back. And the body is just one of his anchor

Another problem you'll run into: A thetan will feel
tremendously big and Earth terribly small, and so on. He's
lost his perception of relative sizes. It's easy to get it
back again, very easy to get it back again. Duplication
Processing will do it. Duplication - just like it's given in
the book. Duplication will adjust his relative sizes. All

You can run a concept or two. You can waste. You can do
anything while the guy is in the body. But actually, if the
fellow is pinned down in the body, you're wasting time. You
can run Explosions and Admiration on him and it will soften
up some of the lines. You can run an awful lot of it, just
an awful lot of it.

Female voice: Can you run it on Expanded GITA?


Female voice: Or do you just... You run an explosion and
admiration on Expanded GITA or you are just mocking them up?

Oh, just keep mocking them up and throwing them out, other
people mocking. .. The less you figure about it, the better
off you are. Just throw them out and let them explode. Have
them explode out there, and so on.

Quantity - because you're dealing with energy. You just want
more energy. You don't want more thinking.

Admiration - you just want more energy, not more thinking.
People down below looking up in large masses is admiration.
Odd things will happen on Admiration Processing.

Now, that's one of the first things we're going to do.

Female voice: Should you continue Admiration Processing
after the preclear begins to feel he's rising with it? Or
has he had enough?

Could he...

Female voice: Should you continue Admiration Processing
after the preclear feels he's rising from the couch with
it or has he had enough?

Huh! He hasn't had near enough. What you're getting is a
tightening line there. You're getting lines opening up
because of admiration. And lines which were just little
balls, you might say, just nothing, are suddenly becoming
strong tensional lines.

Female voice: So you can run it longer, huh?

Oh, you can run Admiration Processing by the hundred-hour
lot. And you will get into the condition, though, where the
whole body starts to soften. But it's not dangerous. Okay.

Now, the one member of the class to whom this is going to
happen - Mr. Young. And I want you to take a notebook, like
the petty-cash book that's out there in the other room, and
while the processing is being done we're going to have the
auditor doing the job making notes as to manifestations.
We're going to run this for your benefit and for his
benefit. You're going to see lines open up all over the
place, and so forth. All we're going to run is Admiration
Processing and we're going to alternate it with a little
bit - minimal, minimal - of Six Steps to Better Beinguess.
We're just going to do this to show you what happens. Is
that all right with you?

Male voice: Okay.

The way you do this process is simplicity itself You get
people mocked up - no matter if he can't get mock-ups or
can get mock-ups-you get people mocked up in masses, all
looking up and admiring the preclean. People in masses
looking up and admiring somebody else than the preclean.
And other people mocking up masses of people to admire other
people. And this at once wastes and accepts admiration.

You can run it this way and you'll occasionally find
yourself a little bit pushed to get enough people there.
Vary the kinds of people - stadiums full of people, theaters
full of people, and so on. I won't forecast what would
happen on this, but very possibly you'll find out that
every time you put a stadium full of people around the
preclear, all the seats get sucked empty, ptock. Then he's
going to have to put them in there again.

Now, you'd use this, ordinarily, with an E-Meter. You'd see
action on the E-Meter and I think you'll see the E-Meter
stick. But I'd like to see how Admiration Processing works
on the E-Meter. So, just set it up and roll it.

Now, we won't put any definite time on how long you're
going to run this, because you might only have to run it
for a very short time and you might have to grind out for
two or three days. But I don't think that it will be much

Now, remember that there's another formula in there.
There's Formula H. And when the preclear gets the feeling
that he's going completely insane, remember that this is
"must withdraw but can't withdraw" or "must reach - must
but can't reach."

"Must reach but cannot reach," "must withdraw but cannot
withdraw" is insanity itself. And that turns on a funny
emotion. Anybody here could have that emotion turned on, by
the way. All of a sudden he says, "Nyah! I'm going mad!"
Any time anybody starts feeling like that, why, you know it
is either "must withdraw and can't withdraw" or "must reach
and can't reach."

Well, you'd better run it this way - better run it this way:
"Get the feeling that you must withdraw but can't withdraw.
That you must reach but can't reach."

Male voice: In other words, you just suffer through until...

Well, as a matter of fact, it'll only last for about three
or four minutes if you run that in there. It'll run for a
little - quite a little bit longer on Admiration Processing
- could continue for a half an hour or so, probably. But if
you just - the guy just all of a sudden looks completely
wild-eyed, and so forth, he's locked up on that. And it's a
very delicate thing, although it seems to be very solid at
the moment it's hit. It's a precise point and that emotion
is the emotion of insanity.

It's just a precision point of exactly what pattern of
particles gives this emotion which you accept as the
emotion called insanity. That's all. See? And it's just
"must reach but can't reach," "must withdraw but can't
withdraw." It's either one or the other. It's not
necessarily both. But to run it you would run "must reach
but can't reach," "must withdraw - can't withdraw."

Male voice: Suppose your preclear gets feeling kind of
rotten on Admiration Processing. Do you just continue
Admiration Processing or do you switch to SSSA?

In this case - in this case, we will vary it slightly by a
minimal use of Six Steps - minimal use. For instance, you
shouldn't finish up a session, particularly, without
letting him hold on to the anchor points of the room at
least for a couple of minutes or do a duplication or two.
See, just terrifically tiny use - just enough to orient in
present time.

And you'll get a very good idea - you as a class - what
happens to people with Admiration Processing. There's nothing
bad going to happen, but you'll see the guy kind of have a
tendency to slide out of present time, and various patterns
turn up, and so on.

I want you to do that on an experimental level. Is that all
right with you?

Male voice: Uh-huh.

Good. You would not do this in ordinary processing. You
would do a little bit of Admiration Processing and a whole
lot of Six Steps to Better Beingness - complete reversal. And
I think you'll get him exteriorized very shortly.

See, the only thing that keeps him interiorized, as far as
he's concerned, mechanically, is a collapsed communication
line. And the only way the communication line can
collapse... He can't get a communication line from an
exterior point of the body into the body. When he starts to
move out, he feels like he is on springs. And ping, he
comes back in again. Well, that's just too tight a line -
admiration of that line.

And what do you admire? Well, you'd admire the thetan.
You'd admire Christ. You'd admire ghosts. You could admire
anything on the list of Expanded GITA - anything on subject
matter, as far as that's concerned. You see, there's a
little more of a technique there.

You don't have to admire subjects. You don't have to admire
subjects. But if you keep on admiring bodies rather than
thetans, you're just softening up all the body ridges and
you're having the thetan service the body again, you see,
rather than the thetan getting it directly.

Okay? Now, are there any questions about this?

Okay. There being none, it's the official end of the lecture.

[end of tape.]

1st ACC - 04

Tape number 655 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 8 October 1953

This is October the 8th, eight o'clock. And we're going to
cover this morning a little more technical data.

This morning I want to talk to you very specifically on the
subject of technique.

You notice we're covering in the morning, to some degree,
the rough case and in the afternoon we re covering the easy
case. And that is no reason why you should concentrate all
of your auditing talent upon the tough case.

Tough cases are expendable. I mean, the day I found out -
the day I found out this thing about the "poor thetan" - the
poor thetan. He - this rough, rough, rough, rough case. He
couldn't get out - I did this to about five cases, by the
way. He couldn't get out. He couldn't move out. He couldn't
run concepts and nothing had any reality to him. And he was
really - he was really having a rough time.

And then I discovered that if you could reduce the morale -
the physical morale of the body sufficiently, they'd leave.
They had no slightest difficulty in doing so. They were not
stuck to the body. They'd kind of get stuck a little bit once
in a while when they hit MEST too hard because - that was
because they were too close up to it. They had no difficulty.
They moved right out - complete, though, with everything they

It was the same - but it was the same sort of operation
that you and I would - well, you and I would not like to move
out of a house that we'd been living in for a long time and
so forth with all of our treasured possessions and everything.
And somebody suddenly comes along and kicks - kicks us out.
We wouldn't like that.

Well, this was about the same frame of mind, about the same
reluctance. He was not stuck to the body - this first one I
ran. And the succeeding four that I made this test on were
not stuck. They moved right out. They weren't stuck.

The thetan has approximated the exact shape of the body as
near as possible. And outside of the energy he is
generating, that energy which he is packing around is not
necessarily impinged upon this universe. Now, think of that

Now let's take this magazine I'm holding in my hand here
and we see that when I reach over and touch this wall here
with the magazine, the magazine is impinged upon the wall.
The magazine is impinged upon this universe. Now, you
understand that? Okay. It's impingement.

Okay. This magazine is impinged upon the wall here. And
therefore we would be able to run the magazine through the
wall very easily if - of course, we had to have had
sufficient velocity and so forth, but we would make a hole
in the wall, wouldn't we?

Speaking of high pressure jets and things like that - you
can actually take a jet of water and cut steel with it, and
so forth. But it would cut the wall like the bamboo splinter
that goes through the palm tree in a hurricane. You
could - but it would make a hole in the palm tree. You see
this now?

We're taking a piece of the MEST universe - this magazine -
and we are pushing it up against a piece of the MEST universe.
So we are then accustomed to believe that that thing which
is up against something is necessarily convinced that it is
up against something. Just because something is convinced
it is up against something, we are accustomed to believing
that the thing is up against something.

Now, this sounds like one of those horribly obvious points;
just like Q and A. The way across - there's this tribe of
Indians that had these phrases like "The way to cross the
lake is to cross the lake," "The way to eat duck is to eat
duck." They had all of these - these maxims by which they
guided their way. Boy, they were really identified. "The
answer to the problem is the answer to the problem." That's
all. That's all it is.

But let's take this again and now let's realize that we
have this observation, this continual observation and
thought in mind. We have this continually: that when we
take a piece of something and push it up against a piece of
something, the two are necessarily touching each other. And
if we take the first something and shove it hard enough or
fast enough at the second something, we get a hole in the
second something and we get penetration and we get damage
of some sort against this first something. Now you
understand that. I mean I'm just laboring something that we
see every day. We put our foot, our shoe, down on the
ground. And if it were dirt, we would leave a footprint on
the ground.

Now just - just see that very clearly because it is true only
in terms of the MEST universe and is not true in terms of
the thetan versus the MEST universe. He is - simply thinks he
is this magazine impinged against this wall. The wall is of
one order of magnitude and the magazine is the same order
of magnitude, but if the magazine were a thetan, you've got
a different order of energy. And the different order of
energy, if you please, cannot make a hole in the wall with
great ease simply by being thrust at the wall, but only
becomes certain that it can.

So we put a thetan in a quart can. Let's see this. We put a
thetan in a quart can. He would think he could press
against the edges of the quart can and assume the internal
shape of the can. Well, he's a very clever fellow because
he can only approximate the internal dimensions of the can.
And he has to be awfully careful not to slop over because
he would not be contained in the quart can - he would be
a quart and a half See? Because he doesn't - with the energy
he's packing around, at its order of magnitude with
relationship to its spatial structure, and so forth - he
doesn't approximate this can.

But the occluded case has become certain - it's the only
difference between, really, an occluded case and a
wide-open one - the occluded case is quite certain that he
has. The occluded case knows he cannot walk through doors.
He knows this very well. And yet when he's audited, his
main concern and his real worry is getting - getting wrong
about the way he's approximating the body. And if he's
really worried about anything it's because he's not
approximating the body properly.

You see, he is doing - he is doing a pervasion. That's all
he's doing. But he's doing a perfect pervasion and a
recognized pervasion. And he gets down Tone Scale to a
point where he's afraid to realize that all he can do is
approximate. So he tries to reconvince himself by
approximating with great exactness.

And your occluded case thinks he's more or less the shape
of the body. And as you maul this character around and give
him concepts and so forth, he's liable to assume the shape
of some earlier body. He gets upset. And he's sure he's not
doing this body. He's a little bit upset. But he knows he's
doing a body and this is as close as he can come to it
because he can't quite get to the end of his nose anymore.

And if you really want to make this person happy without
clearing him at all, just fix him up so that he'll be able
to approximate the shape of his nose and the shape of his
eyes and the shape of the back of his head and fill in all
the blank spots in the body and he'd be very happy. That's
why communication is so vital. He's approximating the same
shape as the body. He isn't pervading it.

You've gone a step down, you see, on his ability. The wide,
pardon, not the wide-open case, but the easily exteriorized
case - the Step I case - pervades the body. He can pervade
anything. He can pervade automobiles, light globes, the sun,
anything. He can approximate any of these things and pervade
them. He can approximate anything and he can pervade anything
because he's not afraid to be there. See, he isn't quite that
upset about being there.

Well if a person goes along for a while, they get that
upset about being there so they're not pervading and
they're afraid they're just approximating. And when they
get a hollow spot in their nose and a hollow spot in the
top of their head, they become very certain that all
they're doing is approximating and they're no longer
pervading. And they get sick and they get very sad because
they know now they're a fake.

And the main trouble occluded cases have is this
computation of pretense. And they're very afraid of being
discovered in a state of pretense. They become extremely
truthful. All the bad things that you can say about cases,
the one thing that you can say rather uniformly about an
occluded case is that it - he gets real upset with himself
for lying. He's quite truthful.

Whereas your wide-open case, which is the delusive level
above that, which has gone out to the line where they know
they can't even approximate - they're just a facsimile. They
know this. Oh, they're just - they're one step out. They're
very thin. They're not quite there. They can dub in
anything. They're going to have to make a mock-up. They're
going to have to make a mock-up at every turn because
they're really getting unreal there, see? They can't
pervade. They can't approximate. Now all they can do is
make a mock-up and they'll say this mock-up is a memory.
Fantastic that these cases respond. A wide-open case that
you think very often is a very easy case - they say, "Got
sonic and visio? Oh, yes, yes, yes." They're just doing a

So they get straightened up by next-to-the-last list in
Self Analysis - "Can you remember something real?" and so
forth. This case gets real delusive.

Now, how do you know the case is delusive and how do you
know the case is actually pervading? Well, you'd better
look at the general structure of the being himself to get
your first alertness to this. Because your wide-open case
has endocrine difflculties of magnitude. If you want a
single index: Somebody comes wobbling in to see you and
stumbling in and androgen/estrogen failure, thyroid
failure; the fatty tissue on the backs of the ankles is all
shot to the devil; they got diabetes - any one of these
various things which designates this. You can take that
case and if that case says, "Oh yes, I've got sonic and
I've got visio and I've got all these other beautiful
things," and so on, you just don't happen to match. This
character just doesn't match.

But you work this case for a little while, by the way, and
they click through into an occlusion and then they click
through into an ability to pervade. And when they can
pervade, that's fine. They don't have to have any further
upset about life at all. I mean, they can pervade.

But you get them any distance away from - you get anybody
any distance away from the body and he becomes unsure of
himself He'll throw up a mock-up before he'll pervade
something. He'll throw up a mock-up and pervade it rather
than just pervading it.

So quite often you run Reach and Withdraw (that is, Contact
or Step VII of SOP 8) on a Step I. If you are very explicit
as to how he does it - which was done here yesterday, which
I'm making a point out of - if you're very explicit as to how
he must reach and withdraw and so forth, your thetan is
liable to get uncertain and things are liable to be quite
unreal to him because if you say he has to do so-and-so and
he has to do so-and-so, that might not be - might not be his
capability of operation at that point. So you tell him to
reach and withdraw; well, he'll go over and sit on the wall
and then move off the wall. That's good enough.

But if you tell him to put out a beam on the wall and do it
this way and do it that way and he gets uncertain about
what he's doing because he doesn't put - well, you've thrown
him two imponderables. In the first place, he hasn't been
drilled on how to handle beams, let's say, or he hasn't
even really been drilled much on how to move around. And
all of a sudden you're asking him to do this thing
specifically and then do something else, which is contact.

I said in the lectures something that should have been
modified: I said there was no interchange of energy. I
should have said there is no gross interchange of energy
between thetans. When we speak of energy, I was speaking of
force energy. That's your physicist's definition of energy.
There is an interchange of flow between the two and light

If two thetans were in wonderful condition, they could
probably - probably throw blocks of energy to each other and
be very happy about it. But they'd have to approximate each
other's wavelength as far as the energy is concerned.
Nothing can become more invisible, and more puzzlingly
invisible, to something else than a thetan to another
thetan. They'll shift their wavelength. They'll become
invisible. And they'll shift their wavelengths and they'll
become visible.

Well, a thetan has to be - he has to be, oh, in terrific
shape. I mean, he's got to be an Operating Thetan plus,
plus, plus, plus in order to shift his energy down far
enough - this is just theoretical - shift his energy down
far enough to get into solid matter. Now, he'd really have
to shift wavelength down. He certainly would be - he'd have
to be able to - ptew! - pull everything together.

But get carefully here - carefully get this: that your thetan
is approximating or pervading. And the difference between
approximating and pervading is simply that he actually has -
approximating - he simply has a sort of a mock-up of what
he's supposed to be and then he pervades the mock-up. And
in pervasion he simply directly pervades the MEST object.

Well, how does he pervade it? He pervades it by assuming
its shape. And then, having assumed its shape, he can then
assume its characteristics. And if it has a hard time
pushing against walls, then he can assume that he's having
a hard time pushing against walls. How neat. There's nothing
to it - you see the thetan's pushing against the wall.

Now, I introduced a drill in the Doctorate Course whereby
you went up to the wall and took your theta hands and put
them against the wall. It was an effort to show people that
they could shift down, but at the time I was overshooting
the cases. Cases can't shift down that easily. And you take
some guy in pretty good shape, just take his hands, you
might say, out.

Now, the second that your thetan stops pervading, as soon
as he stops pervading and starts putting a mock-up there
and then approximating it - approximating the shape he'd
like to pervade with a mock-up - then you start to get into
errors. He starts to make errors. He's not in bad shape.
And to hell with whether or not he's making errors; you're
not worried about that.

Most of the Step I's that you exteriorize will immediately
go out and they'll make a mock-up of what they're looking
at and then pervade the mockup. They won't take a look at
what they're looking at and then pervade it. This is just
chronic. This is just a chronic upset that he runs into
because "Things are dangerous." And that's why you have to
drill him an awful long time on Step I. And that's why you
go all the rest of the Steps with a Step I.

He gets to a point, finally, where if - see, if he can
approximate a generator and then sit in the middle of the
generator and then be fairly satisfied as to what he's
doing, you wouldn't - you'd never explain to him what he's
doing. He's doing a good job, really. He looked at the
generator and then he approximated the generator and then
he occupied the center of the approximation. Mock-up, see?
But the mock-up was coincident to a large degree with the

Now, a thetan is doing this higher on the Tone Scale in a
very peculiar way. He'll not just approximate the
generator, he will put another generator over the
generator. Originally, on the track, this is how he
occupied bodies. Boy, when a thetan occupied a body and
just simply made a mock-up of the body while he was
pervading the body, he would make it heavy enough, solid
enough, so that he could then just move his mock-up and the
body, being sort of like a fly in a trap, couldn't help but
move. MEST couldn't help but move the second he moved. And
this is simply a problem of energy.

Well, let's take the occluded case - making my point very
sharp to you here - you just take the occluded case and
the case which you run into normally that's in rather bad
condition, and you take the magazine and you push it up
against the wall. The magazine pushes against the wall. The
thetan - Step V, Step IV - Step III, Step Il - he is more
certain than certain that he is trapped one way or the
other by walls. He's approximated a mockup. See, he's taken
this mock-up - approximating a body, rather - and then he
pervades this mock-up. And then he fits this mock-up in the
body, and he's just having a picnic for himself . He's just
all snarled up.

And now you ask him all of a sudden to move out; he can't
move out because a mock-up is his body. And he's very
confused when you ask him to do this. But if the body gets
sick, he has to come back to battery and stop his
pretending, stop this feeling of pretense, and so on, and
just move out and he feels real sad.

But does he move out of anything? No, he doesn't move out
of anything. He's all through, over, on and in. And a Step
V is so thoroughly over, through, on and in that he's just
a little bit frantic on one point, is: Can he keep lined up
with this thing? He's got to keep lined up with it at all
times, you see, to play the game right. And can he keep
lined up? That's his anxiety.

So he'll happily run any damn thing you ask him to run, and
so forth. But don't start moving in to a point which moves
his location in space in some other direction or manner
than the body, because here's his anxiety. His anxiety is
"Can I keep lined up with and approximating the mock-up
which I have in the space of the body? Can I keep lined up
with the mock-up I am pervading which approximates the body
which I am occupying?" See, he's gone too many steps. He's
too far removed from an easy assumption of a body. And he's
afraid that if he got a little bit moved one way or the
other, by God, he wouldn't be able to control that body; he
just wouldn't be able to. His primary concern is just that:
Can he control this body or can't he?

Well now, he gets in bad shape when he finds out that he as
a body cannot control somebody else as a body. And of
course, he's doing silly things there. That's the silliest
thing of all: trying to control with words. Trying to
control with words and commands. Ah, boy, there the thetan
digs his grave every time.

There's only one method of control if you just have to
control and that is force. And then there are devious ways
and they're - all fall into the category of words. Because
usually people who are anxious about control are also
pulling another gag. They don't dare admire anything. Why
don't they dare admire anything? They think if they admire
something they'll melt this approximation, this mock-up,
they've got. They're having a hell of a time for
themselves. See, if they start to admire something they're
liable to melt and then they'd get out of line with the body.

Now, if you could think of a black-gauze webbing of some
sort which was in the shape of a body which lined up - which
had feet and hands and everything - you've got this webbing
system. It's black gauze. And bodies are kind of scared of
black gauze and they're easy to control.

Now, if you let this... Old friend Korzybski - great guy,
Korzybski. I'm going to have to read something of his
sometime. When you line up two spaces coincident here,
you'll see exactly what the condition is with a thetan.
Here's a body over here. It hasn't any thetan in it. Here's
a body - just a guy. And now we put this black-gauze
approximation of the body - now we move these two things
into the same space. Well now, supposing we could just.

If we shoved a little bit too hard, the black-gauze thing
would just move on outside and appear on the other side of
the body. If we went over there, see, and we gave it a
little shove, it'd move three or four inches on the other
side of the body. If we gave it a real hard shove, it just
goes through. You can shove it up above, you can shove it
down through and it would be a good magician's trick. A
magician would be very pleased to have a trick like this
where he could have a shadow that he could shove, for the
edification of an audience, through and in front of, in
back of a solid object. The shadow obviously has mass and
the solid object obviously has mass. Well, the thetan gets
into a terrific state of anxiety because all you have to do
is give him a tiny little push and he'll just skid right on

He's just got to start thinking all the time. When people
wake up in the morning, by the way, they're seldom quite
lined up. And they've lain there all night trying to keep
the body from knowing that they were wide awake and so
they've convinced themselves that they'd better go to sleep
too. Their anxiety extends out to having to do everything
the body does, you see? They have to approximate everything
the body does. They make mock-ups of everything the body
does. They guide themselves the same way as they do a body.
This is nonsense because they don't even vaguely have to do

You see, by doing all these things of identification,
you've got a complete identification. And they think they
have to have this complete identification to get sufficient
solidity - not particularly bad this complete identification,
see - get enough solidity to make the legs go and the head
nod and the face move and so on, see? They think they have
to have all this.

So, they go to the point of being unconscious when the body
is being unconscious, being asleep when the body's asleep,
and so on. Well, you start to bring somebody up Tone Scale
and he'll find himself lying there all night thinking about
something else. And then once in a while he'll have a game
with himself. He'll have what people have been calling
dreams. It's about as much of a dream as it is for you to
uncross your legs. I mean, the thetan knows this very well.
It's a joke. It's a real big joke he's playing - he's playing
on himself.

But his other methods of controlling the body are the
methods which other people have used to control the body.
Now, please, please get that. People have controlled this
body with words and commands. He's seen, then, this darn
body - he didn't take responsibility for all the things it
did, of course; he couldn't - he's seen this body jump up
and run and he's seen this body cower and he's seen this
body say, "Yes, Mother," on a stimulus-response mechanism.
This is wonderful. So he starts saying, "Jump up and run,"
and "Yes, Mother," and so on, and you get your genus of
circuits. He's using this word method to control the body.

Well, this word method to control the body is no good at
all. It's just nonsense. People who start to control other
people with words don't get very far unless they have
controlled people physically. If they can control people
physically fairly easily - that is to say, if they can
control the body, you know, reach over and put your hands
on a body and fix it in space or lift it up in the air...
Toss a little baby around, by the way, if you want to come
under - in final command of the baby's body. Not because you
command the baby at all but because the baby as a thetan
will realize that you can now control the body with words
and so he'll start using words on the baby. He's perfectly
willing to accept any method of control.

Now, a case that's become occluded is afraid of relaxing
any level or giving away any method of control because his
anxiety is on the basis of control of a body. You can
exteriorize many occluded cases simply by making them run a
concept. Now, this sounds very strange. Try to get them to
run the concept on themselves, not on the body. Because a
lot of your auditing is just being thrown to the body by
the thetan. See, you're auditing a thetan which is auditing
a body. You're not auditing a thetan.

You'd better look at a preclear. If a preclear isn't
wobbling around very much and isn't floundering around and
doesn't occasionally curl up in a ball and do other strange
things, you're not auditing him. You are auditing the - you
are auditing something that is auditing something else. A
fellow who just sits there rather dispassionately, so on -
he's scared to let you take anything away from him, so he
just passes it on. And he's very happy about you a lot of
the time because, you see, you're helping him out to get
this body in shape so he can control it.

Well, if you can run the concept on him "I can control this
body from two feet behind it," or "I can control this body
from the left shoulder," or "I can control this body from
alongside of it," why - and, "I can't control this body."

You'll start in "I can't control this body" on rising-scale
postulates and just give him "I can't control this body
from a distance. I can control this body from a distance,"
all of a sudden he'll say, "What do you know, I'm - why not."
And he'll just give a shove. And he'll just be at a little
distance and find out.

Now if he happens to run into MEST hard or he happens to
get into another situation which makes him believe that
things are very strange and peculiar and so on, he's liable
to get scared.

[End of tape.]

1st ACC - 05

Tape number 656
on the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 8 October 1953

Continuing this October 8th, first lecture.

We have a problem here in terms of knowingness. What is a
thetan willing to know?

Well, the funny part of it is, is the thetan really isn't
willing to know anything. We have to get into the line of
what is a thetan willing to do? Well, if you can show a
thetan he can do something by knowing something, then he's
in good shape. Ah yeah, he'll consent to know something
then. It's kind of a degraded method of going about things.
You'd have to be in a very low-toned society to have this
come about but he's willing to know something.

As a consequence, in education, if you teach a child
arithmetic without ever showing the child that arithmetic
was any use, he isn't willing to know arithmetic. Of
course, you're selling him a bill of goods to tell him
arithmetic is of any use, anyhow. Funny part of it is, is
all you have to do is look at the answer. I mean, he thinks
much better in terms of action. When he is a fact, he is
doing much better than thinking up some factors to make a
fact. All right.

Your thetan is, then, interested in control. Now, in
past - in past work that we've been doing, we've been giving
a - giving a lot of - lot of attention to what we've been
calling error. You understand that we've inherited a lot of
faults in our culture. We've inherited these. They - man has
thought about thinking for a long time. They're in the
language. They're in the culture itself. They're all over
the place. And as we manage to find these and shed them,
our knowledge advances. But our knowledge advances as fast
as we understand that - understand by our remaining thinking
that the thinking we had wasn't necessary. Follow that?

Now, we're very reluctant, you see, to give up any method
of control because control means action. And if you can't
have action then the thetan doesn't think he has very much.
And if he doesn't have very much then life is very dull
indeed and he'd just rather not live it. He gets into the
state of Homo sapiens because he's approximated Homo
sapiens. If Homo - if he limits all the action he can do to
the action Homo sapiens can do, then he's in bad shape.

Now, the only time your thetan snaps back into the body and
sticks is not when somebody throws a firecracker in his
face or not when somebody injures the body in some fashion
or not when these - oh, boy, that's action - but when he has
been outside the body and hasn't been able to completely
control it.

Get the idea: The fellow is walking across the street.
You've got him now, he's a Step I, you've exteriorized him,
you've run the first drills of beingness. He's perfectly
willing to play ball with you. And this is all right
because his body is there and it's under guard and he's
certain - he's very certain nothing will happen to him, that
you aren't going to do anything to him that's bad. You're
not going to recontrol the body or suddenly steal it off of
him. So he's perfectly willing to go on with the processing.
And he goes out and he does this and that. Then he comes back
a couple of days later and by God, you can't get him out of
his head.

Or he's been a (quote) Theta Clear (unquote) as far as you
could tell for about three months. And you see him one day
and he all of a sudden - he can't get out of his head. He
tells you he can't. It's an impossibility; he knows. He'd
just as soon push and strain at the body trying to move
some molecule of the body outside of the body. But he isn't
going to just cooperate with you right away.

Now, what is the factor that has stopped his ability to
exteriorize and fly around and enjoy himself? It's he's
received a bad moment of uncontrol - a bad moment of
inability to control. Now, please remember this because
you'll run into it just continuously. He has gotten halfway
across the street; he's made his body walk across the
street. And he was sitting up on a telephone pole enjoying
the street and enjoying the scenery and everything and the
body was walking across the street. He wasn't paying much
attention to it. And a doggone taxicab came around the
corner and turned the wrong way too fast, and so forth, and
almost hit his body. And he ran into the lag factor of the
MEST universe. We're going to go into this right away. He
ran into the lag factor of the MEST universe and it scared
him. So he solves the lag factor by being in the body
again. He couldn't make the body jump as quick as he
thought the body ought to jump.

And some fellow will get in his car and he'll sit at a
stoplight and he may be processing himself or something.
He's sitting up on the roof He's driving the car. And he's
sitting up on the roof or something of the sort. And as he
goes along he stops at a stoplight and he's just up there
doping off. He doesn't dope off, I mean, he's just looking at
things and thinking about things and interested and so
forth. And he isn't immediately aware that he's forgotten
for a moment what he's doing.

Why? He came up to the stoplight and the stoplight said
stop, so his body stopped the car. And this car is not in
motion. Well, he's been operating under this slight strain
of the body being in motion, you see? And he didn't think
those beautiful thoughts that he was - quite - he was kind
of saving those - or he was - didn't quite operate the way
he thought he ought to operate while the car was in motion.
And he suddenly gets in these good, fast licks on the
subject of taking a real good look, now, at that girl he
saw in the last block. Well, he'll just go back and take a
look. And the traffic light changes and there sits the can
And it'll maybe sit there for an hour, traffic jammed up,
and so forth.

Well, if he comes back and finds that a cop is arguing with
his body, it gives him a very bad fright. Because the one
thing a thetan is interested in is police because that
represents MEST universe. Your occluded case responds
fantastically to double-terminaling "I am under arrest."
Any occluded case - it just responds fabulously to this.
Boy, are they convinced they're under arrest! Why? Because
they're trying to hold motion. And that's what the cops are
trying to do.

Whatever you say about police, they are only trying to do
one thing, and that's stop motion. They're the stop -
they're the best approximation of the MEST universe that
you could make, really - justice and the police, courts. And
the police themselves just - all they want to do is just stop

Someday some city is going to realize this and take traffic
out of the hands of the police and thus empty the streets.
But as long as traffic stays in the hands of the police
there's never going to be any motion of traffic. All
they're going to do is slow down traffic and impossibly
direct it. They're going to keep it on the street longer -
we're using lots of one-way streets, you see. They're going
to slow down its speed.

It never occurs to anybody to put at every block, just
willy-nilly... There's too many tools, there's too much
steel in this society to balk, you see, at any project that
only takes - would take a month or two of labor on the part
of a city and a few guys. Every street, and so on, ought to
have walkovers or walk-unders. Walk-unders are much
superior to walk-overs because they've always had to
eliminate later, elevateds.

But what's the pedestrian doing in the street? You can ask
that question. What's he doing there?

Then they're going to have to make stores - just have to make
stores - put truck delivery parking systems below the store.
That truck is going to have to go into the basement. He
could drive down the street all right, but for heaven's
sakes don't have him stop before he gets off the street!
And you wouldn't have any traffic problem anywhere in these
big cities. But as long as it's in the hands of the police -

Well, your thetan has been stop-motioned, stop-motioned,
stop-motioned, until he actually thinks the cops are after
him. The cops aren't after him. You find the major key in
occlusion on a lot of cases is simply - dates to a moment
when the person was arrested. You'll find it - you check
it back over - I've checked it several times.

A fellow was arrested on just some little thing; you hardly
think it would've amounted to anything. But all of a sudden
he got sick at the prospect of having to go to court and
he got a - there'll be a big emotional upset. It'll show up
on an E-Meter like neon signs. All right.

Control - the ability to start, stop and change motion - is
the primary concern of the thetan. And he is using this silly
method of "Now, Willie, you run down to the store." Oh,
this is really interesting. He goes into this
automaticity. And he tells his body, "Willie, you run down
to the store." Well, that's obviously very simple, because
Mama gets the body to mind. Mama can lay her hands on. And
Mama, of course, is not a thetan. Mama's a body. Everybody
is in a body in this world, but thee; and thou art a
thetan. So to stay in agreement you have to be a body, you
see? There aren't any other thetans in the world except

Well anyway, you get what this is, then? If your thinking
is oriented around the basis of being stuck in a body, look
how far off we are on our nomenclature and so forth. So
let's not orient our thinking on the basis of "stuck in a
body." Let's orient our thinking on the basis "Well, he's
pervading a body." Well, that's good, you see? That doesn't
mean he's going to have any trouble, he's pervading it.

Now, he's pervading an approximation of the body. And now
you've got a body mocked up, more or less, on the same
lines as the body. Rrrrr! That's real bad. And this body is
approximating the immediate geographical location - this
mock-up body - of the human body. And there's enough
concourse between the human body and the mock-up body, so
the thetan, by controlling the mock-up, controls the human
body. And he's real good at it. Don't for a moment think
the thetan isn't doing a terrific job of control.

Male voice: Well, isn't that just a case of collapsed
terminals, where he's got one terminal superimposed on another?

Sure. That's right. He's got both terminals collapsed. But
he wants them collapsed. Let's not go in for a
stimulus-response explanation. It's a perfectly realized
explanation. He knows - you know, as you sit here, that you
want to control your body. Let's not worry about what you
are or anything else; that you know. You want to control
your body. You want to be able to light a cigarette when
you want to light a cigarette, to keep your body sitting
upright in a chair. You want to be able to - to be able, in
an hour or so, to walk and you want to be able to talk. In
other words, your entire concentration is on control of the
body. But you are realizing that you have the desire to
control the body. Nobody's whipping you into controlling
this body. You can realize it and rationalize it and say,
"Well, if I don't do these things, some other horrible
things will happen. There will be penalties." The hell
there will be.

Then if you say, "Well, things would really be upset around
here if I just left this body sitting in the chair!" Well,
the reason you wouldn't do that is because you have other
people's problems. By the way, a terrific button: A thetan
is only worried about other people's problems. If he up and
left the body there, other people are dependent upon this
body and he'd be letting them down. And he actually has a
terrific level of responsibility although he's pretending
all the time he doesn't have.

If you start to assess what a thetan is doing - and when you
realize, actually, that it's only the thetan that is doing
this - you all of a sudden, as that being, become quite a
person to yourself. Just realize - people lose sight of these
things. You maintain this and do that and square this
around and push cars around and do all sorts of things in
terms of action. And you can do all sorts of things in
terms of appearance and maintenance, and so on. It's really
fabulous. The body can't do one of them. You're a smart
cookie, in other words - real smart. You can pick up them
feet and you can put them down.

You go down to the ballet sometime. Boy, you look at a lot
of very accomplished thetans. Those bodies aren't dancing.
The thetan is pervading with sufficient energy to make that
body go through all those gyrations. And although after a
while he'll get enough ridges built up on the subject so
that he's got a pattern response, he's the guy that put it
there. Nobody else put it there. He'll use any system - and
boy, you can put this as a password to all investigation -
he'll use any system proposed - let's not worry about
tested - any system proposed in order to better his control
of the body. And if you were to slant what you were doing
for a preclear into "make it more possible for him to
control his and other bodies," boy, he'd sure get in there
and pitch with you - whooey!

But you tell him to get out, this is silly. Because he's
approximating the body and although there can be a light
energy interchange (if we misuse the word "energy"),
although this is the case, you've got - the body is really
convinced; the body's got lots of reasons, you see. It's
got reasons for everything. It's really convinced. The
body, being so well approximated, knows it's in complete
captivity. Thetan moves the body by proxy. It's fabulous.
It's a fabulous thing the thetan is doing. Because he is
not picking up his leg - body's leg - and moving it aside.
He's moving his own leg aside and the body's leg has no
other choice but to follow. Well, it took a long time for
the thetan to get enough ridges, and so forth, built up

So you get this rather silly picture of the thetan
identifying himself with the body and then controlling the
body by controlling his approximation of the body. When
you've got his - his pervasion of the body - when his pervasion
of the body is perfect, he doesn't put a mock-up coincident
with the body. He just pervades the body. And pervading the
body, the body does whatever he does.

Well, how does he do it? High scale - he just simply says,
"My legs are moving forward now. This is happening. That is
happening." And it happens. It goes on happening, see? He
takes over the motor responses of the body and simply tells
them what to do. Without verbal command it is probable the
body wouldn't obey - without this verbalization control in
the society.

Well - by the way, that's not me coughing on these tapes.
That's Burke Belknap. And that's - and we got to get - we've
got to get Burke squared away. He's got a collapsed
terminal on his lungs. Okay.

Who is it Burke, by the way?

Male voice: Probably my old man.

Probably your old man? When did you take the terminal off
him and put it on you?

Male voice: I was just thinking walking down the street here,
remembermg one of the last times I was at the house, I was
somewhat worried about his health, because he was lying awake
all night coughing.

Oh, is that so?

Male voice: Yeah. Very interesting.

Did you put a terminal on his lungs then in order to pump
enough energy into him so he could control his lungs?

Male voice: Mm. Not consciously.

Well, why don't you just go through the motions of putting
a terminal on his lungs. There he is lying there coughing
and you put a terminal on his his lungs.

Now, let's put the approximation called Burke Belknap
immediately coincident with the old man and stop his coughing.

Now let's put a terminal to that approximation of Burke Belknap.

Now, let's get how certain it's got to be that that
approximation keeps on stopping his coughing.

Okay. Now, take the terminal off your own chest and put
both terminals on the approximation's chest.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Feel any more comfortable or...

Male voice: My God, I can breathe!

Yeah, well, the thetan, of course - and we're going into that
right now - various things happen with regard to it. A body
will do the damnedest things. But a thetan can and will
pervade everything. He just can and will pervade all sorts
of things.

He'll go around and he'll... A bed - and he's trying to move
the bed so he can make it in the morning. And the damned
bed won't move. Well, his first impulse - his first
impulse - because all of his impulses are going through a
whole chain of control things from a tiny gradient scale to
a great one - is to simply mock up a bed with the bed and
then move the mock-up which will move the bed. That's easy.
The body has saved work; everything has saved work. If he
were really beefy, tough, on the whole thing, he would be
able to get that much condensed energy - force energy - out
there and approximate the bed and give it a shove,
theoretically. He would simply put enough - one with enough
gravity in it, or something like that, at one side of the
room and the actual bed would have to come over and hit
it - clank!

Well, he's been made - the occluded case has been forced
to relinquish responsibility for his mock-ups. He's made
a mock-up and the mock-up went on working. And about the
least admired thing you can think of is setting up
something which then goes on working by itself. Nobody would
do anything about it, you see? They can't go tell anybody,
"For Christ's sakes! Will you unmock that thing!" you know?
It just goes on working by itself.

The story of the little windmill, you know, that went on
making salt. Well, this universe is actually the story of
that little windmill. It went on making salt. It made salt
for this one and it made salt for that one. And they kept
turning, turning, turning, turning, turning and it made
more salt and more salt that filled up all the warehouse
with salt. And finally a guy in desperation took it out and
threw it into the sea and that's how the sea became salt.
It's still down at the bottom there turning out salt. Well,
that's about what happened in this universe. Somebody
started making salt and here we've got an expanding
universe. It'll just keep on going. All right.

Here's your system then. If you could just pervade the
bed - you just be the bed, you see - what would that be? Has
a bed got any possibility or potential of motion in it? No.
No. So you have to use some kind of energy to try to make
it move. You could be an automobile and start the motor and
it'd run, by pervasion, by just simply shorting enough
switches. But again, you would be using some additional
energy besides pervasion. So when it comes to handling the
MEST universe, the task is to use minimal energy - and boy,
does the thetan dramatize this with labor-saving devices -
use minimal energy for a maximal effort.

So, there we - there we've got your occluded case. If you see
him - if vou see him and he tells you he's stuck in his body,
well, he's probably stuck in his mock-up. He really is
probably stuck in his mock-up. But he wants to be stuck in
his mock-up. And his whole concern is that his left arm, as
a mockup, will not track with his left arm as a body. Now,
that was the essence of that little technique of the
Doctorate tapes. If you can just make a thetan pull his
mock-up arms forward without pulling his body's arms
forward, you've broken the spell for him. See? You have
broken the spell.

Now, a thetan starts downhill when he finds out he can't
control another person. He finds out that somebody else is
being very unreasonable and non-survival, not providing
action or fun or anything of the sort. And he just can't
control this person. So your thetan starts to go downhill
the moment he meets Mama, Papa. They're big, they don't
control easily, and so on. But if you want to see a parent
really loused up, in terrible condition, just haggard and
shot to pieces, you watch a parent who doesn't realize that
baby knows because little baby - the baby is able to mock up
and approximate the parents. He's able to pervade, he's
able to do all sorts of things. And furthermore, he can - he
can actually shoot some energy around. And the parents just
get more loused up and more loused up. As a thetan, the
baby is in much better shape than the parents. Much more
capable of generating energy.

You think it's real safe to reach over and pick up - pick up
little Billy and give him a good shake and a slap and a bop
on the head. That's real safe. That's just about as safe as
going out and finding a mama saber-toothed tiger who has
three young and start beating the young over the head! You
might be able to beat Mama over the head and get away with
it, but don't beat over the young.

This is the same thing. A thetan is watching this little
baby and is probably only partially occupied in pervading
the baby because it's kind of dull. And the thetan - the
thetan in this particular case is doing everything he
should do and is approximating the body as well as he can.
But that early, he isn't - he isn't convinced, you see, that
he has to approximate even what the body thinks in order to
control a body. He thinks the body thinks something and he
approximates what the body thinks, in order to make the
body think. Well, that's really dippy. There are much
better systems. All right.

Now, a parent comes along and slaps the baby around. Oh,
no, no, no, no. First thing you know, you see the parents
getting haggard and the baby getting worse and worse and
the baby getting mean and ornery and bad. And the parents
getting harassed and worried and tired and old. It isn't
that any curse is put on them; they're just simply being
knocked to pieces, that's all. Just in outright warfare.

And in some - you say, "Well, a thetan - you could get a bad
thetan." Well, there's no such thing as a bad thetan. A
thetan - there's such a thing as a thetan who isn't in a very
good state of motion. See, he doesn't - he doesn't - isn't
producing as much motion as he should. But there isn't any
such thing as a bad thetan or a good thetan. You see, the
bad and good things are those things which have been
evaluated as bad and good by the class or level of society
in which he's operating.

I hope I've made something clear to you. You haven't got an
occluded case stuck in a body. The occluded case is stuck,
if stuck at all, in his own mock-up of the body.
Theoretically, you actually could just tell the guy, "Well,
all right. Leave your body on the chair and walk out into
the middle of the room." He simply could. Actually, he can
do it with ease and would do it except that this question
pops up: "What the hell would the body do if I did?" See,
that's his whole concern.

And another thing is, after he's been gypped a few times
and has an enormously bad opinion of other human beings -
oh, boy, he's got a real bad opinion of these other human
beings by now. That is, they're untrustworthy. How does
break of trust with other human beings and the human race
influence the ability to be mobile?

Well, the body has a very limited mobility. Oh, it's very
limited compared to a thetan's mobility, which is
tremendous. Well, please, please observe that as he sits
there, you ask him - untrusting - he doesn't trust other
people - you ask him to move out and leave an empty body? Oh,
oh! Because all thetans do are steal each other's mock-ups.
And when he gets this keyed in very thoroughly, he's about
as ready to leave that body ready for occupancy as
anything you could think of.

It's not true at this debased level of a society that you
would leave a body unoccupied and then come back and find
out somebody else had occupied it and was walking around
with it. Because thetans that we got around today just
aren't that good. They couldn't, all in a moment, get a
mock-up thoroughly enough and know this body well enough so
as to be able to control this body. And it'd take years to
where they could get that body to walk, you see, unless
they were really up Tone Scale.

Now, the way they'd go about it, if they were really up
Tone Scale... I'll tell you how to steal bodies - this is
just offhand, very quicklike. You just simply influence the
person - influence the person by putting out little beams and
energizing his various ridges and so on. You'll influence a
person quite markedly. You can make a person walk and make
him talk and so forth, without going into the body. And if
you wanted to steal a body, you would be able to generate
enough admiration, and so forth, so you'd just burn his
ridge system down. You'd just burn his mock-up down, that's
all. And then you would simply pervade the body and train
it all over again.

You'll find bodies in insane asylums to which this has
happened. And they've just lost all their - whole ridge

And the psychiatrist is really daffy. He's trying to blow
up this ridge system with electrical energy. Trying to blow
it up so the thetan can't control the body at all. The
psychiatrist is - really, the reason he acts that way
toward the insane, he's afraid of them. He wants to
immobilize them. Hold motion again, see. All right.

Now, we're just trying to rehabilitate the ability to cause
motion on the part of the thetan, which means that we've
got to rehabilitate his ability to pervade rather than
approximate. If he can pervade, he'll have enough energy,
he's unafraid enough, he can generate enough energy and so
forth to do practically anything he wants to do. But if he
just approximates and then occupies his approximation and
then hopes to Christ it will stay in the same physical
location and situation at all moments.

Every once in a while a fellow will get startled and find
himself walking a pace ahead of himself. You want to know
what the startlement is when you don't have the - when you
have one more step than you thought you were going to have?
It's not the jar of coming down on that last step. It's the
jar of coming out of your body when you didn't mean to.
When there's supposed to be one more step and there isn't
one step, there is no jar, is there? Well, you get just the
same sensation. And you as a thetan take this extra step.
And the step is there, obviously, and you took it. And by
golly, your leg is out of position. It'll give you a
considerable shock in the leg to do this.

Well, I hope you understand this just a little bit better.
It's not very hard to understand. But sometimes a guy - a
guy will pull and strain at this sort of thing. When a
person's doing a complete approximation, he'll approximate
all the thinkingness and beingness of a body. And if he
concentrates on this hard enough, it's like he's hypnotized.

If you had a fellow sitting up here and you had hypnotized
him and you had told him he was a grizzly bear, you would
actually see him operating as a grizzly bear. Isn't that
right? Well, how did you hypnotize him? Just by fixing and
then dispersing and then fixing his attention on one thing
and by one thing and with one thing. It's what happened to
the thetan and the body. There actually isn't anything
really wrong with the thetan beyond the fact that he might
have better, more motionable things to do than simply
operate one body, see? He's just fixated on this body. So
you break that off. He thinks that all he can do is
approximate this body. So you unfix his attention on the
body, which is to say you extrovert him, because he's too

Hypnotism is complete introversion on a subject. Being in a
body and approximating a body is just complete fixation on
a body. And it doesn't mean that a thetan has no more
capability than the operation of a body or operation in
this universe and no more thinkingness than a body would
have. This is not true. He just thinks, to a large degree,
that he's doing this. And his anxiety is that he won't be
able to control it, because he doesn't think he can be
anything else.

Okay. Let's take a break.

Okay. Just adding a few more words here. I've given you
some theory and I'm now going to give you a technique. You
have numerous mentions on other tapes of Black Spot
Processing - Black Spot Processing. It's in one of the SOPs.
I think it's in SOP 3, isn't it? - 5. It's in SOP 5. Yes,
that's right. SOP 5, Black Spot Processing.

Well now, it's about time I told you how to work this
because it is murder on an occluded case, as I said at the
time, and so on. But I very often assume that everything we
know has been assimilated. And you'll find out - I think it's
one of the late Logics - about gradient scales. If you look
in the book there, you'll find out the Logic number of it.
Has to do with this universe and gradient scales. Very
well, let's see what this has to do with it. It's Logic 7:
Gradient scales are necessary to the evaluations of
problems and their data. Well, this is the tool of
infinity-valued logic, and so forth - gradient scales.

Well, let's apply gradient scales to Creative Processing,
and we will find out immediately that Black Spot Processing
used with this same thing that we were talking about all
the way through SOP 5 becomes a bearcat of a technique. And
I never found out exactly why auditors weren't having an
easy time of it, resolving occluded cases with Black Spot
Processing. So I just skipped Black Spot Processing and
went on to something else.

Actually it's a little bit touchier and more delicate to
use than other processes. And I don't like these processes
that require a lot of savvy on the part of an auditor. So
there would be two ways a process could get dished. One of
the ways is it required too much savvy and the other one,
it requlred too long in order to work. Or the third way, of
course, is that it didn't work at all.

Now, let's apply gradient scales to Black Spot Processing
and maybe you'll have a lot of luck with an occluded case
in a relatively short space of time someday.

You get the person to mock up a black speck - eyes open or
closed - the tiniest of specks on the wall and then make it
go away. If it doesn't go away readily, have him carve out
that chunk of the wall and throw it away. Anything to get
rid of it.

If he didn't get rid of that first one, have him mock up
two or three more tiny black specks up there and get rid of
one of these, you see. And then have him put another one in
before you ask him to get rid of another one of these. And
put another one in and then get rid of that. And he's got
three or four in reserve, or six or eight in reserve, so he
feels fairly comfortable, you see. He's not wasting
anything. He's got lots of it; it's obviously in abundance.
And the blackness is of value, you see. People use
blackness to blind other people's mock-ups.

All right. How does this technique follow? The tiny black
spot vanished and then another black spot vanished, until
you get a little bit of a line charge off of your occluded
case - just a little laugh. It's getting easy, you see. And
he's got good certainty on it, finally. And then you just
give him another big - another black spot, a little bigger,
and then make it vanish. Another black spot, a little
bigger, and make it vanish. And then you give him a couple
of black spots and make them vanish. And you work it on
continuous successes on gradient scales.

Now you get him up to a point where he can mock up a black
sphere and make it vanish - a tiny speck with three
dimensions. And then another tiny speck with three
dimensions. And then you finally get this up to where he
can mock up and let go of a pretty good-sized black sphere.
He can do this with his eyes open, by the way, or his eyes
closed; but he puts it on the wall. All right - gives it a
precise location.

Now you've got this sphere. Now let's move this sphere
above his head and below him and behind him and on both
sides of him and just handle this sphere. Then let's have
several of these spheres and handle them. But each time
creating and destroying them. Making them vanish, you see,
go. Now when we get through with spheres and he's got a
great deal of expertness in spheres, put him into
squares - square black spots.

Now you've got a few more square black spots and you
distribute these around in the same fashion. You move them
around, in other words. You move them around him, behind
him, in front of him, below him, on this wall, that wall,
on another wall and so forth, until he can easily move
around and change the size of and vanish a black square.

Well, now you made him handle a solid already, didn't you?
And I point that out carefully It was a circle or a spot -
circular spot - speck - and it became a bigger speck. And
then you handled that all around the body. But each time he
was putting it there and then making it go away and putting
it there and making it go away, until he did that easily.
Then, you got a black circle. And then you got bigger and
bigger circles. And then you finally got a tiny sphere. And
then you got more and more spheres. Then you finally could
get rid of - you could get rid of spheres with great ease.
And then you take up - after you've really got great big
spheres of this stuff - then you take up cubes.

Now, a word of warning: Don't take up cubes until you have
already taken up spheres. And don't take up a cube until
he's really gone a long way on this and is getting very
cocky, very self-confident. And when he gets very, very
self-confident about this, give him a cube. Give him a
tiny, little cube and then a little bit bigger cube. And
then give him five or six cubes. And then move these cubes
all around, and so forth. Because you're handling the
pattern of three-dimensional space when you're handling a
cube. And you re also restimulating jails and other things.
And if you all of a sudden gave him a cube, you'd find out
that the case quite normally bogs right there at that
point, if you gave him a cube before they're able to handle
spheres. Sphere and then cube. All right.

This is the way it handles with most cases. Because these
cases - having been educated in cubical rooms, and that sort
of thing, blackness is sticky. They were repressing white
in cubes. They repressed white. They repressed the
whiteness of the page in a cube for a long time and this is
reading. And so they get a black cube and they have difficulty.


Male voice: I seem to be able to handle the cubes all
right, but I have difficulty with the spheres.

Well, for heaven's sakes then, if we have a reverse of this
case, then, we've got somebody hanging around Mars. And - or
we're hanging around - we re running into space opera. Black
stars are the horror of your space boy. Because they sit
there and they're completely invisible. And all of a sudden
there's a dull crush and he's into this molten mass of
radioactivity and that's the end of his ship.

Well. Let's take a look then... If he's, by the way, has
been personifying his ship and being his ship for a long
time... On navy men, by the way, you ought to run their
ships out. "Mock up a ship. Be a ship. Let's duplicate that
ship. Now let's be that ship. Now let's not be that ship,"
and so forth. And boy, you'll pull them off of more - those
ships are shifty, you know, and they still got anchor
points on them. And every once in a while they'll get a
visio as they're processing, of the ship and waves and sea
and bridge and...

Like if you ever process a truck driver or a fellow who's
driven an awful lot, you'll keep getting roads, roads,
roads, roads, roads - my God. And in this mechanized society,
where you have lots of roads, nearly everybody sooner or
later will get roads, because they're collapsing points.
See, the points of the road keep coming in on them. They
have to approximate the road all the time and then this
collapses on them. A great mechanism for driving a whole
society into slavery.

Anyway, this Black Spot Processing just goes up on this
gradient scale of handling little tiny dots of blackness.
If you do this very adroitly and very kindly and with great
security on your own part to the occluded case, he all of a
sudden is able to make blackness appear and disappear at
will. And his occlusion is simply blackness and he could
make, then, his own blackness simply vanish.

And it's the easiest process of them all. And auditors have
had a devil's own time with it. And they have had that
devil's own time because I didn't hand out the dope, I
guess. I never gave an example; I've never given this much
of a rundown on Black Spot Processing. I'd just tell people
to get a black spot on the wall and when they'd get a black
spot on the wall with great security and that sort of
thing, and move it around a bit, why, ordinarily, in my
experience, my - the cases I was operating with this on - it
would just kind of blow in all directions.

But I researched my auditing just a little bit and I found
myself handing this out to a preclear the other night. And
I sat back and I listened to myself for a short time. And
I've just given you what I heard. And this, evidently, is
the way I have been handing out my Black Spot Processing,
now, for about five or six months. And I wasn't handing it
out that way at that time. But I would just make the guy
get great security on it. And boy, their certainty comes
way up when they're able to pick up and put down a black
spot whenever they like. This keeps them, then, from
holding all that blackness in reserve.

What's the blackness good for? The blackness is to - used to
blind and spoil somebody else's mock-up.

If you just run this: "Somebody else is putting up a
mock-up of a body. And then you put up a mock-up of a body
and then have somebody else put up a mock-up of a body and
then you put up a mock-up of a body," about the third time
you put up a mock-up of a body it would be - splat! - right
across the eyes and it'll all go black.

What's this? This is just somebody else's method of getting
rid of a mockup. What's the only thing you can really
upset a thetan with? Blind him. That's the only thing you
can really upset him with. So running overt acts on
blindness will, actually, turn on occlusion on a case. If
you keep a case processing his own blindness - that is to
say, running out all the incidents - running out all the
incidents - or if you just keep mocking up and feeding the
bank with an enormous number of overt acts of blindness -
that is, feeding the bank, you know, leaving these things
around, and so forth - you'll turn on occlusion.

How is this? Any way that you do it, whether it's that way
or the other way, just remember the rule this way: You can
turn on occlusion by making the thetan motivator hungry.
We're going to go into that right now.

Motivator hungry; overt hungry. A person's had so many
things happen to him that he's never done, that he now
becomes starved to do something. And so, in that case, you
let him do overts. And the case has done so many overts,
without anything happening to him, that he's now starved
for motivators. It's out of balance.

And this works on anything. And yesterday I gave an example
down there on the stomach.* Now, you get - of course the
stomach is guilty of much more - many more overts than it is
motivators. Obviously, because it's alive, isn't it? And
it's always been eating, hasn't it? And you get somebody
with ulcers, you just get him get things and people and
particularly parents and things like that, eating his
stomach. Just have his stomach mocked up and have them dine
upon it. And you just keep this up until he gets his
stomach very well eaten many, many times. And when he gets
his stomach eaten enough times, all of a sudden his stomach
trouble goes away. Not because you've run out a flock of
engrams or... It's simply that you've given him the motivator.

[The clearsound transcript includes the following note -
* Editorss Note: The example referred to was not included
in the recorded lectures of the previous day.]

Well now, a thetan who is occluded is motivator hungry.
He's a lot of things - but he's motivator hungry for
blindness. He has blinded more mockups than he has been
blinded and so he's motivator hungry. He's holding this
blackness up, he said, "You see? You see? You see? I'm -
I'm - I'm not guilty. It was done to me more times than I
did it. Because I've got it, haven't I?" And that doesn't
happen to be the case. He's saying - and oh, and by the way,
his thinking will follow this same pattern. The fellow who
says things are bad - "Oh," he says, "my parents did the most
terrible things to me and the government's done the most
terrible things to me and people have done the most terr..."
- all he's trying to do is mock up, in his conversation
with you, a sufficient number of motivators. Only trouble
is, he isn't mocking them up. He's not solving his case
worth a nickel. He theoretically could, though.

Hippocrates said a person wasn't well of an operation until
he'd told his friends about it five times. That was
Hippocrates' idea of running out engrams, I guess. But
also, this person really, on the other side of the picture,
had he put it on the track five times, would have had
approximately five more mock-up operations. He was hungry
for the one or he would never have had it. Now he adds five
more operations to it and this just about balances the
budget. Now he can be happy about it.

But people who complain about things having been done to
them are motivator hungry. And what you do is mock up
things - bad things - happening to them, particularly eating.
And people who talk all the time about the horrible things
they've done are overt hungry. Now, these are two common
phrases and something you should remember and use in
processing. You use these things continually.

I point out how new this data is. It is on the 8-80 tapes
of - it's on the 8-80 tapes that were given - the Phoenix
lecture series - June of 1952.

Now, motivator hungry, overt hungry - and these two things
turn up in every preclear.

If you're just doing an office practice, which is to say
somebody comes in and five minutes... The best way to do an
office practice, by the way - if you're just going to do an
office practice and interview people - is, at this stage of
the game, never give an hour's processing or two-hours'
processing. Process them until you've gotten some good.
Because as far as remedial techniques are concerned, you
could actually whiz along on most of the cases too fast to
occupy much time.

Somebody comes in, he's got a sore foot and you fix up his
sore foot and - pam! - that's that. How long did it take you
to fix it up? Well, it might have taken you two hours to fix
it up and it might have taken you six sessions to fix it up,
but that would be a very rough case. With techniques which
you are learning and using right now, you should be able to
fix it up in ten or fifteen minutes.

That's about it. That's about all it amounts to.

All right. You got that classification?

Okay. What's wrong with a person who complains about his
parents all the time?

In terms of what I just said. What's wrong with him?

Female voice: He's motivator hungry.

That's right. From whom?

Male voice: His parents.

That's right. The parents. How do you remedy it?

Female voice: Giving him. much more of the same.

Hm. In mock-up form?

Female voice: Yes.

That's right.

All right. What would you do, to somebody who sat around
and told you the brutal things he had done to people?

Female voice: Have him mock up overts.

Mm-hm. That's right. He's just trying to run it out.
Complete identification.

What is the name for what is wrong with him?

Male voice: Overt hunger.

That's right. Overt hunger.

Okay. Now, what is wrong with somebody who complains about
his wife all the time? What's wrong?

Male voice: It's motivator hunger.


Male voice: ... from his wife.

That's right. And how do you remedy it?

Male voice: Have him mock up his wife doing horrible things to him.

That's right! That's right.

Are we interested in what the actual condition of his past
is? No. That's right. Do we have to prove or demonstrate
the fact that he actually was the guilty party in this case?

Female voice: No.

Of what alleged science is this the technique of?

Male voice: Scientology.

No, that's psychology that gives that other.

Male voice: Oh, you mean the proving - proving he's done

That's right. What alleged science? We've got psychology
and psychoanalysis and they point out to him that he is
guilty. And this is nontherapeutic but it certainly keeps
the patients coming in for a long time.

All right. One other thing I want to say about gradient
scales. Did it ever occur to you - I've just gone over Black
Spot Processing - did this truism ever occur to you? It's
one of these terribly obvious things like "The fellow whose
stomach is in bad shape is guilty of more eating than he
has been eaten." So that's obvious.

But is this as obvious: the gradient scale of creation and
destruction? Since I have heard several people here
recently mentioning a preclear and classifying him on the
grounds that he couldn't destroy or get rid of a mockup -
and this is with great surprise to me.

Listen to this: gradient scale of creation and destruction
for those who cannot create and destroy. That is the remedy
for people who can't destroy mock-ups. Now, let's get that:
the gradient scale of creation for those who can't create
mock-ups and the gradient scale of destruction.

Now, what do you get him to destroy in the first place? The
beginning of the gradient scale is nothing. "Now, let's put
up a small spot of nothing there. Now let's create this
small piece of nothing." The fellow's sure he's got a small
piece of nothing. You say, "Now, uncreate it." Very well,
he has created and destroyed nothing. All right. And we
just go on from there.

Now that - he has a persistent mock-up; he has a witch from
Haiti. Oh boy, he's going to get real wild! And he'll tell
you about this, finally, in confidence. If you run some
preclears on an E-Meter you'll be amazed how complex the
mind thinks it is. And you'll run them and you'll be
surprised how long you could process somebody without
finding out some peculiar, horribly interesting
manifestation, such as, there is a witch doctor from Haiti
who beats a tom-tom on his left shoulder every Friday
night. And this is really what he's worried about. He isn't
even able to look straight at what manifestation he's
worried about, you see? He doesn't tell you about it.

So I normally put a preclear - if I'm processing - to go for
broke on the processing of creation and destruction, I say,
"Well, now, is anything worrying you?" And if the needle
remains relatively calm I know that I've got a very fast
case. But that doesn't happen. The guy staggers around and
fools around and all of a sudden you get a stuck needle,
see. You just - bah-boom! You just faced him right in on it.

"What is it? What is worrying you? Is it in the field of
yourself and your physical behavior? Is it in the second
dynamic? Is it about children? Is it about your wife? Is it
about your parents? Is - does it have anything to do with
any group, any social group, any club, any sport club,
anything like that? No? Well, all right. Does it have to do
with a political unit? Does it have to do with the
government? Or any government? Or any type of government?
Well, does it have to do with men? Does it have to do with
women? Does it have to do with objects? Objects? Does it
have to do with spaces? Does it have to do with energy
action of any kind? Have to do with time?" Of course it
would have to do with time.

And then we say, "Well, does it have to do with animals?
Does it have to do with insects?" Just go on up the rack
then, of the - pardon me, I got those two in reverse. "Have
to do with animals? Have to do with insects?" first - if
we're going up the dynamics - and then "Does it have to do
with mass, energy, space, matter, time," and so on.

And then, for goodness sakes, don't omit this one: "Does it
have to do with ghosts? Ghosts? Spirits? Guardian angels?
Guiding thetans? Christ? Buddha? Mohammed? Does it have to
do with any great teacher? Any religion?" And then, of
course, "Does it have to do with God?" And for heaven's
sakes, we talk so much about eight being God, don't forget
that it's also the Devil! "Does it have to do with Satan?
The Devil?" and so on.

Well, somewhere along the line this guy will do a slap. And
you can normally expect a slap of some sort around dynamic
seven - spirits. You. can really expect a slap. If he's
terribly bad off youll get slaps around God. And when you
get no slaps anywhere except on seven and eight, this guy's
almost dead.

Well, how do you remedy these things? Use gradient scale.
You get him to create and destroy.

Now the reason creation and destruction will stick with
auditors, and so on, and they - and we more or less walked
away from the technique in general use, was not because
it's unworkable. Believe me, you find this guy's got a
consistent image in front of him. Well, don't use - don't
use Admiration Processing or something. You've got an
immediate problem on your hands. Till you clear up that
problem you've got trouble.

He always can see his first wife or something like that. He
always has a picture of his first wife. Or he has it every
once in a while - a picture of his first wife. Real trouble.
And this worries him. It throws him off track. You try to
get him to make a mock-up - there's this damn picture up
there. And he may never tell you about it. That means he
can't destroy her He tried and he tried and he tried. He
used strychnine, but he didn't have enough - enough courage
to put it in the coffeepot. He used this, he used that. And
he wanted to beat her to death - anything. Because the
police - then he got tangled with police. And every time he
wanted to beat her head in, he thought to himselt "Well, I
can't do that because they'll put me in the electric chair,
these arbitrary dogs." And maybe this woman was very,
very, terrifically liable - I mean, for everything. But at
the same time, it wasn't done, you see? He couldn't destroy

Or he couldn't destroy Papa. Papa used to beat up Mama all
the time. And he tries to destroy Papa; he can't destroy
Papa. Or he tries to - he can't destroy Mama. And Mama used
to bang his head in all the time. Something may be going on
in this case.

Well, how do you get him to do this? Well, you get the
furthest object that you can think of that would vaguely be
connected with this picture or persistent image - vaguely
connected with it. The tiniest thing. Now, you could get
him to destroy a shoelace - an old, moldy, broken shoelace.
And then you finally get him to destroy one of Papa's shoes
(if it's Papa, let's say). And then you get him to destroy
one of Papa's shoelaces and then get him to destroy one of
Papa's shoes. And then you get him to destroy something or
other that - well, there was a blade of grass which had been
mowed off Papa's grave and was thrown on a pile somewhere,
and you get him to destroy that blade of grass like that,
you see? Now you get him to destroy more and more and more,
until all of a sudden, my God, he can put Papa up there and
blow him up with the wildest abandon. And it may be just
one character on the whole case and the case just goes
poom! Just falls apart. Who cares. He created and destroyed.

Somebody rushed in to me one time and told me that a case
that was in terrible condition could create and destroy
anything! And therefore this proved that the technique was
not indicative of anything. And when I started to get
kickbacks from the field of this character, I skipped it,
as far as the field at large is concerned. This means it's
not a good process.

I checked this case later. Yeah, this case could destroy and
create, in terms of thought postulates, anything, but
couldn't get a picture of a single one of her family! But
she would tell the auditor...

"Now, all right. Get a mock-up of your mother"

"Okay. I have one."

She didn't see any mock-up of her mother She would just
say, "Well, I can't really see these things, so I'll just
assume one is there." Naturally she hadn't had a mock-up of
her mother.

Well, how would you get her to assume this? Simply by
gradient scales of processing. And the other, remember: a
gradient scale of perception for those who cannot see. You
see how easy that one would be? A gradient scale of
perception for those who cannot see. Have them see things
they can see. They can't see in mock-ups; have them see
something they can see. And then have them see a couple of
more of these. And then have them see a lot more of these.
And then have them see these in various locations. And then
finally - everybody's always got a picture - and then have
them see these in bigger and then smaller and then turn
them around and look at the backside of them. Whatever
they're looking at, you see? And you just keep on.

[End of lecture.]

1st ACC - 06

Tape number 658 on the Flag Master List.


An auditing demonstration given on 8 October 1953

And this is the afternoon of the 8th of October. And we
want to take up here some material. And I'm going to give
you a demonstration this afternoon. People have been overly
worried about many things in cases, if cases are very, very
easy to break one way or the other.

And do you mind if I mention this?

Male voice: No.

In Dianetics we knew the velocity of the grief charge and I
said even now you can run them out. It doesn't matter, but
we knew the velocity of this grief charge. Okay.

In Theta Clearing we are doing a different proposition. It
is not grammatical to say - say this, but most people - the
second sentence here is not grammatical. The first sentence
is - it's not, "What are you afraid of?" Most people say
that, "What are you afraid of?" They go around looking at
each other and say, "What are you afraid of? What are you
afraid of?"

This is like that "fighting nothing" deal, see, "What are
you afraid of?" That will never get anyplace. That is a
complete dead end because there is no what to be afraid of.

It's "Where are you afraid of?" "Where are you afraid of?"
And although that isn't grammatical, Scientologically
speaking, you'd certainly better alter your grammar,
because the grammar in this case is wrong. It's "Where are
you afraid of?"

I think we just saw a practical example of this, didn't we?

We started out with a person in a situation. And all this
as soon as we'd gotten to the vicinity of the locale, which
was brought up as the happening locale, the locale was
awfully occluded. And we worked mainly upon geographical
locale and so forth. And I catered to the case a little bit
and audited longer than I should, merely because I got
interested. Auditors just never really should be interested,
but I happened to be interested. And I'm generally very
fascinated with a lot of the data that comes up, so I
sometimes wander around in my auditing.

But in this particular case, the solution of the thing was
just to blow up Massachusetts and get Massachusetts blowing
them up and admire Massachusetts and get it blown up. Not
go in for any specific thing at all. But I thought I'd - we'd
unearth a little more data concerning this and get a little
more alive.

But this particular run was interesting because it had a
number of occlusion moments. We had an occluded state and
we had an occluded this and we had an occluded that. And
after we'd do a certain exercise for a very short time,
such as run a concept or run an idea on something or other,
why, we would get occlusion. The thetan, although
exteriorized very, very well, very certainly, nevertheless
where he was would get occluded and then he'd get unoccluded.

Now, what did that occlusion unocclude on? What did I tell
you to do that unoccluded it every time?

Male voice: It was if something was done to me, it occluded
and then one day...This is the frailty of asking a
preclear what happened.

Male voice: Yeah, that's right!

That's right. I'll just give another example here. Who
happens to have some small degree of occlusion at the moment?

Male voice: Small degree?

LRH: Bring your chair up here. Sit down.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: You're welcome. Which is the easiest direction to look?

PC: Straight ahead.

LRH: Straight ahead is the easiest direction to look. Is it black?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Okay. Start having somebody behind you throwing
explosions at you. Quite a distance away - enormous
distance away from you. Just get the idea of somebody
throwing big explosions at you.

Continue it. Watch the explosions - somebody throwing
explosions at you. You doing that?

PC: I'm doing it but ...

LRH: Okay.

[to audience] Did you get the confidence in that voice?
"I'm doing it but...

PC: I was going to tell you something.

LRH: Mm-mm.

PC: That I have to keep putting them out there a long ways
because if he gets closer - it's not that I care...

LRH: Oh, well, we don't want them to get closer. Get them
out there a ways. Not that you care.

PC: They're out about sixty miles, that way.

LRH: All right. Put them out there and keep - keep throwing
those big explosions. Use atom bombs if you like, but get a
lot of flash to them.

PC: Yeah. Yes.

LRH: Okay. Keep them blowing. Use up the Russian stock.
Lots of them. Getting that?

PC: Yeah. Mm-hm.

LRH: They still coming closer to you fast?

PC: Well, the explosions are always close.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And I was having - he'd keep getting closer if I didn't
put him back out.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: It's all right.

LRH: Well, get him - get him blowing it up - blowing you up.

PC: Mm-hm. Blowing the body up?

LRH: Blowing you up as a thetan.

PC: Oh, okay.

LRH: Let's not dodge it. You just pretend the body - just
pretend, now - that the body isn't here and that you as a
thetan are sitting there.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And start getting these explosions heaved at you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Lots of them. All right, now start in on two fellows
back there - two fellows back there - and the other one is
using up the US stock of atom bombs.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Russian stock and the - so on. Get them blowing -
blowing... Lots of them.

What's the matter?

PC: Nothing.

LRH: Nothing the matter? Let's get some big noisy ones.
They getting better? Explosions about the same as they were?

Well, make them a little bit worse.

PC: Worse?

LRH: Use some effort on them and make them a little worse.

Can you do that?

PC: Well, I'm putting more detail in them. Something like that.

LRH: Make them worse. Make your view of them worse.

PC: They don't seem any worse.

LRH: They don't seem any worse? Well then, make them better.

Put the concussion in them. Put just a...

PC: Yeah!

LRH: ... a tiny little concussion.

PC: Yeah, I already got some.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Quite a bit.

LRH: All right. Just start increasing the concussion with
each one. Put a tremendous enthusiasm to the bomb.

PC: I mean, it sort of admires itself when it blows up.

LRH: Yeah.

See if you can get them a bit bigger and a little further away now.

PC: Farther away?

LRH: Mm-hm. Bigger and further.

PC: Sure.

LRH: Get them - get them with a terrific grandeur of violence
now, see.

Now get each one heaving you up in smoke and explosion.

What's the matter?

PC: Oh, I like it.

LRH: Huh?

PC: I like it!

LRH: Why, sure.

PC: I just sit up on top of it as it goes up and smile and...

LRH: Okay. Get lots of it now. Now get the US, Russian and
Martian stock all going off.

PC: Yeah. That got away from me that time. I mean, I
couldn't go as fast as it did.

LRH: Okay.

PC: I sat still, in other words.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Quite a bit of activity in this here black field. I
can tell you that.

LRH: No! All right. Let's - we're not interested in that
black field.

PC: No! Oh, no, no. I just thought I would mention it.

LRH: We're not interested in a black field at all. Let's
just keep them bombs going.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Get them bursting now with enthusiasm.

A real enthusiasm going on?

PC: The bombs?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Yeah uh...

LRH: The people throwing them with it; get them with
enthusiasm too.

PC: Okay. Getting quite a big - an idea of quite a big flare
and flash.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And all that.

LRH: All right, what are you getting now on your - your
mock-up there?

PC: Well, I just had a bomb come in and break right behind
me in a big white flash. A kind of greenish white.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: All directions.

LRH: Mm-hm

PC: And then another one.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Doesn't go much beyond that point ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... about a big flare-up.

LRH: All right. Now let's reach for the two back
corners of the room.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Just get interested in them.

All right. Now let's get a terrific number of these bombs
coming in in front of you.

PC: Oh, that's easy.

LRH: Hm?

PC: That's easy. I could sit here and watch them all day.

LRH: Well, okay. Just see how much concussion there is in it.

PC: lt seems like quite a time lag that I sort of sit here
and look at it a long time after it happens before I go
ahead and get another one.

LRH: Mm-hm. Start dropping them in there two at once.

Now start dropping them in there five at once.

PC: I just did.

LRH: Good.

PC: This just stinks of a continuous barrage of them.

LRH: Mm-hm. Getting any concussion wave?

PC: No, I have to remember to put that in all the time if I
want it or l don't get it.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, get very sharp concussion waves from it.
When the bomb breaks have it - have the concussion waves
going rat-a-tat on you.

Getting it better? Hm?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, have somebody on the other side of the
burst getting terrific concussion waves.

PC: That's easy.

LRH: Okay.

PC: That's easy.

LRH: All right, keep them coming in there and somebody else
getting these terrific concussion waves.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get him getting the sound of it too.

PC: Yeah, he didn't like it.

LRH: Hm?

PC: He didn't like it.

LRH: Oh, well...

PC: He didn't like it at all!

LRH: But you're forcing him to have the sound wave?

PC: I got it. Don't worry.

LRH: Okay. Now, put bursts on the other side of him.

PC: Oh, no, he don't like that at all. I can see that.

LRH: Getting him in back of it.

PC: Mm-hm. He'd like to be anywhere else. Yeah. Flame on
him. He's just sitting there now, waiting for me to quit.
And mad.

LRH: All right. Have him jump up and start dropping them in
front of and in back of you.

What's happening there?

PC: Well, I have to work at it. I mean, I have to keep -
keep quite a bit of attention to get the explosions we're
working on.

LRH: Okay, get it dropping in front of and in back of you
now and get the - get a rrrr from this guy doing it.

PC: Get what?

LRH: Get that real rage from this guy doing it.

PC: Yeah, he's mad but I don't care. The way I feel right
now, he's going to be a lot madder before he ever gets
anywhere with it.

LRH: I'm going to insist on you getting the sound now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What's happening?

PC: Oh, I guess I'm listening to some of the noise outside.

LRH: Noise outside?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Suddenly conscious of the noise outside?

PC: No, it's - there's a new one, it seems to me.

LRH: Mm-hm.

Now, as this is going on, get how depraved it is of you to
enjoy it,

PC: I don't care.

LRH: Well, get how depraved the other guy thinks it is.

Okay, blow him up.

PC: Done.

LRH: Okay, let's reach for the two back corners of the room now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get interested in them. Now get interested in the
nonexistence of those two corners.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Now let's open your eyes. How do you feel?

PC: Swell.

LRH: Feel good, huh? Okay, close your eyes and take a look
at your black field. Same field?

PC: Yeah, it's not quite so black.

LRH: What's happened?

PC: Well, just before I took hold of the back corners,
there was a lot of activity in it. Right now it's kind of
quiet. It's quite black looking.

LRH: Is it as black as it was? Does it feel as heavy as it was?

PC: Mm. No, not quite.

LRH: Okay. Now let's get a tremendous number of explosions
in front and back of you again, only this time let's get a
guy out on the right side of you throwing them at you.

Now let's get him throwing a globe of explosions, that is
to say, around a certain perimeter or distance from you.

PC: All around me?

LRH: Yeah, all around you, above and below.

PC: Individual explosions all around.

LRH: Yeah, but many at once...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... and quite repetitive.

PC: Hey, he thinks this is great.

LRH: Hm.

PC: He's a fiend.

LRH: A fiend? Okay.

PC: How far out do you want them?

LRH: Well, how far out are they?

PC: Well, I've got them about - to make a pretty good-sized globe.
I've got them out about - it's about a three-hundred-foot globe.

LRH: Well, good.

PC: And they're on the edges of it.

LRH: Well, get a fellow way over on the left side of you...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... complementing the globe, throwing even more into
it. Put one on the right and one on the left now.

PC: Both of them working on it.

LRH: Yeah. And get them insisting that you watch each explosion.

PC: Well, I'm more interested in this joker.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: It seems like this bird over here doesn't want to
really do anything. He's kind of lazy.

LRH: Okay. How's it going now?

PC: Oh, okay. But it keeps me busy getting all these
explosions going.

LRR: All right. Have a bunch of them now suddenly
concentrate on a spot about three miles back of your head.
Get the air back there well exploded.

PC: Sir?

LRH: Get the air back there well exploded.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now be in the middle of it.

PC: I was, but I'm not.

LRH: Oh yeah? Well, get the air between you and it badly
exploded - terrifically exploded.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now be about three miles back of your head again.

PC: Maybe.

LRH: All right. Try not to be three miles back of your head.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Are you there?

PC: Sir?

LRH: You there? What's happening?

PC: I'm. sitting here.

LRH: Well, did you move out and go in again or how?

PC: Well, I didn't move out and there's nothing on trying
not to be. But I kind of bounced once or twice the other way.

LRH: Which way? Out?

PC: No, when you just said, "Be three miles back there," I
just kind of bounced out and back real quicklike.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Be about a thousand miles back of
your head, straight out into space.

What happened?

PC: Sir?

LRH: What happened?

PC: Soon as I - as soon as you said that I took a kind of
pull around here and it made me laugh, that's all.

LRH: Okay. Well, now, let's get these boys going to work on
you again - going to work on you real good - and just blowing
the living daylights out of your body.

PC: Well, it don't last long.

LRH: Well, keep mocking up bodies out about three miles out
in front of you now and get these boys blowing them up with

Keep mocking them up and keep them blowing them up on you.
This will be a contest who can mock up - if you can mock up
the bodies faster than they can blow them up.

Got it? How's it going? How's it going?

PC: Fine. I mean, they're having a great picnic out there.

LRH: Okay.

PC: I mock them up sitting in a chair. Is that what you want?

LRH: Hm?

PC: Do you want them mocked up sitting in a chair?

LRH: Yeah, put them mocked up sitting in a chair out there.
Get them blowing it up.

PC: Yeah, the chair...

LRH: As fast as they blow it up, you put an occluded sphere
around the head of the mock-up.

Now, hide it.

PC: Sir?

LRH: Put a - keep putting an occluded sphere around the head
of the mock-up.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Get it blown up next time. Got it?

PC: Yeah, I uh...

LRH: What happened?

PC: I almost shook loose once.

LRH: Oh, you're worrying about shaking loose?

PC: Don't know whether I'm worried about it.

LRH: Well, don't worry about shaking loose. We want you
trapped. We don't want you free.

PC: Thanks!

LRH: You're too dangerous.

PC: Thanks, thanks. Yeah.

LRH: You're too dangerous.

PC: Thanks.

LRH: Now, let's keep putting those bodies out there on a chair.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Keep blowing them up. What's the matter?

PC: Well, every time there is any motion around this body,
it makes me laugh.

LRH: Mm-hm. You getting any flashes with those explosions?

PC: No.

LRH: What are they like?

PC: I could.

LRH: All right, let's get the flash there. You been running
all these explosions without the flash?

PC: Oh, not all of them. But I've kind of been forgetting
about the flash there for quite a while. But I could try. I
could get it.

LRH: Now let's get those flashes there. Let's get the big
flash as the body goes up. Have your body there and have it
blow up with a big flash.

Doing that?

PC: Yeah, I'm doing them pretty good.

LRH: Real good. Okay, let's contact the two back corners
of the room.

PC: Mm-hm
LRH: And just for variation, let's contact Union Station
in Chicago as one corner and the Empire State Building as
the other corner.

What happens as you do that?

PC: Well, I'm not sure where I am for just an instant. And
then I know.

LRH: Where are you?

PC: Right here.

LRH: Is that so. All right. Pull the Empire State Building
under you.

Now pull the Union Station under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now put the Empire State Building back.

Let's put Union Station back.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Blow them both up.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, move Montreal under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move Phoenix under you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move Mexico City under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Let's move Earth under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Hm. Where to?

LRH: Aha. Have it explode.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Have Mexico City explode.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have Phoenix explode.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Have San - move San Francisco under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it explode.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Move the sun under you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Stop it exploding.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Start it exploding again.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Now, move Paris under you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Move it back.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Move Earth under you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. And after Earth, move a road under you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Make the road explode.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Put an explosion all over the road.

PC: Sir?

LRH: Get the whole road exploding.

PC: Both ways?

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Get the flash of it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, now just put flashes way down below you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Put flashes above you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: On the right side of you.

PC: Mm-hm. Do you want to keep them all going?

LRH: Mm-hm. Left side of you. Get yourself engulfed now in flashes.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Now, let's take hold of the two back corners of
the room.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Let's be interested in those for a couple
of minutes.

PC: They seem like quite a ways away.

LRH: They do? In which direction are they further away?

PC: In back.

LRH: Hm?

PC: In back.

LRH: Okay. Okay.

PC: I'm here.

LRH: Now out in front of you, blow up a whole flock of
babies, one after the other, with a flash.

What do you have?

PC: Motion around me.

LRH: Okay. Keep babies blowing up.

Now, let's get parents blowing you up because you've blown
up babies, with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get the babies getting up now and blowing you up
with flashes.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get everybody ringing you around now and blowing you
up with flashes.

Got that?

PC: Yeah!

LRH: Okay. Now let's reach the two front corners of the room.

PC: Got them.

LRH: Let's withdraw from them.

PC: Draw from them?

LRH: Withdraw from them.

PC: Hm. Mm-hm.

LRH: Now let's have a radio set out in front of you and
blow it up. As fast as it blows up - make sure it blows up
with a flash - put another radio set there and have it blow
up with a flash.

Got that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Some little distance from your face now,
just start striking matches and watching the flash and get
sonic on the explosion of the match as it ignites.

PC: How far out?

LRH: It doesn't matter. Why?

PC: Well, I was just wondering how far you want them. I can
get them right here and right out there.

LRH: Okay. Now strike a match and stick it in your right
eye while it's still burning.

PC: Mm-hm. It didn't quite make it. It got out before it
got in there.

LRH: All right. Let's strike another one and stick it while
it's still burning.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Strike another one.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Another one.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Each time, why, try to thrust it in the eye.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now let's start striking big kitchen
matches and stuffing them into the center of your head
while they're still burning.

PC: They're all burning now.

LRH: Okay.

PC: They're on fire.

LRH: Oh, they're all burning now?

PC: A campfire.

LRH: Good. Stick a whole box of them in the center of the
head and touch the box off.

PC: Mm-hm. That's quite a flash.

LRH: Good fire?

PC: Pretty good.

LRH: Mm-hm. Okay, throw them all away.

PC: Uh-I hate to tell you this but ...

LRH: But what?

PC: I used to catch a pretty bad time when I was a kid for
playing with matches.

LRH: Yeah, yeah.

PC: Okay, I threw them all away

LRH: All right, let's shove a huge box of kitchen matches
into your mouth.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: They're not lit now. Now strike one corner of this
huge matchbox and have it all explode in your mouth.

PC: I had to do it twice. I forgot to put the flash in the
first time.

LRH: Okay, let's stick another box in.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it flash.

PC: Yeah, I get the sniff of it.

LRH: Yeah? All right. Let's get some more boxes of kitchen
matches and start stuffing them in your stomach and body.

PC: Mm-hm. Light them up?

LRH: Yeah, light them up now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Now have way out in front of you out here - way
out in front of you out there - mock up your body as it's
sitting in a chair and look at it.

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: Mock up the rest of the room.

PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay, mock up the outside wall.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mock up the window and tree and the building across
the street. All right, let's be three miles back of your head.

What happened?

PC: Well, sir the first thing, I didn't reach the three
feet - three miles back of my head. I'd think where my head
was and then be three miles back of that, or try to, and I
wind up here.

LRH: Oh, is that what's troubling you. Well, just mock up
your body and blow its head off with a flash.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mock up your body again and blow its head off with
another flash.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Blow its head off with another flash.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And another one.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now get the suet and grease, and so forth, from the
fat in the head.

PC: Who's a fathead?

LRH: ... running down the shoulders after the explosion. Huh?

PC: Okay Okay.

LRH: Now put the odor of singed flesh in there after each

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Real good?

PC: Hm?

LRH: That real, real good?

PC: The odor?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: No, I just sort of mocked it up.

LRH: Okay. Take now the body as a whole...

PC: With a head, huh?

LRH: Without a head.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And bury it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Mock up another body and blow its head off
with a flash and bury it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, have your body blow you up as a thetan and bury you.

PC: A tricky body, huh?

LRH: Mm.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Again, have your body blow you up as a thetan and bury
you in another grave.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Have your body blow you up again as a thetan and put
you yet in another grave.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, make - make the tombstones, and so forth, very

PC: Oh, you want a tombstone?

LRH: Mm.

PC: Well, let's see. Well, all right, they're artistic.

LRH: Got it?

PC: Yeah, I reckon.

LRH: What's the matter?

PC: What's artistic about a tombstone?

LRH: Oh, have flowers growing all over the grave and
nightingales singing sadly.

Now have the body blow the thetan up again.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, have the body throw the thetan now into a pauper's grave.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, take two minutes of nothing.

Okay. Now find the two back corners of the room.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Open your eyes.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, get the feeling out in front of you that you're
keeping preclears from being reached by noise and flashes.
Have another preclear - keep him from being reached.

Another preclear. Another one. Another preclear.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now have people wasting preclears - people that could
have been audited but weren't. Namely you.

PC: Me wasting them too?

LRH: No, get people wasting you. They could have audited
you and they didn't. They're getting your body and throwing
it away. They could have audited, and so forth.

Now get you wasting preclears - people you could have
audited. Get their bodies and instead of auditing them,
throwing them away.

Now, put an unsolved preclear out in front of you.

PC: A mock-up?

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Okay

LRH: And put an unsolved predear on as the answer.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: An unsolved preclear out in front of you again.
Unsolved preclear on you as the answer.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Unsolved preclear again in front of you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Put him on as the answer.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now blow those mock-ups up, each one with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right? Grab the two back corners of the room. Got them?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Look at me.

PC: Hm?

LRH: Look at me.

PC: Okay

LRH: And uh ...

PC: With the eyes open or closed?

LRH: Eyes open. How are you?

PC: Fine. How are you?

LRH: Fine. PC: Good.

LRH: Good. All right, now let's take a look at the field
around you.

PC: Well, there's a lot of - I expect it's eyes. I mean, that
light over there leaves an after-image a little bit. And then
there's black and got a little motion over here.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Let's put a mock-up out there of a rabbit.

PC: A rabbit. Which side? Out in front?

LRH: Doesn't matter.

PC: Okay.

LRH: How far out is he?

PC: About five or six feet.

LRH: Five or six feet. Now have him eating a green carrot.

PC: A green carrot. Yes, sir.

LRH: Got that? Now get the sound as he bites down on it.

PC: Well, I can get an idea of it.

LRH: Well, have him explode each time he makes the sound.

Make it easier to hear?

PC: Well, I know what it sounds like. Let's put it that way.

LRH: Well, is he - is it easier to hear now that you're
making him explode after he does it?

PC: No.

LRH: It isn't easier to hear?

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: All right. Now, let's take a look at me again. Well,
would you say your field has altered any?

PC: Alternating?

LRH: Altered any?

PC: Oh, yeah, it alters while you're - while I'm running.

LRH: It does, always, when you're running it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Does it alter the same way as it did this time?

PC: Mostly.

LRH: It does each time, huh?

PC: It's - sometimes during one run - sometimes there'll be
circles that'll get bigger or smaller. Sometimes they'll be
green, sort of greenish.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ...blobs of blue cross over and come up this way
and go down that way. They sort of slide around easy like.

LRH: Mm-hm. And now as you look out, what do you have?

PC: Well, I've got a kind of a purplish spot out there somewhere.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: It's gone now. Varying degrees of blackness.

LRH: Is - is the field still black now?

PC: No, it's - it's bluish black, purplish black.

LRH: Oh, the field is purplish black. Well, mock up Mars.

PC: All right.

LRH: Blow it up with a flash.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Mock up Mars again.

Blow it up with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mock up Mars again.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Blow it up with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Once more. And blow it up with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Once more.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it blow you up with a flash now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it blow you up with another flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it blow you as a thetan up with another flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it do it again.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Now, let's reach out and grab the two front
anchor points of the room.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, let's open your eyes now. Now take a look
at your field.

PC: All right. See, it's closing my eyes is all this
after-image from that light over there.

LRH: Mm-hm. Oh, that light over there. Well, just have the
light blow up.

PC: Okay

LRH: Okay, now let's take a look at the field. How is your
field? Improved? Worsened? How?

PC: Hm. It's not any worse.

LRH: Well. No worse than it was?

PC: No. Right now it's kind of gray.

LRH: Gray. Drifting from gray to black. Is there a
consistent and continual change there?

PC: Yep.

LRH: All right. Are we running into that?

PC: Sir?

LRH: Are we running into that?

PC: It's not a consistent, but there's always change.

LRH: Ah, always change. Now, how about getting this huge
mob of people out in front of you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And get them looking up and admiring the way you
study geography.

PC: You want them below, huh?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Yeah, I want them to be studious, you know.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now have the geography in your lap.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have it explode.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Put another geography in your lap and have it explode
with a flash.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now get how very nice it is - this book in front of
you - feeling very fond of itself for moving your mind all
over existence.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get this book admiring you very much there in front
of you.

PC: Admiring me?

LRH: Yeah, for having your mind shifted as you sit still.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay, have it admire your mind now very much for
moving around as it tells you to.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, have this big mob of people down below you
admiring you for letting your mind be moved all around by a
printed page.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Get how happy this makes everybody. Get how happy it
makes your parents.

PC: Okay, it makes them happy.

LRH: Okay, get this mob of women down below you admiring
you for being able to read.

Get them admiring a fellow by the name of Johnny Jones for
being able to read.

PC: Mm-km.

LRH: Do you like that?

PC: It's all right.

LRH: It's okay? All right, get them admiring you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, let's put all the mock-ups we've been using into
last week.

PC: Yep.

LRH: Let's take a look at the field around you now. Do you
have the same rate of change?

PC: Hm. No, it's not changing much right now.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It's not changing much right now.

LRH: Not changing very much right now. Well, have this
tremendous mob of women behind you admiring you for
changing your geographical location all the time now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now get a huge mob of you looking at Papa - looking up
at Papa admiring him for moving too.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get another mob of people looking up at Mama and
admiring her for never liking where she is.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You got that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, get a whole huge stadium full of people cheering
you for being a member of your own family and being just
like the family.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Did the seats empty? Now...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now let's put all the mock-ups you've been
using in Tuesday.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Take a look at the field. Is it changing as much?

PC: Well, it's different again.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It's different again.

LRH: It's different again. Well, all right. But is it doing
the flick, flick, flick?

PC: No, it's got a - let me see how this is. There's two
lights go like this.

LRH: Two what?

PC: Two kind of lights.

LRH: Have them both explode.

PC: Hm. They're still there.

LRH: Put two more explosions there where they are. Have
them there and have two explosions there too.

Got that?

PC: No, I get it from time to time.

LRH: All right, just keep putting explosions there.

Got it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now have somebody else making you explode by putting
explosions and the flash there.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How is that?

PC: Well, they're really sailing now.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Seems like they're really sailing now.

LRH: Really sailing. Have you had this before?

PC: A similar thing to it; not quite like this.

LRH: Just different, huh?

PC: Just different.

LRH: Okay. Now, let's get this whole big mob of people down
below admiring another preclear for being so terribly

PC: Okey-doke.

LRH: Now, let's get a mob of you admiring a mob of preclears
for being difficult.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now let's get another mob.

PC: Another mob of me?

LRH: Mm-hm. Now let's get a mob of you and Haskell...

PC: Ha-ha.

LRH: ... a mob of you and Haskell admiring the gentleman
from New Orleans as a...

PC: I got it! I got it!

LRH: You got that? Well, get you admiring him.

Now get a mob of him admiring you for having been cleared by you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now get him walking off into the sunset, completely cleared.

PC: Beautiful ending.

LRH: Yeah. Now get all of your pre clears walking off into
the sunset, beautifully cleared. Get them all cleared on Book One.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Get them all cleared on Science of Survival.

[End of tape.]

1st ACC - 07

Tape number 658 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 9 October 1953


Okay. This morning, which is the 9th of October, we have to
take a good solid look at what happens to cases and what
cases are all about and what processing is all about.

The only reason... Actually, the most interesting case is
the Step I case. This is the most interesting case,
immediately. You get the Step I case - pain! - out they go,
and the person becomes quite interested in life and it's
interesting processing - it's very interesting processing
and so forth. It's very razzle-dazzle.You take a Step I,
exteriorize him, then you run the rest of the steps.

But the funny part of it is, is - that's - that's interesting
but a Step I, actually, has just got a little more life in
him. He's a little more closely into life in general and
existence in particular, and he has a considerable amount
of spare energy. That's what's happening in his case.

Well now, this case is quite interesting in that any
process will work on it - any process, it doesn't matter.
Even Freudian psychoanalysis occasionally will work on it.
Psychology and so forth, when they've gotten any result at
all were working on this case. Of course, they didn't
differentiate between person and person. They were - there
was no breakdown or examination. Nobody had looked. That
was essential in the observation of the mind - for somebody
to look. And possibly if I've done anything at all, I came
along and took a look. And that's about all.

But the biggest piece of work as far as a therapy is
concerned that's been done here in the last twenty-five
years is a classification of cases. There was a fellow by
the name of Craplan - I mean, Kraepelin, excuse me. He was a
German. He put into existence the only category of
insanities. He just - so you see how low scale this operation
was: we put into existence a category of insanities but
didn't put into existence a category of human beings.

Well, anyway, this fellow Kraepelin-K-r-a-e-p-e-l-i-n -
up and did the most remarkable interlocked classification
of cases you ever wanted to see; it's just fabulous. That
thing, it goes on, there's just box after box into which
you could slip this category or that category or
cross-category. And goes on for page after page of
descriptions of what these categories are. And the last
category on the thing - the last category on the thing is
"other classifications." It's like the secretary who kept
an excellent file system - she kept excellent file
system - except all the drawers were empty except the one
marked "miscellaneous." And that is exactly the state of
insanity classification in the world today: all the drawers
are empty except "other classifications."

Male voice: Did you read about the latest meeting of the
Psychiatric Association where Menninger recommended that
they abandon all those classifications and only classify
them as to the intensity of the insanity?

Oh, really?

Male voice: Yeah.

Have you read about the one about the stockyards? Have you
read about that meeting out in the stockyard? They got a
bunch of pigs in from Iowa and they had - they had a fact
that they had to be hit over the head faster.

Male voice: Yeah, that's right!

That's about the same deal, isn't it?

Male voice: Yeah. Well, don't - don't misunderstand me, now.
Nothing was done; it was tabled.

Wonderful. Wonderful. Well, they wouldn't know an insane
person if they saw one, unless they looked in the mirror.
But they...

Male voice: Time article - that's Time magazine data.

Yeah. Well, that's their best - that's their official
journal: Time magazine. They don't have another one.
There's one up in Canada that's published and it says it's
the journal of the American Psychiatric Association but
it's just up in Canada. It doesn't do anything. It won't
print any data. Any article sent to it and so forth kind of
gets tabled, too.

Well, regardless of their undoubtedly sincere efforts, they
have modified this Kraepelin school of classification and
brought it down to a point where the other classification
is slightly bigger. And their - this was - this was the way
they were looking at human beings.

Now, the other way they were doing it was with IQ; they
classified everybody according to IQ. We've made an
interesting finding on the subject of IQ. We talk about IQ
because out in the public, people know what you mean when
you say IQ, they think. They think you mean somebody that's
smart. Well, they themselves know when people are smart and
know when people are dumb and so when they say high IQ,
they're taking the immediate tabulation of the mind with
regard to IQ.

But these tests that have to do with IQ are quite
fascinating. The highest IQ cases that were discovered -
British schools - it was found that they could not mock
up anything they hadn't seen. Now, here was - here's
something very interesting. We had a high IQ case of
a - here was a boy and he could mock up the teacher and he
could mock up a glass of beer, because he'd seen both of
those; but he couldn't mock up the teacher drinking a glass
of beer because he'd never seen that. This boy's grades
were very poor and his IQ was very high. And if you look
through American universities you will find this relatively
uniform. You'll find continually - you'll find always the
dean has these IQ cases on the carpet saying, "You had a
very high IQ according to your psychology department tests
and so you haven't any good grades and so we know you're
not studying." And this is routine.

Now, IQ by their classification has nothing really to do
with figuring out a single problem. What it has to do with
is eidetic memory. Now, although eidetic memory is the
index of intelligence quotient in most cases, you've got a
gradient scale of it.

In the tests, by the way, just in passing, if you don't
think it is eidetic memory, you know these comparison
levels: "Find the square that is the same as the other
square"? You know, that's one of their standard questions.
The fellow has to carry the image of the square across to
the other square. So you have just a momentary eidetic
proposition; they're still measuring an eidetic situation.

There is no test anywhere that says, "Look. What is this?"
See, "What's this?" There isn't one where you have a
pig - picture of a pig or a picture of a psychiatrist or
picture of a dog, anything like that - and it says, "What is
this?" and you write down "psychiatrist" or "dog" or "pig"
or whatever it is. There's no such test. You have to carry
from one side of the column to the other side of the
column - you have to carry a picture over to the other side
and compare it to some other picture. And, of course, this
is not necessarily the way people think at all.

Now, psychology, although it uses this as its sole medium -
it's whether or not a person can remember what the model
they satisfy applies to and all that sort of thing, and you
study a chart that gives you the parts of a heart and then
they give you another piece of paper and you mark down the
parts of the heart on the other piece of paper. This is
intelligence - real rea- real rare. And when it's not that,
it's arithmetic, which is essentially the same thing: it's
how well a person can hold an eidetic picture and re -
misidentify it with another one or something.

This gorgeous system is completely cancelled by the
statement of psychology itself in its textbooks, and it
says in these textbooks that eidetic recall is possible in
children and morons. And although they have - they have in
two or three books - rare books, hardly ever used in
psychology departments - they... And remember that you can
find an awful lot of stuff out across the world - you can
find a lot of Dianetics, you can find a lot of Scientology
in terms of a sentence here and a line there.

What is the main line of action? And you won't find books
which contain this sort of thing kicking around in these
departments. You can always find a rare book someplace
that's got a line in it, but is this the book that's being
used? That's something else. Just to prevent this from - sort
of thing from getting too confused, by the way, I took the
last psychology textbook - University of Illinois - off the
press. And it went off the press immediately before
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The last
book of that issue went pop! pop! through the board machine
of the American Book Company and the - immediately, the first
book of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health went
through the hardboard machine. In other words, these two
editions -the last textbook on psychology and the first
textbook on sanity and reason - followed each other through
the printing presses of the American Book Company.

Well, in view of the fact that I knew in a few years
psychology would have "known it all, all the time" and
would have had it mixed up, I took care to pick up the last
textbook that went off the press immediately before
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, then. And
I have that textbook today.

Very interesting thing. Said man must adjust himself to his
environment - that's the first thing it says. And it goes on
and on and on. And they're all slavery tenets: All talent
immediately derived from neurosis. Oh, it's just an
incredible book. I mean, you wouldn't put a bad book like
that in people's hands and yet that was psychology.

Psychology today is getting deluded. So is medicine. I
don't care what they're calling Dianetics - it's starting
to pop up all over the place. You get Reader's Digest now,
three years after the fact - two and a half years after the
fact - carried a medical article on prenatals. You've got -
oh, there are numerous, numerous examples; there's no reason
to go into it. Well, this just demonstrates how you can poison
a whole culture with reason. All right.

Here's eidetic recall, though. Nobody added up eidetic
recall or classified eidetic recall beyond saying it was a
part of idiots and morons, and somebody had made some tests
on eidetic recall and found out people could recall things
that they had heard or seen.

Now, they tried to apply something like psychoanalysis - they
applied it as a gunshot. They did not classify - they did not
classify any case according to manifestation. Now, that's
great, isn't it? They classified the case according to - I
don't know - cribbage or something of the sort; it was that

They'd give him an examination. He was supposed to write
things. There's something known as the "Szondi." It's about
as close as it comes to "looking" as an IQ test. The Szondi
is terribly interesting because they have a picture of - I
don't know how many - it's several sets of insane people. And
the patient is supposed to look over these sets of insane
people and find out which one he likes best - of course, he
doesn't like any of them - out of each set. And then this is
classified and marked on a little scale. And then the next
day he does the same thing. And the next day he does the
same thing. I - it's more complicated than that, of course.
I mean, it's which one he likes best and which one he likes
least and you take the three that are the intermediate
and - I don't know, it's real weird.

He does this day after day, see. And then you know how they
adjudicate this at the end? Well, they find out which face
he most favored. And this face, of course, is a type of
insanity because these pictures were taken in German
asylums. And this type of insanity, then, is evidently - you
would say immediately that's what he's got. No, that isn't
the case. You'd think it would have something to do with
that. But it doesn't. It depends upon the sensitivity of
the operator.

They spend years training a Szondi operator and then the
classification then depends upon his sensitivity. I can't
quite find out what the Szondi test has to do with the
adjudication on the part of the operator. And I've looked
in vain in the textbooks. I've tried to find out what the
pictures had to do with it and I can't find out. I keep
asking questions - embarrassing questions like "Well, now,
let's see. If he uniformly favored schizophrenic faces,
would he then have schizophrenia?"

"No, it would show an index of inclination toward a certain
type of introversion manifested by a petrograd over on the
other side of the billywomps."

And you say, "No, no, no. No, no, no. We're - I hope we're
still talking in English or German or something. Now, let's
go over this again slowly." Doesn't matter how many times
you go over it slowly. Looking at all these tests is just
like talking to a gibbering idiot. Nobody got in and looked
at classifications of cases. Because nobody had a process,
I guess.

But the idea was - the idea was that you could transfer to
a piece of paper - now, get this - you could transfer to a
piece of paper certain reactions on the part of a person and
then by some other system take the piece of paper and make
it tell you. See? You get the unreality of this? In other
words, we had to go into symbols before we could look.

The bog-down of psychology, the bog-down of language,
communication and everything else, is an emphasis on
symbols to make them more important than anything real.
The symbol becomes reality. And the symbol then is
reality. And you'll go around and find that doctors will
very, very - they'll look at you and think they're saying
something intelligent. And they will say, "Well, this
person has erysipelas.

And you say, "What is erysipelas?"

And they say, "Erysipelas is a disease."

"Well, what does it do?"

Well, they can tell you more or less what erysipelas does.

But you say, "Well, all right. Now that we've got the
classification of what the thing - what is the rest of the

"Well, he has erysipelas."

You say, "Wait a minute. What are you going to do for him now?"

"Oh, I don't know. Some rest, something of the sort, and so on."

But this fellow was working and these clinics were working
and these technicians all down the line with radiographs
and everything else were working to find out what was wrong
with a human being. And then they finally came up with the
fact he had erysipelas and then they forget him.

That tells you a very fascinating manifestation: They want
to find out the significance of something and then they've
got the significance of it the second they have a name for
it. All they got to have is a name for it. If you've got a
name for it, that's by labeling.

Now, you very often find this in a case: A person has been
given a name and so now he's solved. You've solved
something by giving it a symbol. Well, that's really to bog
it down madly.

Now, just look at that. Your case that you look at in the
auditing chair: the first thing that's wrong with him, of
course, is that he's bogged down with symbols. And as he
has been bogged down with symbols, in direct ratio to the
amount he's been bogged down with symbols - direct ratio -
why, the further down the number of steps he is. And so by
looking at the manifestations of how they were trying to
classify insanity itself and the modus operandi of
psychology and medicine, we could come around with that;
and looking, we could find on the one hand that we had
symbols as the main difficulty. And then we found out that
people were buried deeper and deeper into symbolization.
And as they are buried deeper and deeper into symbolization,
they become less and less alive. That's really about all
you can say about it.

Now, your - actually, your Step I case is not very deep into
symbolization. But your wide-open case, which is below the
occluded case by a long distance - dub-in and so forth - is
completely bogged and almost gone on symbolization. In
other words, this eidetic quality reechoes at the bottom of
the scale. So don't make a mistake about it. Don't make a

If this person is giving you all the manifestations of
"Well, I don't know," or "I guess you could say that," and
they can't work, and they're - they don't work and they
operate in various ways low on the Tone Scale, such as a
slow communication lag (that's the most reliable index
we've got - I'll tell you why in a minute). As we go down
the line, why, we find this person is slower and slower, less
and less able to move. They're getting down into symbols
but in earnest. And a word to a psychotic is like a block
of stone. You ask them about a word - poom. Another thing
that goes wrong with them is their sense of humor.

We get this person going down scale, and if we could weigh
words - wonderful phrase to appear in a bank - if we could
weigh words, we would find that the word of a Step I had
very close to zero weight - very close to zero, probably
one microgram; a word probably was one microgram, maybe less
than that. But a Step VII, a word weighs at least two or
three hundred pounds. See? Now, just - just notice that as
your cases go down the line. Now, that's really the only
thing that sanity has in common.

But there is a curve on the track. Of course, there always
would be. There is a real curve on the track that has to do
with occlusion. And the occluded case is not necessarily a
step of a case. Occlusion is a condition. So that you could
have a Step I with a broken leg and you could have a Step I
with an occlusion. Same - same deal, see.

It doesn't mean that that Step I's words weigh more. Now,
we aren't departing from our system. You could restore to
an occluded case - you could restore to him his sonic and
visio, something like that, and then look around promptly -
you know, I mean, you get away with this blackness, you get
the blackness out of the road and you all of a sudden find
out that he's occupying VI. Or you could all of a sudden
find out he was occupying I.

The gradient scale is the gradient scale of the reality of
recall. The gradient scale of the reality of recall is the
gradient scale of the weight of words. So we start from a
Step I and recall is very good and very sharp and very
unnecessary; to a Step VII, where recall is so important
that it is more important than present time, which puts him
in the past.

Now, this is a scale not directed toward - SOP 8 scale is
not directed toward classification of cases. We didn't put
it together for that. It is a classification of techniques
to resolve cases. And because of this curve on the track, it
isn't a perfect comparison. The curve is simply blackness.

The blackness is not - get this very plainly - the blackness
is not, no time, an index of the IQ, the recall ability, the
operation or the level of motion of a case. It's completely
unreliable. Because there are black-field cases that are
just high up and raring to go. And there are black-field
cases in the insane band. And there are cases which, the
second you get rid of that occlusion, they exteriorize
- bang! And there are cases which, after you've exteriorized
them they operate beautifully, but remain occluded when
they're in their head.

So, don't keep falling across occlusion as the monitoring
value. I'm just trying to - trying to give you that because
the occluded case will impress upon you harder than it's
worth, see? This occlusion is taking a greater importance
than it has. And if we wish to understand a clear path on
the gradient scale of sanity, it isn't occlusion that is
part of that track. You understand? Occlusion is a

Now, we'll take a Step I and we will take some black tar or
black paint and we will paint his face with it. Now, when
we've done this, does this alter his IQ? Does it? No, it
doesn't alter his IQ.

Well, this occlusion is just a foolish kind of energy and
you can find it turning on suddenly on almost any case and
turning off suddenly. And what it is, is a manifestation of
energy which is not necessarily a absence of anything - it
is itself. Get that very plainly. It is itself. It is another
perception; it is another kind of energy. And just because
we don't see very much black energy traveling down power
lines is no reason why energy can't be black. That would be
the dirtiest trick of all: to invent a black energy which
would make somebody invisible in space. That would be the
real slippy one. Or an energy which would blind somebody's
mock-up in an awful hurry and he wouldn't even know it was
arriving until it hit him. And that energy would be filled
full of all sorts of things: occasionally lots of pain,
occasionally lots of tiredness. In other words, there are
various kinds of blackness. So we're looking at just
another piece of energy.

Now, your wide-open case, or your - or your Step I, alike,
don't even - the wide-open case often does, but the Step I
almost never - they don't wince at a white explosion. But
brother, they would certainly be upset at a black one. And
that's why it's something you mustn't look at, is because
it's a very painful type of energy. And it's just another
piece of energy.

Now, white explosions carry the immediate blackness which
succeeds them as just simply an after-absence - an
after-absence of light. And it looks intensely black. But
this would lead one to believe immediately that there was
no such thing as a black energy, that it was just an
after-absence or burned-out particles. Well, - to explain it
to people, I have often said, "Well, that's the case." But
I'm telling you, for your edification, that there is such a
thing as a black piece of energy which is not a burned-up
particle; it's real live and it's real hot.

See, it's not - just because we have the sun around all the
time and we're looking at the sun and this particular part
of the universe has an awful lot of white glowing energy in
it, we overlook this black glowing energy. Oddly enough,
you can see almost as well with black energy as you can
with white energy. You get some kind of an idea: if you had
a black radar beam which would yet register on a screen, it
would still give you the outline of the oncoming ship or
plane. It wouldn't matter what color the radar beam was as
long as it could go out and reflect.

So what it is, is motion of particles we're interested in
in terms of energy, not the color of the particle. Get that
very, very, very sharp; we're not interested in the color
of the particle. There's red colored particles and green
colored particles and blue colored particles and black
colored particles and yellow colored particles, and they
all alike perform like particles.

The black in this universe becomes frightening because a
person gets accustomed to seeing with white. So you move
somebody who is accustomed to black energy suddenly into
this universe and he becomes reaccustomed to seeing with
white, and then all of a sudden he'll realize he's got a
lot of blackness around and he gets very puzzled and
confused and he doesn't know what to do with it. Because
the after-image of white - a white flash ... People say,
"What is the significance?" Well, it doesn't follow that a
black particle only comes when you have a flash. It doesn't
come only after the flash. Now, we'll go into that in a moment.

We've detoured for a moment by talking about this level of
case. I'm just trying to show you that a person's recall in
black, theoretically, is as much as a person's recall in
white energy. You got it? You got a big difference here.

I said to a fellow one time, I said, "Now, get a black in a
coal cellar shoveling coal at midnight."

And he said, "You know," he said, "that's the realest thing
I ever saw." This case was what you'd call a Fifth Invader,
just as a classification of cases. They all respond to this
classification, that's the only reason we say that case was
a Fifth Invader case. There are Fourth Invader people and
Fifth Invader people. This is just E-Meter stuff we're
using; we don't care anything about the history of the
Fifth Invader Force and its first incursion into the MEST
universe, Galaxy 12. That's just history and we're not
interested in history; we're interested in conditions and
the remedying of conditions - what a big difference.

You don't have to know anything about history to remedy a
condition. For instance, you don't have to know anything
about the history of the city hall to blow it up. Well,
when you're really on the line with a good technique, you
don't have to know anything about a preclear to blow his
case up. That would be the optimum technique, wouldn't it?
You'd blow his case up and leave him with good recall and
the ability to handle energy and happy and unfettered.
Well, swell. That's the way to go about that if you could
just blow it up in some fashion or another so that - see?
See, that'd be real, real good. You wouldn't have to know
his history, would you?

Well, many people bog down upon Fifth Invader, Fourth
Invader, the past lives and so forth because they're more
interested in history than they are in condition.

Now, they very often will bog down on these things when
their own condition starts to get solved. Now, you'd
think, by the way, that a person would be more concerned
with the past early in his processing than late. But there
is a time as you go forward when a Step I becomes intensely
interested in his track. Well, you have to sort of nurse
him through that. The dickens with his track. It's left
grief charges and every other doggone thing strewn around
on it and it's quite important to him and one shouldn't
just sneer at it and negate it, sure. But the same way,
you're trying to blow up certain energy manifestations
which are antipathetic to the optimum survival of the
preclear. All right.

When we get down to the problem of classification of cases,
we are going to run square into this: You, and your
tendency, will be to say, "He is an occluded case and
therefore Step V and therefore his sanity is so-and-so."
You're very liable to do that, see. And that's - that's
not - not right. His case solves at the fifth level.

Now, SOP 8, then, from I to VIII as it was - I to VII,
rather. An additional technique we won't worry about;
that's when they're dead - calling the dead back. I've just
left it there, you see, waiting for a good, easy technique
that might do this. Anyway, I'm - I think in - I wrote a
story one time called "The Case of the Friendly Corpse,"
where a fellow brought a fellow halfway back to life. It
was very messy because he kept rotting. Anyway. All right.

Now, don't use, then, for your pure classification of
cases - if you must have a classification of cases, do not
use SOP 8, Steps I to VII as the classification of cases.
It is simply an approximation of techniques at various case
levels. See? That's all it is.

Let's instead draw another set of case levels and call them
A, B, C, D, E, F, G. And this would be the gradient scale
of sanity. And it would be the weight of the word and the
communication lag. You - it would be the plot of reaction time.

It would be also the plot of symbols. Because the handling
of the symbol is the communication index. How fast does the
person handle a symbol? And if the symbol is heavier and
heavier and more and more powerful and important to him,
he of course handles it slower and slower.

Therefore, I give you two scales. There's SOP 8 - Roman
numerals: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. And there's gradient
scale of sanity: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. These aren't
completely comparison- comparable. You don't go from the
SOP 8 over here to this gradient scale.

Well, let's look at the gradient scale. And we've already
got this gradient scale and it's in the Tone Scale and
that's been out since Science of Survival. And there's your
gradient scale of sanity, which is the gradient scale of
communication lag, which is the gradient scale of how
heavy symbols are, which is the gradient scale of how far
we've departed from looking.

Now, let's classify a symbol. A symbol is that thing which
exists as a substitute for that thing which is. Now, you
could then mess around and say, "Well then everything is a
symbol." No, a symbol has this highly specialized
classification: It is something which stands for a thing
which is real.

A symbol is also a communication substitute for a real
object. You cannot send the Empire State Building over a
telegraph line. And so you would send the word Em- words
Empire State Building - the words Empire State Building.
That's real tricky. But don't - don't omit this. The very
best way to do it would be to send it over a televisio line
And you would send a picture of the Empire State Building.

Ideographs are themselves very sane languages. Ideograph's
a tremendously sane language. It's just a symbol which
almost is the object, you see. It - they just send a picture
of the object as near as they can manage it. Now, as that
ideograph begins to decline, it begins to specialize. Now,
you can trace in the Chinese language - if you've ever
studied Chinese, and some of you may have - you can trace
the word man. And the word man began with a picture of a man
and then it be - had a dot, a slash, an inverted V at the
bottom and a crossbar. And that today is written with just
a little more stylization and is still the picture of a man.

This makes the difficulties of something like three hundred
thousand characters rather than a working language of - the
college student uses in this country of; I think, three to
five hundred words. And the college student uses three to
five hundred words; a truck driver uses about fifteen
hundred words; janitors use about twenty-five hundred. You
get it? Anyway, the task of learning three hundred thousand
words is a very difficult one.

So, our whole problem in classification of cases is how far
the symbol has gotten from the reality. But that's only for
classification, it isn't for therapy. The mistake is to
process symbols. You start processing symbols and you get
further and further and further away from it. Now the very,
very lowest you can go - just get this fairly clearly: to
get a case to advance rapidly, you can't go into the
symbolization of words as a practical measure as a process,
if you want fast results. You can on very slow results.

Now, you can get a thought or a postulate. And that is the
lowest level of thought - postulate. That would be about as
far south as you could go to get fast results.

We're way above Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental
Health which went into the processing of symbolization. Did
a good job of it, too; took a long time. And only made,
when you got through, Homo sapiens. And of course, Homo
sapiens kept realizing he could be more, so a person after
he'd had Dianetic processing would keep trying to charge up
the line higher and higher and higher. And he's in better
shape than any other Homo saps around him, but this isn't
good enough. And he's just got to get out and get free and
be exteriorized and go around and have a good time and not
have a lot of the bad things in the society knocking him
around that could. In other words, he wanted to get out of
the level of - and the swim of agreement.

Well, the number of people who want to get out of the swim
of agreement, much fewer than the number of people who
want to stay in it. Most of these people walking around down
here, they don't know they're in any trouble. They haven't
got any idea; you'd have to educate the hell out of them.
They know they're going to die and go to hell and this
isn't trouble - this is just what you accept. And this
is - this is it. And they're trying like mad to agree with
their neighbor. They think they're out of agreement with
him or something. Of course, the harder - the harder they
try to agree with him, the further they're going to get from
him. And they're going down a dwindling spiral; it's just
going to diminish with very great rapidity.

Well, all right. Let's take, then, as what we have here -
rather than wander around on it any further, let's just
take a look at the gradient scale of sanity (this is not
the gradient scale of processing); and find out that we
have in it, as an index of the gradient scale of sanity,
the gradient scale of motion - first index. Second index:
gradient scale of space. Third index: gradient scale of
symbols. Fourth index: the weight of a word, which is to
say, the communication lag in this society of the person.
The communication index - the weight of the word.

But that's a little bit different than the lag. If you fool
around with many preclears you will find out that some of
them get these words out by backing up... They get - they
call the van and storage company and they get the truck
backed up and they get several movers and each one of them
grabs hold of a corner of this word and they get blocks and
tackles on the thing and they get it out there one way or
the other and knock the stairs to pieces and so forth. And
when they get down into the truck, why, they pack it up
very, very carefully and get their bills of lading on it
and so forth. And then they ship it across the room to you
and the back of the truck is opened and they get it out.
And it's - it's really wonderful. They actually get down to
where they're actually handling the most heavy objects you
ever heard of.

Therefore, they specialize in an automaticity. They get
some kind of a channel going, which is the moving van
setup, you see, and they've really substituted a very, very
heavy assembly line in its place - pardon me, an endless -
belt system or something - and they've put this endless belt
around permanently on people, and these words slide on
down. You'll find out the words are just chatter. They're
very, very light; they mean very little. And so this
chatter serves as conversation.

You go into the insane asylum and you'll find out that they
will just go endlessly over and over and over a certain
line of chatter. That's because it's endless - belted and can
go out to everybody; but they couldn't handle a real word.
They've just got a ridge set up there and it just keeps
chattering. They dramatize, in other words.

Now, the words they're really getting rid of are not
communication. And when we say "communication," we have to
have a meaningful interchange which has an understanding on
both sides, and that's a communication. A person is out of
communication many times even when he is operating with a
barrage of words. Have you ever kept on talking sometime
and realized that you were completely out of communication
with who you were talking to?

Now, the concern over communication deepens as the A, B, C,
D, E, F, G level advances - concern over communications.
Communications get terribly important. Too - and then they
get too important to pass on. They're just getting heavier.
You'd think they had real mass.

It gets fascinating what will happen in comm systems where
you slide in people at various levels of the Tone Scale.
And what do you know, this is an actual operating comm
system that has little pieces of paper with words on them
going through it. And you put on the various posts - I've
made this test - you put on the various posts, people who
are measured up against the Tone Scale, and sure enough,
the communication system operates at that point just like
it says on the Tone Scale.

I made this as not an arbitrary level at all. I just noted
how a communication system was operating and then had
somebody else classify the people in the communication
system without having observed how it was operating, and
the two of them merged. One is a carbon copy of the other
one. In other words, the behavior of the communication at
the various relay points in the cornmunication system
depended upon the position on the Tone Scale of the people
who were handling those communications. And both of them
were separately assessed and they both made a blanket over
each other. They just went together.

People who were 1.5, they just stopped the communication
cold. Lots of reasons why they had to. They stopped it for
this and stopped it for that.

At 1.1, they would just shoot any communication that came
in to them off in the wildest directions. They actually
ignored, and would sometimes just let go through without
even observing, any routine or good news communication.
They'd go right on by or they wouldn't pay any attention,
see, to this. This 1.1 wouldn't pay much attention to the
communication lines till all of a sudden a communication
came by which was from 1.5 down. They paid a lot of
attention to 1.5 communications, a little less attention to
2.0 communications. But the second that that came in they
would just shoot it wildly, see? It didn't matter if this
was going to Poughkeepsie - it was scheduled to go to
Poughkeepsie and they would shoot it down to St. Augustine,
Florida. It was just a wild shot. Well, there you're
looking at a dispersal case.

And the grief communication would just sit there.
Communication would come in. Good news communication, bad
news communication - no differentiation, but the - except
that the good news communications must have something bad
about them. This meant that all was lost. Everything that
came in meant "All is lost." Well, watching this behavior
of communication systems is very revelatory.

We have, then, this other schedule. Now, you have better
methods right now - I'm giving them to you right now - as
to how to measure where and what your case is doing. A body -
GE - is pretty solid and is not necessarily an index of the
position of the thetan. We've already gone into that, too.

So our communication scale of the first chart that came out
in Science of Survival is a communication of that composite
known as Homo sapiens. But it had this strange double
characteristic. And I think everybody in the country
interested in Dianetics at that time, who was in - able to
write, dropped me a note saying there was - that people
double-positioned on the scale. Quite obvious that they
double-positioned. They'd be operating at one level and
operating at the other level almost simultaneously. Well,
this is true: the GE occupies one level and the thetan
occupies another level. Furthermore, the thetan occupies
the level of the GE when he is thoroughly interiorized and
his - he's under the duress of modified conduct because of
the GE.

Now, you exteriorize him and he starts operating at his own
tone level. And what do you know! It is quite often below
the level of the GE. Don't just expect this as the happy
thought that everybody goes up Tone Scale the second you
bring them out of their heads. No, they don't.

The process that addresses them shoves them, then, over
into the classification band - pam! You're over into the A,
B, C, D, E, F, G curve. And you'll find out that this
thetan is noncommunicative, he's this, he's that and so on.
And it's just been the educational pattern that the GE has -
the GE itself - which has been holding this thetan up.

This becomes fabulous to some auditors. This - they
exteriorize this fellow and pam! This - there are two kinds
of cases there: one is "leaving for Arcturus" and the other
one is "on the ceiling." They get stuck on the ceiling or
they just left for Arcturus.

And you'll find these are the two worst manifestations you
will run into and these are the two most frightening ones
to the auditor. "He just left for Arcturus" has got to be,
in England, a byword for such a case. It doesn't happen
often but you tell the guy to be three feet back of his
head or three miles or something of the sort, and he just
keeps going! This is the first time it has occurred to
him - it's occurred to him suddenly he can leave and abandon
this body. He can get away from his responsibilities and
he's on his way! And he really is going away, right way out
into space. He is heading for Arcturus. Not just the planet
Arcturus, but he's going that far, that order of magnitude
away from his body.

And the other one, the one that gets stuck on the ceiling,
is just a little bit higher on the gradient scale than "on
his way to Arcturus." And this person will come out and be
upside down and get stuck on the ceiling and the room will
get big and the room will get small and they will get
furious with you the second that you tell them to be right
side up, because they will fall to the ceiling. And they've
disoriented in the subject of falling and gravity.

Well, that's another manifestation. There are lots of these
manifestations but those two are the serious ones from the
auditor's standpoint. Now, they're handled over on A, B, C,
D, E, F, G. You just reclassify. What do you do there? You
shift from SOP 8 over to the scale of classifications and
then shift with that back into SOP 8. Now, you've got that?
It's a little mechanical trick; save you a lot of trouble
and bother.

What do you do? You've got this person, this person
exteriorized at III. You say, "Ah, I've got a III on my
hands." They exteriorize and pam! you've got an F thetan.
Pam! - on his way. Something of that sort, see.

Oh, boy. Now, where do you shift back into SOP 8 with the
thetan for theta processing? You just shift back into Step
VI, of course. See how simple that is. In other words,
we're up against two classifications of case. You just go
down SOP 8, singing and strewing the daisies, having a
happy time of it. And you get this person down along the
line and all of a sudden you got this person to Step V and
you ran Step V on them and they exteriorized. After you have
them exteriorized - pam! - you had a Step I. That's fine.
Process them now with Step I and then go through the rest
of the processes as though they were Step I. That's easy, see.

All right. But we go down the line to - on this person,
singing away, and we go down to Step level VI and we - he
finally exteriorizes on a bunch of Step level VI - Self
Analysis "Remember anything real," and so forth.

And all of a sudden he exteriorizes and boy! he's just
leaving, that's all. You ordinarily won't find this
happening, but we will say this is the test - he's just on
his way. When you bring him back in again, you know what he
is. You've classified him over to G, see, and you've
brought him back into SOP 8 again for a process. Now, what
process do you run on this person when you get him back?
You run Step level VII.

Now, let's take another example. You exteriorize this
person; this person's Step II. He's exteriorized and his
demonstrated communications level, as far as you're
concerned, he doesn't quite know, he's real cautious about
it and he goes on like this. And you get this real slow
communication lag and so forth immediately after he has
exteriorized. He exteriorized on Process II and all of a
sudden you're facing Process V. So you just go over to
G - pardon me, you just go over to A, B, C, D, E and - let's
see, it's A, B, C, D, E; that's right. You go over on A, B,
C, D, E and you get to E and come back into the case on V,
and you process him as a V, while he's exteriorized.

This answers the question, "What process do I immediately
use - immediately after exteriorization?"

Now, that question will be pressing you one of these days
and this is a mechanical way of going about it. You
exteriorized him and he suddenly was kind of different. The
case behaved differently after exteriorization and how did
it behave? Well, just get that good old Tone Scale to work
over there and you just figure out how slow is he operating?
And just take a shot at it. You don't have to be terribly
precise about it, you see. How slow is he operating? How
fast is he operating?

All of a sudden he goes into terrific motion. He's real
happy about the whole thing and so on and so on and so on.
You say, "Well, I've put him out in the manic." No you
haven't; you put him into Step I. You just going through
now in Step I. He was Step V, you got him out and you just
came over into Step I and ran Step I.

Now, what would happen with a Step III that was relatively
unchanged after he got out of his body? You would just come
back on Step III while he's out of his body; you'd just run
lots more of it, wouldn't you? See?

This is a handy index of "What do I do now?" If you get no
specific, obvious change after exteriorization, you
continue to run, while exteriorized, the step which
exteriorized him. If you get an obvious change slower, you
go to a lower step than that which exteriorized him and run
it on him while he's exteriorized. If you get an obvious
change up to a faster speedup after exteriorization, you
just clip off into a higher step and run that on him while
he's exteriorized.

How much do you have to know, now, in order to adjudicate
this? Did his behavior in terms of communication, ability
to move, vary up or down or stay still after exteriorization?
If it varied up after exteriorization - he'd start
communicating faster - go to a little higher step. And if
it was a lot faster, just go on up and run Step I on him,
all over. It doesn't matter where you exteriorized him, he's
all of a sudden traveling at a fast rate of speed and he
has good communication and very alert and very interested
in existence.

Now you've exteriorized him, and instead of being
interested in existence as he was while he was in his body,
he is really out of contact. Oh, brother - he's just having
a hell of a time for himself and so forth; he gets - his
communication gets slower. Well, then you'd go down in SOP
8 to a lower level. Right?

And if there is no marked change, you slide over
immediately, when exteriorized, on the same process and
you just do more of it. Got it? This will work. There isn't
any doubt about it.

Now, I've said quite a bit in here about this business
about occlusion. Now, it's not necessarily a condition of
sanity nor a classification of sanity. There are many
factors enter into it. The GE could be occluded and so
forth. Black energy, the presence of in this universe, does
not promote the health and well-being of the thetan. It
might very well be more handy than white energy in another

Now, some of these people can handle black energy and some
can't. You get some preclears who all of a sudden, you say,
"We got all that blackness?" (By the way, don't forget this
can happen.) "Well, you got blackness all around you, huh?
Well, why don't you just roll it all up and put it in a
ball and throw it in the fireplace? Well, you got that
done? All right, be three feet back of your head."

"All right," the guy says, "I am."

Don't forget that that can happen. Because all it is, is a
deposit of black energy; it might as well be a deposit of
white energy. In a wide-open case it would be a deposit of
pictures, all of them quite solid.

So you see what we're doing.

[End of tape.]

1st ACC - 08

Tape number 659 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 9 October 1953


Here on the afternoon of October the 9th, at 726 Cooper,
and we've just had some reports that summed up, more or
less, a couple of experimental runs we've had here on what
is commonly referred to as an "occluded case."

Now, we've been running on these cases some Admiration
Processing and we've been giving a lot of explosions.

Any of these - in the business of trying to achieve a
technique effect on a preclear - business of trying to
achieve an effect upon the preclear - I refer you to The

Somebody who is dead agin Scientology said that "He seems
to attach considerable importance to this, although we
can't figure it out ourselves." I dropped him back a note.
I said, "That isn't all you can't figure out about it." But
anyway, the - yeah, that's right, and didn't mail the note.

I was quite struck by the fact that people who are very
afraid of effects being created upon them, and so on, seem
to be very afraid of The Factors, into the fact that they
don't understand them and so forth. Actually, it's very
clean. There's been no alteration in The Factors. I mean,
that's The Factors. And these were The Factors simply
because they are the components back of the things preclears
start running into. And I put them together like that,
figured them out and let them roll.

Now, you have cause and effect and the cause is trying to
achieve an effect and the effect is simply attention, so
that you have attention in between the cause and effect
there. You can't achieve an effect on anybody unless you
get their attention. That's an interesting fact, if you
look around, a very simple fact. But attention belongs in
there really, but there isn't any reason to have it there;
it says it later in The Factors. Just call to your
attention the fact that an effect cannot be achieved
without getting somebody's attention.

Well, all right. Let's take a preclear with his attention
scattered all over the place and let's try to cause an
effect on him. Now, a person actually diverts and disperses
his attention so an effect can't be caused on him. Works
both ways.

So here you have - an effort to raise the attention or
awareness level of the preclear is fought immediately by
the fact that the preclear does not want his awareness
level picked up. Because when you pick up his awareness
level you make him more liable to an effect being caused
upon him, right? You bring up an attention level, he thinks
immediately that you're going to increase pain on him. Oho!

Feeling is condensed looking. If his attention is very
dispersed and he is very condensed, he feels pain very,
very sharply and extremely. But if he does not have this
factor of condensation, he does not feel the pain as his
awareness goes up; it's awareness of looking, not
awareness of feeling. And he becomes less and less liable
to pain the more and more aware he becomes. Your preclear
doesn't know this and you needn't tell him. But that is
your preclear fighting feeling.

Fighting feeling is very, very strange. Anybody starts
fighting feeling, they start condensing looking. They only
start fighting feeling when they find their looking getting
condensed. So the first thing they did was start to fight
looking and then they started to fight feeling. And after
they'd fought feeling for a little while, they started to
feel pain.

It is the preclear's energy itself, which, by resisting the
incoming condensation of particles, causes the pain - the
sensation known as pain. The resistance of the GE causes
the pain. That's the preclear, as far as you're concerned
with Homo sapiens.

If the GE didn't resist, he wouldn't feel any pain. That's
the old trick of the MEST universe. You get somebody
fighting something, he fights them more and more, he gets
more and more condensation; and the first thing you know it
can hurt him. He starts (quote) "feeling bad about
something." And would you believe it, that very low on the
Tone Scale you can actually give somebody a piece of news
or you can give them some slight remark, and they get the
actual sensation of pain. This is because they are down to
a point where feeling is moving into thinking, and their
thinking is getting condensed. And when thinking gets too
condensed, it is a painful thought.

Now, if you can conceive of a juggernaut moving in on
somebody: At first it's at two light-years, and so on; it
condenses a little bit. And after he [it] comes in a ways,
why, he can (quote) "feel the juggernaut." And when the
juggernaut comes in very, very close to him, indeed, he
would start to get a very solid sensation and when - he'd
feel the effort of the approach of the juggernaut. I beg
your pardon, let me put the inner step in there. He'd -
as it came in, he would start feeling emotional about the
juggernaut; he would be upset and afraid about the
juggernaut. And then as it came in closer he would feel the
effort of trying to push the juggernaut away long before it
touched any object from which he was operating, and we get
in this wise emotion and effort. And then we get - what do
you know - as it pushes on in we get thinking. After the
juggernaut ran over him, he would sit there and think about
it for a while.

Now, when he first starts looking, he is totally capable of
thinking about juggernauts very freely and they probably
don't worry him very much, except as their aesthetics might
impinge themselves upon his lookingness. He is capable at
that extension of mocking up a sensation. But in starts the
juggernaut and from just looking we get into a band of
emotion about juggernauts, and from emotion we get into
effort about juggernauts, and from efforts we get into
physical pain - and we're going down into the second band
now about juggernauts - and when we get into physical pain
we then get into thinking about juggernauts again. And there
is what's known as "circuitry": low-toned thinking. What
kind of thinking is it? Well, it lies under pain.

There is, by the way, a whole series of these possible as
you saw in the Doctorate tapes. There is
thought-emotion-effort, thought-emotion-effort,
thought-emotion-effort, thought-emotion-effort.

And actually, there's a tiny, tiny gradient scale of effort
lower than thinking about the juggernaut. There's also a
little emotion lower than thinking about the juggernaut,
you see?

Pain, as we experience pain, lies at about 1.8 on our Tone
Scale. So you see where most of our preclears, when we
first pick them up, are liable to be operating below the
level of pain. So you start turning on their awareness and
they have the sensation that if somebody yanked something
away from them, it'd hurt badly.

Well, all right, let's get somebody carrying something
away, and we get the sudden stretch of condensation and it
starts stretching this band. And so from thinking about it
he goes into an effort about it which goes into an emotion
about it which goes into looking at it. As something
traveled away from him and stretched his lookingness, then
this is what would occur; he would go through those bands
as he started on up the Tone Scale. There isn't any real
reason why he should go up Tone Scale by stretching the
bands - no. But that's why your preclear hates to give up
anything and your psychotic is dismally, morbidly afraid of
giving up anything.

As you watch a psychotic deteriorate or as you watch a very
neurotic person deteriorate or a normal - you watch them
going on through life, they get in worse and worse shape,
they become more and more concerned with pain in their
body. And after they get down so low they go through
various bands of it. They get down so low they are
concerned about actual physical pain, and then they get
concerned about being hurt emotionally, and then they get
concerned about - afraid to think a thought because it's so
painful. This is - then they're afraid to let go of anything
because they know the hell of a time they had getting that
condensed. They know this. If there's anything they know,
they know that if they uncondensed, it's going to have to
go back across the time track again; you're going to have
to go back into the past, naturally.

Why? Because these things are going to stretch and they
will stretch from thinking (circuitry), into effort, into
emotion, into looking with all those little gradients. You
see, it goes down scale. It goes look - look belongs in
there - look, emotion, effort, think; look, emotion, effort,
think; look, emotion, effort, think. That's the way it
looks on - as you graph it.

Well, all right. You pull out anybody's anchor points and
it hurts. One thing they're afraid of is ridicule. So loss
actually does terrible things to somebody, because you yank
out the anchor points and what they do is to go through
this think - thinkingness of thinking they have been pulled
back out again. And this, of course, makes loss painful.

All right, this is very obvious to you, but you have here a
problem of attention. Nineteen fifty we were talking about
attention units: too many attention units lost in the bank.
Well, the person gets too many attention units pushed in on
him. He's given attention units; they've been pushed in.
And as these are pushed in they come back to a heavy, heavy
condensation, and when that condensation gets really
condensed, they get fresh out of units.

Do they at any time ever get an attention unit really
trapped anywhere in the bank? No, they don't. Not one. But
they're afraid to have any out there.

Now, you could take a low-toned preclear and he will
actually be able to emanate attention units. He can throw
flitter around like mad; I mean, I don't even care if he's
occluded, you could still get him to throw out flitter. You
just say, "All right, start throwing it out," and he'll
throw out flitter. You can throw it out for a long time. Of
course, that isn't the important flitter. He already knows
that because every time he throws out this flitter...
Flitter are these little gold sparks that comes off thetans.
All right. You can call it flitter. In Hollywood they call
that stuff gold powder that goes on hair wigs and sometimes
they even use it on stationery and so forth - that's flitter.
All right.

This flitter, as it emanates, restimulates old lookingness
(because they've kept that old lookingness handy, because
it's been pushed in on them), and they resisted and
something resisted them. And the thing that resisted them
they weren't taking any responsibility for because they
were standing and looking at it as it came in. And they
were - wanted an effect from it! And by wanting an effect
from it, they, of course, were able, then, to be an effect
of it. They wanted the effect of long-range looking; they
wanted to examine it and its aesthetics.

All right. As it jams up on them, and so on - because they
basically - the first postulate is they want the effect on
it - it basically goes right on down Tone Scale. It isn't
true that all thought is caused by impact per se; it is
thought - it is a fact that all aberrated thought is caused
by an impact - primary impact. All right. An impact would
go through that gradient scale.

Well, let's look at this for a moment and find out
something from it. Let's find out, then, that subjective
running goes just so far because you're doing an introvert,
you see? You're - introvert, introvert, introvert,
introvert, on and on and on and on and on with very little
extroversion. And so after a while the body gets sort of -
it gets - it gets pretty, pretty bad off. You keep throwing
things into restimulation and not throwing them out. Even
though you're burning them down, you're operating in close
to the GE which is the level of pain or at least emotion,
and certainly effort. But as far as the GE is concerned,
you start throwing him into these various restimulations.

Now, Admiration Processing and explosions, each one, will
have this effect upon them. This is your subjective
technique which is also called the limited technique. And
this material, then, which has turned up and which is
banished, one way or the other, has this secondary effect.
If you're a Step I, you care to shift your wavelength
around, you will be able to perceive ridges. These are very
interesting. The GE is so dependent upon his own network of
ridges, upon his own network of old communication lines, in
order to get stimulus-response and training patterns back
into action again, the thetan, in handling the GE, is so
dependent upon these ridges that both the body and the
thetan start to go into apathy when too many of them get

How would you like to take a great big tractor and start
burning down all of its control buttons? Just start
shorting out its control buttons so that it had - the
driver then had to find another way to control the tractor.
The tractor, of course, would for a while drive much less
easily although its machinery was still all intact. Its
control buttons, its ridges, its stores of fuel and so on,
all these things are being tampered with on close-up
auditing. This doesn't say that it will hurt anybody over a
long period of time to chew up some of these ridges.

But after you've - if you could stand up above a preclear
and watch Admiration Processing or explosions be run on him,
you would see that it's chewing up ridges. It's going to
make a mess out of him sooner or later. This isn't going to
hurt him any. That stuff will blow away. He could actually
put it into other space - yesterday, something of the sort;
just other space - and he would be rid of it. But the
trouble is, he is a machine which is running almost
exclusively upon just this factor and no other factor: the
ridge. He depends on everything from this ridge.

Ridges are very amazing. Now, sometime you want to make
this experiment. You ask a preclear to be out somewhere in
front of his body; he'd have to be a pretty good Step I;
he'd have to be pretty well run in order for the fellow to
do this. But - because people don't like to get in front of
their bodies - they think they've blown through them and
this is upsetting to them. They've gone all the way through.
This scares them.

The psychotic, by the way, is nearly always out in front of
his face looking back. A neurotic occasionally is too.
Every once in a while you'll find a perfectly sane thetan
out there too. This thetan is in front of the body. The
thetan is high Tone Scale. He isn't operating inside the
body, but he walks out in front of the body, and he keeps
hauling the body along, see, if the thetan is in a hurry
and the body is pretty slow, and so on. The thetan will get
over that and he'll eventually get back of it.

A thetan, by the way, really trying to control a body
wouldn't control it from the back, he'd control it from the
front. So - but, nevertheless, low on the Tone Scale they
get blown out front and they don't know they're out front
of the body and they're very puzzled about the whole thing.
They're out front of the body looking forward through a
circuit which goes back around like a couple of loops,
enters the body's head and looks forward again through the
eyes. Therefore, you have the picture of a man looking
through himself continually. This is the case in some
occluded cases, but not all of them.

The occluded case is trying to look through his own head,
which is an occlusion. He's looking through the body's head
on a circuit, which is then looking through his own head.
And he gets his re-perceptions, and so on, simply by
looking out in front of himself, which goes on a big two -
double curve loop, which goes back through the body's head,
which goes back through the optical nerves. He's got to
have eyes! He knows this.

All right. This is not true and don't immediately assume
that your own case, if you happen to be an occluded case,
naturally falls in this category; it doesn't. Although some
occluded cases become very, very funny after a good, solid
process is run on them or something. They'd say, "My God!
I'm looking at my own eyelids. I've been looking at my own
eyelids for a long time." Or "Of course it's dark in here."
Just that. "Of course it's dark in here. Nobody ever wired
it up with electric lights or anything." They're very funny.

Now, a preclear yesterday was telling us about globs of
energy drifting by, and so on. A fellow gets in the middle
of a whole bunch of impacts and part of this material gets
dissolved, part of his ridges get dissolved, and then he
never puts them into yesterday because he knows they're
valuable and he needs them. This is a postulate that's on
this ridge: "I've got to have it." And he doesn't let go of
this energy. He just keeps it around, keeps it around,
keeps it around. But all of this is computational
information that he keeps it around and why he keeps it
around and that he isn't responsible, but he is
responsible; that he wants to be helped, but he doesn't
want to be helped. That's all computational circuitry. What
we're interested in is the fact that he is in mechanical
trouble; he's in a mechanical difficulty and nothing else.

And that mechanical difficulty is - stems from the
characteristic, basically, of explosions and the
characteristic of space. Space first and then, being space,
these explosions start entering. Well, he gets this stuff
adrift and he doesn't want to get away with it - rid of it
and he doesn't want to throw it away. And he's had some
explosions in his own life and after that his visio wasn't
so good or something like that.

But remember, this fellow is still in pretty good shape; he
can see with his eyes; he can drift around. And having been
scared once, he doesn't want to be scared twice - another
computational datum. What he's really afraid of is getting
those anchor points stretched out again, oh brother. Oh
brother, he doesn't want those anchor points stretched out
again. Every time you run into blackness you've got
pain - every time. And when you start to dissolve that
blackness, you start to bring that pain into view. And this
becomes an interesting thing. You start to dissolve
blackness, you'll run into pain.

When you get an old (quote) "Fifth Invader body" - a Fifth
Invader body composed of nothing but blackness, and this
blackness is extremely difficult to handle. Why? It was
used covertly. You can take a black piece of energy and
blow it up in a black vacuum in such a way as to destroy
somebody else's mock-up and then you can say, "Me? I didn't
do it. What happened?" Cute, huh? It's a dramatization of
the explosion.

You get that? It's a dramatization of the end of the
explosion. You blow somebody up with black energy in a
black explosion and then they don't know quite what
happened. See that?

Male voice: Oh yeah!

Okay. What do you run on an occluded case?

Female voice: Black explosions, perhaps.


Female voice: Explosions.

How long do you run it?

Female voice: Whew! Poom!

How long do you run it?

Male voice: Two years.

Male voice: Ten or twenty.

Why - why do you - why do you want to compare time with it?
You run it till he's Clear. Isn't that simple? Who cares how
long it takes? The fact of the matter is it doesn't take
very long.

Now he, by the way, is apt to become a little bit
interested in his daily work or interested in going
someplace and being something else for a while. He gets a
little bit disinterested in keeping his appointments. If
you have to run this more than two or three sessions, he
gets downright worried about this because this stuff hurts.
If he's a really heavy, rough job of an occluded case, it's

Because of course you run at the same time the last moments
of all explosions. You start running black explosions and
you'll start running the last moments of white explosions.
And they really hurt! And so do the black explosions; they
really hurt, too.

Now, you can tell these people, you just say, "You got a
black field?" or "Is there any - do you have any blackness
or any trouble with blackness?" "You ever been afraid of the
dark?" or a few dozen other questions like that. If they
start telling you "Yes," well, you just start running some
black explosions on them, but for God's sakes vary it with
Six Steps to Better Beingness. Now, this is a faster
technique than you've been using. It's faster. Okay.

The occluded case will discover some interesting things
when he starts running black explosions. Where do you put
them? Oh, you just throw them out there the way you do any
explosions. Close? Well, if you want to. Do they explode
for any reason? No. Do you run them in brackets? Yes, you
run them in brackets. You get this explosion - black
explosion - in brackets.

Now, it's quite variable. You'll find out from various
times that he's got different black things exploding
because there's a large characteristic - there's a large
class of this characteristic energy.

So let's - let's look at the large class. What is it? First
we start out with screens. A protective screen is quite
ordinarily black. It's something you can hide behind. The
fellow - you can make black energy; anybody can make black
energy. You just say it's black energy and there it is.

All right, so this fellow is standing there innocently with
a protective screen and he doesn't want to be shot up at
the particular moment. Some other thetan thinks this is a
wonderful joke and so he blows up the guy's screen. He just
puts some power and force into the middle of the screen and
it goes kapam! And there is a kind of black explosion.

There's various other ways that black explosions are made,
but you want to watch your preclear. You'll get the most
real reality there is by taking a small black piece of
something or other and putting it out there - making a
black piece and making it explode. See? I mean, you put the
blackness there and then let it explode rather than just
have black explosions all over the place. This runs out
various things. Runs out screens and so forth. You could do
that in brackets, and you can do various things with it. Or
you just run black explosions and let him make them any way
he wants to.

Now, you've got to do some of that running of "he just
makes black explosions the way he can make black
explosions." And you don't have to worry about what you do,
at least - you'll find these black explosions quite often
with an occluded case only half explode. So you want to
occasionally run no black explosions. "Now get a no black
explosion out there." Of course, his immediate suppression
turns on and the explosion goes poom! You see how that is?
His suppression of the explosion when it happened to him
was sufficiently great that he could start stopping these
explosions. But do you really have to worry about that? No,
you don't, because if you just ran enough explosions, why,
that suppression would go too.

Now, you'll get some beautiful somatics doing this and your
preclear will get very, very - I mean, you get out of the
preclear some beautiful somatics. You'll get some very
interesting manifestations of physiological structure which
your preclear was quite sure were part of the anatomy of
the GE. He'll have big sheets of stuff parked in various
parts of his body. This stuff starts to curl up and go this
way and go that way. And the stickiness which he's been
haunted with for some time starts to get quite soft. And
then you'll think you've got the preclear all beautifully -
because you've got the field clean for a change, and then
you turn around, having cleaned the field beautifully, and
he hauls in a lot more black space which you now have to
blow up again.

Now that you've started going on this, and he's found out
there is a method by which it duplicates, he's going to be
pretty sure that he doesn't have any more of this stuff in
the bank. That's the only thing which makes it occasionally
a lengthy project. Well, let's not worry too much about how
much black there is in the bank; let's worry more about
this: Let's get him by gradient scales to get sufficient
reality on black explosions that he becomes confident of
his ability to handle a black explosion. When he gets a
certainty that he's handling a black explosion well, he
then and only then is willing to stop pulling in pieces of
black space to blow up. He stops running on the computation
of "I've got to get it all," and so on.

Now, the number of computations that come out of black
explosions, and so on, are just countless. There's more
reasons than you can possibly imagine. You'll find that he
says, "Well, I got this body in an old Fac One which is two
hundred thousand years ago," and he wants to tell you about
this. The dickens with it. The dickens where he got that
particular body and so forth. It might do him some good,
but a couple of more black explosions deintensify any
further interest in it.

See, the covertness and the beautiful utility of the black
explosion, and its intense superiority over a white
explosion which discloses your whereabouts, makes this
blackness to be exploded on the one hand quite valuable and
on the other hand quite dangerous. So he both is holding
on - and he's holding on to this thing because it's valuable,
and on the other side of it he can't let go of it because
it's dangerous. And so he gets caught between the devil and
the deep blue.

You'll find any preclear has got this. Now, so let's
remember - let's remember when processing black explosions
that the preclear is going to run them until he gets a good
certainty on "Can he do it?" If he can have a black
explosion at any time and it's a good black explosion, and
boy, it really, really knocked things around, he thinks
this is real good. Now, chunks of his own occlusion for the
first time will start crumpling up on him.

Now, you could run white explosions long enough - you read
PAB 12. PAB 12 is explosion processing. And in PAB 12 it
says run them backwards. See, that's a big joke. If you run
an explosion backwards, it goes from nothingness to a
black somethingness to a white somethingness to
nothingness. That would be a backwards explosion. Well,
some of these explosions would have blackness in them,
start with whiteness, but this isn't true of all of them.
There's just such a thing as nothing but a black explosion.

There was a shell in the Civil War which when fired from a
field gun, blew up in the air and made a black puff of
smoke. You find the Civil War in restimulation on most
Fifth Invader cases. The Civil War is standing there as
another lock on the case. Boy, those are valuable
explosions. See, that's just wonderful. You could get out
there and blow something up and the cops could never get
near you - the engram cops.

Male voice: Ack-ack fire in World War I German ack-ack fire.

German ack-ack fire. Again, black mushrooms.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

I imagine if you found a pilot that had been mixed up in
that, if he had a Fifth Invader background, boy, is this
guy thick. He's really got a pile of them.

Well, all right, so we see that war and violence leaves its
mark upon man. But it was not without fun early in the
track - not without fun. Okay.

Now, remember this is another subjective technique. It's a
real good one. But it is another subjective technique,
therefore should be varied with Six Steps to Better
Beingness. But please don't pull this one; please don't do
this: Don't run black explosions on a case on and on and
on, getting better and better certainty on them, and more
and more data and he's happier and happier about things,
and go on and on and on, session after session after
session running black explosions and Six Steps to Better
Beingness and black explosions and Six Steps to Better
Beingness, without sometime or another asking him to be
three feet or three miles back of his head or be someplace
in the universe where he'd like to be. Because after a
relatively - after a relatively small amount of black
explosions, a man may be able to exteriorize with great
ease. And you'll find out that this blackness will turn up
on Step I's.

A Step I starts ramming around and making himself felt
through the universe, and then all of a sudden he decides
to be a little bit prankish or something, and it suddenly
restimulates his index of black explosions. And he'll
(quote) "Pull in a big piece of the black universe," and
here we go. Now, you can get rid of it by running white
explosions, too. But not anywhere near as fast as that
much, much more valuable thing called a black explosion.

Now, the thetan that went in for black explosions, I call
to your attention strongly, was already at a level of no
responsibility although he was probably in a level of high
humor. Not only would he take no responsibility for the
form of having randomity and blowing things up, but he
wouldn't take responsibility for having blown something up.

All of a sudden a fellow had a few screens sitting up there
in front of some mock-ups. All of a sudden they went boom!
boom! And then over his head another black explosion
occurred. This very sympathetic thetan says, "Oh, I'm
sorry. What happened to you?" The fellow says, "You did
that to me!" "No, I didn't do that. Did what? It's probably
because you put up those screens in such a way that
they - the construction was imperfect or something like that
and the screen itself blew up. Yes, if you'd built them
better they wouldn't have blown up, of course."

Or a fellow sitting up in space minding his own business
and all of a sudden there's boom! and he flies all over the
place and he hasn't any idea exactly what happened to him
because he didn't see a thing.

Furthermore, the point that throws out a black explosion is
not disclosed. If there was no flash to gunfire, generals
would be much happier. You locate machine gun nests and
field guns and ships at sea simply by the explosion of
their guns. They go "flack, flack, flicker, flicker, flick,
flick, flick." All of a sudden somebody drops a barrage on

So the thetan had to be in a situation already where he
wouldn't claim his own explosions. So this gives us the
interesting fact that if you find an occluded case and try
to run Responsibility on the occluded case, the occluded
case will not run Responsibility. Responsibility - he won't
be cause. So therefore, we can say many things about
blackness. It is symptomic [symptomatic] of no
responsibility. It is symptomic [symptomatic] of not being
cause. It is a desire to be effect. It is a lot of things,
because all of this material was in the thetan early on the

And this particular crew of thetans with which we're
dealing right now call themselves "Fifth Invaders," but
that's kind of a silly one. There was no real Fifth Invader
Force, but there was a Fourth Invader Force. But the Fifth
Invader Force came along and it kind of got pulled into the
whole deal.

There isn't any reason again, though, to worry about
history, because what I'm talking to you about when I say
Fifth Invader and Fourth Invader and so forth, I'm talking
about para-Scientology. All we're interested in is getting
somebody to get a certain kind of black explosion.

Remember, it's a subjective technique. It should be
interspersed with other techniques. And remember that
you'll run into white explosions. And remember that you run
black explosions in brackets and you'd better run a very
full bracket. That is, one doing it to himself; somebody
else doing it to themselves and other people doing it to
other peoples and then another person doing it to the
preclear and the preclear doing it to another person.

And you start running this on a case and all sorts of stuff
throws up and gets into view and all that sort of thing.
It's terribly effective. Really grim! So we find out that
explosions themselves are effective.

Now, here is a peculiar explosion, and it seems to be the
genus of the occluded case. The genus of the occluded case
has been traced occasionally, on an - occasional cases, to
something very remarkable to something else that's very

The guy is tearing like mad through space - more space opera,
see - tearing like mad through space and he collides with
something. And this fellow gets restimulated by driving
fast at night. And he's got all that black space in front
of him. Well, this isn't a case with a black explosion. You
just start running this out, just the idea of going through
space. Some of these cases you just throw them onto the
E-Meter and you ask them something or other about where
they are, and the next thing you know full recall turns on
on the last between-lives. And the next thing you know the
fellow has complete color, visio, sonic in full recall.
We've had - we've had a very few cases who did this. Very
fascinating, it happens so quick.

Well, all right. When you run thinkingness, then, you're
running the extreme level of condensation - painful
thinkingness. When you're running emotion - painful emotion -
you're running another - another close-in level. So let's
just move out to good, big violence. And let's move first
into the most covert, good, big violence that we can move
on an occluded case. And let's run black explosions because
that's a covert violence at some distance.

Male voice: There's no regulation against running this on
unoccluded cases, is there?

You're going to find that most cases run into an occlusion.

Male voice: Ah.

We've been having a good time using this word "occluded"
case, because occluded cases get so proud. But you get a
Step I running around someplace, sooner or later he's going
to run into a black theta trap whether you like it or not.
He's going to run into some black energy someplace in space
or he's going to find somewhere on the track that he had a
big use for it. You get him into sorting through facsimiles.

It's very interesting. You take a - take a Step I, and you
start asking him for facsimiles. (We're not yet ready to
talk very much about Step I.) You start asking him for
facsimiles and he'll have whole stacks of facsimiles, and
he'll say, "That's a funny thing. Here's a stack and it's
all stuck together with blackness. I hadn't ever noticed
that before." Well, he's got a black explosion in there
he's saving. And it's covert and it makes him feel covert.

Now, let's go into the last thing I think that you really
ought to know about this is, condemn it, a black explosion
case becomes much more covert when you start running black
explosions. He can think of more things to do and more
reasons why he's not responsible, because you're
restimulating these - all these moments of irresponsibility
on the track. And he could tell you more fairy tales about
what he is doing. You just start running black explosions
and it generates all this because this is in the bank. All
this covertness is in the bank.

So you start running a black explosion on an E-Meter and
you'll be a happier auditor. When the explosion goes off;
the needle will jump. You can always see an emotion on the

Now, in running explosions, if you want to get a much, much
happier reading on the E-Meter that gives you lots less
action on the E-Meter - you want just the explosion on the
E-Meter - you'll set the sensitivity knob down. On the old
AR-50, I mean old-the old HR-53, I think I used to run that
at 5. Yes, I used to run the sensitivity needle at 5 and a
little bit below 5 for explosions. And then the needle
would just twitch a little bit and you could just sit there
happily watching the needle twitch. And all other
manifestations just go through the machine; they're

There are a lot of things that happen with regard to black
explosions, a lot of things that happen to the guy's bank
and internally and so forth. But watch out that this
doesn't happen to you: that a demon comes up and you get
interested in the demon rather than in continuing the case.
As I said, many interesting things show up. This is the
black witch doctor from Haiti who is running the preclear;
he's black. He's got a black body and there's this black
demon that has always been hanging on the preclear's ears,
and then there's this black demon that has been sitting on
the preclear's head. All of these things are talking demons
and all of that. Well, those are things for which the preclear
can't be responsible so, of course, there are ridges of black
energy which can't talk - pardon me, which can't - about
which the preclear can't do anything and really can't talk
most of the time because these things assume considerable
power. All right.

The preclear, then, will very often start telling you about
a demon who has just shown up. Fortunately, the technique
is sufficiently fast that two explosions later the thing is

Well, that's about all there is to say about this. There's
a lot more data you'll learn as auditors. But I give you
those words of caution, particularly the old - that old demon

Fac One bodies quite often are black. They keep hammering
and pounding the guy with black energy; he's trying to
disappear. The way they did this with a Fac One body was to
hang up a black curtain and pound with the Fac One machine
through the curtain at the preclear. And they pounded
through and it gave him the impression he was now covered
with blackness, and so he restimulated one of his old black
energy levels, and so forth, and so he could operate as a
demon. The preclear who is black is subzero on the Tone
Scale. Uniformly they get worried about ownership and so on.

This material is restimulated by education. Everybody has
to suppress white which immediately makes education covert.
The black ink comes up out of the page. So therefore,
anything that explodes out of that page is no responsibility.

And people who write on scientific subjects are running the
damnedest no responsibility you ever heard of because
they're occluded cases writing in black and white.

These boys get terrific. 'According to the records which
were examined by some other firm, and on the authority of
the scientist I have never met, my tentative conclusion on
the matter, although we have not yet added up the final
figures, tend to indicate that a result is possible under
certain cases at least with some investigators."

Of course, the chemical - biochemical houses don't do that
these days. The biochemical houses are so pressed to keep
up the reputation of the medical profession. The medical
profession is running a no responsibility. It's turned over
all its responsibility, you might say, to the drug companies.

The drug companies are having to keep up so hard to keep
the public interested in medicine. The biochemists are then
turning out material and they're testing it on one-series
of one case, series of two cases, series of three cases,
and as long as they write it up with that level of caution,
they lend it total conviction.

The people who read this material and believe it are able
to assume a conviction only when nobody will assume a
responsibility. See what happens?

Well, all right. Your preclear is always giving you a
qualification when he's got an occluded bank: "Well, I
think I feel better, I don't know."

Now, this goes into a lot of reason. He doesn't dare let
out white energy was the first thing that happened to him.
He got hurt by letting out white energy. He found out that
the black energy could be exploded too, and he's off to the
races. Now he's - gets stuck in that level.

The biochemist, as I say, writing on the white page, is
jumping around and raising the devil. That's because he
hasn't yet had his anchor points knocked in like the
medical profession has.

These cases of one and cases of three and so forth,
fortunately, are not what we're up against here. We're
talking about cases of God knows how many.

I am beginning to believe that Scientology and Dianetics
are the only sciences that have ever been researched; the
only sciences in which there have been actual test cases
set up and where observation has been made of results and
where some attention has been paid to what was happening. I
believe this. It's just getting more and more apparent to
me. Because, you see, I'm basically very literal minded.
And when I read something, it in the past hasn't been a
matter of no significance or what is the significance, so
on. When I read something, why, I think that's true. And I
read that they used to do lots of cases, you see, and they
used to test and prove things a lot of times. Everybody
says they do, so I thought, "Gee, that's a good idea. Let's
do that. Let's just send this out and let a lot of people
use it and then find out what happens. And stay in
correspondence with them and get a lot of test cases. And
every time something comes out, why, we will announce the
thing with certainty and get it around. But if it's - it
doesn't bear that much freight when it gets out there to
the fifth, sixth, eighth hand, the hell with it! We'll just
find something else and throw it out there again and we'll
get there." We have.

There's nothing much to this. But everybody has objected to
my level of certainty on a technique. Unfortunately, I
can't even mock up how to be the other way. I've had a bad
time trying to. I've tried to write that way. I tried to
write for a medical paper one time and I just couldn't make
the grade. It was impossible! I didn't know exactly how to
go about being - being so, you know, undecided. It was a very
interesting experience for me.

So you say, "Uh-well-uh-there-uh..." I wouldn't even know
how to begin it now, even to give you a mock-up of it. It's
something on the order of; "Well there - the people have been
saying for a long time there is some possibility - you can
qualify it, of course, by the fact that there have been a
great many researchers on it, so we can place some reliance
upon their data. They've been saying for a long time that
something possibly could be altered or changed about the
mental attitude or outlook of somebody."

Male voice: Thinking about saying this.

And thinking about this. Yeah.

I don't know how to write like that. I sit down to a
typewriter and I say, "Bam! Bam! Bam!" It gets out there
to the fifth hand and it doesn't bam. Okay, there's always
lots of bams left.

This is, though, much closer to taking full responsibility
for something than anything else I know. If it doesn't
work, we can remedy it. If it worked in my hands and it
worked in Joe's hands and Bill's hands, and we worked about
15 preclears on this level, and it all seemed to work out
just fine, everybody seemed to feel a lot better, all
right, let's let her go. If it didn't go, well, all
right - tough.

And you'll find out that the people that get most upset
about this is the person who's sitting in the middle of a
big black explosion. And he really gets upset. So this made
me very curious and I started to look around at several of
my scientific friends.

Oh brother, this is brutal! The first moment any one of
these fellows gets scared of white energy, he immediately
starts using himself - in himself and around himself; as far
as a thetan is concerned, black energy. And then this has
no responsibility on the end of it consistently and
brother, he's done. He's just like matched up there on a
question and answer with the MEST universe.

Science is "What is the answer to MEST? What is the answer
to MEST?" And there's nothing more pliable nor
push-aroundable - more pusharoundabie than MEST is. And
so that's the way science goes. Science will follow the
downward curve of America - go down and - like clerking and
then it will go down to the level of kind of inferior like
- like - oh, I don't know -street cleaning; and it'll go
down below that and fellows will be very, very - they're
already getting very covert; and then it'll go down to the
level to where there won't be any.

Do you know that it's an astonishing thing that this curve
has already been followed in some countries of the world.
America is probably the last country of the world which is
beating the drum today for science. It sounds blasphemous
what I say about science, but it just sounds routine in
England. They say, "Yes, yes. What's so surprising about
this? What's so surprising about the fact that science is
not the answer to our civilization? We know that. We can't
figure out why you're calling this Scientology, though,
because it gets it into disrepute with the people. They
know science has failed them."

Well, science goes into the irresponsibility and gets
itself all messed up with its own mock-ups and there it is.

So, one more fact: When you get mixed up with a scientist,
you are mixed up immediately with an occluded case. Because
his tone level to be a scientist today, for him to get
repute, draw Nobel prizes and things like that, is
uncertainty and blackness and "What is the significance of it?"

What you would do for American science today if you went
out and got a half a dozen of the top cookies in this
business, if you swamped them up - they really are
effective and they would have to take responsibility for
what they were doing. You swamp them up, they'd start
taking responsibility halfway up the line for science and
holy cats! Because all this technology has been worked out
and nobody is using it.

The US government had to come along and take the atom bomb
and subsidize it before anybody would build one. That's
incredible because the amount of commercial value to an
atomic bomb is so great - the capitalization of 3 billion
dollars to put together a pile; that is nothing. I know of
many projects that have had more capitalization than that
from private industry. And they had to go to the only
organization in the country that notoriously wasted
everything and that was the government. Because nobody
could take the responsibility of his own discoveries in the
field of atomic energy.

Actually, there is atomic energy. Atomic energy today can
be made so simply, so fascinatingly simply. Atomic bombs
can be made so easily that you would actually believe
somebody had to get in and made - have made several before
they found this out. That isn't the case. Some scientist
could have chewed away and figured this out. He could
have - he could have made atomic bombs. The mad Russian
scientist is an impossibility. Nobody should be afraid of
this level of blackness.

Now, what happens if you run out the blackness on a case
exclusively? You get for the first time something like full
responsibility. And what's full responsibility? Ha! Let's
say there's a war in progress and somebody starts taking
full responsibility for the war. Downscale he takes a blame
for the war having begun, and upscale he simply takes full
responsibility for both sides. It doesn't mean that he does
a thing. Full responsibility is not coincident with
action. And may I point out old AP&A and its little essay
in there on full responsibility.

So you asked the question many times, "Well, why does this
fellow, when he becomes an Operating Thetan, and so forth,
just why doesn't this fellow go over and straighten out
this or that situation?" Well, this or that situation - that
isn't the way you straighten out things in this universe.
You start operating from a side of doing everything sweetly
and everything pleasantly and so forth; that isn't the way
things get worked out in the universe. Not necessarily
sweet and pleasant at all. You have to throw a lot of
people to the lions and you have to do all kinds of weird
and horrible things. And gee, to get something done - to want
to have something done about an evolving culture, in the
first place, denotes an impatience with the culture.

So, you get an Operating Thetan going and he gets up the
line, and you say, "Well, why doesn't he go out and..."
Like the - I had to, by the way, answer the phone about six
times, auditors and so forth calling me in London about Joe
Stalin. That was very interesting to me. They actually
thought I'd have a vested interest in doing something about
Stalin. That got me to thinking, though, and I called up a
couple of guys I knew were Operating Thetans, and this is
the first time I really sat down and thought this over very
thoroughly and completely.

These guys didn't have any interest in Stalin. And I
suddenly realized I hadn't had any interest in Stalin for
about four or five months. So he was dead; he was dead.
Well, that's interesting. What'd he die of? It's kind of
watching a little play going on, on the stage. It wasn't a
matter of life and death to any of these Operating Thetans;
it was a matter of life and death to people who couldn't
operate. Now, do you see why?

So we get the matter of full responsibility. And then we
take a high level of full responsibility such as that of an
Operating Thetan, and you want him to go down and burn down
the local police department in order to help out a friend
of yours and so forth? Well, it isn't that he won't do it,
he just can't see the point. He's just not able to digest
exactly how this comes about. You try to then convince him
by the fact that there is a reason for it to be done. An
Operating Thetan doesn't need reasons. Only the body has

If you want to make somebody well sometime, make him do
something without any reason for it, and he'll actually
snap up the Tone Scale a little bit. It's the same category
as you make somebody tell you a lie - another little
technique. Make a guy do something without any reason. Make
him go over to the window - one auditor did this and slammed
the case to glory over in England. The guy, just every time
he'd say do this or do that, oh, the fellow said, "Why do I
have to do that?" And the auditor would explain it to him
and if the reason was adequate, the fellow would then put
the mock-up out there or something like that.

The auditor finally said to him rather brilliantly, he
said, "Well, walk over to the window and look out." And the
fellow said, "Why?" He said, "Do it without any reason at
all. Just walk over to the window and look out." This man
was thunderstruck! The idea of making a motion... But he
didn't have any idea it was even therapeutic. There wasn't
even a therapeutic reason for doing this. And he walked
over to the window and looked out and pam! broke a very
severe neurosis.

He suddenly realized that he'd done something without a
reason. He suddenly realized the upper truth: There is no
reason for action except action. The answer to action is

So don't expect your Operating Thetan to go out and solve
all the problems in the universe. He blows up theta traps
not because - not because he thinks that thetans shouldn't
be trapped; he blows them up because they explode so well!

Now, this sounds sort of idle, doesn't it? It certainly is
sort of a Peter Pan way of looking at things. But it's much
closer to a very beautiful and comfortable way of life than
anything else. It's hard for people to understand why it
would be that a person becomes an Operating Thetan. It's
hard for people to understand why spirits wouldn't
immediately come down and start cleaning up MEST or
cleaning up Earth culture and so forth, unless it was
simply to get some randomity. They just don't do it, that's

They have to have a reason. Well, the reason they'd have to
have, really, would be of magnificent magnitude. There'd
have to be a terrific reason in back of it that covered a
full responsibility of practically one end of the MEST
universe to the other. To really get down and buckle down
and think it was serious, you'd have to get above the
levels of the guy's ability to look and reach. See? A man
who is stopping the fighting of a war isn't looking at both
sides; he's just looking at one side of the picture.

So anyway, this doesn't alter the fact that war is going to
chew up this civilization and it isn't going to be here one
of these days just because of that fact. Well, if you still
want the civilization, you better slow the war down.

[end of lecture.]

1st ACC - 09

Tape number 660 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 12 October 1953


Well, this is October the 12th, first lecture of the day.

And this morning we're going to take up a very, very
important factor which is the reason why - that beautiful
reason why - that is actually the reason why people have
difficulty in exteriorizing.

We can go into many thinking reasons but in order to
understand this we have to go into a mechanical reason. It
is actually purely a mechanical problem. I've said that
several times before but it's very true. It's an - entirely
a mechanical problem.

The reason people find it difficult to exteriorize rests
entirely and completely upon the double-terminal or the
matched-terminal, you might say, effect of the MEST
universe. The MEST universe goes in fours and twos; mostly
you'll see it operating on its double-pole principle.

Best example of it is an electric motor where you have a
positive terminal and a negative terminal. Actually, the
negative terminal is positive at the time it's negative and
the positive terminal is negative at the time it's
positive. Actually, a double terminal must exist there;
there's four involved. That creates an electric current.

And we have entirely this proposition which you may or may
not know about - you may have forgotten because it's been
gone over very rapidly many times - and that is the fact
that we have, by concatenation, the obvious fact that theta
holds these two or four poles apart and that is the ability
of theta; and that's all the ability theta has. You can
make space and in the space you can make forms, but you can
make the forms because you've agreed you've made the forms.

And holding two terminals apart and making space are the
same breed of cat. Taking two anchor points and putting
them up is putting up two terminals. If an individual
cannot hold space apart, if he is short on space - space is
the key to all of this - if he is short on space - not short
on energy as we have been saying, although people understand
it better because energy's lower on the scale - if they're
short on space, they can't hold those two, four or eight
anchor points apart. And those anchor points collapse and
there you have a scarcity of space.

Now, when the space scarcity becomes apparent, we see its
manifestation in the human being in finding everything too
close to him or irrecoverably too far away. He can't
control the amount of space he occupies. All you are trying
to do, I repeat, all you are trying to do, all you are
trying to do to a preclear, everything you are trying to do
to the human mind, all you are trying to do to the human
mind - always gauge it with this - is simply rehabilitate
the preclear's ability to create and maintain and vary and
vanish space. That's all you're trying to do with it.
You're not trying to do anything else. This is on the
highest echelon of processing.

You find all things - all things will boil down to this:
Actually and technically there is really no such thing as
an anchor point; there is really no such entity. An anchor
point would be a collection of smaller spaces. A complex
anchor point would actually just be a smaller space which
is put out to demark a larger space. Let's say we have
three or four or eight points something on the order like
that - and they circumscribed a certain space. And we've put
those points together and we've got a space. Now, that's
very interesting. You put a lot of nothing around nothing
to make and collapse nothing but that's about what it
amounts to.

This, by the way, leads one very readily to accept such
things as handed out by Christianity and particularly by
Christian Science. You look in the roster of an insane
asylum and you'll find out that the majority of the people
in the insane asylum who have announced their religious -
not the majority of the people, but the majority of those
who have announced a religious conviction - go into the
majority of Christian Science. And Christian Science is the
most and Catholicism is the least, either because all the
Catholics are indoctrinated to be something else or
something of the sort.

But what distinguishes this? The Christian Science says,
"All is illusion," and then tells somebody to think good
thoughts and then gives all the space to God. Ow! Oh boy!
Now you couple those three things together and you have the
very center pin, the very center of insanity. All the space
of an insane preclear belongs to somebody else.

When people are arguing, they are simply trying to take
each other's space. When people are talking loudly at you
and shouting at you, they are simply trying to make you
understand that you have less space. The only punishable
fact is creating more space or taking somebody else's
space, but basically that's - the second one is secondary.
The basic crime is making space which makes the basic
crime, communication.

Communication is in essence the ability to join, or make a
confluence with, other spaces. And you get all these spaces
hooked together and you have agreement. That's "We've
agreed on this space. We've agreed that this much is my
space and that much is your space. Now, you'll find that as
soon as one engages in a contest with a piece of space, he
then immediately is in contest with energy for the good
reason that he has postulated there's a couple of anchor
points up there and somebody else has postulated there's
some anchor points, too, so they're repostulating the
repositioning of anchor points. So as to what? To make more
space or make less space.

People who have really given up and who have gone down Tone
Scale and so forth are owning up very broadly to everyone
at every hand that they have no space. Propitiation, very
low on the scale, is giving people space. However, this
same thing is very high on the scale.

It's true that space can be co-used. Several people can use
the same space. But it's equally true that low on the
scale, somebody is giving up all of his space and telling
everybody else to use his space. You see the idea?

So that you get you, as an auditor, could occupy two
positions on the Tone Scale. One with no success which is,
"I have given you all my space, dear preclear, and you are
now operating solely in that space." And the upper-scale
position would be, "You can have the use of space or you
can have your own space." But it'd never - that's an auditor
operating at that level isn't giving up his own space. If
he's really a good auditor, he permits people into it.

It's a rough deal when he's a border - above and below - to
suddenly admit people into his space. It can really knock
him to pieces because if he starts admitting people into
his space who themselves have some sort of a fixed idea about
space - in other words, their space is fixed - we have a
very difficult situation there. This other person sees that
here is some space and they will do all sorts of things.
They'll try to occupy all the space exclusively which is
playing the only one, and so forth. They do all sorts of
things. Now - and they try to - they'll try to grab more
space than is there.

The vampire feeling that one gets sometimes when he talks
to certain people, the vampire position, the vampire
thought, this whole idea about vampires, about life energy
and so forth, stems from the sensation people get when they
have people in front of them who are taking space away from

Now, people who come right up to you and stand about an
eighteenth of an inch from your nose and then do not move
away under any of the practices of courtesy, or any other
practice, and really have nothing to communicate to you at
all: These people madden others because they are occupying
a space. And they're occupying too close a space and it's
not their space and really, what those people are doing is
trying to pull in space.

And a long enough association with such a person - we call
it collapsed terminals - and a long enough association with
such a person will actually collapse the space of another
person. Their phrases, postulates - there's no point right
here in going into how language complements this loss of
space and making of space and so forth; there's no point in
going into it. But as you process a preclear, language
confirming this keeps flying out of the bank. "I've got to
get off by myself to think." Well, that confirms at once
that a person's space has been so pushed in on him that
he's gone into a lot of thinkinguess and that means that he
can't even think without being off by himself, so he hasn't
even got space to think in, well, boy, that's darn little

The business executive who wants to go away to think it all
over and so forth is a fellow, believe me, who is on the
verge of failure. The artist who has to pace up and down
and strike terrific postures, and so forth, about the
beautiful sadness of being unable to create in all this hubbub.

An artist who is really (quote) "on the ball" and
producing, a writer who is really flying, so forth, creates
best when his space is just jammed full - when there's all
sorts of things.

One of the fastest writers in America, twenty years ago,
used to write - when he was early in his career - he wrote
with about four kids yelling at the tops of their lungs and
rushing in and out of the room at a terrific rate of motion
and busting toys over each other's heads, on a very, very
noisy typewriter. And he had a wife who had been raised,
evidently, on a farm somewhere and the nearest farm to her
must have been about a quarter of a mile away across a
ravine. You'll find in mountainous countries people always
talk that way, too, by the way. They're trying to reach
more space.

Well, anyway, these kids grew up and it left the old man in
a perilous position. He was still creating like mad, so he
got himself a great big speaker record player and he used
to put on symphonies on this - the maddest symphonies he
could find, you see. And at the same time play the local
radio at the same noise level. And this gave him enough
commotion and jam and jar as far as he was concerned to
have a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere.

Now, this was a tremendous, tremendous fellow, by the way;
he's turned out more books under more names than you ever
heard of. I think he's dead. Yes, he died I think last year
or a couple of years ago. But - I think he was at the ripe
old age of about ninety.

Here, then, was somebody whose space never really suffered
at all in spite of what he was doing. But where somebody
has been upset about space, like a kid raised on "Boyd
Avenue" - where the "boyds sit on the coyb and choyp," or
is that "Thoyty-thoyd Street" in New York - very often has
a rough time of it. He's a success in life as long as he's
been able to knock out all the other kids in the block. He
becomes a successful gangster or something of the sort. Or
he's a failure in life if he was the one that always got
licked because the limitations on space are so tremendous
as far as he is concerned. And thus you get this only one
characteristic in the big cities. People do not share the
space of a big city. Each one occupies this tiny, little
cube of space which is about, oh, I don't know, a couple
of millimeters on a side. I think if you exteriorized them
from New York, you'd find that to be the case. Even the
little kids would be tiny as thetans. Well now, this is
what regulates it.

Now, when people are arguing back and forth, they are
shoving in and pulling out each other's space. And when
they are arguing about possessions they are yanking back
and grabbing and pushing in, actually, anchor points which
make space. And when a person's anchor points are too
thoroughly pushed in too many times and so on, he has a
tendency to lock up. And he will get as much space as he
can reach with his hands. And you ask a lot of occluded
cases how far their space extends and it will not occur to
them that it's exactly the same distance as they can reach
with their hands.

Now, a case which is having even greater space difficulties
can only reach as far as the interior of their skull and
they are actually looking at the interior of their skull.
It's all plastered with energy and it's soggy, and so
forth, so they have an idea that they're in a shell of some

Now, because their space conception is upset they consider
this without a relative comparison. The inside of their
skull they fit over their whole body. See? And they, inside
their skull, feel the inside of the skull and then
consider that this is bigger than the body and their body
is in there. Because they are in there and that's all the
body they have, you see, and it's all surrounded by blackness
but they are their body. So you get a double-sized viewpoint
and this is a terribly interesting thing. You'll get a lot
of preclears, you'll suddenly swing into view a skull five
or six yards in diameter or a man's head will suddenly poke
in through a window - huge thing! And their concept of a
skull, as a thetan, is just enormous. Well, their size
relationships are going out. They're going out badly.

And trying to pick up other people's space is a good way
of - a good way of characterizing damaging aberrees - people
who are quite damaging in the society. What they're doing
is trying to go around and grab other people's space.

Now, how do they do this? It just works out that they just
keep grabbing the space; they're collapsing all of the tiny
little anchor points and the smaller space quotients and
they cause tiny implosions. So we had the black explosion
the end of last week, now consider the black implosion; it
has no more light in it. Now, you get into the middle of a
ridge, you get into the middle of a black ridge and you
could make it explode by pulling a little more space out of
it. You just give it a yank and take some more space out of
it and condense it further and the chances are it'll blow up.

Well, all right. The postulate that is riding all black
areas really is "must not admire," as the lightest
postulate, and the heavier postulate "mustn't blow up; must
not explode; must not implode." Why? These black things are
used as screens.

How would you make a screen out of postulates? You would
put it up and say, "Must not be penetrated" -just consider
it for a moment - but particularly, "It mustn't explode."
Because that's what people have put them up against. That
was the first effort to waste explosions. Well, all right,
let's look at this screen, this big black screen and
realize that it's composed out of your own postulates. If
you're an occluded case or you have any of this blackness
show up, it's composed of your own one time or another
postulates just to this effect: "It mustn't explode."

The funny part of it is it can implode. It can teeter and
it can rock and it can do other things. But unless you just
get so that you're perfectly willing to let anything
explode around about the place or implode or do anything
else, those old postulates hang fire; because they aren't
old postulates. There is no such thing as old theta energy.
All the energy you'll ever contact is right in present time.

All right. Therefore these screens form a type of occluded
case and that says, "Must not explode." A remedy for this
case, of course, is to get the case started with black
explosions. Well, a black explosion at one level is a
wasted explosion; just a waste of explosions. Why? Because
a black explosion in black space - that's that kind of a
black explosion, see? A black explosion in black space is
invisible, therefore it can't be admired, so therefore it's
a complete waste.

All right, now let's look at this person then and realize
that, if he is occluded, and if he is inside his body, and
if he is having trouble getting out, exteriorizing and
having his perceptions, he is having trouble with space -
he's having lots of trouble with space. In the first place
he conceives himself unable to occupy other space than the
space immediately within the body.

All right. We take this space, we realize we're dealing
with anchor points. We're dealing with anchor points, then,
rather than units of energy. A great many things become
explained to us.

The double-terminal or matched-terminal characteristic of a
motor - see, I'm not just changing my phrase there to be
correct, a motor is actually a double terminal. It's got
four units. Each terminal is a plus and minus - each pole
through which the electricity travels.

Now, we look at that - a motor - and we find out that it has
two poles and we get a discharge across those two poles for
one reason only: There is a base on the motor. It's a cast
iron base or a concrete base or a wooden base or something
of the sort. But those two poles are held apart. In other
words, space is enforced at that point.

Now, these are held apart by what? They're held apart by
matter and that's held apart by - it's dependent on earth,
you see. And the fact that you've got the earth, you see -
well, look at that very practically and you merely trace it
back to the fact that out in the whole condemned universe
you only have one thing doing one thing and that must be
holding things apart, in other words, space.

So let's take those two poles and realize something is
imposing a space upon them. They are a space apart. They
are actually four points if you only consider it this way:
There's a top and a bottom of each. There's still four
points there. What you're dealing with there is
two-dimensional space. So you've got this pole on one side
and the pole on the other side and they make a certain
amount of space.

Well, you take the earth... They're held apart by the
spaces which are in the molecules which are in the matter
that compose the base. And that mass of spaces is held
apart by the space between the sun and the changing space
between the sun and Earth.

And this solar system is held apart and distinct from other
solar systems solely by space. And this galaxy is held
distinct and apart from other galaxies by space. Something,
as we go up through that level, is imposing space. And that
we find is will. And actually, all divine will or willpower
is reducible to the same thing. So this is what we call the
introduction of arbitrary space.

Okay. What would happen if we didn't have the space between
the two poles of the electric motor? We didn't have any
space there, you'd get no current - they'd just lie one
against the other - but you'd have something that was
lumpier. And if you were to collapse all the space and all
the space collapsed, that would be a different thing
entirely and we'd have nothing there if you collapsed all
the space. But we won't worry about that one way or the
other. Let's just look at the fact that when you collapse
the space between the two poles, there is no interchange of
current; in other words, no motion. Motion is therefore
dependent upon the imposition of space.

Motion alone - depends alone upon space. Motion has to depend
on space. Space can exist without motion, but motion can't
exist without space.

All right. Where, then, do we pick up this occluded preclear -
the entrance? Well, he is the two terminals of the motor
fitted together. He knows his willpower is no longer very
good. He can't impose his will. If he can't impose his
will, he's not dangerous to his environment. If he's not
dangerous to his environment, he can't impose his will. And
we're just talking the same - we're just comparing the
same - similar phrases. It all adds up to the same subject
and that is the fact that he can't interpose space between
himself and his body.

Why can't he? Well, that's because he doesn't have any
space. So what have you got to make him do? In the final
analysis you've got to make him make space.

How do you make him make space? Well, first you start in
with himself and an idea and then himself and a mock-up.
And you keep this up after a while and you'll eventually
discharge the postulates that are holding him apart -
holding him together and he will fly apart. This is an
imposition of space.

Now, you can well expect this to happen in processing such
a case: that after you have beautifully gotten off all the
material by the process which is - we'll go into in a
moment - you've gotten off this material, then all of a
sudden he's uncontrollable in the other direction. And
you've got to work with him there. In other words, he's now
got more space than he can handle and he can't collapse it
again. This is a very unhappy condition as far as he's

All right, now let's take, at the same time, looking
instead of thinking. And we find out that as you collapse
looking... Look at the old DEI chart. That's an interesting
old chart - Desire, Enforce, Inhibit. And we go down from
40.0 to 0.0 just going through this cycle - Desire, Enforce,
Inhibit; Desire, Enforce, Inhibit. Now, let's draw right
alongside of that DEI - for each one of these small gradients
of DEI, you know - we go from 40.0 to 39.0 to 38.0 to 37.0.
We're just going down DEI and then we start over again: 37.0
is Desire, 36.0 is Enforce, 35.0 Inhibit. (They aren't at
those positions of the Tone Scale, but just for an example.)
And let's draw alongside of it: Look, Emote, Exert; Look,
Emote, Exert, Think; Look, Emote, Exert, Think; Look, Emote,
Exert, Think. See? DEI, DEI, DEI. In other words, we're going
to run this scale all the way down.

The kid's - a little kid - he drives along in an automobile
and he's going at such and such a rate of speed. And he finds
it's a very happy and beautiful and comfortable thing, in
order to go along like that, because he gets such a nice
sensation. And then they speed up a little bit and this
little kid, boy! he says, "Wheee!" See, he can see all
these anchor points flying in on him again and it gives him
a sensation.

Well now, people who ride backwards very often get sick.
They ride backwards and they see these anchor points
flying out away from them and, once more, they get sick.
All right. Either way you get sensation. A little kid likes
to ride backwards; this gives him another sensation, that's

All right, let's look, then, at this "Look, Emote, Exert,
Think" and we find out that there is a tolerance of
one-for-one on any speed per distance. In other words,
there is - a certain sensation would be received by somebody
going at the speed of light. He's going at the speed of
light and the distance to be covered is one light-year.
Now, let's just say that is tolerance and he actually would
get a little sensation on that. It'd be very light.

But supposing he were - the distance to be covered was
one light-year and he was going at the speed of 1000
light-years. I am sorry if this contravenes Mr. Einstein,
who was undoubtedly a very wise man even if he doesn't know
space opera. It so happens that Einstein must have run into
a planet sometime or another, the way I figure it. He must
have run into a planet with a dull crash when he was
traveling exactly at the speed of light and his eye must
have been on the meter just at the moment of the crash.
Because he doesn't think you can exceed it; which I think
is his way of saying you mustn't exceed it.

Well, all right. We take one light-year and we go at the
rate of 1000 light-years. At the rate of 1000 light-years
we're so high above tolerance - let us say just
experimentally - that you would have - a guy would just
think about it. At 500, he would actually feel the effort
of incoming anchor points; he'd feel the effort of a
collapsing space.

For one light-year, his speed of 250 would give him an
emotion - he's traveling 250 light-years - this would give
him an emotion. And he's traveling at a speed of 3 light-years
over a course of one light-year; all he would do would be
to look it over. See, that'd be a low one.

Now, here you have it more practically: Let's take a walk.
You're walking down the street at a very leisurely pace.
You're looking - you're looking at the scenery. You're
looking at what comes ahead of you and you're looking
behind you and so forth. You look when you walk slow.

All right, now, let's speed it up a little bit. And we find
out that you get an exhilaration or - not really an
exhilaration but you're just pepped up a little bit by
walking a little more rapidly. Now, let's really start to
get there.

Now, regardless of the effort exerted by the body or inside
the body, the fact of the matter is that if you were doing
these relative speeds in a car - you see, we've got one block
now as the distance - the unit distance - and this one block
as the unit distance takes us into an emotion when one is
walking fairly well and it takes us into an effort when one
is walking with rapidity. Well, the effort could actually
exert itself just from watching the anchor points come in.

And theoretically a fellow would just go into a sort of an
apathetic thought if he were traveling there at a very
flat-out space. Supposing you were going through town at
eighty miles an hour. A guy would just - just would give up
at that moment. He would just say, "We'll just think about
it. I mean, we just can't do anything else. We're helpless
so we'll just think about it."

And that is the motto of thinkingness. "I have no force
with which to resolve the future," is the motto of
thinking. Of course, a man doesn't have force enough to
occupy the whole MEST universe perhaps but that is the
motto, "I have no force with which to overcome the future."

The first thought occurred at the moment when a fellow
realized he didn't have enough space. And the first time he
realized he didn't have enough space was when he was going
so fast and the space was passing so quickly that he could
only think about it. Get that this was too bewildering to him.

I think perhaps the speed of change of space here in this
universe itself is conducive to thought - that it's one of
these invisible things that we wouldn't see so therefore
we're thinking about it. The particles of light which go by
are quite visible but they're traveling at such a rate of
speed one can only think about them. Once in a while a
scientist gets a little bit higher up scale and starts
blowing things up with them like an atom bomb. All right.

What's this mean to your occluded case though? Well, it
gives you a good index to this fellow's past in this
lifetime. He's been going faster than body tolerance. He's
been doing this for probably a long time. And he whizzes
along at this rate and that.

At one time or another, he probably had a passion for speed
which is to say he had a passion for dangerous
environments. Life was too dull for him. He had a terrific
thirst for motion. And educating himself into this thirst
for motion, he got these anchor points coming back on him
with more impacts, more rapid impacts than he could possibly
assimilate, and at length the impacts in the bank - and get
this very carefully - the impacts in the bank became a
greater certainty to him than the MEST objects which are
around him.

I'll just delineate that. The impacts in terms of
facsimiles - the energy of facsimiles is sufficiently hard
and sufficiently collapsed that it has a greater certainty
than walls of a room. And as puzzled as this fellow looks
and so forth, and as upset as he might be, he's usually
quite sane. He's very sane about what he thinks, and so on;
and particularly sane about what he thinks. They're very,
very sane people, usually, I mean they're too damn sane
often. But their motion tolerance has gone by the boards to
some degree. And they've gotten to a point where they drive
cautiously and so on, quite ordinarily. But their bank, in
other words the energy in which they're embedded, has a
greater impact value to them than the wall. You see how
that is? All right, so they just travel slower and slower
and slower.

Now, of course, an explosion is just a manifestation of
rapid space - rapid space creation. And implosion is simply
rapid space closure. And rapid space closure as in racing
cars or some such things will key in implosions. Once you
get rid of your implosions, boy, you sure can enjoy a
racing car. But as long as it's sitting there keying in
implosion you don't like it very much.

So here we have - here we have this problem. This fellow has
obviously had, if he's very occluded - stuck in the body -
you have more implosions than explosions. At least what
explosions he saw set off implosions where he was. And if
you start to run explosions in the future with him - which
in itself, by the way, is a very good technique, very
revelatory to him - explosions in the future, why, you'll
find him waiting. And there's what waiting is. He's waiting
for the next explosion and he just hangs up there.

So here we have - here we have the occluded case in - as
a problem in motion and as a problem in space. Well, we're
going to treat him here as a problem in terminals. And the
next thing we should know about him and understand more
about him, and the next thing we should know about
beingness, not just the occluded case.

This thing shouldn't - just because this is an extreme -
remember there's the opposite extreme. There's the person
who is an "ox-cluded" case or something. A person who can
get no field at all, who will tell you it's all black but
there's no energy in it. It's all black but there is no
energy in it.

So, here's this person - the person theoretically will be
very, very thin, extremely thin. And they would simply be
thin because there is no energy impact anyplace around, you
see? There's a zero certainty and nothingness on the bank
and they have a very great terror of nothingness. All right.

You get, then, as we look this over, the solution which is
in SOP 8, Step II. Now, although I have given the provision
in the text of 16-G, it shouldn't be run too long. That's
because people who work up casually are, shall we say, once
in a while a trifle hopeless or helpless or even
mischievous. And you can make an occluded case just slug
himself silly on this and get noplace if you don't know how
to run it. And that procedure's put out and needs a lot
more technology before you could run Step II for every
case. But just as you'll see here eventually, we've got
process after process all of which do the same thing.

So, do we have in the occluded case a process at II? I
mean, we could call him a V, but he will solve at II. And
here's the way you solve him at II. Very simple. He's a
problem in terminals, then, isn't he? He as a thetan is one
terminal and himself as a body is another terminal. That's
all, he's just a problem in terminals.

Every time he exteriorizes there's sufficient charge on
himself and sufficient charge on the body as terminals
that they collapse. You see? He cannot maintain the space
between himself and the body. And unable to maintain this
space between himself and the body, he can't exteriorize.
And every time he tries to exteriorize, he simply snaps
back into the body. Well, you'll get some of these boys
operating like they had rubber bands on them. They pop out
for a split second and they're right back in the body
again. Well, this manifestation simply comes from the fact
they cannot maintain space.

Now, the postulates - there are many postulates which go to
make this up and you shouldn't get the idea that postulates
don't lead the field because they do.

Postulates are above looking, but they're also below
effort. The aberrated postulates which one makes up and
down the bank are the dangerous ones. But a person can
actually change his mind almost any time unless he's giving
greater value to the bank and its collections of impacts
than he is to the environment around him. His present time
postulates are as effective as he gives validity to the
present time environment and as ineffective as he gives
attention to the certainty of impacts in his bank. Now you
want to know why the postulates of some people release and
some people don't release. Preclear gets a sudden idea that
so and so, "Well, my father was like that, ha-ha." That's
the end of the engram. And another fellow gets it, "My
father's like that" - now he's slugged. What's the difference
between these two people? It's just the fact that one has
got more certainty on the impacts in his bank and the one
that it released from has more certainty on present time.

How do you make postulates release? Just give a person
terrific certainty on present time. That's of the essence.
That's the easy way.

If you want these postulates to pop and Straightwire isn't
working on your preclear, just use the techniques you know
to give him terrific awareness of present time. Oh,
there's dozens of them - dozens of variations. There are
actually only - only one basic one which is introversion,
extroversion, introversion, extroversion. And we work this
and all of a sudden you'll find his postulates for a little
while will go pop, pop, pop! Well, because you ve asked him
to make postulates go pop, pop, pop you've introverted him
again, you see, so you'll have to give him awareness on
present time again.

You actually - this technique is adventured, I've never
tested this, but it's just adventured as workable and
there's no reason why it shouldn't work. You give him
present time environment and then shoot a postulate, and
then give him the present time environment and shoot
another postulate. You ask him who in his - you show him the
present time environment and then you would ask him, "Who
in your family wore his hair down to his waist?" You see,
you've given him present time environment, see? And then
you'd shoot him this and he would be able, probably, to get
that one postulate, or almost get it that first time, you
see, then you shoot it. And then you'd give him the present
time environment again and then you'd shoot it once more on
another postulate. And theoretically you could clear a guy
on postulates alone if you followed such a technique.
That's very theoretical. That's - just never under any
circumstances would you just simply sit down and work on
that basis. I don't think - I don't think the preclear
would like it.

But it theoretically, if you picked up very light
postulates right at first - and that, by the way, would
be about the only way I would know how to work Postulate
Processing or any of these postulate processes such as
AP&A. AP&A has been followed by a rash of postulate
processes in the field; they're just - oh, boy, those
things are just plain death.

You can do this trick. There is one auditor in the room
here had this happen to him three years ago. He probably
may have forgotten it. I was - he came in and he had a
headache or something of the sort and I shot it by simply
asking him a Straightwire question, and the headache was
gone and it stayed gone for three or four minutes. And then
I shoved him into the engram and, of course, the headache
came back. You see that - how that would work?

In other words, you could shoot something out by
Straightwire and then you could put a person back to the
impact source; you could bring the impact again up against
his head and he'd get the thing back. Well, all he did was
separate from it or shoot just a little bit of it.

Now theoretically, instead of running the engram at that
time I simply could have connected him up with the present
time - the corners of the room or some such process, you
see - and ask him this question again. And he would give
me, promptly, another shot and his headache would go away
again. His headache would come on and go away, probably
each time lighter and lighter. And he would probably get
rid of the somatic - chronic somatic for keeps.

But regardless of that, you do have with the occluded case,
and with any case really, some difficulty about terminals.
The body is one terminal and the thetan is another
terminal. And thetans, as I have said many times, go around
dragging their old tin cans and clanking chains and
it's - honest, it's no wonder people talked about ghosts
having clanking chains and bric-a-brac, because thetans
sure have the bric-a-brac. Ghosts and tin cans is no joke
at all compared to a thetan and what he's got. Well, he's
got stolen universes and old search warrants and he's got
almost everything you could think of. In most cases he's
very, very afraid of one thing: he's terribly afraid of
being bored.

Just think what he would do if he didn't have other
people's problems. He can't have any problems of his own.
There are always other people's problems. You can unwind a
person's problem just that way. Only if you start
straightwiring it, you would have a wonderful time because
you'd probably straightwire right back through life after
life and unwind it and unwind it and unwind it and you'd
finally find out that he was sitting there looking - looking
at something or other saying, "Gee! That's a wonderful

Well now, theoretically then, he's operating on a fear of
the future and the fear is he'll be bored; fear he won't
have anything to do; the fear he won't have any problems.
See? And actually the terrific seriousness which he hands
you, and so forth, is just terrific mock-up. It's so
beautiful, though, that even he knows that it's serious.
He knows how serious all this is.

This is a test of this - a good therapy, any time, is just
to impress somebody with the seriousness of something and
then just keep driving it home and it'll all of a sudden
spring, of course, because there's no seriousness
conneeted with it.

The seriousness of other people's problems. Well, when we
have - when we have a person losing space, he gets more and
more interested in other people's problems because he gets
more and more afraid of vanishing. And his idea of
vanishing, you see, is not being able to have any interest
or action. And if he can't have interest, his anxiety to
have interest and action is an anxiety to put out anchor

And you could be sure that if you have two billion people
on Earth, one planet only, each one anxious to put out
anchor points, some point is going to collide. He's sure of

So when we look this problem over it becomes rather
unserious because Step II can be done. But it shouldn't be
done with any wrinkles. It's done on a gradient scale.
You've got to put distance between the thetan and his body.
The optimum distance to ask some pc to be out of his head
is not three feet but a thetan who will exteriorize at
three feet is a Step I. And this is very, very handy to
know. Because if we put on there three miles or eighteen
miles or something of the sort as the distance he's to be
back of his head, you would find, whereas you would get
greater numbers of exteriorization, you would find people
lousing up lower-toned cases like mad. I've already had
this experience.

So if the fellow will exteriorize three feet back of his
head, he can handle almost anything while exteriorized. So
that's just a little sleeper that's on the line there.

And I'll tell you very bluntly that the best distance to be
back of one's head is probably a couple, six or eight or
twenty or a couple of million light- years. That's the best
distance to be back of one's head-way up there, see? And
you'll find out your very occluded case quite often will
just suddenly spring, because you've got to get him out of
interchange distance with the body. The second he vaguely
approaches the body, it's just spong! and he's back in it

Well, now, if you put him out too far away from his body he
can't credit he's there, too - he has that difficulty - because
he's out in black space so he just thinks he is back in his
head again. And if you put him out in black space, you see,
if you put him out there, "Let's be back of your head now a
thousand miles," - if he's straight back of his head in a
lineal line a thousand miles, he's in a black space -
curvature of the earth allows for that.

So, if he's in black space - let's take a look at this.
He's just in the same kind of an atmosphere that he was in
before which is all black, isn't it? And some of them - some
of them are out there. Some of these occluded cases aren't
even vaguely inside their heads. The way you'd bring it to
his attention that he's sitting in space is to start
drilling him on temperatures - temperature perception.
Feeling things hot and cold and warm and chilly, breezy,
not breezy and he'll come up on perception on just a little
bit of drill because his present time environment is not
this room.

Very often you have to get somebody into his body before
you can get him out. It's just like you have to go through
the dynamics to get out of the dynamics. It's just like you
have to go into looking to get out of thinking. See, a
fellow can go from thinking to looking very rapidly and
then up to thinking again. See, he runs the whole cycle.

Well, all right. We've got a matched-terminal proposition
with the preclear and a body, with a thetan and the body -
strictly a matched terminal. You do, then, Step II of
Standard Operating Procedure 8 or 8-L by mocking up in full
color a complete duplicate of the body at some large
distance from the body. I don't care how far away this is.

I worked on one case when I had the body sitting on Earth
as a tiny dot and Earth about the size of a golf ball. We
also found this boy stuck in a theta trap, by the way. He
was stuck in a theta trap but he was down on Earth but he
was not even in a body. And when he backed up out of the
body, he was straight into the theta trap. Every time we
backed him out of the body, he was in the theta trap. It
was just no wonder, you see, he was just going between
Earth and the theta trap and Earth and the theta trap. And
when we backed him away from the body in this fashion, we
backed him away from Earth and the body and the theta trap.
And he found himself way up above the theta trap, looking
at the theta trap, and he was perfectly clear. And then the
second I put him back in his body again, he went back into
the theta trap to go back into the - to Earth. This is
pretty silly. But that's what he was doing.

So, you'll find people who go back into their heads and
stay there are up against the problem of too little
distance. They put out a beam, push themselves out of
their heads; this is too short a distance for them for the
amount of energy they have - get this idea of tolerance of
distance. They put out a fast beam over a tiny little bit
of space and, of course, it was crushed, and boy, does that
feel degrading. That's degradation. It's just a massive
beam over a tiny space and it's thick, heavy, soupy - gohlup!
The guy feels like he is in terrible shape when you do this.

So you want him to just keep mocking up his body and
mocking up his body and mocking up his body and mocking up
his body. Doing things? No! No. Let's not get this as a
subjective technique. This is a real sneaker. This is not a
subjective technique. It's a gradient scale technique. It
goes from a nothing of a body out in front of you to
something of a body out in front of you, which is to say a
mock-up, to a little bit of the body out in front of you,
to the body indistinctly out in front of you, to the body
very distinct out in front of you, to the body in full
color out in front of you, to you the hell and gone away
from the body and your concentration comes off of the body,
you see? Because you're trying to get the guy's attention
off his body, that's all we have to that.

So what do you do here? You just keep mocking up this body.
From what? From an idea of a body? Do you mock two bodies
out there? No, because you're not trying to process the
body. You mock up one body; remember that, that's
important - you mock up one body. You're only trying to make
two-dimensional space anyhow. You could mock up two more
thetans and one body. You could mock up a thetan to the
right and a thetan to the left and a body out in front, but
you don't want two bodies out there!

Well, this guy will get some very silly things - if you
look at a preclear once in a while, while you're out
exteriorized and once in a while see the mirrors.
Explosions have a mirror effect and they'll hold explosions
around with their center mirrors, you know? And they'll use
them as mirrors. Out in space they're just as flat and
shiny as anything you ever saw. You just pack an explosion
together just right and it's a perfrct mirror - just

So, they use these mirrors. And if a person - if you can
ask a preclear just to look around him and tell you what
he sees, he'll look around the body, and - from inside his
head - and quite often he'll come up and volunteer this. But
if he doesn't volunteer it, you can always show them to
him. But too many of them volunteer this. They'll look
around and they see that there's a mirror over here on the
right side of them and it's showing up their body and just
like a mirror would. And there's a mirror over here and
it's showing up their body and there's a mirror in front of
them and a mirror behind. They're all penned in by their
own mirrors. Well, it's very comforting - any way they look
they see their body. It's a wonderful gimmick. Well you
take these and break them and it almost breaks their heart.
These are just interesting, you see. They're just gimmicks.

Well, a lot of people have, as they start to mock up the
body, they get the idea they're in front of their face.
Why? Because instead of mocking up the body, they look in
the mirror. They look up in the mirror in front of the
face, so they see the front of the face and you get some
kind of a dizzy prism effect. They really play games -
crazy-house mirrors.

They look at themselves; look at the body as reflected in a
mirror and then they don't have to get a mock-up of it and
all sorts of darn things. Or, "I'm out in front of my
face," they will say. Or, "I can't do that, I keep
splitting in half and I'm going out sideways!" And, "I am
really the body and a thetan is attacking me," is their
favorite one.

The fellow really begins to feel this until he realizes
suddenly that that face somatic which he has been packing
most of his life - when people get angry at him and so
forth - that face somatic is the back of his head. He feels,
as a thetan, he is actually stuck on the back of his head
looking through the eyes of the body. He's actually way in
back of the body. I mean, he's right back here, you see,
better than half out of the body, you see? And the
pressure, the whole pressure against which he is fighting,
is the pressure of his own body caved in on the MEST body.
But because he is all the sensation there is in the body
and it - because it is against his face as a thetan - your
occluded cases are very complete thetans; they carry around
all sorts of odds and ends of bodies; they have a body as a
thetan - because he's got the sensation himself, he as a
thetan is pressed up against the back of the body so he
wears the somatic because he is trying to be the body on
the front of the body's face.

And this gives people the doggonedest ideas! They say,
"Well, you know I actually have two thetans." When I first
discovered this manifestation I was talking to a small
group of people about it, and 50 on, and I explained that
it was old facsimiles. Very inexperienced in this, didn't
have a similar sensation and this small group of people
were perfectly willing with this. But one of them suddenly
starts coming up, and has been ever since, with thetan
senior and thetan junior. Oh boy, he's squirreling on just
one thing: he's probably on the back of his body with his
face as a thetan pushed up against the back of the head of
the body. You got a collapsed terminal there and the only
sensation he has, actually, is sensation as a thetan. So
he, of course, mocks it up for the body. He's the only one
that's putting any sensation into the body. The body's just
too close to him so he can emote through the body, you see.
And when he gets that close, he doesn't even emote well.
His emotions are fixed.

Now, there is a process merely by which you would ask a
person to expand his anchor points an inch at a time, as a
sphere, one inch further out from him, see? Get that
process? There is a process by which you can do that. Just
get him used to having them farther out. There's another
process and you could always show a person what he's
worried about, simply by saying, "What are you thinking
about? Well, all right, put it there about a foot in front
of your face."

The guy says, "What?"

"Well, think about it a foot in front of your face. Okay,
now put it a yard in front of your face. Put it a hundred
yards in front of your face. Put it two light-years in
front of your face. What's it look like?"

"Well," he says, "my father!"

Of course, it becomes visible. You just make him stretch it
and the thought uncollapses and you get a visibility.

In the same way, remember that you mock up this body a foot
away or two feet away, it isn't so good. But also if you
mock it up a billion miles away, it isn't so good either
because you're not mocking it up so that it's going to do
him any good because you want this thetan in the room. You
don't want him out in space someplace. You're trying to
pull him out of that. So mock him up at least ten feet
away - at least ten feet away. He'll sometimes become
bothered because he has to see through a wall and puzzled
about mocking up the wall and mocking up the body and then
seeing the body, and so forth, so keep him in the room but
get the most space you can. So, if you're going to do this
exercise, put him, more or less, with his back into the
room. And then he'll feel comfortable and you aren't asking
him to penetrate and go through walls as well as mock up
the body at the same time. You're just getting too
complicated, you see. It's too complicated for him.

So you'd say if you had an eight-foot room, just set him in
the corner - set the body in the corner and process him more
or less behind him a little bit and have a lot of space
back of him. And then have him start mocking up the body
and mocking it up and mocking it up. How long would you do
this? Just go on and on. Well, don't mock up the body
twice. That one you must remember because all you will do
is discharge the body.

He's happy to do that. He'll fool around with the body all
day long. He thinks bodies are wonderful. Now, you'll
sometimes find him trying to mock up and get out of a body
in front of him before he gets out of the body behind him
or he gets out of his own body. He's gone through his body
and is - thinks he's really stuck in some other body that
isn't there. Well, remember this is a technique which is an
objective technique; it's not a subjective technique so
you're not interested in cleaning up any other bodies as
far as Step II is concerned.

But what is reality? The reality of the thing is he has a
body there, it is dressed a certain way and it is in a
certain position and he can move back of it; so that's
reality. So let's just keep putting that body there. Nobody
else around it - anything - let's just mock it up real. Because
you're really not mocking it up at all. You're taking a
viewpoint way back of his head and then finally making him
assume that viewpoint without collapsing in against the body.

It's reality. You're asking him to contact present time,
not the past. So you want the body he's in, dressed as it
is, positioned as it is and without any other fancy
business to it at all.

And that's Step II in complete essence; that's all it is.

[Please note: an addition to this lecture was given later
in the day. We now continue where the lecture resumed.]

This is an added note onto the morning lecture.

There are variations of this technique. One of the
variations - there are many variations to it; you could get
real fancy if you wanted to. But once you start crossing
reality and mock-ups for a fellow, he's crossing reality
and mock-ups all the time, so he gets awfully upset. But
there are variations on this technique.

It is more important - you can put this down in green fire -
it is more important to get a line admired than it is his
terminals. The line is more important than the terminals.
It is the line that is important on Admiration Processing,
not the terminals.

So, if you were to mock up his body and then mock up a
whole bunch of people down below admiring the line between
the body and himself, you would assist the dissolution of
that line. Or if you would simply ask him to keep mocking
up lines between himself and the body, they would keep
vanishing. You've got at last the body mocked up, see? Now
you keep having him mock up lines between himself and the
body, why, he'll snap back into the body and snap out
again. And eventually he'll get enough energy there so that
the line itself - the lines which are holding him in, the
collapsed terminals holding him in - will permit him to
exteriorize since they'll uncollapse.

Now, the other one is, is you start getting explosions
between himself and the body. But just as you saw here in a
demonstration a short time ago, after the fellow had been
nebulously exteriorized.

And by the way, as a word in passing, never try to sell
anybody on the idea he's exteriorized; he's going to fight
against you.

He's exteriorized out there someplace. He found out, gee,
he got nice explosions between himself and the tree. Is
that right? He got better explosions between himself and
the tree than he did between himself and the body.

And so, what do we have, then, as an alternate technique?
It's to run both black and white explosions between the
viewpoint where the thetan now is and the body mock-up.
Now, you could theoretically run explosions between himself
and that space. You'd find out he'd get space - he'd get
explosions very ably and beautifully right up to himself
about halfway down the line toward the body, you see? But
the half of the line that's close to the body, no
explosions there.

You'll also get various face somatics. Look out for this,
because you're not doing anything peculiar. The fellow's
going to get face somatics every once in a while. He never
had any sensation in the front of his face, he'll tell you
so, many times, if you ask him. But the point is that he
can't have any sensation in the front of his face because
he's - all the sensation he's got he has changed to his theta

When we say theta body we simply mean some body that he's
concocted out of screens or old Fac Ones or something of
the sort. Once upon a time he found he could make good
bodies. But one has to know how to mock up the MEST
universe before one finishes it up and can completely
duplicate the MEST universe.

So the alternate technique for this would simply be
Duplication. And this would be on the gradient scale of
duplication. So, you would - to run this technique very
smoothly - you would simply start the fellow out by
Duplication as given in Six Steps to Better Beingness. And
you just run Duplication and all of a sudden slide him in
to mocking up his body.

You've taken the curse off his whole environment with
Duplication. Now let's take the body. See, that would be
the gradient scale of the technique.

Negative Exteriorization - interesting technique. You tell a
fellow, "Try not to be a foot back of your head. Try not to
be a yard back of your head," and so forth - pow! Every once
in a while he is, but the person has to be at a certain
position on the Tone Scale. He has to be inhibiting. You
get this DEI? Well, it runs on a DEI. There's a level there
where he'll inhibit. Well, that DEI is applicable to Look
and then it's applicable to Emote and then it's applicable
to Exert and then it's applicable to Think. So there's a
DEI for each one of those steps of Look, Emote, Exert and
Think. See, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit as you start down Tone

Well, the fellow is trying to inhibit himself from staying
in his body. He's trying to enforce himself from staying in
his body or he desires to be in his body. Of course,
originally on the track he was curious about bodies, the
darn fool.

Negative exteriorization occurs under these conditions and
you tell the fellow to start mocking up his body in front
of him and of course the inhibition on the line makes him
start mocking up his body behind him. Well, don't pay any
attention to it. Just keep mocking up the body in front of him.

Now, you'd alternate this technique. You alternate it
variously with other techniques.

Now today in - I want you to work with this particular
technique and work with Duplication on your own case and
it'll do you a lot of good. And then work with this
particular step until we understand this step and get it
all beaten to pieces. Because it's a very interesting step.
It starts with duplication in its best use and winds up
with mocking up the body.

Remember all steps apply to an exteriorized thetan as well
as to interiorized. And actually work better on somebody
exteriorized than they do interior; and that includes all
steps. Now, one thing more in passing: You are not asked to
use very much imagination in processing. One of the things
that I've had complaint about is that one had to be too
imaginative (I just mentioned this before but I'll mention
it again) to run SOP 8. Because in IV you had to imagine
things to be wasted. That's the one thing you mustn't do.
You just tell the pc to waste it. The pc says, "Well, waste
it! What'd you say for me to waste?"

And you'll say, "Waste vomit."

"I can't waste vomit."

Then he finally finds out that he only can waste vomit by
vomiting when he's by himself. And then he suddenly
discovers that his mama was easily handled by getting sick
at the stomach. And that Mama resembles wife and that wife
is sick at the stomach and that's why he had three-quarters
of his stomach cut out by a surgeon not too long ago.

The end product of all Freudian self-analysis is Expanded
GITA. And it works so much faster than Freudian analysis
and takes in so much broader territory than Freudian
analysis and yet works out Freudian analysis, so we can say
with Step IV of Expanded GITA that we've knocked in the
head any question about, any necessity for, following down
anything like Freudian analysis, because you've got it
right there.

There's another little step in Expanded IV (because you'll
be doing this and I have to tell you this), is there is a
save. After wasting you find there's a saving before you go
into an accepting. Of course it has its variation of
Acceptance Level Processing which is merely you get the
lowest level the fellow can accept. And you have a tendency
to miss the lowest level he can accept when you keep
wasting things because you just gloss over that. If you
really want to find out about the case you find out which
of the level of the item he can accept and it's really grim.

All right. Not to belabor that too much, remember that any
type of this subjective processing, as of Expanded GITA,
has a tendency to lower the person into an introversion.
And the only process I know of which is a borderline,
which is neither extroverted nor introverted, which is both
subjective and objective, and goes at it from both sides of
the middle is Step Il - mock up his own body. And that can
be a benefit to anybody we have in the room.

Mocking up your own body from outside, just mock it up. If
you get bored with it, mock it up and blow it up. If you're
a good Step I, getting terrific perception on it and so
forth, why, don't just keep mocking it up forever - mock it
up and blow it up.

But it's a wonderful way to return accurate perception. A
thetan would rather see the facsimile of what he is looking
at than look at it. See, he'd rather do the approximation,
look at the approximation than to do a direct perception of
the exterior or the interior of it - in other words,
pervasion. So it helps a person differentiate between the
mock-up and real contact.

Okay. That's all I have to say.

[end of tape.]

1st ACC - 10

Tape number 661 on
the Flag Master List.


A lecture given on 12 October 1953

This is the afternoon of August [October] the 12th.

And here we have a discussion of the technique we were
talking about this morning, which is to say Step II of
Standard Operating Procedure 8. And our discussion could
concern itself with what you have observed directly, of
course, but it also should first concern itself with what
difficulty, if any, you have with the technique, or what
question you have about the technique or any question
remains in your mind concerning the technique.

Before I go into that, however, I'm going to - I remember
an old gag. One day a rooster had been outside the
barnyard. The rooster was pushing an ostrich egg. And he
pushed this ostrich egg to the barnyard fence - he pushed
this big ostrich egg. And he got into the barnyard and all
the hens gathered around. And he looked around him and he
said, "I don't mean to complain, girls, but I wanted to
show you what's being done elsewhere."

So this really isn't in that spirit. But ...

Well, what can happen? I had a year to make an organization
out of nothing, and it got there. But I had a year to train
and indoctrinate people and they fortunately started out
straight up from SOP 1. And I actually released the first
codified procedure in Great Britain with the first lecture
which I made to British auditors. There was a little group
there about twice the size of this group and we were able
to push everything along pretty well and watch the results
and see what happened. And it's really just begun to happen
over there. But look at the - look at the techniques they're
willing to use.

I'll read you some of these things.

This is a preclear who is seventy-six years of age - female.
She had a pain in her right shoulder from a motor accident.
She had rheumatism in the left leg and she had inflammation
of the bladder due to an operation and it's - had endured
for seven years. And lots of medical classification and the
previous case history available. And the disability had not
disabled her to a considerable extent but it had made her
considerably uncomfortable very uncomfortable.

Well, these original report forms, the British - written
down here is the number of hours in session. And this has
been altered, in all the reports I receive these days, to
minutes. And number of minutes in session: "Thirty
minutes." The technique employed is Straightwire and
Shifting Centers, Certainty and Step I - exteriorization.
In other words, they did Straightwire, Shift Centers,
Certainty, Step I and then they got her exteriorized. I
don't know where this case was at the beginning, but it
couldn't have been too far down the line, believe me.

Now, the technique workability or defects noted: "Excellent
workability." And now we have the results noted - when
discharged: "Wonderfully relaxed after processing. Pc
returned home but a later letter states all is well." And
the difference in appearance: "Can't tell as she is not in
the area."

Well, that's one case of seventy-six. Everybody knows you
can't do psychotherapy on a person above fifty.

Okay. Now, here we have a boy who's thirteen years old and
he had asthma. Now, this is the beginning and a lot of
these will start coming in on the asthma program because
the HAS in Great Britain has simply set out to knock out
asthma in Great Britain. "Had asthma especially in winter
and caused by the east winds - and usually Christmas. And
it's..." so on and so on, but it's, oh yes, "Tradition of
asthma on the father's side and it's endured since birth."
And the medical classification: "Asthma." Psychiatric
classification (present doctor) - this evidently has
something to do with psychiatry. And the extent that the
disability has inhibited him: "His attack lasts for one or
two weeks in bed." Otherwise, it didn't hit him hard.
Number of - again, cross out - number of minutes in session:
"Fifty-five." Technique employed: "Straightwire, Shift
Centers, Wasting and Enforcing good air, also bad air. And
that was the routine procedure I laid down on asthma, with
the fact that we had some Straightwire and Shifting Centers
thrown in there too.

All right. Technique workability or defects noted: "Wasted
good air five times and also enforced three times and then
increased speed. And the fourth waste of bad air, rapid
clouds of green, red, black, gray and white flew off; and
enforced bad air as wavy fingers and bubbles included in
second enforcement; and exteriorization - pam! Step I."
Second session: "Second session was forty-five minutes of
SSSA. Had to handle father's and mother's and brother's
heads on opposite poles. Certain that winds and so forth
will not cause him asthma and he looks more alert and
happier. Mter wasting/enforcing air, the pc was not sure
whether winds would give him asthma or not. Ran double
terminals on 'Air gives me asthma - air doesn't give me
asthma' and 'I want air' and 'I do not want air' and 'Birth
gave me asthma - did not give me asthma.' And this gave him
certainty on that and after that, why, he was certain winds
didn't give him asthma."

Here's another one: "Thirteen. Male." No previous report.
And he was "born with eczema and asthma. And asthma stopped
at two years and left hay fever." And he's had this
condition bad; been bad off since birth. He's had hay
fever, no cure, the doctors had stated to him. All right.
Psychiatric: Well, they didn't know. Extent disability has
inhibited activity: "Allergy to cats, pollen and..." a
couple other items here. Oh, my, my, my, here's a long list
of things - here's a long list of things to which he's
allergic. Number of - again crossed out - minutes in
processing: "Fifty." "Straightwire, Shift Centers and
Certainty on Troubled Parts ran twice, double terminals,
on..." these various things on which he was allergic,
such as cats and fish and eggs and so forth and so on.
And then Step I - exterior.

You notice he's working this technique, by the way,
backwards. He should be working it quite in reverse to
this, but he's still getting there.

Technique workability or defects noticed: "Worked most
positively. Strong tendency to go into an engram which he
was kept from doing. And he appeared happier. And he put
his head in a bush full of the pollen to which he is
allergic and took several lungsful. It didn't even vaguely
upset him."

Male voice: That's what you call certain.

Well, here is almost the identical case history: another
thirteen-year-old boy. "Eczema at birth left asthma; acute
in winter," and So on and so on and so on, winds, and so
on, and medical classification: "Asthma." "Dislike of sleep
during attack and attack lasts three or four days." And
this again is thirty minutes. "Shift Centers, Straightwire,
Certainty run twice on 'something here,' and so forth. Then
Step I - exterior. Immediate certainty after process that
the above would not give him asthma." Second session:
"Forty-five minutes of SSSA. Had to handle Mother's head
and own upside down. And he's alert and brighter."

Well, here's a male case: "Fifty-six. Pain in right thigh
and knee, some rheumatism, but said it was due to a cut
muscle in a fistula operation." And how long has this
endured: "It's endured about seven years." And he's had
operations. And the extent the disability has inhibited
him: Well, he'd seize up and - after sitting - and so forth
and various manifestations. Thirty minutes is the number
of - amount of processing and his - technique was employed
is Certainty on the Past and Step I - exterior. The technique
workability or defects noted: "Excellent" and "No pain" -
this is after difference in appearance - "No pain.
Freedom from weather affecting the limb. Pc could not be
sure for about ten days but now is so."

And - well, there's no reason to go on. I've got some more.
But the point is that there is where your techniques are
narrowing down.

Now, you have a tradition of long cases because you came in
with Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Your
viewpoint on cases is a long viewpoint. We haven't had that
viewpoint in Great Britain. The auditor isn't sitting there
with a postulate that he's going to have to work at it. As
a result he works very short and snappy on the whole thing.

Now - gives you some idea that if you had a very positive
approach on a technique and you just went right after it in
a businesslike fashion, the Q-and-A factor of processing
would be way up. See, you get that Q-and-A difference
there. And more important than that, you would spend a
little time sitting there sorting it out. You'd spend time
before you processed rather than time during processing.

Just taking a look at the guy, you see he's rather heavily
built, you see he's this, you see he's that. He talks for a
little bit and doesn't pay much attention; he's got a
specific reason why he came to see you; he's wary. Or if
you're just processing him under duress - you know, sort of
pinned him in a subway or something - he's got a specific
reason for not talking to you. And with all this we have
fast processing.

And if I could I would pull this trick. It's a dangerous
trick; it'll lose you preclears just by the fact they won't
come back. I ordinarily for some reason or other am doing
this. I will process somebody or talk to somebody in two
sessions. In the first session, just the first session,
I'll just talk to them. I'll not ask them to do anything.
And I won't talk to them for longer than about five or ten
minutes. Just an interview to find out whether or not
they're going to be processed according to them. And
twenty-four hours later, bust their case wide open; make
them come back at the same period the next day.

Well, this doubles up the amount of appointments you have
or something like that. But you would discover, I am
sure - I'm not advising you to do this; it's not a vital
thing; it's just a matter of opinion - that you would lose,
in doing so, in the preclear, that barrier which he erects
the first time he ever meets anyone. And you would have,
then, on your second session a preclear who had already
tested the surroundings and found them not dangerous.

Whereas, if he were to put up his barrier and you started
processing him, he's trying to do two things at once: get
used to his environment and so forth. Also, he would have a
reluctance to confide in you unless he'd known you for some
time. Well, twenty-four hours is good enough. He now knows
you, see. He hasn't just met you. This makes a slight

Well, the fact that he isn't holding in is very good for an
auditor. An auditor then finds it quite easy to simply drop
his - drop into his space or drop some space around him, so
to speak, just to include him in. You're not operating,
then, against a barrier. And it's a pretty good practice
and I would at least do it this way. I don't follow that
down with kids. Kids are pretty overt. You talk to them and
so forth, and it only takes a couple of moments to adjust a
child to where he is, because he's not lost, whereas your
preclear is lost.

I would do it on somebody who appeared to be to me a rather
difficult case. I look at this person and I give him a
couple of test questions and all of a sudden realize I'm
looking at a very rough, rough case, according to his own
lights, and just make him come back twenty-four hours
later. And explain it to him on the order of "Well, your
case is a very special one and I don't have quite enough
time to give you what you deserve right here at the moment.
And so you come back in twenty-four hours, because I'm very
interested in your case because I've never seen quite
anything like it." And you're all set. He'll come back -
don't worry about that - if you tell him that. And all he's
doing is giving you - he's holding up a mock-up for you
to admire anyhow. And he's held it up to everybody and
finally gotten in the habit of doing so. Now he knows he's
in trouble, but he doesn't know why he's in trouble and
he's forgotten why he's started to do this thing. It's all
very simple. Now, you don't - you don't get him anyplace by
simply telling him, "You're just doing this thing because
you want somebody to admire your mock-ups." Yeah, that's
really the only reason he's doing it. All right.

What then is the solution on a very difficult case as far
as processing is concerned? If a case is difficult, the
case isn't looking and the case is wary. The case is in
present time on a hectic or arduous or apathy basis - they're
just there - and it's a present time to which they're
completely unaccustomed and they're sure - they went there
with the postulates "Something is going to happen," you
see; "Something dreadful or something - the Chinese are going
to jump out of the walls with long knives, or something of
the sort and hack me to pieces if I take my attention off
of that wall. And you don't want this to happen and..."

You upset him when you say, "I'll come back tomorrow."
You've introduced that lag and you upset him because
you've upset his postulate. Well, that puts you with
altitude. You made him wrong. Make him wrong that much, now
you can make him wrong further, because he also has the
postulate, "He can't do anything for me. There is no
remedy." And you've made him right to that degree. He
didn't get remedied that day. And he kind of has a tendency
to lay it all aside.

If I had a lot of very rough cases to do over again - and I
do mean a lot of very rough cases - very, very rough cases;
maybe rougher than you'll ever run into. Because these guys
were, to a large degree, being processed under duress. They
didn't want any processing, and so forth. And running into
this, every time - mind you now, this is without - without
a single exception - every time I'd process somebody who
was a rough case, I have wished like mad before I was
halfway through the session that I had simply dropped in an
interview on the basis, because the person was fending so
hard that we never had any time for processing and no
energy left for anything but defense.

Now, you see that? See what that is there? It's not a
problem of you. It's a problem of the preclear. Of course,
it gets you into the sloppy habit of thinking about it
later. But you'll be surprised that this will happen: Your
clarity on this person's case twenty-four hours later will
be very great. Very great clarity. You'll know the next
morning - you'll suddenly think about the case - you'll
know exactly what's wrong with him.

Well, you really don't have to - you don't have to know
that much to process these days. You don't have to have an
intuition. We needn't enter any uncertainty or guesswork
into it at all. But it does happen that that is the case.
We know what we should have done. And if we didn't do it,
then we can do it. An auditor who even vaguely is running
"I know what I should have done," of course, now can do
what he should have done because he didn't do it. Very
simple. Well, so much for that.

The indoctrination of the British auditor is faster,
shorter operation entirely. And it tells you something when
you look at that little set of cases there: They're all on
two sides of the easy process. Anybody can tell you in
psychoanalysis that the processing of children is the most
difficult thing anybody ever attempted. And they can tell
you as well that the processing of very old people is the
most difficult thing ever attempted. And these cases are
all on the junior or the senior - senior side, on age.

Now, it might be a very good thing for you to just lay
aside on a case that's going to take a long time. If you
think it's going to take a long time as you confront the
case, see him tomorrow.

Now, a lot of you, in the processing you've done in this
last week or so, have picked up a computation on the cases
you have processed after you've processed the person. You
go walking down the street and you all of a sudden say, "I
know what was wrong with him." Then you might not get a
crack at this preclear again right off the base. So if you
have something like that - "I know what's wrong with
him" - why, just go and bust his case. Just put it up. Just
arrange scheduling or swap preclears or something and
finish it off. Because it's a piece of unfinished business
with you and you might as well run the cycle.

It is really too bad - too bad that we don't have right
here at this moment a tradition of each one of you with
a certainty on what you can do, but that is what we are
trying to arrive at. A man is never an auditor until he's
taken a case so fouled up that even slashing the Gordian
knot or Standard Operating Procedure 45 couldn't possibly
have cleared the case, worked on the case for a little
while and had the case straighten out. This is quite an
experience and the oftener it happens, the more certain the
auditor gets that he can create an effect.

If auditors could just create that effect, you see, they
wouldn't ever need any processing, and their own cases just
blow up in their faces. That's the truth of the matter.
Because you say, "Wow, super!" create that effect and the
rest of it starts following out.

All right. What did you find out now about SOP 8, Step II?

Male voice: Well, in running it I was content to just mock
up one body out there in a chair and I could sit and look
at it all day. It seemed pretty nice and interesting.
However, I threw several of them away and...


Male voice: I threw several of them away. And running it on
the preclear, the preclear seemed to have better luck
putting a new one up there periodically. It got a little
better each time. Detail, in other words, was better.

But you kept putting them up there?

Male voice: No, I didn't. The preclear did.

You didn't. You just put one up there and looked at it.

Male voice: Oh, I put several but I'd just as soon put one
and sit there and look at it.

Who let him do this?

Female voice: I did.


Female voice: Me.

You did that? Yeah, well, on that step level that you're
processing there, they're very content to do that. And if
you double-terminal them, they will hold them endlessly.
They'd be perfectly happy about holding a double terminal
there if they get it up at all. They'll just go on and hold
it. There - it's a dramatization of no motion.

So the way to break this thing down is another method of
doing it. I can give you a variation on that.

You don't process the preclear sitting down. He's too happy
about it. Anytime your preclear is too happy about a
process, do something because it means it's not going
anyplace. If he gets real happy about a process, line
charging, that's something else. But if he's just content
with this process, beat him to death.

Now, I'll show you how this works. Here you are. Come over

Male voice: Chair?

Nope. Nope. No! That's just what we don't want.

Male voice: That's what I was afraid of

LRH: Turn your back to the room - your back to the room. All
right, now move one step to the right. That's right. Now
move a step to the left. Move another step to the left.
Move another step to the right. There we go. Now, as we are
moving one step to the right and one step to the left,
let's mock up the body in front of you doing just that and
going through those motions until we get the full muscular
coordination of this. All right, let's do that.

PC: Well, that's easy.

LRH: That's real easy. Okay, let's see how much of the
muscular sensation we can get into that mock-up.

PC: Okay.

LRH: See how much of the muscular sensation you can get
into it. Let's see if we can get the weight on the balls of
the feet.

PC: Yeah, I've got that.

LRH: You got that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good.

PC: If you weren't the auditor of this I wouldn't like it.

LRH: You wouldn't, huh?

PC: Nah.

LRH: Okay, now put your arms out at shoulder height as a
spread eagle. Okay, now get the body doing that.

PC: Yeah.

LRR: Now, move it from left to right.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Mock it up doing just that.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Yeah, that's easy!

LRH: Good, now let's twist at the hips as we take the step.

PC: Okay

LRH: That's right.

PC: Ah!

LRH: That's right.

PC: Dancing!

LRH: Huh? There we go. Okay, get that mocked up real well.
Let's see if we can get the heat in the body as it does
that now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get the heat in it real well?

PC: Yeah, pretty good. Not real good.

LRH: All right, let's get the darkness inside the skull and
let's look at that.

PC: Oh, boy, that's easy.

LRH: That's real easy. Well, get it over there in the mock-up.

PC: Yeah, sure. It was bound to be dark.

LRH: That's right. Now, let's get some blobs of energy
flying around the mock-up, as you stand this way.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now let's shift them and make them blob the other way.

PC: Boy, they're sure going all around him. Let's see now.
All right.

LRH: All right, let's just mock up the rest of the room as
the body is doing that now - no other people necessarily
- just mock up the rest of the room.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, let's get the space depth in the room.

PC: Got it.

LRH: Good, let's get the body doing that now and the space
depth. Let's see if we can get some color into the body in
the room.

PC: Sure.

LRH: Real good, huh?

PC: Bound to get color in there.

LRH: Bound to, huh? Okay. And let's see now if you can find
no body right where the body is. That mock-up - find it's no

PC: Yeah. Did that.

LRH: Now find the mock-up there.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now find no mock-up there.

PC: The arms of the mock-up are getting tired.

LRH: Well, get the tiredness into the mockup.

PC: Well, I am.

LRH: Okay. Real good, real good. Now put your hands down at
your side. Now let's be about eight feet back of your head.

PC: Well, I'm not certain.

LRH: Okay, what do you get instead when I ask you to do that?

PC: Well, I get a little motion.

LRH: Hm?

PC: A little motion.

LRH: A little motion. What's the motion?

PC: A kind of a swaying motion.

LRH: You do?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you get any perception on anything there?

PC: No.

LRH: Feeling?

PC: Just that swaying motion.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Just the swaying motion.

LRH: I see. I see. You do get a swaying motion?

PC: That's right.

LRH: All right. Let's mock up that body in front of you
very complete and exact right now, with all the weight on it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Yeah, I've got it out there about ten feet.

LRH: Okay. Now, let's run explosions between you and it.
The lines - explode the lines between you... Put a couple
of lines there and then blow them up.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: Easy to do?

PC: Yeah, as easy as any of the rest of it.

LRH: Well, put a couple more lines there and blow them up.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Where are these lines exactly?

PC: Well, lput one from the middle of the forehead of this
body to the back of the head of that other body, and one
from about the middle of the chest to the middle of the
back of the other body.

LRH: Uh-huh. Did they blow up easily?

PC. Yup.

LRH: Good, let's just keep putting the lines in there and
blowing them up.

PC: Same place?

LRH: Mm-hm. Got that?

PC: Yeah, the explosion seems to tend to come - more of it
- this way than the other way. I don't mind, but that's the
way it is.

LRH: They come more toward you than...?

PC: The force of them. Yeah.

LRH: Uh-huh. Well, pull in some more and make them blow.

Now just move your body into the same position as that mock-up.

PC: Just for a little bit.

LRH: Hah! Okay, that's all.

Did you notice any difference of exteriorization or any
snap out and in?

Male voice: There's a snap out and in.

Notice any change in it?

Male voice: Well, it was easier.

It was easier.

Male voice: Well, it never has been hard, but it always is

Did it - did it frighten you so much?

Male voice: It didn't at all that time.

There we go. See, I'm not trying to belabor you with
anything, but the other technique would be this: You would
mock up as you went that - did that - mock-up that body. This
gets a little complex, but you could mock-up an admiring
throng admiring those communication lines that connect you
with the mock-up. And get this admiring throng looking up
underneath between the mock-up and the body, you see? And
get it admiring those communication lines and admiring your
determination there, and admiring those lines; get that,
admiring those lines. And as you go forward on that, you
gradually get these lines more and more and more.

Actually, the pc is scared stiff of his body when he does
that. Every once in a while a pc will come around and take
one look at a body and he'll practically jump through his

Male voice: I could tell you an experience like that.


Male voice: I could tell you an experience like that.

What is it?

Male voice: One time down in Phoenix I mocked up my body
and took my time with it - toenail by toenail and so forth
- from the floor up. And I made it go sit down in the chair
for two hours while I did other mock-ups. They were pretty
good then - the mock-ups. All at once I got scared. And I
didn't know what I was scared of, so I unmocked all my junk
and started over again, but it didn't cure it.

Hm. Hm. Well, this is the same...

Male voice: Pretty good mock-ups then, too, by the way.

You had better mock-ups then than you do now?

Male voice: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

Well, your mock-ups have deteriorated?

Male voice: Mmm!

Well, what made them deteriorate?

Male voice: I'll be darned if I know. I thought I must be
afraid of the body. I couldn't think of anything else in
there to be afraid of.

Hm-mm. You're not afraid of the MEST universe. As you - as
you go forward through this, oh, you would just continue that.

Who got exteriorized more easily on this technique?

Male voice: l think I scooted up a few times.

Did you snap back in?

Male voice: Hmm, a little bit.

Mm-hm. Is that the first time you've been exteriorized easily?

Male voice: Mmm. It was easier than ever before, I believe.

Mm-hm. Who got easier exteriorization or better perception
on this technique?

Male voice: I got better perception.

Better perception.

Male voice: Yes.


Male voice: I mocked up a very large mock-up of myself, way
down in Delaware Bay, a mile or two high.


Male voice: And I got very good visio on it.

Mm-hm. That's afterwards.

Male voice: Hm?

That's afterwards.

Male voice: After what?

No, don't tell me you did Step II by mocking yourself up
down in Delaware Bay. Of course, you got a communication...

Male voice: Uh-huh.

.. exchange on this, I shouldn't be objecting. But you
should've just mocked yourself up in a chair.

Male voice: I was in a chair down in Delaware Bay.

Oh! You did the same scene?

Male voice: Yeah!

On that size proportion.

Male voice: Yeah.

Oh, I see. Same scene.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Well, that's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're
supposed to do. We have - the reason for the motion there,
is the aliveness of the mockup - the aliveness of this. And
as the guy slides out, he's having to keep the body in
motion. And he'll get fascinated with this problem: the
fact that he can still keep the body in motion although
he's outside. It's for a little bit higher level of case
than the one we just demonstrated it on.

Step II is having motion difficulty with the body already.
He's gone from Step I to an incomplete belief that he will
be able to control the body if he gets outside. He's just a
little bit afraid of this.

Well, now, how much of this rocking from side to side would
you take, and so forth? Wear him out. Wear him out if you
were doing this technique. Do it for an hour.

You felt yourself come out? Why, tell me this - this is a
peculiarity here - tell me this: Why weren't you
exteriorizing at first as you did that?

Male voice: Well, I was paying too much attention to this

How were you paying attention to this body?

Male voice: Well, I was picking up what's in it to put in
the other one.

You also want to keep in communication with a preclear. Did
you just hear what this man said?

Male voice: Putting the motion and the emotion and the heat
and weight and junk like that in the other one, you want to
make the...

Now, did it remain in the body you were moving, afterwards,

Male voice: Not unless I kept my attention out there.


Male voice: This morning I was - I had a somatic and I kept
putting it out in that other body too. And it'd stay out
there for a little while and then come back.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm. What is there we have to put in the other body?

Male voice: Sensation.

Do we have to put sensation in the other body?

Male voice: Well, we don't have to but it's something.

I was...

Male voice: ... to do.

Well, I know, but would that be bad?

Male voice: No. Heavens no.

Well, would it be bad to have no sensation?

Male voice: Well, I don't suppose it'd be any too good, but
it'd be all right. It's just ...

To live forever with no sensation.

Male voice: Well, that wouldn't be any good, no.

That wouldn't be any good! Well, how interesting! Well, now
what would you do knowing that?

Female voice: You mean we're going to start with him all
over again?

Yeah, what would you do now, knowing that?

Female voice: Well, I thought we ought to take what you
just did...

We found out it wasn't good enough just to shoot it down
there; he had to look at this body and find out what it was
doing in order to make the other body do it.

Female voice: Yeah.

What additional process would you use then? Come on, what
would you do with this pc now that you know this? What do
you know?

Female voice: Well, apparently the way to exteriorize on
this thing - there's actually a point that he slips the real
body into the position of the mock-up.

Yeah, but what - what was he doing there?

Female voice: Did not get more and more perceptics into the

Ah. And what perceptic? Don't answer this sixty-four-dollar

Female voice: Could only be somatic or muscular distress.

What's holding him in that body? Let's get hot, huh? What's
holding him in that body? Come on. What's nailing him there?

Female voice: It's interest, I think.

Nuh-uh! Come on! Come on, let's get hot. He's sitting right
there and we'll - not pulling any punches around here. I
don't have to say this is an evaluation for him; he doesn't
even hear this, and if it's wrong, it's wrong.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

In case I'm not right. Well, what's holding him in that body?

Male voice: Think.

Don't look! If you're good enough at looking, you can tell.

Male voice: I figure I know.


Male voice: Feeling.

Yeah? What kind of feeling?

Male voice: Pain.

Yeah? Pain? Okay, and what else?

Male voice: It looks for me.

Come on, what's holding him?

Female voice: Perception.

Yes, of course, but perception of what?

Female voice: The MEST universe.

Hm! Hm! Do you mind - do you mind if I use a three-letter
word in mixed company?

Female voice: Use four if you like.

When they say sensation...

Female voice: Yes?

.. they mean one thing only. If you could get a preclear
to mock up the completeness of sensation of the second dynamic.

Female voice: Oh, sure.

.. himself - this is why Freud got off on this mad race, see.

Female voice: Yeah.

He would all of a sudden realize he didn't need a body.

Female voice: That's right.

He could mock the sensation up. Well, every once in a while
a pc will hang up on this one. They'll really hang up on
that thing royally. It doesn't mean that there's a thing
wrong with their second dynamic as a body or their sexual
behavior or anything else. It's just a fact that they have
hit this particular computation and then they hit it hard,
see? So, it would be - it would be a rather delicate affair
for a girl to process this preclear in this mid-Victorian
society. But the fact of the case is that the sensation of
which he speaks would be the missing sensation in the
mock-up in the body. And if you leave bodies - oh-oh! Oh-oh!
You might not hook up those lines again, see? And if you
never hooked up the lines again, and so forth.

All right, now, we talk about pain. He's saying pain - he's
going to hit downscale from an anxiety about any. Because
all pain is, is condensed sex.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

And all sex is, is just condensed emotion.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

All emotion is, is condensed looking. And you've got it.
So, let's just take a look at this as a combination.

Now, let me tell you something in passing about "Mr. Old
Second Dynamic." The second dynamic starts with a
postulate; this is why it is serious on a case, but it's
really not any - it's not near as serious as eating. Boy,
don't ever lose sight of that. Don't ever in your own
thirst for sensation ever lose sight of the fact that sex
is secondary to eating.

Let's take this imponderable case of the rat. It has been
discovered by modern science - I often wondered where they
kept "modern science" or who he was. But, he must be a nice
chap. Anyway, everybody refers to him - Mr. Modern... That
upset you?

Male voice: What? What you said?

What I was saying about the...

Male voice: No, carry on.


Now, modern science has discovered, after vast observation,
that mice when fed badly (they say fed on carbohydrates
excessively and no protein), procreate wildly in spite of
the fact that they obviously have a less of a food supply
than formerly, making the big imponderable. Well, the
imponderable is, is animals can't help but survive, so
they're not going to try very hard to survive, so they've
got to survive anyway, so you've got to work like mad to
survive. It's just all messed up, you see? The computation
is an identity computation. Okay.

Now, let's look at this problem of why mice - we'll just
accept that modern science has discovered this; I found
this is a very unreliable thing to do - will procreate with
poor food or no food. Well, that's not a riddle; we up and
answered that. It has ceased to be - needn't puzzle Mr.
Modern Science anymore. Because it's simply this: Sex is
the answer to "Can't survive as an organism." And "Can't
survive as an organism" depends upon two things: pain and
food. Too much pain - no survival; too little food - no

Sex comes in when the rations run out. Remember that,
because you'll peg that on a track just boom! And you'll
always want to find on a pc with whom you're having any
difficulty at all exteriorizing, you'll find they all
suffer from the same thing, which is lack of interest, and
this in essence is some or other level of apathy - high or
low apathy. You see there apathy at various levels, but
it's still apathy and that's still a no interest, which
means no anchor points - "pain," interest" and "anchor
points" are simultaneous in meaning. All right.

What - what happens? You - if a man is interested in sensation,
he is already trying to be an effect, but this is only
because he found he's been an effect. So if he's been too
serious an effect - too seriously an effect - then after
that, he decides that he can't survive. Simultaneously with
"can't survive" is "must procreate."

So, the age of puberty is the age where the young boy, the
young girl takes a nose dive. And you'll find them hung up
on the track there more often than not. Because that is so
complete a computation and is so chronic, it's so inherent
in structure, that all he has to do is have sexual
sensation turn on and he recognizes that he "can't survive.

His first taste of death is his first taste of future
procreation. See? I mean that's - it's the substitute. Sex
comes in when the rations run out. And when the body gets
excessively tired sometimes, it'll become sexually
stimulated. If it becomes ill one way or the other, it
could become sexually stimulated.

It's quite interesting how many things could happen that
could create sexual stimulation. And they all sum up to
this one thing: "Can't survive." Now, it even goes further
than that: They run off the "Can't survive." Now if they've
gone into a libido cessation, they can't survive twice.
They can't survive twice, so they go into the third. They
go into dynamic seven. See? Dynamic seven shows up.

You can't survive as yourself and then you can t survive as
a progeny and then they feel they can't survive as a spirit
either And the magnitude of gain a case can make is
something that you would find it hard to appreciate until
you'd run part of the race yourself. The magnitude of gain
is fantastic; it's enormous! And we'd have to almost
recover on the whole track principle, those "can'ts."
"Can't survive" is "Can't survive as a body." "Can't
survive" - "Can't survive as progeny in the future;' and
then the last "Can't survive" is "Can't survive as sex."
So when a fellow's libido runs out he turns to religion!
See that?

And that's why when you mark down a mystic, when you mark
down a person who is deep in religion, you can immediately
reach back to the love affair that failed. Just like that!
It's just automatic response - pam!

Fellow says, "Well, I've always - I've always had a great
respect for Christ."

And you say, "Well, when did you lose her?"

Fellow says, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

That's the way it goes, see? He all of a sudden says,
"Well, her name was Gertrude." Only he probably doesn't;
he's probably at that moment in a frozen silence. You won't
see any emotion out of him. If you want to see some
immediate emotion, get him to reaching and withdrawing from
Gertrude, and Gertrude reaching and withdrawing from him.
And you'll see a little change on the case immediately.

Many a man has been processed by artificial techniques,
which is to say subjective techniques, just endlessly,
without showing a great deal of change. He's lost a few
somatics and he's gone this way or that, until somebody all
of a sudden one day says, "Reach for Gertrude." He doesn't
have to spill grief on Gertrude. What we've got to do is
rehabilitate his looking, at which time we'll rehabilitate
his feeling. You could actually stretch out his distance to
look by rehabilitating Gertrude. Where? Let's put her way
out on the horizon. And let's keep putting her way out on
the horizon. Interesting technique. It'll spill a little
pain, a little griet all sorts of things.

If you actually run into somebody who can only now survive
as a spirit - because this will foul him up like mad because
he's gone into artificial spiritualism. He isn't himself.
The thetan is not only gone now, the thetan is gone as a
body, gone as progeny and now gone as a spirit, so he has
to waste admiration on other spirits. And you start him
wasting Christ, and you start him wasting space or God, and
he's going to get some interesting results, more or less.

When somebody suddenly comes up and tells you that, well,
the possibility there - we want to find out where he is.
This is the gradient scale as you go down for a body: "Can
survive as self - can't survive as self" "Can survive as sex
(future children) - can't survive as sex (future children)."
Now, there are a lot of little intersteps there he could
make, but the next one you re really interested in is the
brass ring - seven. Because this is what's keeping him in
his body.

Lots of ways to do this: "Where's Gertrude?" We'll get into
those techniques that spring this fairly rapidly. But this
is what's happened to the case.

Now, what are these "Can't survives"? There's three "Can't
survives." Brother, when he can't even survive as a spirit,
when he can't even be spiritual and still stay in a body
and still make a go of it and so forth, he turns to God
with a passion and an upset and so forth that is found only
in insane asylums. Because that really is the last waste,
because his God is space and that's all there is to it.
He's trying to waste space. Interesting technique, by the
way - wasting space, wasting gods. Okay, but that's a
subjective technique.

What's wrong with such a case? There are dozens of ways you
could do this. But there's a well of apathy on every case
that is difficult. And I've often wondered if it's possible
to solve such a case, spilling some of the apathy. I've
tried now and then. I've been trying with cases just
working with them. There's a holdup on the case line
that - it just has to do with spilling a little apathy.

Apathy is lower than grief and it's more of a blockade than
grief. It's very easy to run apathy. I'll show you how to
run apathy.

Run "Can't survive" out here four times; put it in four
places - just "Can't survive."

[end of tape.]
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